North America has a new glacier and its growing.

I wish they weren't disappearing worldwide, but they are. Do you have some reason to favor them melting?

Ummm, they aren't though. Are they? Some are retreating some are advancing. Thus your statement is false.
Once again, Mr. Westwall engages in outright lies.

Glacier and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate

Worldwide, most mountain glaciers have been retreating since the end of the "Little Ice Age". Although this date varies from region to region, in most locations, retreat was underway by the late 1800s. As a consequence of glacier meltwater entering the global ocean, global sea level has risen about 30 centimeters (about one foot). Glaciers vary in size in response to changes in global and regional climate.

Getting shrill there olfraud! I must have hit a nerve. Tell me. Are ANY glaciers advancing? Anywhere in the world?
Hit a nerve? You silly senile old lying ass, I posted the research that the from the USGS. I assume you know who they are.

The key findings from the comprehensive analysis are the following: • Alexander Archipelago, Aleutian Islands, and Kodiak Island: Every insular glacier examined showed evidence of thinning and retreat. Some glaciers have disappeared since being mapped in the middle 20th century. • Coast Mountains, St. Elias Mountains, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Mountains, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska Range, and the Aleutian Range: More than 95 percent of the glaciers ending below an elevation of approximately 1,500 m are retreating and (or) thinning. Of those glaciers that are advancing, many have tidewater termini. The two largest Alaskan glaciers, Bering and Malaspina, are losing several cubic kilometers of ice each year to melting and calving. • Talkeetna Mountains, Wood River Mountains, Kigluaik Mountains, and the Brooks Range: Every glacier scrutinized showed evidence of retreat. Of 109 glaciers in the Wood River Mountains, all are or were retreating; some have disappeared since they were first mapped, photographed, or imaged. In spite of the significant changes at lower elevations, not every Alaskan glacier is thinning and retreating. In several ranges, no changes were noted in glaciers situated at higher elevations. Glaciers that were surging or had recently advanced by surging were also noted. This type of glacier advances by redistributing existing glacier ice over a larger area rather than by increased accumulation. Consequently, following a surge, more ice surface area is exposed to ablation.

What we see in Alaska pretty much goes for the rest of the planet. And your denials of reality will not add an ounce of ice to the melting glaciers.

One word that sums up your garbage: EXAGGERATION!
Silly billy, the 20th century ended 15 years ago.


Greenland Ice Sheet Today | Surface Melt Data presented by NSIDC
When the Earth's average temperature is up 20C, will any be growing?

God are you stupid.

And, let me get this straight. You claim to have a PhD in geology? What was the topic of your thesis? Not the title, the topic.

20C! Wow, you are desperate aren't you! Not a single one of the really ridiculous claims by your high priests have made anywhere near that silly. Thank you! You make our job here easier every time you open your trap!
I wish they weren't disappearing worldwide, but they are. Do you have some reason to favor them melting?

Ummm, they aren't though. Are they? Some are retreating some are advancing. Thus your statement is false.
Once again, Mr. Westwall engages in outright lies.

Glacier and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate

Worldwide, most mountain glaciers have been retreating since the end of the "Little Ice Age". Although this date varies from region to region, in most locations, retreat was underway by the late 1800s. As a consequence of glacier meltwater entering the global ocean, global sea level has risen about 30 centimeters (about one foot). Glaciers vary in size in response to changes in global and regional climate.

Getting shrill there olfraud! I must have hit a nerve. Tell me. Are ANY glaciers advancing? Anywhere in the world?
Hit a nerve? You silly senile old lying ass, I posted the research that the from the USGS. I assume you know who they are.

The key findings from the comprehensive analysis are the following: • Alexander Archipelago, Aleutian Islands, and Kodiak Island: Every insular glacier examined showed evidence of thinning and retreat. Some glaciers have disappeared since being mapped in the middle 20th century. • Coast Mountains, St. Elias Mountains, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Mountains, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska Range, and the Aleutian Range: More than 95 percent of the glaciers ending below an elevation of approximately 1,500 m are retreating and (or) thinning. Of those glaciers that are advancing, many have tidewater termini. The two largest Alaskan glaciers, Bering and Malaspina, are losing several cubic kilometers of ice each year to melting and calving. • Talkeetna Mountains, Wood River Mountains, Kigluaik Mountains, and the Brooks Range: Every glacier scrutinized showed evidence of retreat. Of 109 glaciers in the Wood River Mountains, all are or were retreating; some have disappeared since they were first mapped, photographed, or imaged. In spite of the significant changes at lower elevations, not every Alaskan glacier is thinning and retreating. In several ranges, no changes were noted in glaciers situated at higher elevations. Glaciers that were surging or had recently advanced by surging were also noted. This type of glacier advances by redistributing existing glacier ice over a larger area rather than by increased accumulation. Consequently, following a surge, more ice surface area is exposed to ablation.

What we see in Alaska pretty much goes for the rest of the planet. And your denials of reality will not add an ounce of ice to the melting glaciers.

You can never hit a nerve with me moron. I don't lie and i have forgotten more than you will ever know so I am well prepared to deal with an ignorant turd like you. Once again, your sources ignore the fact that 90% of the ice loss occurred BEFORE 1900. Why is that?
Greenland's Ice Loss Now Comes from Surface

SAN FRANCISCO — Greenland's disappearing ice shifted gears in the past decade, switching from shrinking glaciers to surface melting, researchers reported here last week at theAmerican Geophysical Union'sannual meeting.

Instead of losing ice where massive glaciers meet the sea, Greenland now sends meltwater rushing into the ocean via a vast network of lakes and rivers, according to several studies. The results do not mean that glaciers have stopped their speedy flow, only that surface melting now exerts a more powerful influence on ice loss, researchers said.

"We no longer see giant icebergs calving" from glaciers, releasing ice into the sea, said Lora Koenig, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center, who led one of the new studies. "The majority of water is coming from surface melt." [Photos: Under the Greenland Ice Sheet]

Koenig discovered that lakes in west Greenland now stay liquid through the frigid winter, as long as an insulating snow blanket keeps the water warm. These lakes get a head start on melting the next summer. "Water is not a good thing to have persisting year-round," Koenig said Dec. 15 at a news conference. "What this water is really doing is priming the pump [for melting] for the next season."

New NASA videos show stark ice loss from Earth's ice sheets - Carbon Brief


The Greenland ice sheet covers approximately 1.7m square kilometres (660,000 square miles), an area almost as big as Alaska. At its thickest point, the ice sitting on top of the land is more than 3km deep.

Since 2004, Greenland has been losing an average of 303bn tonnes of ice every year, according to NASA data, with the rate of loss accelerating by 31bn tonnes per year every year.

In the animation below, red shows areas that have lost ice, blue shows areas that have gained ice.

Some of the ice lost from Greenland is as result of the huge glaciers melting. But most of it is down to warming air overhead directly melting the surface of the ice sheet. A NASA press release accompanying yesterday’s data explains:

“Greenland’s summer melt season now lasts 70 days longer than it did in the early 1970s. Every summer, warmer air temperatures cause melt over about half of the surface of the ice sheet – although recently, 2012 saw an extreme event where 97% of the ice sheet experienced melt at its top layer.”

Some serious ice loss there.
I wish they weren't disappearing worldwide, but they are. Do you have some reason to favor them melting?

Ummm, they aren't though. Are they? Some are retreating some are advancing. Thus your statement is false.
Once again, Mr. Westwall engages in outright lies.

Glacier and Landscape Change in Response to Changing Climate

Worldwide, most mountain glaciers have been retreating since the end of the "Little Ice Age". Although this date varies from region to region, in most locations, retreat was underway by the late 1800s. As a consequence of glacier meltwater entering the global ocean, global sea level has risen about 30 centimeters (about one foot). Glaciers vary in size in response to changes in global and regional climate.

Getting shrill there olfraud! I must have hit a nerve. Tell me. Are ANY glaciers advancing? Anywhere in the world?
Hit a nerve? You silly senile old lying ass, I posted the research that the from the USGS. I assume you know who they are.

The key findings from the comprehensive analysis are the following: • Alexander Archipelago, Aleutian Islands, and Kodiak Island: Every insular glacier examined showed evidence of thinning and retreat. Some glaciers have disappeared since being mapped in the middle 20th century. • Coast Mountains, St. Elias Mountains, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Mountains, Wrangell Mountains, Alaska Range, and the Aleutian Range: More than 95 percent of the glaciers ending below an elevation of approximately 1,500 m are retreating and (or) thinning. Of those glaciers that are advancing, many have tidewater termini. The two largest Alaskan glaciers, Bering and Malaspina, are losing several cubic kilometers of ice each year to melting and calving. • Talkeetna Mountains, Wood River Mountains, Kigluaik Mountains, and the Brooks Range: Every glacier scrutinized showed evidence of retreat. Of 109 glaciers in the Wood River Mountains, all are or were retreating; some have disappeared since they were first mapped, photographed, or imaged. In spite of the significant changes at lower elevations, not every Alaskan glacier is thinning and retreating. In several ranges, no changes were noted in glaciers situated at higher elevations. Glaciers that were surging or had recently advanced by surging were also noted. This type of glacier advances by redistributing existing glacier ice over a larger area rather than by increased accumulation. Consequently, following a surge, more ice surface area is exposed to ablation.

What we see in Alaska pretty much goes for the rest of the planet. And your denials of reality will not add an ounce of ice to the melting glaciers.

You can never hit a nerve with me moron. I don't lie and i have forgotten more than you will ever know so I am well prepared to deal with an ignorant turd like you. Once again, your sources ignore the fact that 90% of the ice loss occurred BEFORE 1900. Why is that?
You can never hit a nerve with me moron. I don't lie and i have forgotten more than you will ever know so I am well prepared to deal with an ignorant turd like you. Once again, your sources ignore the fact that 90% of the ice loss occurred BEFORE 1900. Why is that?

The only date mentioned in that last piece is the mid 20th century. Glacial ice loss has been measured directly in recent times. The world's glaciers are disappearing. If you'd like to suggest that the rate of glacier ice loss has SLOWED, show us the fucking data.

Global Glacier Changes: facts and figures (units here are Meters, Water Equivalent)


ibid. Blue is advancing, Red is retreating


I... have forgotten more than you will ever know

Maybe that's the problem. You forgot it.
Last edited:
More bad news for the alarmist k00ks!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
what's sad is they don't get. In general, they all seem to be well educated folks. All kidding aside. For them to ask such stupid questions some times when doom and gloom is their story line I don't get. Crick fails to see that growing glaciers be one or a hundred means the planet is not warming all over, yet he acts like a tool and spews warming gooo. What the fk? Why can't these assholes have one reasonable discussion. Just one. Sorry, I lose all respect for these gnats.
It may seem surprising that there's a growing baby glacier in Washington State, but its location is even more surprising: inside the steaming caldera of Mt. St. Helens itself! When St. Helens was still a placid Fuji-like cone, it was covered with a dozen small glaciers, but that all ended on May 18, 1980, when the top 1,300 feet of the mountain were blown off in a massive eruption of rock and lava. It was the largest landslide in recorded human history.

A new glacier rises from the ashes.

When the dust settled, the summit of Mt. St. Helens was a horseshoe-shaped ridge, a shadow of its former self. But speaking of shadows: the new horseshoe opens to the north, which means a lot of the crater is well-shaded from the sun. By 1988, there was snow and ice in the crater year-round, and by 1996 it was carving crevasses into the crater rim—making it, by definition, a glacier. The flowing layers of ice and rock were soon 660 feet deep....


In 2004, a second, slower eruption began at Mt. St. Helens, and geologists assumed that the new ice field would melt, causing new mudslides. In fact, the opposite happened. Amazingly, the hot magma pushed up a 900-foot-high dome inside the crater, shielding the baby glacier even more effectively. All winter, snow and ice slides down the crater rim into the glacier, so it's still expanding...

Amid Global Warming, North America Has a New Glacier

It is a fact that MOST of the world's glaciers (over 90%) are shrinking and disappearing....but not all of them. Some few are temporarily growing or remaining stable for a time because they are situated in a way so that they are getting much more rainfall due to the prevailing wind patterns bringing in more snowfall at high elevations because of the increased ocean and air temperatures and the consequent increased atmospheric water vapor levels.

Here's an article filled with scientific facts about glaciers from a source you should trust - Fox News.....

Mysterious California Glaciers Keep Growing Despite Warming
Fox News
Published July 09, 2008
Associated Press - Global warming is shrinking glaciers all over the world, but the seven tongues of ice creeping down Mount Shasta's flanks are a rare exception: They are the only known glaciers in the continental U.S. that are growing.

Reaching more than 14,000 feet above sea level, Mount Shasta is one of the state's tallest peaks, dominating the landscape of high plains and conifer forests in far Northern California.

With glaciers retreating in the Sierra Nevada, the Rocky Mountains and elsewhere in the Cascades, Mount Shasta - the southernmost volcano in the Cascade range - is actually benefiting from changing weather patterns over the Pacific Ocean.

"When people look at glaciers around the world, the majority of them are shrinking," said Slawek Tulaczyk, an assistant professor of earth sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, who led a team studying Shasta's glaciers. "These glaciers seem to be benefiting from the warming ocean."

Climate change has cut the number of glaciers at Montana's Glacier National Park from 150 to 26 since 1850, and some scientists project there will be none left within a generation.

Lonnie Thompson, a glacier expert at Ohio State University, has projected the storied snows at Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro might disappear by 2015.

But for Shasta, about 270 miles north of San Francisco, scientists say a warming Pacific Ocean means more moist air.

On the mountain, precipitation falls as snow, adding to the glaciers enough to overcome a 1.8 degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature in the last century, scientists say.

"It's a bit of an anomaly that they are growing, but it's not to be unexpected," said Ed Josberger, a glaciologist at the U.S. Geological Survey in Tacoma, Wash.

By comparison, the glaciers in the Sierra Nevada, more than 500 miles south of Mount Shasta, are exposed to warmer summer temperatures and are retreating.

The Sierra's 498 ice formations - glaciers and ice fields - have shrunk by about half their size over the past 100 years, said Andrew Fountain, a geology professor at Portland State University. He inventoried glaciers in the continental U.S. as part of a federal initiative.

He said Shasta's seven glaciers are the only ones scientists have identified as getting larger.

Glaciologists say most glaciers in Alaska and Canada are retreating, too, but there are too many to study them all.

Although Mount Shasta's glaciers are growing, researchers say the 4.7 billion cubic feet of ice on its flanks could be gone by 2100.

For the glaciers to remain their current size, Shasta would have to receive 20 percent more snowfall for every 1.8-degree Fahrenheit increase in temperature, Tulaczyk said.

The Shasta glaciers have been advancing since the end of a drought in the early 20th century. The mountain's smallest glaciers - named Konwakiton, Watkins and Mud Creek - have more than doubled in length since 1950.

Hikers seeking to cross Shasta's glaciers - marked with crevasses as deep as 100 feet - say they are much larger than the boundaries drawn on geological maps.

"I noticed I was traveling down farther than the maps were showing it," said Eric White, a U.S. Forest Service ranger who has climbed Shasta for 23 years.

Four glaciers at Washington's Mount Rainier are staying about the same size. Those glaciers - shielded from the sun on the mountain's north and east sides - have received just enough snow to keep them from shrinking.

The added ice on Mount Shasta might be good for the state's water supplies. Hydrologists believe the glaciers feed springs and aquifers, though they say it's unclear precisely how the water travels underground.

Until recently, the same phenomenon that is benefiting Shasta's glaciers was feeding glacier growth in southern Norway and Sweden, the New Zealand Alps and northern Pakistan, according to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

In each area, scientists say, more snowfall temporarily offset warming temperatures in the 1990s and early 2000s. But rising temperatures since then have begun to shrink the ice.

Climate change is causing roughly 90 percent of the world's mountain glaciers to shrink, said Thompson, the Ohio State glacier expert.

"Best that we keep our eye on the big picture," Thompson said in an e-mail about Shasta's unique position. "The picture points unfortunately to massive loss of ice on land, which has huge implications for future sea level rise."

Global forecasts show temperatures warming from 2 degrees to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century if no major efforts are undertaken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

At that rate, California's snowpack and its remaining glaciers are among the most vulnerable of its natural resources.

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