North Carolina no longer considered a democracy

Republican terrorists have given up on turning California into an authoritarian racist oligarchy now they focus on the south and swing states like North Carolina Arizona and Michigan.


no one in California is voting for Fienstein other than the unions. every election they have a fake opponent, who is usually also a democrat.

media never says anything about it

North Carolina is clearly a NaziCon clusterfuck.
America the country can't really be described as a democracy anymore. With only half of eligible voters actually voting in the general election and only 1/3rd voting in the midterms. America has the lowest voter turnout of any democratic country (if you can even call it that.). These numbers reflect a country where one major political party has abstained from voting in protest like in south africa during apartheid or Egypt during the last revolution.

When you add things like citizens united, voter suppression laws, gerrymandering, income inequality, favorable tax laws for the rich, America is less of a democracy than countries under leadership it often accuses of being anti-democratic, saddam assad castro etc

America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds
Somewhere in their narrow republican minds they know single-party political systems lend themselves to tyranny but wish for it anyway.
the voting citizens revolted and placed Trump in office, seems democratic to me
considering less people voted in the election than in 2008 or 2012 and trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

it would seem your full of shit
The source for this claim has been shown to be a partisan lying bunch of weasels. How about they rate places like California and New York?

North Carolina is clearly a NaziCon clusterfuck.
America the country can't really be described as a democracy anymore. With only half of eligible voters actually voting in the general election and only 1/3rd voting in the midterms. America has the lowest voter turnout of any democratic country (if you can even call it that.). These numbers reflect a country where one major political party has abstained from voting in protest like in south africa during apartheid or Egypt during the last revolution.

When you add things like citizens united, voter suppression laws, gerrymandering, income inequality, favorable tax laws for the rich, America is less of a democracy than countries under leadership it often accuses of being anti-democratic, saddam assad castro etc

America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds

We've never been a Democracy Mr Numbnuts
the voting citizens revolted and placed Trump in office, seems democratic to me
considering less people voted in the election than in 2008 or 2012 and trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.

it would seem your full of shit
One State does not represent the entire Country once again for the slow and stupid outside California Trump won the popular vote by over 1 million.
A veto proof majority now constitutes a lack of democratic principles? They also list incumbents running unopposed as a factor against democracy?

I am beginning to question the metrics that this EIP promotes and advocates in determining what constitutes a democracy.

Of course, its a good thing that none of the States in the USA are democracies, but forms of representative republics.
Republican terrorists have given up on turning California into an authoritarian racist oligarchy now they focus on the south and swing states like North Carolina Arizona and Michigan.



Says a butt sore Hillary troll
oh boy here come the nazi brownshirts to defend their orange fuhrer

abandon all thought and logic and resort to nothing but childish insults all ye who enter here

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