North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
North Carolina lawmakers have drafted legislation that would ban welfare recipients and people in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets in the state, according to several news reports.
The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy

Makes Sense, however it would be unenforceable since how would the vendors know if the person was on welfare or had file for bankruptcy. So to make the law enforceable they would have to come up with a way to mark their id's as non eligible for these purchases. Which Im sure would create more problems.

North Carolina Proposal Would Ban Welfare Recipients From Buying Lottery Tickets
I've been noticing this trend for several years now with MOSTLY Republican State Lawmakers coming up with bills that punish the poor in their States.
While I agree with the this is stupid and unenforceable crowd, you really are stretching the limits of the word "punish" here.

Is it punishing food stamp recipients when we don't let them buy alcohol and smokes?
I have no idea why the two should be linked, but the lege is within its power to do so.
Yanno what's interesting? You can't buy a lottery ticket with a Wal-Mart card at the Murphy's gas station (one of their offshoots), so why should you be able to buy a lottery ticket with an EBT card?

Some places won't even let you buy a lottery ticket with a credit card.

But............................what's to stop them from getting cash and buying a ticket? The short answer? Nothing.
Can't they just mark the stamp card so they can't buy tickets? If they can do it with smokes and alcohol, why not lotto tickets?
I've been noticing this trend for several years now with MOSTLY Republican State Lawmakers coming up with bills that punish the poor in their States. I've read article after article with various States drafting and passing some really mean spirited bills that punish poor people and the latest I heard today was about a REPUBLICAN State Lawmaker in Tennessee wanting to deduct 30% off a welfare benefits if their kids do NOT get a passing grade in school.

So now the burden is put on....let's say a 5 year old kid to succeed and if he doesn't his family will be punished and lose 30% of their benefits until he or she gets a passing grade. Here's the kicker, this particularly DUMBASS individual has NO KIDS.... It's like a WTF moment, so instead of trying to get JOBS in that broke ass State, which would get more people off of public assistance, he's targeting the least amongst us in society.

Yeah....................and the average amount received by that card is around 186 dollars per month (which ain't much for groceries) but if you cut it by 30 percent, that's around 60 bucks, which means you now only have 126 dollars for chow that month.

Did this idiot lawmaker ever stop to think that if you're hungry, you can't really think, because the growling in your stomach is going to be louder than anything the teacher says (even if it interests you)?

So, cutting the food allowance of a family with a failing child is the way to go now?

So much for "compassionate conservatives" and the party that claims to follow the teachings of Jesus.
Then there's the whole issue of smaller government the Republicans claim to stand for, and their opposition to the "nanny state". They're going to need a whole new level of bureaucracy to enforce these stupid laws and punish those who flout them. I'll bet the amount of money "saved" is a pittancen compared to the cost of implementing and enforcing these laws.

And what is more "nanny state" then telliing people what they can and cannot do with their benefits?
Besides offering up pure speculation, do you know of any stores accepting EBT cards as payment for either of those products? Because if you hadn't realized no one gets "food stamps" anymore, they get and EBT Card which is a debit card, so tell me oh wise one what establishment is going to lose their licenses swiping that damn card for payment on those 2 items?
The bill has nothing to do with buying either with a EBT card or Food Stamps.
Simply states that if you are on welfare or have file for bankruptcy, then you are not allowed to buy lottery tickets.

The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy, according to ABC 11 in Raleigh. The lawmakers behind it believe it's counterproductive for the government to accept money from welfare recipients who are struggling to get by.

So how does the vendor know if the person buying the ticket is on welfare or has file bankruptcy, it is a totally unenforceable law
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Here's a better idea...

... if someone on welfare wins the lottery...

... make `em pay back the benefits dey received.
North Carolina lawmakers have drafted legislation that would ban welfare recipients and people in bankruptcy from buying lottery tickets in the state, according to several news reports.
The bill draft would punish vendors for selling lottery tickets to someone who they know is on welfare or in bankruptcy

Makes Sense, however it would be unenforceable since how would the vendors know if the person was on welfare or had file for bankruptcy. So to make the law enforceable they would have to come up with a way to mark their id's as non eligible for these purchases. Which Im sure would create more problems.]

Maybe we could brand them with a scarlet "W"?

here's the thing about the Lottery. It is SPECIFICALLY designed to appeal to the poorest and most desperate amongst us. I find it amusing that the very same politicians who try to sign up for gambling of some sort because they lack the testicles to actually make people pay for the services they use now want to stigmatize the very people they are appealling to.

How about scrapping the lottery, and just taxing the wealthy?
While I agree with the this is stupid and unenforceable crowd, you really are stretching the limits of the word "punish" here.

Is it punishing food stamp recipients when we don't let them buy alcohol and smokes?

I got a Walmart gift card at Christmas. I couldn't buy alcohol with it. I thought it a bit strange, but not a punishment.
Can't they just mark the stamp card so they can't buy tickets? If they can do it with smokes and alcohol, why not lotto tickets?

They can't buy lotto tickets with the food stamps card. That is an urban myth.

da wefare money now comes on an EBT card. As da wefare monies ahways dun been, it jes money, deyz can spens it any wayz deyz likes.
Can't they just mark the stamp card so they can't buy tickets? If they can do it with smokes and alcohol, why not lotto tickets?

They can't buy lotto tickets with the food stamps card. That is an urban myth.

da wefare money now comes on an EBT card. As da wefare monies ahways dun been, it jes money, deyz can spens it any wayz deyz likes.

That is racist mockery, when in fact 7 of 8 welfare recipients are white. For shame.
Just another way to demonize the poor and make work for themselves so they can get out of working to create jobs. Typical of the right to want government control of every tiny detail of our lives but, most "poor" in this country are children and elderly. They are also the biggest recipients of food stamps.

Forcing a lottery winner to give 95% of his winnings to the state? Is there no end to the controls the right wants put on the private citizen?

I got a Walmart gift card at Christmas. I couldn't buy alcohol with it. I thought it a bit strange, but not a punishment.

The punishment was having to go into a Keep China Green WalMart. WHY is it that rw's dont want to buy American-made? And, yes, you're a racist. That's old news. Move on.
BTW, this certainly addresses the reason why neither state nor federal legislators allow guns in their own buildings.


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