north carolina stylist driven of her land by white neighbor

Cross burning KKK is not a thing anymore. The last I heard, the DOJ estimates that there are around 6,000 KKK people in America today. I suspect that most of these morons are white trash that get together once a year or so to have a barbeque and burn a cross. Most will be dead soon from heart disease or complications from diabetes. I would not worry too much about them.

Who blacks REALLY need to be concerned about is the Democrat establishment who manipulates them for their votes and then never keeps a promise or does anything to help them.
Blacks are concerned about the same thing most Americans should be concerned about....corporatists politicians continuously fucking over workers and siding with their donors, tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of the middle class, attempts to gut Social Security and Medicare; stupid deregulation, etc, folks are Americans, not some foreign outside group......

The racial component of bias in the criminal justice system, housing, etc -- is just an added layer black folks deal with -- that folks like you pretend doesn't exist.....

And then turn around and claim Trump being investigated is racism....
Remember when Trump suddenly became politically viable to Republican voters because he said the black guy wasn't born here??
Trump merely demanded that obama quit stalling and show us his papers

Which he never really did

That is your opinion. There are not many of us on the right that are lynching human beings and insisting on Plessy v. Fergusson style segregation. You may be painting with too broad of a brush (my opinion).
The lynching is done in courtrooms and board rooms today. Many on the right have the mindset and I say that by their actions and attitudes.
If libs were not making so many false claims of racism going back to obama I would join you in condemning actual racism when it happens

But there is injustice on both sides
Racism isn't about right and left, because both sides have benefitted from it.
I think there is more to the story.

If it's one things blacks have done in general the last 2 or 3 years is turn me into a victim blamer. Time and time again they blame some white person for something and eventually it turns out it wasn't the real truth.

If I was a betting man I'd say she did it to herself one way or another.

But at the end of the day I don't care because I don't care what happens to blacks. As a whole they have become an insufferable group.
Blacks are concerned about the same thing most Americans should be concerned about....corporatists politicians continuously fucking over workers and siding with their donors, tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of the middle class, attempts to gut Social Security and Medicare; stupid deregulation, etc, folks are Americans, not some foreign outside group......

The racial component of bias in the criminal justice system, housing, etc -- is just an added layer black folks deal with -- that folks like you pretend doesn't exist.....

And then turn around and claim Trump being investigated is racism....
The other poster alleged that the "mindset" of those on the right still contains components of the cross burning KKK even if they "no longer wear sheets." All the other stuff in your comment is inapplicable to my comment. But, if you want to go there, and "have a discussion" about it, like the race hustlers say, then fine. I am perfectly happy to discuss racial bias. First off, I never stated that it does not exist. That was something you imputed to me. Second, it must be approached critically, without the presumption that racial bias exists in every nook and cranny. Show me it exists, am I am right there with you to fight it. But if you cannot quantify and qualify it, then you do not need to be making such blanket statements. Third, blacks need to be able to concede when they are wrong about racial bias. They often are. Racial bias does not give blacks carte blanche to condemn everything as racist. And even though I am white, that does not preclude me of being objective on this, even MORE objective than a black person may be.

Fourth, the populist causes you mention, yes, some blacks are concerned about those things. But black America is not monolithic, as you imply. Your mindset is racist on this point. Many blacks are politically conservative and do NOT see implicit bias in every level of establishment in the USA. You need to concede this point if we are to have an honest conversation. Fifth, nobody is burning crosses today. That is hyperbolic. It is not even close. Does racial bias exist? Yes, in certain areas and to certain degrees. Is paying $1,000.00 more for year in mortgage interest if you are black a racial bias in the financial services industry? It very well may be. But it is not tantamount to burning crosses. That is ridiculous. Sixth, I never said anything upon which a reasonable person would infer that I advocate, or am ok with, blacks Americans being treated as anything other than American citizens with the same right to freedom and liberty as any other America. I do know why you would infer such, unless you just have not been reading my posts and, therefore, making a lot of assumptions.

I am going to give you a bit of advice, brother. Being a dumbass does not help your cause one bit. In fact, it hurts it. The next time you get the bright idea to post your thoughts I suggest that you think about it for a few minutes before posting. Ask yourself, "Do I sound like a dumbass?" If the answer is "yes", then do not post.
Trump merely demanded that obama quit stalling and show us his papers

Which he never really did
Yup, that uppity nagger had no business not showing his papers to that white man when he demanded it

And you folks wonder why you keep failing
The lynching is done in courtrooms and board rooms today. Many on the right have the mindset and I say that by their actions and attitudes.
Not literal lynching, though. Fictitious lynching; in simile form. Certainly not to hyperbolic level to which you suggest.

WARNING: Credibility level of Superbad - downgrading imminent!
The other poster alleged that the "mindset" of those on the right still contains components of the cross burning KKK even if they "no longer wear sheets." All the other stuff in your comment is inapplicable to my comment. But, if you want to go there, and "have a discussion" about it, like the race hustlers say, then fine. I am perfectly happy to discuss racial bias. First off, I never stated that it does not exist. That was something you imputed to me. Second, it must be approached critically, without the presumption that racial bias exists in every nook and cranny. Show me it exists, am I am right there with you to fight it. But if you cannot quantify and qualify it, then you do not need to be making such blanket statements. Third, blacks need to be able to concede when they are wrong about racial bias. They often are. Racial bias does not give blacks carte blanche to condemn everything as racist. And even though I am white, that does not preclude me of being objective on this, even MORE objective than a black person may be.

Fourth, the populist causes you mention, yes, some blacks are concerned about those things. But black America is not monolithic, as you imply. Your mindset is racist on this point. Many blacks are politically conservative and do NOT see implicit bias in every level of establishment in the USA. You need to concede this point if we are to have an honest conversation. Fifth, nobody is burning crosses today. That is hyperbolic. It is not even close. Does racial bias exist? Yes, in certain areas and to certain degrees. Is paying $1,000.00 more for year in mortgage interest if you are black a racial bias in the financial services industry? It very well may be. But it is not tantamount to burning crosses. That is ridiculous. Sixth, I never said anything upon which a reasonable person would infer that I advocate, or am ok with, blacks Americans being treated as anything other than American citizens with the same right to freedom and liberty as any other America. I do know why you would infer such, unless you just have not been reading my posts and, therefore, making a lot of assumptions.

I am going to give you a bit of advice, brother. Being a dumbass does not help your cause one bit. In fact, it hurts it. The next time you get the bright idea to post your thoughts I suggest that you think about it for a few minutes before posting. Ask yourself, "Do I sound like a dumbass?" If the answer is "yes", then do not post.

Quick question, that discrimination and bias you are talking about -- when it came to root that out and deconstruct the systems in place that upheld that bias -- how come Conservatives were always the ones defending that system instead of correcting it?

Every policy initiative aimed at deconstructing that system was FORCEFULLY opposed by a majority of CONSERATIVES....

Furthermore, how can you both say blacks are not a monolith and have the nerve to still say this?

"Who blacks REALLY need to be concerned about is the Democrat establishment"

How can you lecture black people on what they need to be concerned about if they are not a monolith to you??

When a majority of black folks tell you what they care most about with THEIR FUCKING VOTES -- don't try to lecture them on what black folks really need to be concerned about.....

But MLK said it best.......folks like you think you are so superior that you can tell others about themselves -- because, what do they know, right?

Not literal lynching, though. Fictitious lynching; in simile form. Certainly not to hyperbolic level to which you suggest.

WARNING: Credibility level of Superbad - downgrading imminent!
Is the credibility of right wingers like Trump and others downgrading when they claim a black prosecutor investigating him is racism??

Yup, that uppity nagger had no business not showing his papers to that white man when he demanded it

And you folks wonder why you keep failing
You should wear a sign that reads “Call me a ni@@er so I can collect my free shoe shine”
You should wear a sign that reads “Call me a ni@@er so I can collect my free shoe shine”
You should put that sign on are more than welcome to try...
but seeing as tho you dodged the point -- you being this pussy online further lets me know how pussy you are in person

That is why you pussies worship this weak ass bitch....

T-gop.0066 (49).jpg
Quick question, that discrimination and bias you are talking about -- when it came to root that out and deconstruct the systems in place that upheld that bias -- how come Conservatives were always the ones defending that system instead of correcting it?

Every policy initiative aimed at deconstructing that system was FORCEFULLY opposed by a majority of CONSERATIVES....

Furthermore, how can you both say blacks are not a monolith and have the nerve to still say this?

"Who blacks REALLY need to be concerned about is the Democrat establishment"

How can you lecture black people on what they need to be concerned about if they are not a monolith to you??

When a majority of black folks tell you what they care most about with THEIR FUCKING VOTES -- don't try to lecture them on what black folks really need to be concerned about.....

But MLK said it best.......folks like you think you are so superior that you can tell others about themselves -- because, what do they know, right?

View attachment 768191
Quick question, that discrimination and bias you are talking about -- when it came to root that out and deconstruct the systems in place that upheld that bias -- how come Conservatives were always the ones defending that system instead of correcting it?

Every policy initiative aimed at deconstructing that system was FORCEFULLY opposed by a majority of CONSERATIVES....

Furthermore, how can you both say blacks are not a monolith and have the nerve to still say this?

"Who blacks REALLY need to be concerned about is the Democrat establishment"

How can you lecture black people on what they need to be concerned about if they are not a monolith to you??

When a majority of black folks tell you what they care most about with THEIR FUCKING VOTES -- don't try to lecture them on what black folks really need to be concerned about.....

But MLK said it best.......folks like you think you are so superior that you can tell others about themselves -- because, what do they know, right?

View attachment 768191
You are clearly one angry motherfucker unconcerned with objectivity.
You should put that sign on are more than welcome to try...
but seeing as tho you dodged the point -- you being this pussy online further lets me know how pussy you are in person

That is why you pussies worship this weak ass bitch....

View attachment 768193
Since you are obvioudly looking for a handout wearing the sign would be in your best interests

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