North Charleston : Thug robs Waffle House; Concealed carry citizen shoots him. Crime solved!

In AZ, where I live, there is no "Qualification". You fill out a form, write a check, and walk out with a CCW. Since even that is not required here, few people even bother to do that. Nevada stoped reciprocating CCW authorizations with AZ on CCW's.

Yup. Nevada requires you to demonstrate a level of skill with your weapon.

What level of skill? No time limit, and no limit on the times you repeat. You can keep shooting till the last shots fired add up to 70%. The only skill required is being able to pay the money.
Someone who had never seen a gun could plan on spending half a day to meet that standard.
CCW Reno Frequently Asked Questions

Time limit. Ranges of 7 and 15 yards. And the level of difficulty depends on who is doing the training. Some are better than others. The MAJORITY of people carrying weapons are very familiar with them and have much higher levels of training than law enforcement. Much higher. There are some newbies though. No question about that.

No time limit according to We both know that only a few have anything but very limited training,but I'm willing to look at any proof you can come up with that the MAJORITY are very familiar with them.

I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch
Yup. Nevada requires you to demonstrate a level of skill with your weapon.

What level of skill? No time limit, and no limit on the times you repeat. You can keep shooting till the last shots fired add up to 70%. The only skill required is being able to pay the money.
Someone who had never seen a gun could plan on spending half a day to meet that standard.
CCW Reno Frequently Asked Questions

Time limit. Ranges of 7 and 15 yards. And the level of difficulty depends on who is doing the training. Some are better than others. The MAJORITY of people carrying weapons are very familiar with them and have much higher levels of training than law enforcement. Much higher. There are some newbies though. No question about that.

No time limit according to We both know that only a few have anything but very limited training,but I'm willing to look at any proof you can come up with that the MAJORITY are very familiar with them.

I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.
What level of skill? No time limit, and no limit on the times you repeat. You can keep shooting till the last shots fired add up to 70%. The only skill required is being able to pay the money.
Someone who had never seen a gun could plan on spending half a day to meet that standard.
CCW Reno Frequently Asked Questions

Time limit. Ranges of 7 and 15 yards. And the level of difficulty depends on who is doing the training. Some are better than others. The MAJORITY of people carrying weapons are very familiar with them and have much higher levels of training than law enforcement. Much higher. There are some newbies though. No question about that.

No time limit according to We both know that only a few have anything but very limited training,but I'm willing to look at any proof you can come up with that the MAJORITY are very familiar with them.

I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?

Not all were accidents, but a trained marksman generally doesn't have the kinds of accidents listed. Again, Google it for yourself. There are plenty of examples. People who have cc license are not inherently safer with a gun.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?

Not all were accidents, but a trained marksman generally doesn't have the kinds of accidents listed. Again, Google it for yourself. There are plenty of examples. People who have cc license are not inherently safer with a gun.

Your premise is like saying a NASCAR driver never has a car accident because he's a well trained driver. Which we know....haha well...not true.

Military and police even have an acronym for it..."AD". Accidents happen. FAR more often with cars or machines or sharp objects or medications or surgeries. Hell.....doctors accidentally kill 50,000 people a year.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?
Not all were accidents, but a trained marksman generally doesn't have the kinds of accidents listed.
No one "generally" has the types of accidents listed.
Again, Google it for yourself. There are plenty of examples.
Its -your- point -- do your homework.
CWP holder was eating breakfast.

Nowhere does it say the CWP was 'eating breakfast', or what he or anybody else was doing.


Thug ran in pointing a gun at people.

Nowhere does it say anybody was "pointing a gun at people". Outside of the CWP there's no mention of a "gun" at all.


Who initiated it?!?!?!

You did, making shit up you don't know.

And yes...animal. I don't know his name or race. I don't care. I don't give a damn about "humanizing" him. He ran into a restaurant pointing a gun at innocent people. That's not a civilized human. He's acting like an ANIMAL. Like a bigger lion running smaller ones away from a carcass by force. Animals do that. Humans dont.

Again, nowhere does it say anybody "pointed a gun" at anybody. You pulled that out of your ass, because you don't wait for facts. The "animal" exists only in your sicko fantasy.

You don't even know his NAME.

Oh...and I'll put whatever words I want in your mouth douche bag haha. And you can't do a damn thing about it!

I am compelled to amend: ADMITTED LIAR.

He was at the waffle think he was there for a shoe shine?

Ever try to actually EAT at a Waffle House? :puke:*

The poster claimed the patron was in the act of eating breakfast. He has no such info; he pulled that out of his ass in the bottomless torrent of fiction he's been plugging in here since he started this thread on a story that was only just developing. Like the perp "waving a gun in people's faces". Same thing, he made it up.

*Many years ago I was on the road and looking for a place for breakfast, but everywhere I went was packed with a waiting line. Then it dawned on me --- it was Mother's Day. So I went to a Waffle House, because nobody would think so little of their mom as to take her to Waffle House. I got right in.

The one in my area isn't to bad.
Maybe it has something to do with where you live?
Time limit. Ranges of 7 and 15 yards. And the level of difficulty depends on who is doing the training. Some are better than others. The MAJORITY of people carrying weapons are very familiar with them and have much higher levels of training than law enforcement. Much higher. There are some newbies though. No question about that.

No time limit according to We both know that only a few have anything but very limited training,but I'm willing to look at any proof you can come up with that the MAJORITY are very familiar with them.

I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.

No, I said that the majority of people with CCW's have a long history with firearms. That is a fact. The number of people with CCW's who's SOLE experience with firearms is that CCW class is vanishingly small. In my multitude of classes not one person has been a newbie.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?

Not all were accidents, but a trained marksman generally doesn't have the kinds of accidents listed. Again, Google it for yourself. There are plenty of examples. People who have cc license are not inherently safer with a gun.

Your premise is like saying a NASCAR driver never has a car accident because he's a well trained driver. Which we know....haha well...not true.

Military and police even have an acronym for it..."AD". Accidents happen. FAR more often with cars or machines or sharp objects or medications or surgeries. Hell.....doctors accidentally kill 50,000 people a year.

So you also agree that the claim that license holders are inherently safe is bullshit.
No time limit according to We both know that only a few have anything but very limited training,but I'm willing to look at any proof you can come up with that the MAJORITY are very familiar with them.

I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.

No, I said that the majority of people with CCW's have a long history with firearms. That is a fact. The number of people with CCW's who's SOLE experience with firearms is that CCW class is vanishingly small. In my multitude of classes not one person has been a newbie.

Have you got anything to show that most people with that piece of paper have a long history with guns, or that that history includes proper training?
That's a pretty absurd statement. The soldier has to qualify due to his military service AND he has to qualify for his CCW. The criminal on the other hand has a weapon, and is engaging in a violent crime and you think the soldier is as big a threat? You're a loon dude.

CCW qualification is a joke. Do you know a single person who paid the money but failed the qualification? Of course you don't. CCW just means you paid the money and sat in a very short class. It doesn't mean you aren't as likely to shoot an innocent bystander as your target.

I agree. But it is mandatory. I have attended multiple combat pistol classes at Gunsite and will happily put my skills up against anyone.

Good for you, but that doesn't make me feel better about some rambo wannabe who paid his money and wants to shoot what he thinks is a badguy as soon as he gets a chance. We both know there are a lot of those.

Lucky for me your cares and opinions don't matter. I have been carrying concealed for over 25 years. I attended Gunsite the first time back in the 1980's and was a regular student for around 10 years. Prior to that I was active in the precision rifle arena. In all the years I have been alive i have never sought out someone to kill. I had the opportunity and was involved in a shootout with bandits in Morocco back in the day. The trick there was to NOT kill anyone as that would have caused all sorts of long term trouble. So, the goal in that situation was to shoot as close to them as possible, to let them know that we actually COULD have shot them, but were choosing not too.

They got the hint and left fortunately.

Based on law enforcement stats your fear of a bunch of "Rambo's" is totally unfounded.

Good for you. Too bad that the majority of CC license holders don't have any training other than the little half day course they take.

Are you saying that those with a CC permit never touched or shot a gun prior to taking the class?
I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.

No, I said that the majority of people with CCW's have a long history with firearms. That is a fact. The number of people with CCW's who's SOLE experience with firearms is that CCW class is vanishingly small. In my multitude of classes not one person has been a newbie.

Have you got anything to show that most people with that piece of paper have a long history with guns, or that that history includes proper training?

You made the claim that all they have is a CC permit from a half day class. Do you have anything showing they don't have experience?
The link your story uses as a source - a link to anti-gun, anti-concealed carry organization - does not work.
You'll understand if people capable of rational thought do not take this seriously.
Sorry about that one, but there are plenty of other links there, and you can always use Google to find out for yourself.
Your "other links" refer to accidents, which can happen to anyone regardless of their level of training, and so are in no way meaningful to the conversation.
So... where does this leave your point?

Not all were accidents, but a trained marksman generally doesn't have the kinds of accidents listed. Again, Google it for yourself. There are plenty of examples. People who have cc license are not inherently safer with a gun.

Your premise is like saying a NASCAR driver never has a car accident because he's a well trained driver. Which we know....haha well...not true.

Military and police even have an acronym for it..."AD". Accidents happen. FAR more often with cars or machines or sharp objects or medications or surgeries. Hell.....doctors accidentally kill 50,000 people a year.

So you also agree that the claim that license holders are inherently safe is bullshit.
You made the claim that is it. Prove it.
I don't care. I conceded to you that the standards aren't high. But there are some. We also both know that the number of people who carry guns who's sole experience with them is that training is likewise very small. How about you show us some links to CCW carriers engaging in criminal activity, randomly shooting up people for no apparent reason, accidentally shooting innocent people, and accidentally shooting themselves.

We know it happens. We know that there are millions of them, so you should have no trouble finding a whole bunch of them. Knock yourself out, show us how menacing they are.

Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.

No, I said that the majority of people with CCW's have a long history with firearms. That is a fact. The number of people with CCW's who's SOLE experience with firearms is that CCW class is vanishingly small. In my multitude of classes not one person has been a newbie.

Have you got anything to show that most people with that piece of paper have a long history with guns, or that that history includes proper training?

Actually I can for the large number of people I know who have both the permit and experience.
CCW qualification is a joke. Do you know a single person who paid the money but failed the qualification? Of course you don't. CCW just means you paid the money and sat in a very short class. It doesn't mean you aren't as likely to shoot an innocent bystander as your target.

I agree. But it is mandatory. I have attended multiple combat pistol classes at Gunsite and will happily put my skills up against anyone.

Good for you, but that doesn't make me feel better about some rambo wannabe who paid his money and wants to shoot what he thinks is a badguy as soon as he gets a chance. We both know there are a lot of those.

Lucky for me your cares and opinions don't matter. I have been carrying concealed for over 25 years. I attended Gunsite the first time back in the 1980's and was a regular student for around 10 years. Prior to that I was active in the precision rifle arena. In all the years I have been alive i have never sought out someone to kill. I had the opportunity and was involved in a shootout with bandits in Morocco back in the day. The trick there was to NOT kill anyone as that would have caused all sorts of long term trouble. So, the goal in that situation was to shoot as close to them as possible, to let them know that we actually COULD have shot them, but were choosing not too.

They got the hint and left fortunately.

Based on law enforcement stats your fear of a bunch of "Rambo's" is totally unfounded.

Good for you. Too bad that the majority of CC license holders don't have any training other than the little half day course they take.

Are you saying that those with a CC permit never touched or shot a gun prior to taking the class?

No. I'm saying that some of them had never touched of shot a gun prior to taking the class, and many of them had rarely touched or shot a gun prior to that class and only took it because right wing radio convinced them the government was coming for the guns and the election of a black president scared them There is no reason to believe the claim that most license holders have been well trained with guns.
Concealed Carry’s Body Count
722 deaths in 544 concealed carry shootings.

16 of those cases ruled legitimate self defense.

17 law enforcement personnel shot by concealed carry perpermits

705 civilians slain.

But there is more, also from the eitorial

177 cases where people with gun licenses were convicted of crimes including homicides,
218 cases gun suicide by the permit holder
and this
44 total lives taken by licensed individuals who first murdered others, then committed suicide.

here are a few more

Concealed-carry holder accidentally shoots himself

Concealed weapons holder accidentally shoots self, driver in Cleveland

Police: Man accidentally shoots wife in the ankle

Concealed Weapon Permit Holder Accidentally Shot Self, Injured 4 Others, Cops Say | Patch

Cute editorial. Lots of opinion but no link to the actual "study" from a notorious anti gun organization. If you think that that is a credible source then you need to have your head examined. I also checked on the VPC's own website and can find no link to the actual study. So, I could make the claim that CCW holders are involved in 25,000 DGU's a year that kill 5500 bad guys and it would have the exact same level of credibility.

The other stories are well known and show that out of the millions of CCW holders out there they are safer than the cops who unfortunately seem to make a habit of shooting themselves and others...,.

Search Result: Accidental Discharges - POLICE Magazine

We aren't just talking about accidental discharges, and the links I gave were far from all that could be found. Your contention that most people who pay the money and sit in a little class(if required), have taken it upon themselves to get additional training to make them competent in a confrontational situation, and all have the temperament required to know when to use it. That's bullshit, and you aren't being honest with yourself if that is what you really believe.

No, I said that the majority of people with CCW's have a long history with firearms. That is a fact. The number of people with CCW's who's SOLE experience with firearms is that CCW class is vanishingly small. In my multitude of classes not one person has been a newbie.

Have you got anything to show that most people with that piece of paper have a long history with guns, or that that history includes proper training?

You made the claim that all they have is a CC permit from a half day class. Do you have anything showing they don't have experience?

Do you have any verifiable reason to believe more than a few of them do?
I agree. But it is mandatory. I have attended multiple combat pistol classes at Gunsite and will happily put my skills up against anyone.

Good for you, but that doesn't make me feel better about some rambo wannabe who paid his money and wants to shoot what he thinks is a badguy as soon as he gets a chance. We both know there are a lot of those.

Lucky for me your cares and opinions don't matter. I have been carrying concealed for over 25 years. I attended Gunsite the first time back in the 1980's and was a regular student for around 10 years. Prior to that I was active in the precision rifle arena. In all the years I have been alive i have never sought out someone to kill. I had the opportunity and was involved in a shootout with bandits in Morocco back in the day. The trick there was to NOT kill anyone as that would have caused all sorts of long term trouble. So, the goal in that situation was to shoot as close to them as possible, to let them know that we actually COULD have shot them, but were choosing not too.

They got the hint and left fortunately.

Based on law enforcement stats your fear of a bunch of "Rambo's" is totally unfounded.

Good for you. Too bad that the majority of CC license holders don't have any training other than the little half day course they take.

Are you saying that those with a CC permit never touched or shot a gun prior to taking the class?

No. I'm saying that some of them had never touched of shot a gun prior to taking the class, and many of them had rarely touched or shot a gun prior to that class and only took it because right wing radio convinced them the government was coming for the guns and the election of a black president scared them There is no reason to believe the claim that most license holders have been well trained with guns.

Without proof, there is no reason to believe your claim about lack of experience.

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