North Charleston : Thug robs Waffle House; Concealed carry citizen shoots him. Crime solved!

Bux is a fucking liar. Nobody suggested anybody is "entitled to shoot" first, last or anywhere in between.

I asked him whether the patron "shot" or "shot back". As in "returned" fire. He couldn't answer, because he didn't know and still doesn't know. He just ass-umed, and decided on his own that an "animal" (his term) had to be put down.

--- which is what I mean by "values". Or in this case, lack thereof.

Your premise was that if the thug didn't shoot first.....then he shouldn't have been shot. Even if he was pointing a gun at people. wouldn't have asked. But you did. Because to matters if the thug shot first. Because you think he shouldn't have been shot if he didn't also shoot.

Fuck you asshole, don't you EVER put words in my mouth.
I asked whether the customer shot first, or returned fire. In other words, who initiated it. And you don't know. I could have asked how he found it necessary to kill-shoot instead of disable. You wouldn't know that either, nor were you willing to wait to find out, because you'd already assumed the roles of judge, jury and governor approving an execution.

See....when we point out your retardedness you don't understand're a retard.

Go fuck yourself ya whiny little bitch.

The animal was robbing people with a gun. Civil society doesn't do that. And yes....someone might kill you because we aren't obligated to wait and see if you shoot first or not.

See what I mean? You just did it again. "The animal".

What was his name? Where'd he live? What was he like?
You don't know and don't want to know, because that would humanize him.

Values. Go get some.

So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source.

Where's his weapon? Where?

In the police evidence locker. Along with your brain evidently.

Was the customer shooting back ---- or just shooting?
Does it matter?

Damn straight it does. Ask your attorney why if you try the same thing.

So if a CWP sees some thug run into a business and start pointing a gun at people....and he shoots're saying he's screwed? Well....NOT in South Carolina courts. It's happened many times and not once was the shooter charged. Hell....since 2009 it's the 3rd time it's happened JUST in a Waffle House.

Sorry. We aren't pussy ass California or Massachusetts. Our citizens may act far before cops arrive.

And you know for a fact that this perp did have a gun, and that it was real.... how again?
Because you waited until it came out in the news? Nope, that ain't it.

Here's what did come out though -- the kid's dead.

All hail gun culture. Be proud.

You fucken liberals amaze me.
It doesnt matter if he carved a gun out of a bar of soap.
If he's waving it around and demanding money he needs to be perforated.

And again ---- there's no evidence he even had a gun, let alone was "waving" it. That was entirely contrived by the OP. Go read the article --- not there.

Am I the only one who actually reads the stories?
Your premise was that if the thug didn't shoot first.....then he shouldn't have been shot. Even if he was pointing a gun at people. wouldn't have asked. But you did. Because to matters if the thug shot first. Because you think he shouldn't have been shot if he didn't also shoot.

Fuck you asshole, don't you EVER put words in my mouth.
I asked whether the customer shot first, or returned fire. In other words, who initiated it. And you don't know. I could have asked how he found it necessary to kill-shoot instead of disable. You wouldn't know that either, nor were you willing to wait to find out, because you'd already assumed the roles of judge, jury and governor approving an execution.

See....when we point out your retardedness you don't understand're a retard.

Go fuck yourself ya whiny little bitch.

The animal was robbing people with a gun. Civil society doesn't do that. And yes....someone might kill you because we aren't obligated to wait and see if you shoot first or not.

See what I mean? You just did it again. "The animal".

What was his name? Where'd he live? What was he like?
You don't know and don't want to know, because that would humanize him.

Values. Go get some.

So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source.

Where's his weapon? Where?

In the police evidence locker. Along with your brain evidently.


To your brain? I think those links are down dude. You should see a doctor about your inability to reason.

I suggest, and it's only a suggestion, that the reason why the CCW wasn't even arrested, is because there was a weapon in the hand of the perp. I will further speculate, I know that's hard for you to comprehend but humor me, that the eye witness testimony of the Waffle House employees, which we're not privy too as yet, this isn't CSI you know, things actually take time in the real world, specifically mention that nasty little gun that they were staring down the barrel of. So, we are basing our observations on facts provided by the newspaper article and simple common sense.

You on the other hand are clearly in TV mode thinking that you can or even should 'shoot the pistol out of the perps hand'. That is a tactic that you will see on TV and in the movies but not in the real world. In fact i can think of just one time where a SWAT sniper actually shot a gun out of a mans hand. The man was pointing the gun at himself so the risk was minimal. The sniper is a well known excellent shot, and even with all of that his actions were questioned by those in law enforcement.

Bux is a fucking liar. Nobody suggested anybody is "entitled to shoot" first, last or anywhere in between.

I asked him whether the patron "shot" or "shot back". As in "returned" fire. He couldn't answer, because he didn't know and still doesn't know. He just ass-umed, and decided on his own that an "animal" (his term) had to be put down.

--- which is what I mean by "values". Or in this case, lack thereof.

Your premise was that if the thug didn't shoot first.....then he shouldn't have been shot. Even if he was pointing a gun at people. wouldn't have asked. But you did. Because to matters if the thug shot first. Because you think he shouldn't have been shot if he didn't also shoot.

Fuck you asshole, don't you EVER put words in my mouth.
I asked whether the customer shot first, or returned fire. In other words, who initiated it. And you don't know. I could have asked how he found it necessary to kill-shoot instead of disable. You wouldn't know that either, nor were you willing to wait to find out, because you'd already assumed the roles of judge, jury and governor approving an execution.

See....when we point out your retardedness you don't understand're a retard.

Go fuck yourself ya whiny little bitch.

The animal was robbing people with a gun. Civil society doesn't do that. And yes....someone might kill you because we aren't obligated to wait and see if you shoot first or not.

See what I mean? You just did it again. "The animal".

What was his name? Where'd he live? What was he like?
You don't know and don't want to know, because that would humanize him.

Values. Go get some.

So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source. Where's his weapon?


Anyway that post has nothing to do with "wounding" anybody or with firearms at all. It has to do with his sitting himself in judgment about shit he knows nothing about, to wit this incident, and filling in parts of the story he doesn't know by simply making it up. Which is what all of my posts here have been about from the first.
You don't read much do you?
All the staff said in written eye witness testimonies the negro thug had a gun in his hand and he was threatening to shoot the staff if they didn't give him the money.
The shooter testifed the negro thug had a gun.
The cops RECOVERED a gun from the dead fucking negro thug's hand.........with his fingerprints on it later found.
And that's why sweetheart NO CHARGES WERE LAID asshole!
Go climb under another fucking rock and wait for the next (cough) 'cause' so you can crawl out and make a fool of yourself once more.
I suggest, and it's only a suggestion, that the reason why the CCW wasn't even arrested, is because there was a weapon in the hand of the perp. I will further speculate, I know that's hard for you to comprehend but humor me, that the eye witness testimony of the Waffle House employees, which we're not privy too as yet, this isn't CSI you know, things actually take time in the real world, specifically mention that nasty little gun that they were staring down the barrel of. So, we are basing our observations on facts provided by the newspaper article and simple common sense.

Exactly. "Speculating" is the key word. That's been my point from the beginning. Forgive me if I just don't believe some message board wag who wasn't even there gets to not only sit in judgment of what he described from the beginning as "an animal" (with no name), but to actually make up his own story in the absence of an actual report. The fact is there's absolutely NO -- as in Zero --- reference to anyone "waving a gun around" or even HAVING a gun, before or after the shooting, save for the customer. The one who's described as having "opened fire" -- which means initiated. That tells us nothing about exactly what he opened fire on or why; it only tells us who (singular) had a gun.

You on the other hand are clearly in TV mode thinking that you can or even should 'shoot the pistol out of the perps hand'. That is a tactic that you will see on TV and in the movies but not in the real world. In fact i can think of just one time where a SWAT sniper actually shot a gun out of a mans hand. The man was pointing the gun at himself so the risk was minimal. The sniper is a well known excellent shot, and even with all of that his actions were questioned by those in law enforcement.

Again, I never articulated anything of the kind. That was entirely made up by the OP and/or other wags. Go find a quote that comes from me.

Summa y'all seem to be unclear on "facts" versus "shit I just pulled out of my own ass".
Your premise was that if the thug didn't shoot first.....then he shouldn't have been shot. Even if he was pointing a gun at people. wouldn't have asked. But you did. Because to matters if the thug shot first. Because you think he shouldn't have been shot if he didn't also shoot.

Fuck you asshole, don't you EVER put words in my mouth.
I asked whether the customer shot first, or returned fire. In other words, who initiated it. And you don't know. I could have asked how he found it necessary to kill-shoot instead of disable. You wouldn't know that either, nor were you willing to wait to find out, because you'd already assumed the roles of judge, jury and governor approving an execution.

See....when we point out your retardedness you don't understand're a retard.

Go fuck yourself ya whiny little bitch.

The animal was robbing people with a gun. Civil society doesn't do that. And yes....someone might kill you because we aren't obligated to wait and see if you shoot first or not.

See what I mean? You just did it again. "The animal".

What was his name? Where'd he live? What was he like?
You don't know and don't want to know, because that would humanize him.

Values. Go get some.

So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source.

Where's his weapon? Where?

In the police evidence locker. Along with your brain evidently.


Police: Would-be robber of North Charleston Waffle House was armed

Robber was armed. When cops respond to an "armed" means the thug is "armed".
Fuck you asshole, don't you EVER put words in my mouth.
I asked whether the customer shot first, or returned fire. In other words, who initiated it. And you don't know. I could have asked how he found it necessary to kill-shoot instead of disable. You wouldn't know that either, nor were you willing to wait to find out, because you'd already assumed the roles of judge, jury and governor approving an execution.

Go fuck yourself ya whiny little bitch.

See what I mean? You just did it again. "The animal".

What was his name? Where'd he live? What was he like?
You don't know and don't want to know, because that would humanize him.

Values. Go get some.

So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source.

Where's his weapon? Where?

In the police evidence locker. Along with your brain evidently.


Police: Would-be robber of North Charleston Waffle House was armed

Robber was armed. When cops respond to an "armed" means the thug is "armed".

Now check the time stamp on your posts claiming "waving a gun around". And check the time stamps of my posts noting that you don't know that.


Anything else?
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.
So you want to wound a guy with a gun in his hand? :lmao:
Yeah,that'll go over real well..

I have no evidence the guy even had "a gun in his hand". That's OP embellishment, and he's not exactly a reliable source.

Where's his weapon? Where?

In the police evidence locker. Along with your brain evidently.


Police: Would-be robber of North Charleston Waffle House was armed

Robber was armed. When cops respond to an "armed" means the thug is "armed".

Now check the time stamp on your posts claiming "waving a gun around".
Oh and quote for us where "waving" is, even in the latest.

What about it? People talk. I live 5 miles from where this happened. Unlike you libs....we don't need a liberal media site to say it to make it true. We all knew here what happened a long time before that post haha. Moron.
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.

You know....the police and media get their info from the same thing: People saying what they saw.

Yeah. Live here. People say a dumbass ran in with a gun and threatened to shoot everyone to get the money and some customer blasted him.

And what do ya facts emerge...seems that's accurate.

You lose.
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.

You know....the police and media get their info from the same thing: People saying what they saw.

Yeah. Live here. People say a dumbass ran in with a gun and threatened to shoot everyone to get the money and some customer blasted him.

And what do ya facts emerge...seems that's accurate.

You lose.

My point has been made, and you've confirmed it through the magic of linear time.

So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.

You know....the police and media get their info from the same thing: People saying what they saw.

Yeah. Live here. People say a dumbass ran in with a gun and threatened to shoot everyone to get the money and some customer blasted him.

And what do ya facts emerge...seems that's accurate.

You lose.

My point has been made, and you've confirmed it through the magic of linear time.


Your point is:

You/Libs: Won't believe ANYTHING until a liberal news source says it

The rest of us: Will believe stuff if someone who saw it says it, or all the circumstances leads to the obvious answer.

Yep. Point proven. Dismissal accepted.
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.

You know....the police and media get their info from the same thing: People saying what they saw.

Yeah. Live here. People say a dumbass ran in with a gun and threatened to shoot everyone to get the money and some customer blasted him.

And what do ya facts emerge...seems that's accurate.

You lose.

My point has been made, and you've confirmed it through the magic of linear time.


Your point is:

You/Libs: Won't believe ANYTHING until a liberal news source says it

The rest of us: Will believe stuff if someone who saw it says it, or all the circumstances leads to the obvious answer.

Yep. Point proven. Dismissal accepted.

Translation: I need more solid evidence than the word of an already-confessed LIAR claiming "hey this guy told me a rumor".

Yep, that's true. But it always has been.

Why don't you take your fetish-firearms and go shoot at the evil flood waters instead of writing fiction on the internets?

My work here is done. Unsubscribing.
So....for libtards:

Thug was armed.

Cops haven't said with what or how he brandished it yet.


Because they're still interviewing witnesses. And will reinterview them as their minds clear up post stress fog.

And they DO NOT want their memory tainted by reading details in the news.

That's why cops DONT release details to you liberal idiots 10 seconds after shit happens. in Charleston....rumors have already spread on how it went down.

Thug was armed and threatening everyone. CWP ended the threat. The sun came up. And all was right in the world. least at the Waffle House on Dorchester Road.

OH.. I see, "Rumors". Well why didn't you say so. Can't argue with rumors. :rolleyes:

I mean the only better source than that would be something like "I live 5 miles from there and some guy told me..."

Nothing like solid evidence, nosiree bob.

You know....the police and media get their info from the same thing: People saying what they saw.

Yeah. Live here. People say a dumbass ran in with a gun and threatened to shoot everyone to get the money and some customer blasted him.

And what do ya facts emerge...seems that's accurate.

You lose.

My point has been made, and you've confirmed it through the magic of linear time.


Your point is:

You/Libs: Won't believe ANYTHING until a liberal news source says it

The rest of us: Will believe stuff if someone who saw it says it, or all the circumstances leads to the obvious answer.

Yep. Point proven. Dismissal accepted.

Translation: I need more solid evidence than the word of an already-confessed LIAR claiming "hey this guy told me a rumor".

Yep, that's true. But it always has been.

Why don't you take your fetish-firearms and go shoot at the evil flood waters instead of writing fiction on the internets?

My work here is done. Unsubscribing.

WCSC : Robbery suspect shot outside North Charleston Waffle House





Pogo.....just got made out to look as dumb as anyone on USMB....ever.

The CWP holder BTW....waited outside...behind cover...while on phone calling for help....and only challenged the thug once he was outside and away from bystanders. OUTSTANDING situational awareness. lose bad. mocked my sources. But literally 7 minutes later....local media breaks the exact details I provided. time....STFU and listen when I speak.

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