North Dakota Bill to Exempt Drivers Who "Accidently" Hit Protestors Blocking Roads

So you are happy that ND is using jackboot tactics to serve their big energy masters ?
Happy? They're ecstatic! Probably want to be part of the jackboot forces.........wanting one of these:
Wow. Cheering violence against protesters. In turn , you must be ok wh the protesters being violent themselves . Got it!
You mean like the "protesters" who broke shop windows and burned cars on November 9?

I mean the ones who were WATERCANNONED by ND jackboot cops . It's a disgrace what ND is doing .

How dare they protest big energy !!!
Wow. Cheering violence against protesters. In turn , you must be ok wh the protesters being violent themselves . Got it!

No, it just shifts the burden of cause from the person using the road legally to the person using it illegally.

If the guy in the car has any sort of provable intent, he still gets prosecuted.
Enjoy this folks, it’s where were heading; all who question the power of the corporate state are fair game. Better stay in line folks, this is the future in Reality America, land of the free and the brave. Targeted assassinations of American citizens are now legal (thanks Obama), and you’re all tracked by the surveillance industrial complex. Accept your submission and bow. Your guns are no match.
Progressives need to be kept on a leash and kept out of traffic....
Enjoy this folks, it’s where were heading; all who question the power of the corporate state are fair game. Better stay in line folks, this is the future in Reality America, land of the free and the brave. Targeted assassinations of American citizens are now legal (thanks Obama), and you’re all tracked by the surveillance industrial complex. Accept your submission and bow. Your guns are no match.
Oh, fuck you. Most of these "protests" (read: riots) have been drummed up by professional malcontents.

And not a one of those assholes has protested the gross overreach of the mass surveillance state.
"No committee hearing has yet been set for the bill. Activists Freak Out Over ND Bill Protecting Drivers Who Run Over Dakota Protesters"

Typical alt right fascist attempt to pervert the law. Schlesinger, stand by for the command to start the helicopters.

These people are intentionally entering roadways to stop traffic. It only shifts the burden on them if the contact is accidental. They are the ones making the decision to enter a roadway with moving traffic in violation of the law, the driver should not be held to a higher standard of liability because of it.
Time to start fighting back. Dems use violence to interrupt rallies (and brag about it) but cry like bitches when they get a taste of it themselves.
Time to start fighting back. Dems use violence to interrupt rallies (and brag about it) but cry like bitches when they get a taste of it themselves.
The Trumpers in fact started it, were warned, did it again, and then got the shit stomped out of them. It will be the same again, S. J.
Extra points for Seniors. Double for Wheelchair bound and kids under 12. Triple for wheelchair bound kids under 12.........
So you are happy that ND is using jackboot tactics to serve their big energy masters ?
No...we are so happy that progressives will no longer be able to violate the law, intimidate people, and block traffic. Plus - why should I be charged with a crime because you knowingly stepped in front of my vehicle with intent to disrupt my legal path?
Wow. Cheering violence against protesters. In turn , you must be ok wh the protesters being violent themselves . Got it!
No...we're cheering the protection of legal citizens against criminals. Stop the false narrative buttercup. Conservatives are fed up with the violent, unhinged actions of you progressives. We're taking a nation back snowflake. Deal with it.
Time to start fighting back. Dems use violence to interrupt rallies (and brag about it) but cry like bitches when they get a taste of it themselves.
The Trumpers in fact started it, were warned, did it again, and then got the shit stomped out of them. It will be the same again, S. J.
Bullshit and you know it, fraud.
See, your fake history is obvious to all. The facts are clear that if the Alt Right rise up, the Hard Left will beat them down: always so.
Wow. Cheering violence against protesters. In turn , you must be ok wh the protesters being violent themselves . Got it!
You mean like the "protesters" who broke shop windows and burned cars on November 9?

I mean the ones who were WATERCANNONED by ND jackboot cops . It's a disgrace what ND is doing .

How dare they protest big energy !!!
This is pretty simple Timmy - the right to protest does not mean the right to anarchy. You want to protest? Stay the fuck out of the street. Protests do not belong in the street. It's pretty sad that you need that explained to you.

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