North Korea fires another missile, government shutdown looming...

...How patently stupid. The man is a billionaire and the POTUS, that didn't just happen by accident.
True. He had a huge boost early in life with Daddy's money, and he IS very good at putting together business deals, then screwing over his employees and partners.

You know... the way he lies to the Middle Class and then turns around and serves-up various changes sure to screw-over the Middle and Lower Classes.

Oh, he's got some genuine talent at making business deals and going belly-up when they fail and walking away from them with money still in his pocket.

But as the President of the United States, the guy is an uncouth, boorish, loud-mouthed, big-talking underperformer; a National Embarrassment, and a Train Wreck.

The Nation and The People sense the increasing danger in allowing this Creature to remain in power and are likely to elect Dems in the 2018 mid-terms and reject him in 2020.

The Dems are likely to lose even more seats in 2018, you fools are seriously underesetimiating how much people are getting pissed off by your actions.

Nancy Pelosi probably did more damage to the DNC with young millennial women last Sunday than any other politician has ever done. Do you think they appreciate the DNC House leader defending a pig?

Do you think young women are appreciative of the DNC supporting policies which allow mentally ill men to claim they are women so they can take spots on women's sports teams and win women's championships and get scholarships reserved for women?

Do you think more black people haven't woken up and realized that hey the DNC doesn't give a shit about them after all?

Do you think the middle class doesn't see through the lies Democrats constantly tell about GOP sponsored bills?

Do you think the DNC is going to survive the latest revelations about so many DNC scandals?

Oh sure, there are enough brain dead Americans that the Dems will continue to receive some votes, but last November was the culmination of 8 years of resentment towards the DNC and the idiots haven't learned one single lesson from that debacle.

I hope they never learn.
I agree that the Dim-Wits never seem to learn from their mistakes.

Happily, for them, your Creature seems hell-bent on giving them the next election; one they could not have won on their own merits.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

We do, this isn't our first nuclear rodeo.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Tax bill is passed.
NK is not threat to us.
The NFL sucks.
President Trump is the most capable POTUS ever.
You lose.

Trump signed a tax bill? When did that happen?

You think he's NOT going to sign it? Come on snowflake, give it up.

I think it is impossible for him to sign it.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

No dude, Trump can do many things at once. Get the tax bill through, make the country great again, expose the left for the hypocritical tying garbage they are, take down the left wing media machine, make liberal heads explode with tweets, comment on the NFL, AND golf on the weekends. If the left didn't defy him on everything, he'd have accomplished twice that amount.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

Defense systems take years to design and build. SDI should have been put in place decades ago.

If Trump called the pentagon on day one, and told them to move as quickly as possible, it would still be years.

This is on the presidents SINCE Reagan, all of them.

And the NFL issue is important. The fact that blatant anti-Americanism is considered normal by a large percentage of "Americans" is a huge problem for this nation.

Bigger than NOrth Korean nukes, actually.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Tax bill is passed.
NK is not threat to us.
The NFL sucks.
President Trump is the most capable POTUS ever.
You lose.

Trump signed a tax bill? When did that happen?

You think he's NOT going to sign it? Come on snowflake, give it up.

I think it is impossible for him to sign it.

You're desperate snowflake. The tax bill will become law. Give it up.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

Defense systems take years to design and build. SDI should have been put in place decades ago.

If Trump called the pentagon on day one, and told them to move as quickly as possible, it would still be years.

This is on the presidents SINCE Reagan, all of them.

And the NFL issue is important. The fact that blatant anti-Americanism is considered normal by a large percentage of "Americans" is a huge problem for this nation.

Bigger than NOrth Korean nukes, actually.

We are not defenseless, I do not know where you got such an idea.

Since when did exercising one's 1st amendment rights become blatant anti-Americanism? If you do not like people having freedom of speech, then maybe you should move to North Korea since they do not have it and you are so fucking worried about their nukes.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

Defense systems take years to design and build. SDI should have been put in place decades ago.

If Trump called the pentagon on day one, and told them to move as quickly as possible, it would still be years.

This is on the presidents SINCE Reagan, all of them.

And the NFL issue is important. The fact that blatant anti-Americanism is considered normal by a large percentage of "Americans" is a huge problem for this nation.

Bigger than NOrth Korean nukes, actually.

We don't need SDI. We have the satellites that can track missile launches and predict their trajectory. We have surface to air missiles, and air to air missiles that can take out any missile that NK can launch at us. Now SDI would help SK and Japan, but did we ever try to do that? If we did I don't remember.
tax reform bill on life support and what is our president worried about?

the fucking NFL.

View attachment 163244

Tax bill is passed.
NK is not threat to us.
The NFL sucks.
President Trump is the most capable POTUS ever.
You lose.

Trump signed a tax bill? When did that happen?

You think he's NOT going to sign it? Come on snowflake, give it up.

I think it is impossible for him to sign it.

You're desperate snowflake. The tax bill will become law. Give it up.

Which one, the House one or the Senate one? They both can't.
Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

Defense systems take years to design and build. SDI should have been put in place decades ago.

If Trump called the pentagon on day one, and told them to move as quickly as possible, it would still be years.

This is on the presidents SINCE Reagan, all of them.

And the NFL issue is important. The fact that blatant anti-Americanism is considered normal by a large percentage of "Americans" is a huge problem for this nation.

Bigger than NOrth Korean nukes, actually.

We are not defenseless, I do not know where you got such an idea.

Since when did exercising one's 1st amendment rights become blatant anti-Americanism? If you do not like people having freedom of speech, then maybe you should move to North Korea since they do not have it and you are so fucking worried about their nukes.

How is that hard to understand? We have a right to free speech but there can be and IS Anti-American speech. Think before you hit "post".
Tax bill is passed.
NK is not threat to us.
The NFL sucks.
President Trump is the most capable POTUS ever.
You lose.

Trump signed a tax bill? When did that happen?

You think he's NOT going to sign it? Come on snowflake, give it up.

I think it is impossible for him to sign it.

You're desperate snowflake. The tax bill will become law. Give it up.

Which one, the House one or the Senate one? They both can't.

Just stop snowflake. You are embarrassing yourself.
Hey are you one of the lefties that attacked Reagan for wanting to build SDI?

Feeling kind of stupid now?

I am not a leftie and was not one during the Reagan years either. Reagan was my first Commander and Chief. Will admit as a young Marine I didn't think too much about the SDI. My first unit though was a HAWK missile battalion and that was a thing of beauty.

If we had our heads screwed on right, we would have defenses in place to take care of any attack from North Korea.

This is on our political leadership of the last 30 years.

Their incompetence is criminal.

North Korea's nukes are not a threat to the US mainland. But they are a problem for our two strongest allies in the region, Japan and South Korea. We also have a lot of troops stationed in those two countries that are at risk as well.

But hey, the NFL is way more important, as you can tell by Trump's tweeting

Defense systems take years to design and build. SDI should have been put in place decades ago.

If Trump called the pentagon on day one, and told them to move as quickly as possible, it would still be years.

This is on the presidents SINCE Reagan, all of them.

And the NFL issue is important. The fact that blatant anti-Americanism is considered normal by a large percentage of "Americans" is a huge problem for this nation.

Bigger than NOrth Korean nukes, actually.

We are not defenseless, I do not know where you got such an idea.

Since when did exercising one's 1st amendment rights become blatant anti-Americanism? If you do not like people having freedom of speech, then maybe you should move to North Korea since they do not have it and you are so fucking worried about their nukes.

1. What systems do we have in place to take down an intercontinental ballistic missile in flight?

2. Since what they have to say is to smear all of America and Americans, and they are being celebrated and protected by a large percentage of the nation.

3. Your stawman that this is about free speech is because you know that you are in the wrong and cannot defend their actions nor the response from your people.

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