North Korea Is China's Nuclear Laboratory

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.

You know we sold nuclear reactors to NK from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, yeah? Calling out america?
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.

I don't agree with the solution necessarily, but I agree that China is responsible for this current increased situation. They have exploited American and European corporate need for profits and CEO's salaries to become an economic powerhouse. In the 1970's, that fat sob Mao was sending Chinese soldiers into North Vietnam to fight America, estimates vary but it was a large number. They have quietly expanded their influence, those in the intelligence community certainly are aware of this better than any of us.

In the past they had nothing to lose, now they do. America could play hardball, and as much as everyone says that the Middle Class will suffer, it's a false argument. Whether your trash is made in China, Vietnam or Bangladesh, companies will fill the void and find cheap labour somewhere in the world. Keep that in mind whenever the "America will be hurt with a trade war argument". The only ones to suffer will be companies in China who will now have to set up shop elsewhere at their expense. That's life when a nations security is threatened. Inconvenience and smaller profit margins are the price to pay to protect your country from annihilation

First, I greatly respect Trump and his advisers calling out China. Whether Haley telling nations who do business with China that they will pay a price (Canada is looking to engage in a free trade agreement with China, as is Mexico apparently now, both trying to get leverage in NAFTA negotiations it seems), or Trump pointing out in a tweet that China has increased investment in N Korea by 40% since the second quarter. As he said "oh well, at least we tried". In my books, he is listening to the right people in regards to global affairs with China. Without question China is the greatest threat to American dominance and global freedom.

It's high time China is levelled off, we are seeing the entire world willing to screw America to prop up China, like good little socialist sob's. The Paris Accord was a prime example of this global back stabbing of a free and libertarian U.S. All while Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have to stare down the barrel of the rifle these scumbags wield.

Of course war should be the last resort, but I say this. If America and it's allies must go into N Korea, or, if America goes it alone, they need to be swift and determined. I'm not a military expert but I imagine it won't be a ground war. Find the leadership and end them, work inside and covertly coordinate a strong, pro-American resistance who can take their place and seek to reunite Korea. North Korea is a threat to the world, and they are receiving their technology and orders from Beijing.

One final note, grudgingly I say this. America is better served to side with Russia with some agreement when dealing with China. First, because Russia is probably not comfortable with the Chinese growth and power (at least they must share some concerns behind closed doors within the Kremlin), second, because at least America has had a long history of adversarial relationship with Russia, without a nuke being dropped on one another (and there have been some very close calls). At least if it's some consolation, Russia can be tolerable, and they represent a far smaller threat to American global dominance.

Sorry for the length, I type too fast.
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It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.
G0000 will be horrified....
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.

You know we sold nuclear reactors to NK from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, yeah? Calling out america?

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.
Jesus Christ do righties ever tire of wanting pointless wars ?
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.

You know we sold nuclear reactors to NK from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, yeah? Calling out america?

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Then Slick Willy doubled down and gave them 4 billion in aid to get them to halt their pursuit of nukes and ICBMs
It's time to put an end to this bullshit. The ICBM launcher was Chinese made and China feeds North Korea new technology to test. Everyone knows it but won't call China out. China is in direct violation of U.N. security council resolutions. And so is Russia. Trump needs to make it perfectly clear we won't put up with this shit anymore. This tap dance has been going on for 70 years and we're less safe now than 70 years ago.

Either pull all U.S. military out of South Korea and prepare to nuke North Korea when they attack South Korea or put a 100 tactical nukes in South Korea. Tell China to go pound sand, they had their chance to fix the problem.

You know we sold nuclear reactors to NK from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of, yeah? Calling out america?

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Then Slick Willy doubled down and gave them 4 billion in aid to get them to halt their pursuit of nukes and ICBMs
And then Bush sold them nuclear reactors from a company Rumsfeld had once sat on the board of directors of. You partianshitheads can't see anything for what it is. Universal amongst your ruling class.
Jesus Christ do righties ever tire of wanting pointless wars ?
Timmy thinks avoiding a nuke in your back yard is pointless.

The left isnt grasping the severity of the situation.

A crazed half pint dictator and nukes...what could go wrong?

"A crazed half pint dictator and nukes...what could go wrong?"

Meh, both parties have a crazed half pint dictator and nukes

Shhhh..adults are discussing this
Trump's right on this NK threat.... on the golf course where he played for 5 hours today. A weekday. A work day. Imagine if Obama did this? DEPLORABLES heads would be exploding..., but since it's the orange anus... not a word.
Jesus Christ do righties ever tire of wanting pointless wars ?
Timmy thinks avoiding a nuke in your back yard is pointless.

The left isnt grasping the severity of the situation.

A crazed half pint dictator and nukes...what could go wrong?

Who told you that ? The fake news you say you don't believe ?

Ever notice the country's our leaders don't like are always deemed to be "crazy"?

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