North Korea - 'No summit if North Korea pressured to give up nukes'

From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...

Trump has proven once again that all Republicans have regarding foreign policy is someone that can make backdrop signs like 'Mission Accomplished'. It wasn't accomplished with Bush, it isn't accomplished with Lying Donald. But cons are so desperate for anyone they vote for to be recognized by normal society as 'normal' they always start crowing when nothing has actually been accomplished.

Orange Turd will be remembered for reigniting decades of bloodshed and death among Israelis and Palestinians. And that's it.
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?
Actually that was my GD point.

You don't really have a point, do you?
STFU.... :ahole-1:
The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?
Actually that was my GD point.

You don't really have a point, do you?
STFU.... :ahole-1:

Still not much of a point.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...

Trump has proven once again that all Republicans have regarding foreign policy is someone that can make backdrop signs like 'Mission Accomplished'. It wasn't accomplished with Bush, it isn't accomplished with Lying Donald. But cons are so desperate for anyone they vote for to be recognized by normal society as 'normal' they always start crowing when nothing has actually been accomplished.

Orange Turd will be remembered for reigniting decades of bloodshed and death among Israelis and Palestinians. And that's it.
Again, you may be listening to media pundits who claim Trump has been bragging about some sort of accomplishment, but Trump said specifically that he was only optimistic, and that we will see where this goes.

So keep lying about what he said.
That's the only thing you scupper-lipped fags are any good at after all.
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?
Actually that was my GD point.

You don't really have a point, do you?
STFU.... :ahole-1:

Still not much of a point.
I guess you don't get then. :abgg2q.jpg:
Why is it Trumps fault that rocketman is having another tantrum? Or are y'all just pissed that he fooled you into thinking he was serious in giving up his nukes? Its that, ain't it? You got schmoozed and now you have to blame someone else.
Trump didn't ask for the prize. But now that its out the window...y'all are just thrilled. Morons.

First off, using a perjorative like “rocketman” to refer to the Kim displays such a level of ignorance and stupidity that it’s tempting to dismiss you as an idiot from the get go. Trump’s habit of denigrating others with disparaging nicknames shows his lack of both substance and decency. Echoing his insults, shows you’re one of his useful idiots.

It’s not Trump’s fault that Kim is having cold feet, but it is Trump’s fault that he fell for Kim’s Act at all. Then we have Trump supporters all over this board clamouring for the Nobel Peace Prize for Trump before anything of substance happened at all.

In reality, Trump has elevated a minor crackpot of a dictator to his political equal by agreeing to meet with Kim at all. Kim is the one who’s “winning”. His status is elevated. He’s not being treated as that crazy guy in North Korea by the rest of the world. And Trump looks like the schmuck that he is for having fallen for it.

What's happened as a result of the embassy being moved to Jerusalem should stop any talk of a peace prize: that stupid move was the antithesis of peace making.
Trump seemed to be doing everything possible to NOT get a Nobel

As it is....Kim Jong Un was just teasing him while never intending to give up his nukes or signing a peace treaty
You are the one being premature. We are only in the beginning stages of what will be a long process. We are in the peacock strutting stage right now.

I agree Kim will never give up his nukes. But he may be amenable to an arms limitation treaty in exchange for something from us. He may also be amenable to a peace treaty coupled to a worker exchange program or somesuch thing.

Kim is extremely cash poor. He can't maintain an arms race. That's the leverage we have on him. His nukes are his leverage on us.

From such things are agreements made.

I can’t see him agreeing to a peace treaty without a comittment to remove US troops
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...

Trump has proven once again that all Republicans have regarding foreign policy is someone that can make backdrop signs like 'Mission Accomplished'. It wasn't accomplished with Bush, it isn't accomplished with Lying Donald. But cons are so desperate for anyone they vote for to be recognized by normal society as 'normal' they always start crowing when nothing has actually been accomplished.

Orange Turd will be remembered for reigniting decades of bloodshed and death among Israelis and Palestinians. And that's it.
Crooked Donnie is already doing a victory lap on the Korean deal
Corey Booker may disagree

So might Kamala Harris ...

Imagine if a half black, half Indian WOMAN replaced Trump in 2020.

The meltdown would be TERRIFIC! :)
in california she was a half-assed attorney

Here are 5 things she's done as CA AG

5 things Sen. Kamala Harris has done besides be interrupted
i lived there during her time,you dont have to show me anything,i know....and my opinion was she was so-so....

Maybe you do and maybe you don't but not many follow the careers of Attourneys General. I doubt you even knew any of the items brought up on the list. My guess is you probably just are naturally not going to be a fan of a politician if they are considered too liberal.

Don't mean anything personal by it, just a hunch.
your hunch is wrong.....she let OC DA Tony Rackauckas off the hook for being crooked when he was concealing evidence against people,the guy was a dirtbag,but of course a fellow DA....she refused to look into the Mitrice Richardson case involving how the LA County Sheriffs office handled her case until a public outcry forced her to look into it...she was a 24-year-old woman who went missing on September 17, 2009 after being released from a Calabasas jail in the middle of the night without any means to help herself, where she had been taken after behaving erratically at a restaurant. She was subsequently found deceased 11 months later in August 2010.Richardson's parents have maintained that their daughter should never have been released on her own by the Sheriffs office given her obviously disturbed condition. In 2011 they won civil lawsuits against the county for $900,000 in damages. In January 2017, the Californias DA office concluded an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Richardson's release from jail and decided not to bring charges against anyone involved in her release.....of course not.......
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...

Trump has proven once again that all Republicans have regarding foreign policy is someone that can make backdrop signs like 'Mission Accomplished'. It wasn't accomplished with Bush, it isn't accomplished with Lying Donald. But cons are so desperate for anyone they vote for to be recognized by normal society as 'normal' they always start crowing when nothing has actually been accomplished.

Orange Turd will be remembered for reigniting decades of bloodshed and death among Israelis and Palestinians. And that's it.
Again, you may be listening to media pundits who claim Trump has been bragging about some sort of accomplishment, but Trump said specifically that he was only optimistic, and that we will see where this goes.

So keep lying about what he said.
That's the only thing you scupper-lipped fags are any good at after all.

"Spiking" the ball on your own 10 yard line is not too wise, Mr. Trump (and loyal cult members).......but it's certainly allowed if you're an idiot and a megalomaniac.
Last edited:
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...

Trump has proven once again that all Republicans have regarding foreign policy is someone that can make backdrop signs like 'Mission Accomplished'. It wasn't accomplished with Bush, it isn't accomplished with Lying Donald. But cons are so desperate for anyone they vote for to be recognized by normal society as 'normal' they always start crowing when nothing has actually been accomplished.

Orange Turd will be remembered for reigniting decades of bloodshed and death among Israelis and Palestinians. And that's it.
Again, you may be listening to media pundits who claim Trump has been bragging about some sort of accomplishment, but Trump said specifically that he was only optimistic, and that we will see where this goes.

So keep lying about what he said.
That's the only thing you scupper-lipped fags are any good at after all.

"Spiking" the ball on your own 10 yard line is not too wise, Mr. Trump (and loyal cult members).......but it certainly allowed if you're an idiot and a megalomaniac.
Team Trump are already erecting statues to Crooked Donnie and declaring his Korean peace deal the finest diplomatic accomplishment in a hundred years
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?
Wasn't too bad until Bush and the GOP invaded the wrong country.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Course 911 was before Iraq.... 2001/911.....2003/Iraq.

What do you mean "premature"?

The Negro got one for attendance. That means the criteria to get one is not based upon any achievement of peace.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Does anyone know when these joint military exercises began? My understanding was that they started shortly after the Olympics. Has that been mentioned anywhere?
Does it matter?

Planning for this exercise began last year, or maybe longer.
Are we supposed to hold our breath and stop everything just cuz little kimmy started acting rational????

No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

He’s been getting away with “pushing [America] around” since Trump was elected. The nuclear tests was a shove. Then Trump started tweeting insults and Kim won that round with his “dotard” nickname.

Next Kim offers to meet with Trump, and Trump says “Yes” immediately. No pre-conditions, no parameters, nothing. So Kim won that round too.

Then Kim met with the South Korean President to discuss peace and again, Kim looks sane and reasonable. Looking at the pictures of the two leaders all I could think of was that if peace is declared, the US pulls out of Korea and Korea is reunited, like Germany, who becomes the President of the new re-united Korea?

So far Dumb Donald has been made to look like a chump and Kim has come up aces.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Does anyone know when these joint military exercises began? My understanding was that they started shortly after the Olympics. Has that been mentioned anywhere?
Does it matter?

Planning for this exercise began last year, or maybe longer.
Are we supposed to hold our breath and stop everything just cuz little kimmy started acting rational????

No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

He’s been getting away with “pushing [America] around” since Trump was elected. The nuclear tests was a shove. Then Trump started tweeting insults and Kim won that round with his “dotard” nickname.

Next Kim offers to meet with Trump, and Trump says “Yes” immediately. No pre-conditions, no parameters, nothing. So Kim won that round too.

Then Kim met with the South Korean President to discuss peace and again, Kim looks sane and reasonable. Looking at the pictures of the two leaders all I could think of was that if peace is declared, the US pulls out of Korea and Korea is reunited, like Germany, who becomes the President of the new re-united Korea?

So far Dumb Donald has been made to look like a chump and Kim has come up aces.

It is kind of weird that Trump has made Kim look like the sane one in charge by comparison and he's a fruity nut.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Does anyone know when these joint military exercises began? My understanding was that they started shortly after the Olympics. Has that been mentioned anywhere?
Does it matter?

Planning for this exercise began last year, or maybe longer.
Are we supposed to hold our breath and stop everything just cuz little kimmy started acting rational????

No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

He’s been getting away with “pushing [America] around” since Trump was elected. The nuclear tests was a shove. Then Trump started tweeting insults and Kim won that round with his “dotard” nickname.

Next Kim offers to meet with Trump, and Trump says “Yes” immediately. No pre-conditions, no parameters, nothing. So Kim won that round too.

Then Kim met with the South Korean President to discuss peace and again, Kim looks sane and reasonable. Looking at the pictures of the two leaders all I could think of was that if peace is declared, the US pulls out of Korea and Korea is reunited, like Germany, who becomes the President of the new re-united Korea?

So far Dumb Donald has been made to look like a chump and Kim has come up aces.
You're so full of shit.
Maybe if we send our thoughts and prayers, North Korea will give up all their nukes and Trump will still get his noble peace prize.
Last edited:
Does anyone know when these joint military exercises began? My understanding was that they started shortly after the Olympics. Has that been mentioned anywhere?
Does it matter?

Planning for this exercise began last year, or maybe longer.
Are we supposed to hold our breath and stop everything just cuz little kimmy started acting rational????

No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

He’s been getting away with “pushing [America] around” since Trump was elected. The nuclear tests was a shove. Then Trump started tweeting insults and Kim won that round with his “dotard” nickname.

Next Kim offers to meet with Trump, and Trump says “Yes” immediately. No pre-conditions, no parameters, nothing. So Kim won that round too.

Then Kim met with the South Korean President to discuss peace and again, Kim looks sane and reasonable. Looking at the pictures of the two leaders all I could think of was that if peace is declared, the US pulls out of Korea and Korea is reunited, like Germany, who becomes the President of the new re-united Korea?

So far Dumb Donald has been made to look like a chump and Kim has come up aces.

It is kind of weird that Trump has made Kim look like the sane one in charge by comparison and he's a fruity nut.

It's frightening actually. Never thought I see Kim as a sane individual.

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