North Korea - 'No summit if North Korea pressured to give up nukes'

Maybe you do and maybe you don't but not many follow the careers of Attourneys General. I doubt you even knew any of the items brought up on the list. My guess is you probably just are naturally not going to be a fan of a politician if they are considered too liberal.

Don't mean anything personal by it, just a hunch.

I'd bet Harry might have known one of those things - probably not much more.

In his mind - ANY Democrat would be thought of as "so-so".
RWNJs will get in bed with the worst slime.
Don't just Putin and his puppy but now they're worshiping Kim.
If it harms the US, they're for it.
Does it matter?

Planning for this exercise began last year, or maybe longer.
Are we supposed to hold our breath and stop everything just cuz little kimmy started acting rational????

No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

Yep, you missed the point.

Kim Jung Un is not honorable or open as Trump has described him. We all know he's a piece of shit.

The discussion here is about declaring victory in a very complex international crisis when you are playing with someone so unpredictable. It's about Republicans nominating Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize, it's about Trump dissing past presidencies even though he hasn't accomplished anything himself other than get a few hostages released. News flash, the last three presidents have had hostages released.

It's also about Trump's relationship with China, North Korea's largest trading partner and one of only a very few allies. Why is Trump giving in on sanctiions against ZTE? A company that illegally traded with NK and Iran, a company whose phones are not allowed to be used in any security sensitive area within our own government? What's the deal with that? Why did Trump send that tweet about ZTE around the same time this China backed Trump project in Indonesia popped up?

If this were Obama you'd be declaring treason at this point.
No, I got the point.
You just refuse to admit it.

Admit what? That Kim Jung Un is a piece of shit? I'm not the one who has complimented him, that would be Trump. Just the same, you came in late and didn't understand the point of the conversation, that is obvious.
I understand.
Problem is you can't see the big picture.
You want to argue and debate over a subject, but anyone who says you're full of crap because of several undeniable factors just doesn't understand your fucked up reasoning.

So yes, I get it.
Pre-mature? Your post is pre-mature. lol

He can say what he wants. Lets wait and see what he actually does


You mean like the nitwit army chanting "Nobel, Nobel" or prominent Republicans who nominated Trump for the peace prize? You think there was a prudent amount of waiting time?

He has already done more to justify the award than Obama ever did.


Yep, G5000, this is the face of Republican conservatism.

I'm no Republican


No, you just stand in line to suck off the leader of the GOP. This is the MO of the modern day Republican.
Not really.
That kind of shit is reserved for Liberals and Progressives.
Obama fed you shit sandwiches for 8 years and you said; "mmmmmm.....tastes great....i want seconds!!!
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.
No, obviously you miss the point.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

Yep, you missed the point.

Kim Jung Un is not honorable or open as Trump has described him. We all know he's a piece of shit.

The discussion here is about declaring victory in a very complex international crisis when you are playing with someone so unpredictable. It's about Republicans nominating Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize, it's about Trump dissing past presidencies even though he hasn't accomplished anything himself other than get a few hostages released. News flash, the last three presidents have had hostages released.

It's also about Trump's relationship with China, North Korea's largest trading partner and one of only a very few allies. Why is Trump giving in on sanctiions against ZTE? A company that illegally traded with NK and Iran, a company whose phones are not allowed to be used in any security sensitive area within our own government? What's the deal with that? Why did Trump send that tweet about ZTE around the same time this China backed Trump project in Indonesia popped up?

If this were Obama you'd be declaring treason at this point.
No, I got the point.
You just refuse to admit it.

Admit what? That Kim Jung Un is a piece of shit? I'm not the one who has complimented him, that would be Trump. Just the same, you came in late and didn't understand the point of the conversation, that is obvious.
I understand.
Problem is you can't see the big picture.
You want to argue and debate over a subject, but anyone who says you're full of crap because of several undeniable factors just doesn't understand your fucked up reasoning.

So yes, I get it.

Great, you still don't get it.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

It is still in force. Yes peace and compromise are dirty words to crazy religionist. Jihadist assassinated him. It was never meant to solve anything but the state of war between Israel and Egypt. Nearly 40 years of peace between the two.
Actually I do get the point.
Just because that pudgy little shit makes a few good gestures doesn't mean he can get away with pushing us around.

Yep, you missed the point.

Kim Jung Un is not honorable or open as Trump has described him. We all know he's a piece of shit.

The discussion here is about declaring victory in a very complex international crisis when you are playing with someone so unpredictable. It's about Republicans nominating Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize, it's about Trump dissing past presidencies even though he hasn't accomplished anything himself other than get a few hostages released. News flash, the last three presidents have had hostages released.

It's also about Trump's relationship with China, North Korea's largest trading partner and one of only a very few allies. Why is Trump giving in on sanctiions against ZTE? A company that illegally traded with NK and Iran, a company whose phones are not allowed to be used in any security sensitive area within our own government? What's the deal with that? Why did Trump send that tweet about ZTE around the same time this China backed Trump project in Indonesia popped up?

If this were Obama you'd be declaring treason at this point.
No, I got the point.
You just refuse to admit it.

Admit what? That Kim Jung Un is a piece of shit? I'm not the one who has complimented him, that would be Trump. Just the same, you came in late and didn't understand the point of the conversation, that is obvious.
I understand.
Problem is you can't see the big picture.
You want to argue and debate over a subject, but anyone who says you're full of crap because of several undeniable factors just doesn't understand your fucked up reasoning.

So yes, I get it.

Great, you still don't get it.
OH, I get it.
Your just too fucking stupid to fully understand the issue. Unless someone repeats your narrow talking-points verbatim you think they don't get it. This is just a lack of ability to see outside the box.

This is how liberals argue.
They think they're the smartest person in the room, but really they nothing more than a shit for brains sheeple repeating phrases fed to them from Media Matters, Mother Jones, and other approved media souces.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?

Obama was nominated for the Nobel after only two weeks in office and having accomplished nothing.

So there's your benchmark.

I agree that Obama did NOT deserve a Nobel for just winning the WH.....

However, this thread is NOT about Obama.
Being the first black president in a renowned racist America was historic

Indeed historic, because he is the last black president out of the Democratic Party for the long-foreseeable future.
Corey Booker may disagree

Corey Booker has the same chance to become president as you do.
We shall see...,we shall see
Trump seemed to be doing everything possible to NOT get a Nobel

As it is....Kim Jong Un was just teasing him while never intending to give up his nukes or signing a peace treaty
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?
Actually that was my GD point.
Trump seemed to be doing everything possible to NOT get a Nobel

As it is....Kim Jong Un was just teasing him while never intending to give up his nukes or signing a peace treaty
You are the one being premature. We are only in the beginning stages of what will be a long process. We are in the peacock strutting stage right now.

I agree Kim will never give up his nukes. But he may be amenable to an arms limitation treaty in exchange for something from us. He may also be amenable to a peace treaty coupled to a worker exchange program or somesuch thing.

Kim is extremely cash poor. He can't maintain an arms race. That's the leverage we have on him. His nukes are his leverage on us.

From such things are agreements made.
It takes forever to make a uranium bomb. Years and years. It also takes a lot of cash. North Korea can't crank out bombs like cookies. For that, you need a plutonium reactor like Iran was building. Plutonium bombs can be made a lot faster.

Kim's stuck with uranium bombs. So he doesn't have the capacity to make a lot of nukes.

I hope someone is explaining all this to Trump.
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail than Trump score a political victory

The losers that support Trump just spent a week gleefully cheering for failed denuclearization of Iran. You people really need to drop this feigned indignation, you're hurting my sides it's so pathetically funny.

Nothing I said was untrue. You would rather see the efforts fail than this president getting handed a political victory. You know it, I know it, and everyone reading this knows it.

In fact, you didn't even deny it, did you.

You didn't even deny it did you.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?

The one with Egypt?
Yeah.....the one that got Sadat assassinated and solved Jack Squat in the region.

You really don't think the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel solved anything?
Actually that was my GD point.

You don't really have a point, do you?
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises"for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
Jimmy Carter was nominated for one.
How's that Middle - East peace accord doing?
Wasn't too bad until Bush and the GOP invaded the wrong country.
Why is it such great news to the left every time the little pot bellied N.K. pig threatens to do something? The world is truly upside down in the minds of the half psychotic angry left.
Pot bellied pig. Is that Trump?
Kissinger got it for pulling out of Vietnam. Maybe Trump will get it for pulling out of the White House.

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