North Korea - 'No summit if North Korea pressured to give up nukes'

Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.

Trump is a billionaire, President of the United States, and making America great again. You on the other hand, are a sniveling homosexual loser who finds pleasure in making your siggy as hideous as you are.
Yeah, an ad hominem is really going to cement your point. :rolleyes:
That's why all the Trumpettes were drooling and grinning and making a YUGE deal out of the idea he was going to get it. LMAO
Says the person who assured us Hillary Clinton was going to win in 2016. :rolleyes:

Cute cat, though. I'm a cat lover.
This is not a logical, rational response to what I said. Get a grip on reality & deal with the topic of the thread. And stop deflecting and trying to derail the thread.
Amazing that that is what libs get from this, isn't it? No looking beyond your own stinking nose.
Are you that gullible to believe that Kim Jong Un & his NK thugs weren't playing the Clown-in-Chief's penchant for being in the spot light and setting him up for ridicule? You screw around with those very cunning Manchu's, and ya get shafted when you demean their honor and character, or face. One moment the Orange One is calling Kim "Little Rocket Man" to get his fickle base riled up and squawking like pissed off parrots and then later calling him an "honorable man", the feckless fool!

There is a lot more to this, but I'm only surprised Kim hit the trip hammer this soon, unless he doing a double shot on Trump's ego. If the Fat One falls for another one, the shit will hit the fan when Kim pulls the rug out again and Trump realizes he's been played as a double fool by a master!

In the past it's always been the Americans who demanded concessions before a meeting with the president would take place. How the hell did the tables get turned like this?

In the past, no American President would meet with a small time dictator like Kim. Having the President agree to a meeting and then letting Kim set the parameters of the meeting has elevated Kim in world standing. Trump is even being respectful to him.

One of the things I learned working in international law is that customs and manners are very different throughout the world and you need to be on your toes so that you don’t give offence to those you wish to do business with.

A normal President gets a full briefing from staff on do’s and don’ts before sitting down. Trump will wing it as always. And it won’t go well for him.

n the past, no American President would meet with a small time dictator like Kim.
In the past, there weren't many 'small time dictators' with nukes.
Why is it Trumps fault that rocketman is having another tantrum? Or are y'all just pissed that he fooled you into thinking he was serious in giving up his nukes? Its that, ain't it? You got schmoozed and now you have to blame someone else.
Trump didn't ask for the prize. But now that its out the window...y'all are just thrilled. Morons.
It's not out the window (see post # 56) Also, Kim is just upset that US/SK military maneuvers are still scheduled to go on. That's something that can be negotiated on.
Maybe some scale down of it, in way to show it's just a defensive thing, not plans for attacking North Korea. This is all still a work in process.
This is not a logical, rational response to what I said. Get a grip on reality & deal with the topic of the thread. And stop deflecting and trying to derail the thread.
I HAVE been dealing with the topic of the thread - in posts # 56...58... 66...71.
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Postponing a military exercise would not be too great a sacrifice vis-a-vis the possibility of direct, solid meetings and negotiation. This is no time to be provocative when there is no benefit to it.
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

Don't give up the KJU solidarity haircut just yet
Postponing a military exercise would not be too great a sacrifice vis-a-vis the possibility of direct, solid meetings and negotiation. This is no time to be provocative when there is no benefit to it.
I agree. Even if the US were to stop all military exercises with South Korea, we could always resume them at a later date. For North Korea, once they're denuclearized, it would be much harder to build it all back up again. North Korea has a very extensive nuclear operation, many times larger than anything Iran has, and is far more advanced.
And BTW, I didn't assure anyone of anything. An ad hominem does not help make your point.
I just (3 days ago) posted the quote of you saying it, 2 years ago. Damned if I can find it now though. Dang.
The point is, an ad hominem attacking me is not logical reasoning. It does not deal with the topic: these things are used to deflect from the real issue, to ignore Trump's failures. It is like parents teaching their children if someone else does it, it is okay for you to do it too.

That kind of thing has gone on and on and on again ad infinitum with Trump supporters excusing his behavior because someone else did it or something similar before. That's not good, solid, sensible reasoning. Good parents don't excuse bad or incorrect behavior by telling their kid if Joey did it you can do it too. A person who is reasoning logically doesn't do it either.

The bottom line is that Kim is never going to give up his nuclear power. Anyone who imagined he would is someone without a true grip on reality.
The point is, an ad hominem attacking me is not logical reasoning. It does not deal with the topic: these things are used to deflect from the real issue, to ignore Trump's failures. It is like parents teaching their children if someone else does it, it is okay for you to do it too. That's not good, solid, sensible reasoning. Good parents don't excuse bad or incorrect behavior by telling their kid if Joey did it you can do it too.

The bottom line is that Kim is never going to give up his nuclear power. Anyone who imagined he would is someone without a true grip on reality.
Good advice is don't say "never". Hmm. Maybe that 's the word I should look up in the search box.
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

Well you know if this happen to Obama you would be spitting on the dictator of North Korea and not Obama but seeing it happen to John Trump, well are you just giddy as can be!

The thing is of John Trump were to hammer out Nuclear deals with Iran and North Korea and bring some form of peaceful solution in those regions, well Russia, China and partisan whores would be just upset and would need suicide watch!

Did I believe John Trump could do it?



So many want failure when it is not their team winning in this game we call life!
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The OP headline is FAKE NEWS....what NK actually said was: "North Korea's first vice foreign minister says the country has no interest in a summit with the United States if it's going to be a "one-sided" affair where it's pressured to give up its nukes." Why would Kim give up what he treasures most for nothing? I have no idea whether the talks will happen or be successful. What I know for sure is despite their denials, the leftists will do anything in their power to keep Trump from benefiting from success. Their hatred of him, and Bush before him, burned out any sense of patriotism they may once have had.

Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.

So was Clinton, Bush jr., and Obama when it came to international affairs and dealing with countries like Iran and North Korea or terroristic elements...

You just see the failure of one side and excuse your side when it fails...
America has lacked far thinking, well informed strategic thinkers at the Executive level for quite some time. Even Eisenhower, otherwise somewhat equipped, made terrible mistakes.
From some federal judge discussion with a Mueller prosecutor regarding Manafort, to a barrage of "praises" for Trump forcing NK to capitulate and give up all of that country's nukes,....Trump's acolytes may have been jumping the gun just a tiny bit........

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump summit - BBC News
North Korea has said it may pull out of a summit with US President Donald Trump if the US insists it gives up its nuclear weapons. The highly anticipated meeting ...

North Korea Threatens To 'Reconsider' Trump Summit, Cancels South ...
8 hours ago - Pyongyang condemned recent joint military exercises conducted by the United States andSouth Korea, calling the drills an "intentional provocation." ... Deviating from a monthslong trend of warming ties, North Korea abruptly announced Tuesday that it was calling off high-level talks ...

North Korea threatens to withdraw from summit with Trump - ABC News

ABC News | Under Maintenance...
13 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel its upcoming summit between leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump over South ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Trump-Kim summit over drills - The ...
4 hours ago - North Korea on Wednesday threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between its leader, Kim Jong Un, and U.S. President Donald ...

North Korea threatens to cancel Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting

18 hours ago - North Korea is threatening to cancel President Donald Trump's summit with Kim Jong Un because of planned U.S. military drills with South ...

Kim Jong-un Shows True Colors by Threatening to Cancel Trump ...
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Glad to see you are against peace, as long as your party has nothing to do with it. You're a traitor.

Is that the same peace effort your president engaged in when twitting about "little rocket man" or how big his button is?

You're a hypocrite.
It worked, how is that being a hypocrite?

Accusing someone of being against peace, while supporting a douche that antagonizes a crazy dictator, is the textbook definition of hypocrisy.

It worked, eh? I hate to see what you consider winning...

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