North Korea - 'No summit if North Korea pressured to give up nukes'

I don't really care, butch, I didn't claim you did.

Sure you do. You have proven it by quoting me. Can't back away now and act like you didn't. :1peleas:

Sure you do? That doesn't even make sense.

You asked who cares about a Nobel peace prize and I showed you who cares, duh.

Here, let me explain so even YOU can comprehend. YOU said "I don't care". That is when I said "Sure you do".

I never said "I don't care", what the hell are you on? You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you and then you appear to have lost your shit.

Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.
Sure you do. You have proven it by quoting me. Can't back away now and act like you didn't. :1peleas:

Sure you do? That doesn't even make sense.

You asked who cares about a Nobel peace prize and I showed you who cares, duh.

Here, let me explain so even YOU can comprehend. YOU said "I don't care". That is when I said "Sure you do".

I never said "I don't care", what the hell are you on? You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you and then you appear to have lost your shit.

Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.
Sure you do? That doesn't even make sense.

You asked who cares about a Nobel peace prize and I showed you who cares, duh.

Here, let me explain so even YOU can comprehend. YOU said "I don't care". That is when I said "Sure you do".

I never said "I don't care", what the hell are you on? You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you and then you appear to have lost your shit.

Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.

No, you obviously didn't. You said you didn't vote for Trump and I told you I didn't care because I never claimed you did. See?

Anyway, someone in your position perhaps shouldn't be taking this thread way, way off topic, right?
Here, let me explain so even YOU can comprehend. YOU said "I don't care". That is when I said "Sure you do".

I never said "I don't care", what the hell are you on? You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you and then you appear to have lost your shit.

Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.

No, you obviously didn't. You said you didn't vote for Trump and I told you I didn't care because I never claimed you did. See?

Anyway, someone in your position perhaps shouldn't be taking this thread way, way off topic, right?

I most certainly AM allowed to post as a member of this forum.

Yes, I said I did not vote for him, and you said you didn't really care. Very simple.
Even though nobody has expressed this view.

It's rather obvious that the vile hatred towards POTUS that is spewed from the liberals that they no longer care about peace... Can't, won't at any cost have any success for POTUS... Really sad...
All that's happened here is what many people predicted would happen. This is what NK has always done. Start peace talks, act reasonable, and the freak out before anything can really get accomplished. It's what they do, look at the history.
This is too bad. We don’t need a madman with nukes.
But North Korea’s response not a huge surprise based on what I have read from experts and former government officials that tried to work with NK in the past. North Korea wants to be a player on the World Stage and it wants respect. They can’t get either wish without nukes.
Secondly Trumps exit from the Iran deal (despite Mathis and Trump’s generals objections, plus Israeli generals objections) showed the world Trump can’t be trusted.
I’m sure that caught NK’s attention. This whole thing is damn sad.
I hope we can get things going in the right direction, one of these days.
I never said "I don't care", what the hell are you on? You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you and then you appear to have lost your shit.

Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.

No, you obviously didn't. You said you didn't vote for Trump and I told you I didn't care because I never claimed you did. See?

Anyway, someone in your position perhaps shouldn't be taking this thread way, way off topic, right?

I most certainly AM allowed to post as a member of this forum.

Yes, I said I did not vote for him, and you said you didn't really care. Very simple.

OMG, you;re kind of annoying and illiterate. I said I didn't care if you voted for Trump because I never claimed you did. You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you, nothing more.

Don't get a rash, you're really humping the shit out of that strawman.
Amazing that that is what libs get from this, isn't it? No looking beyond your own stinking nose.
Are you that gullible to believe that Kim Jong Un & his NK thugs weren't playing the Clown-in-Chief's penchant for being in the spot light and setting him up for ridicule? You screw around with those very cunning Manchu's, and ya get shafted when you demean their honor and character, or face. One moment the Orange One is calling Kim "Little Rocket Man" to get his fickle base riled up and squawking like pissed off parrots and then later calling him an "honorable man", the feckless fool!

There is a lot more to this, but I'm only surprised Kim hit the trip hammer this soon, unless he doing a double shot on Trump's ego. If the Fat One falls for another one, the shit will hit the fan when Kim pulls the rug out again and Trump realizes he's been played as a double fool by a master!
Amazing that that is what libs get from this, isn't it? No looking beyond your own stinking nose.
Are you that gullible to believe that Kim Jong Un & his NK thugs weren't playing the Clown-in-Chief's penchant for being in the spot light and setting him up for ridicule? You screw around with those very cunning Manchu's, and ya get shafted when you demean their honor and character, or face. One moment the Orange One is calling Kim "Little Rocket Man" to get his fickle base riled up and squawking like pissed off parrots and then later calling him an "honorable man", the feckless fool!

There is a lot more to this, but I'm only surprised Kim hit the trip hammer this soon, unless he doing a double shot on Trump's ego. If the Fat One falls for another one, the shit will hit the fan when Kim pulls the rug out again and Trump realizes he's been played as a double fool by a master!

In the past it's always been the Americans who demanded concessions before a meeting with the president would take place. How the hell did the tables get turned like this?
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail then Trump score a political victory

I'd like to see anyone accomplish denuclearization from the peninsula. The problem here is we got the guy who can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag without either cheating someone or making shady payments out of the public eye to protect whatever is left of his own reputation.

I'd sure like to know how ZTE comes into play here. Why is Trump so interested in getting this company who has been a security risk to our own country back on it's feet. All the while the Chinese government now seems prepared to back a Trump project. I don't like this shady shit going on while we are attempting to negotiate some sort of peace.

There is nothing wrong with pointing any of this out or that Republicans are nominating Trump for a Peace prize he hasn't even earned. And yes, Obama didn't earn the Nobel Peace Prize either but at least the Democrats didn't nominate him.

Trump was never getting a Nobel Prize. Don’t be ridiculous
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail then Trump score a political victory

I'd like to see anyone accomplish denuclearization from the peninsula. The problem here is we got the guy who can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag without either cheating someone or making shady payments out of the public eye to protect whatever is left of his own reputation.

I'd sure like to know how ZTE comes into play here. Why is Trump so interested in getting this company who has been a security risk to our own country back on it's feet. All the while the Chinese government now seems prepared to back a Trump project. I don't like this shady shit going on while we are attempting to negotiate some sort of peace.

There is nothing wrong with pointing any of this out or that Republicans are nominating Trump for a Peace prize he hasn't even earned. And yes, Obama didn't earn the Nobel Peace Prize either but at least the Democrats didn't nominate him.

Trump was never getting a Nobel Prize. Don’t be ridiculous

Who said he was getting it? I don't think anyone with half a brain thought he could win it. But even nominating the doofus is stupid enough.
Even though nobody has expressed this view.

It's rather obvious that the vile hatred towards POTUS that is spewed from the liberals that they no longer care about peace... Can't, won't at any cost have any success for POTUS... Really sad...

There is a difference between seeing that Trump was being played and not wanting peace. I would love for Korea to be nuke free, but knowing that orange fool isn't smart enough to make that happen doesn't mean I want them to have nuclear capability.
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.
OK, no summit. There would be no reason for one.
Glad to see you are against peace, as long as your party has nothing to do with it. You're a traitor.

Please dope, your dear leader violated an agreement the US signed with our staunchest NATO allies all of whom are staying in the agreement. You are the traitor Pugsly. Wallow in it.
Post #12.

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.

No, you obviously didn't. You said you didn't vote for Trump and I told you I didn't care because I never claimed you did. See?

Anyway, someone in your position perhaps shouldn't be taking this thread way, way off topic, right?

I most certainly AM allowed to post as a member of this forum.

Yes, I said I did not vote for him, and you said you didn't really care. Very simple.

OMG, you;re kind of annoying and illiterate. I said I didn't care if you voted for Trump because I never claimed you did. You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you, nothing more.

Don't get a rash, you're really humping the shit out of that strawman.

So sorry you are so mixed up. I will just leave you be.......until the next time you troll me. ;)
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail than Trump score a political victory

The losers that support Trump just spent a week gleefully cheering for failed denuclearization of Iran. You people really need to drop this feigned indignation, you're hurting my sides it's so pathetically funny.

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