North Korea - 'No summit if North Korea pressured to give up nukes'

I updated my post, but you clearly missed the meaning of what I said. I said I don't care who you voted for because I never claimed you voted for Trump. It couldn't be more clear.

I knew exactly what you meant. Good gosh. Maybe you need to go to bed and get some sleep.

No, you obviously didn't. You said you didn't vote for Trump and I told you I didn't care because I never claimed you did. See?

Anyway, someone in your position perhaps shouldn't be taking this thread way, way off topic, right?

No, I know exactly what I meant when I posted and you are inventing a different meaning.

I most certainly AM allowed to post as a member of this forum.

Yes, I said I did not vote for him, and you said you didn't really care. Very simple.

OMG, you;re kind of annoying and illiterate. I said I didn't care if you voted for Trump because I never claimed you did. You asked who cares about the Nobel Peace Prize and I showed you, nothing more.

Don't get a rash, you're really humping the shit out of that strawman.

So sorry you are so mixed up. I will just leave you be.......until the next time you troll me. ;)
Even though nobody has expressed this view.

It's rather obvious that the vile hatred towards POTUS that is spewed from the liberals that they no longer care about peace... Can't, won't at any cost have any success for POTUS... Really sad...

Turn the tv on for five minutes and see the 'peace' orange turd has brought to the middle east. I mean honestly cons you can't possibly think you hold ANY moral ground anymore. Even you can't be that deluded after a year of lying scumbaggery by your dear leader.
Even though nobody has expressed this view.

It's rather obvious that the vile hatred towards POTUS that is spewed from the liberals that they no longer care about peace... Can't, won't at any cost have any success for POTUS... Really sad...

Turn the tv on for five minutes and see the 'peace' orange turd has brought to the middle east. I mean honestly cons you can't possibly think you hold ANY moral ground anymore. Even you can't be that deluded after a year of lying scumbaggery by your dear leader.

Oh, you're clearly not giving Ridgerunner enough (or is it too much) credit.
Even though nobody has expressed this view.

It's rather obvious that the vile hatred towards POTUS that is spewed from the liberals that they no longer care about peace... Can't, won't at any cost have any success for POTUS... Really sad...

I love how Trumpkins think that any criticism of Trump = “vile hatred”.

That’s your real problem. It’s not that people hate Trump, it’s that idiots like you cannot accept that he’s a total fuck up.
The OP headline is FAKE NEWS....what NK actually said was: "North Korea's first vice foreign minister says the country has no interest in a summit with the United States if it's going to be a "one-sided" affair where it's pressured to give up its nukes." Why would Kim give up what he treasures most for nothing? I have no idea whether the talks will happen or be successful. What I know for sure is despite their denials, the leftists will do anything in their power to keep Trump from benefiting from success. Their hatred of him, and Bush before him, burned out any sense of patriotism they may once have had.
The OP headline is FAKE NEWS....what NK actually said was: "North Korea's first vice foreign minister says the country has no interest in a summit with the United States if it's going to be a "one-sided" affair where it's pressured to give up its nukes." Why Kim give up what he treasures most for nothing? I have no idea whether the talks will happen or be successful. What I know for sure is despite their denials, the leftists will do anything in their power to keep Trump from benefiting from success. Their hatred of him, and Bush before him, burned out any sense of patriotism they may once have had.

The OP headline is FAKE NEWS....what NK actually said was: "North Korea's first vice foreign minister says the country has no interest in a summit with the United States if it's going to be a "one-sided" affair where it's pressured to give up its nukes." Why would Kim give up what he treasures most for nothing? I have no idea whether the talks will happen or be successful. What I know for sure is despite their denials, the leftists will do anything in their power to keep Trump from benefiting from success. Their hatred of him, and Bush before him, burned out any sense of patriotism they may once have had.

Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.
Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.

Trump is a billionaire, President of the United States, and making America great again. You on the other hand, are a sniveling homosexual loser who finds pleasure in making your siggy as hideous as you are.
Amazing that that is what libs get from this, isn't it? No looking beyond your own stinking nose.
Are you that gullible to believe that Kim Jong Un & his NK thugs weren't playing the Clown-in-Chief's penchant for being in the spot light and setting him up for ridicule? You screw around with those very cunning Manchu's, and ya get shafted when you demean their honor and character, or face. One moment the Orange One is calling Kim "Little Rocket Man" to get his fickle base riled up and squawking like pissed off parrots and then later calling him an "honorable man", the feckless fool!

There is a lot more to this, but I'm only surprised Kim hit the trip hammer this soon, unless he doing a double shot on Trump's ego. If the Fat One falls for another one, the shit will hit the fan when Kim pulls the rug out again and Trump realizes he's been played as a double fool by a master!

In the past it's always been the Americans who demanded concessions before a meeting with the president would take place. How the hell did the tables get turned like this?

In the past, no American President would meet with a small time dictator like Kim. Having the President agree to a meeting and then letting Kim set the parameters of the meeting has elevated Kim in world standing. Trump is even being respectful to him.

One of the things I learned working in international law is that customs and manners are very different throughout the world and you need to be on your toes so that you don’t give offence to those you wish to do business with.

A normal President gets a full briefing from staff on do’s and don’ts before sitting down. Trump will wing it as always. And it won’t go well for him.
Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.

Trump is a billionaire, President of the United States, and making America great again. You on the other hand, are a sniveling homosexual loser who finds pleasure in making your siggy as hideous as you are.

Hey, you really want me to be a homosexual, don't ya? Is that you're thought and prayer?

In the meantime, Trump is a fuck up, he proves it daily.
Yeah, patriotism means not making fun of Cheny for shooting his friend's face or totally being OK with a tanked economy or creating a firestorm in the middle east that we're still kind of dealing with today.

Lord help us it's too obvious not to point out Trump is kind of a fuck up.

Trump is a billionaire, President of the United States, and making America great again. You on the other hand, are a sniveling homosexual loser who finds pleasure in making your siggy as hideous as you are.

Trump is a criminal who stole an election and is destroying your countries trade deals, NATO, and who has given Putin free rein to expand his influence and power.
Amazing that that is what libs get from this, isn't it? No looking beyond your own stinking nose.
Are you that gullible to believe that Kim Jong Un & his NK thugs weren't playing the Clown-in-Chief's penchant for being in the spot light and setting him up for ridicule? You screw around with those very cunning Manchu's, and ya get shafted when you demean their honor and character, or face. One moment the Orange One is calling Kim "Little Rocket Man" to get his fickle base riled up and squawking like pissed off parrots and then later calling him an "honorable man", the feckless fool!

There is a lot more to this, but I'm only surprised Kim hit the trip hammer this soon, unless he doing a double shot on Trump's ego. If the Fat One falls for another one, the shit will hit the fan when Kim pulls the rug out again and Trump realizes he's been played as a double fool by a master!

In the past it's always been the Americans who demanded concessions before a meeting with the president would take place. How the hell did the tables get turned like this?

In the past, no American President would meet with a small time dictator like Kim. Having the President agree to a meeting and then letting Kim set the parameters of the meeting has elevated Kim in world standing. Trump is even being respectful to him.

One of the things I learned working in international law is that customs and manners are very different throughout the world and you need to be on your toes so that you don’t give offence to those you wish to do business with.

A normal President gets a full briefing from staff on do’s and don’ts before sitting down. Trump will wing it as always. And it won’t go well for him.

Yeah, clearly NK is calling the shots for this meeting. What worries me is Trump pandering to NK just so he can keep the summit scheduled.
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail then Trump score a political victory

I'd like to see anyone accomplish denuclearization from the peninsula. The problem here is we got the guy who can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag without either cheating someone or making shady payments out of the public eye to protect whatever is left of his own reputation.

I'd sure like to know how ZTE comes into play here. Why is Trump so interested in getting this company who has been a security risk to our own country back on it's feet. All the while the Chinese government now seems prepared to back a Trump project. I don't like this shady shit going on while we are attempting to negotiate some sort of peace.

There is nothing wrong with pointing any of this out or that Republicans are nominating Trump for a Peace prize he hasn't even earned. And yes, Obama didn't earn the Nobel Peace Prize either but at least the Democrats didn't nominate him.
because his family received a large cash bribe from the Chinese government?
Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project
The Latest: South Korea says military drills will go on

That Nobel Prize just slipped through Lying Donald's hands like a touchdown slipping through Tom Brady's hands. That dull loud thud is the hopes of cons everywhere for Trump to gain a shred of legitimacy. Add to it that South Korea says military exercises will continue.

Enough eggs to make a wedding cake for the Royals are running down Trump's face.

Damn shame.

It’s OK. We all know you would much rather see denuclearization fail then Trump score a political victory

I'd like to see anyone accomplish denuclearization from the peninsula. The problem here is we got the guy who can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag without either cheating someone or making shady payments out of the public eye to protect whatever is left of his own reputation.

I'd sure like to know how ZTE comes into play here. Why is Trump so interested in getting this company who has been a security risk to our own country back on it's feet. All the while the Chinese government now seems prepared to back a Trump project. I don't like this shady shit going on while we are attempting to negotiate some sort of peace.

There is nothing wrong with pointing any of this out or that Republicans are nominating Trump for a Peace prize he hasn't even earned. And yes, Obama didn't earn the Nobel Peace Prize either but at least the Democrats didn't nominate him.
because his family received a large cash bribe from the Chinese government?
Trump helps sanctioned Chinese phone maker after China delivers a big loan to a Trump project

Yep, pretty much. It's also kind of scary that this is happening in the same theater as North Korea.
Trump is a criminal who stole an election and is destroying your countries trade deals, NATO, and who has given Putin free rein to expand his influence and power.
It was Hillary who tried to steal an election (in various ways),and the trade deals being destroyed, were one of Trump's best achievements. Only an idiot, anti-American, globalist fool would be for giving China unrestricted access to our massive and valuable market, when they restrict us from theirs.
Just like a liberal to take a small story and blow it up to appear like some kind of Trump defeat. Actually, the summit idea is still very much IN PROGRESS.. Time will tell where it goes. The latest talk about "no summit" may just be propaganda to gain leverage for when the summit DOES occur.

NK has already begun dismantling nuclear sites.


Satellite images from DigitalGlobe and 38 North on May 7 show support buildings at the Main Administrative Area have been taken down at North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear test site (CNN)
The OP headline is FAKE NEWS....what NK actually said was: "North Korea's first vice foreign minister says the country has no interest in a summit with the United States if it's going to be a "one-sided" affair where it's pressured to give up its nukes." Why would Kim give up what he treasures most for nothing? I have no idea whether the talks will happen or be successful. What I know for sure is despite their denials, the leftists will do anything in their power to keep Trump from benefiting from success. Their hatred of him, and Bush before him, burned out any sense of patriotism they may once have had.
Other than dropping sanctions, what does the US have to offer NK. If we pull out the US military, NK would have a big advantage over SK. Also there's no way to know if NK has a stock pile of Nukes hidden away. They don't need much in the way of launch vehicles to carry nukes to SK.
Other than dropping sanctions, what does the US have to offer NK. If we pull out the US military, NK would have a big advantage over SK. Also there's no way to know if NK has a stock pile of Nukes hidden away. They don't need much in the way of launch vehicles to carry nukes to SK.
But sanctions are a very big thing to a country that is desperately poor. Kim may be confident that he has control over the country, and rebellion is unlikely, but nobody dictator can ever be safe. Remember the French revolution ? Or the Muslim Brotherhood boys in Egypt ?

Military threats from the US can turn things around in NK (or anywhere), as rebel elements get increasingly uneasy.
That's why all the Trumpettes were drooling and grinning and making a YUGE deal out of the idea he was going to get it. LMAO
Says the person who assured us Hillary Clinton was going to win in 2016. :rolleyes:

Cute cat, though. I'm a cat lover.
Why is it Trumps fault that rocketman is having another tantrum? Or are y'all just pissed that he fooled you into thinking he was serious in giving up his nukes? Its that, ain't it? You got schmoozed and now you have to blame someone else.
Trump didn't ask for the prize. But now that its out the window...y'all are just thrilled. Morons.

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