North Korea threatens to launch "Christmas gift" to the U.S.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.
I wonder. Have we ever expressed the position to China that, if North Korea were to use a nuclear weapon against us or our allies, that it would be considered a nuclear attack by China itself and that it would require a nuclear response against China? I'm not sure it has. We should be asking the Chinese, do you really want to tie your fate to that of Kim Jung-un?

It should frighten the Chinese that Jung-un could use a nuke against us, South Korea, Japan, etc. and that, in response, we would have to nuke the entirety of China into a radioactive wasteland of cockroaches.
U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

Maybe it should be suggested to Kim Jong that he can use the missle as a vibrator and stick it up his rear end.
I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.

Trump was going to order a halt to any further NK missile launches but Democrats threatened to impeach him for it.
U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

Maybe it should be suggested to Kim Jong that he can use the missle as a vibrator and stick it up his rear end.

Sometimes the less said, the better. President Trump made his point. Why support an aggressor with foreign aid? That should get Kim Jong Unh's attention.
I don't exactly understand all this, but Kim Jong Uhn seems to want acknowledgment immediately or else.

Trump was going to order a halt to any further NK missile launches but Democrats threatened to impeach him for it.
I think Nancy is punch crazy. She doesn't have any factual evidence of any crime, because President Trump hasn't committed any crimes. I think the Democrats are going down in history as being the little boy who cried "Wolf!" too many times. Their faux impeachment is a disgrace.
U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

They never learn do that...... just never learn.
Walked out of the last meeting they had and is no longer at the kids' beck and call.

The trouble with that kind of rhetoric is that if he follows through and his weapons actually work, ten nukes delivered at or near the West Coast would likely target Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. It'd really be hard on homeless people.
U.S. intelligence officials say North Korea could launch a short-range missile test or rocket engine test at any time. They are also watching for a long-range test, which they say is possible, but not expected until after the start of the New Year. Gordon Chang, author of "Nuclear Showdown: North Korea takes on the world" joins CBSN to discuss the latest escalation.

Hard to believe Kim Jong-un or anybody would be this stupid.
This guy is like a toddler he needs trumps attention ,, trump is like a daddy to him. daddy is going to spank that ass
Toad boy Kim is probably going to launch a medium range missile. With any luck it will malfunction and crash land on his missile test facility. Or better yet on him, that would be a Christmas gift to North Korea and the world.
This guy is like a toddler he needs trumps attention ,, trump is like a daddy to him. daddy is going to spank that ass
When he feels he’s being ignored, just as his father did, they start raising cain, with little tantrums.
And don’t ever think he doesn’t have the ok from China, as he does, but there is a line they don’t cross.
Well guess we'll find out soon enough.........See what Rocket man does now.........

Walked out of the last meeting they had and is no longer at the kids' beck and call.

The trouble with that kind of rhetoric is that if he follows through and his weapons actually work, ten nukes delivered at or near the West Coast would likely target Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. It'd really be hard on homeless people.

I think we should make sure that China knows if that happens then Beijing is going to go bye-bye about 10 seconds after PyongYang does.
Let them. Once they do the US can end the existence of North Korea. Blow it right off the map.

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