North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
Better than 38 north? You're kidding right?

I suppose you could go ask Kim yourself or something..... Maybe talk to someone on the construction crews..... Gonna be tough though.

Ok...just wondering.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
Better than 38 north? You're kidding right?

I suppose you could go ask Kim yourself or something..... Maybe talk to someone on the construction crews..... Gonna be tough though.

Ok...just wondering.
Seriously, 38 north is considered the authority on North Korean activity.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
On the news last night, part of that report from 38 North was covered and there were a lot of caveats. That much of the work may well have been done before the summit, that it may have been routine planned maintenance. That, in effect, it may or may not be "stepping up" nuclear production.

We should take this with a large grain of salt. I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.
boy , the stuff that you guys worry about , the TRUMP and his advisers know whats going on . So , the 'norks' are building something . If the 'norks' want to work with TRUMP they will do so . If not , well USA hasn't lost anything and is ready with other options .
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
On the news last night, part of that report from 38 North was covered and there were a lot of caveats. That much of the work may well have been done before the summit, that it may have been routine planned maintenance. That, in effect, it may or may not be "stepping up" nuclear production.

We should take this with a large grain of salt. I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.

CNN confirmed it this morning.
I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.

Probably the entity that some like to call the "Deep state" or "the globalists" or "the military industrial complex"... And as usual, whoever they are, they're using the complicit mainstream media to publicize their propaganda just like they did with Iraq's WMD's and Syria's chemical weapons.

It's ok to dislike Trump but why anyone would root for North Korea to resume their nuclear activities just to make the president look bad is completely beyond me..
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
On the news last night, part of that report from 38 North was covered and there were a lot of caveats. That much of the work may well have been done before the summit, that it may have been routine planned maintenance. That, in effect, it may or may not be "stepping up" nuclear production.

We should take this with a large grain of salt. I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.

CNN confirmed it this morning.
Confirmed what? I'm not saying the report is inaccurate. I am saying the news coverage of the report seems to be sneakily taking the view that North Korea is ramping up its nuclear facilities when the report itself says this may not be the case.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
On the news last night, part of that report from 38 North was covered and there were a lot of caveats. That much of the work may well have been done before the summit, that it may have been routine planned maintenance. That, in effect, it may or may not be "stepping up" nuclear production.

We should take this with a large grain of salt. I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.

CNN confirmed it this morning.
Confirmed what? I'm not saying the report is inaccurate. I am saying the news coverage of the report seems to be sneakily taking the view that North Korea is ramping up its nuclear facilities when the report itself says this may not be the case.

They confirmed the NK’s are doing “infrastructure improvements” to the nuke plant.
Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Any better sourcing than this?
On the news last night, part of that report from 38 North was covered and there were a lot of caveats. That much of the work may well have been done before the summit, that it may have been routine planned maintenance. That, in effect, it may or may not be "stepping up" nuclear production.

We should take this with a large grain of salt. I wondered, when I saw it, who is trying to agitate our hostilities again, for this is propaganda.

CNN confirmed it this morning.
Confirmed what? I'm not saying the report is inaccurate. I am saying the news coverage of the report seems to be sneakily taking the view that North Korea is ramping up its nuclear facilities when the report itself says this may not be the case.

They confirmed the NK’s are doing “infrastructure improvements” to the nuke plant.
Yes, I heard that last night. I did not get the overall impression that they are necessarily doing anything wrong or that they did it after the summit, though.
Appears to be a butt load of speculation.

Nice try.

It's based on an analysis of satellite imagery by an organization which exists solely for the purpose of observing North Korea.

You know...instead of a delusional tweet by an egomaniac.
The "oral" agreement between Kim Jong Un and Trump was a scam. Kim took Trump for a fool.
"North Korea is upgrading its only known nuclear research facility, satellite imagery has shown, despite ongoing negotiations with multiple world leaders and a pledge to abandon its weapons program.

The satellite photos, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, indicate that the isolated regime is making numerous improvements to its Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center “at a rapid pace.”

North Korea making 'rapid' improvements to nuclear reactor despite Trump-Kim agreement
from your article

To be sure, 38 North noted that continued work at the Yongbyon facility should not be seen as having any significant impact to North Korea’s pledge to denuclearize. Instead, the report says the country can be expected to proceed with “business as usual” until specific orders are issued from Pyongyang.
So it's a nothingburger. But the good thing is Trump now has leverage...he can call and he can tell China, not gonna happen. Kim wants to engage the outside world, but if he tries something, it will all go away.......and we can restart the wargames within seconds.
Appears to be a butt load of speculation.

Nice try.

It's based on an analysis of satellite imagery by an organization which exists solely for the purpose of observing North Korea.

You know...instead of a delusional tweet by an egomaniac.

You do know a satellite can't see inside a building, right? They could just as easily be dismantling things. Satellite views only show activity, so assuming the worse for political points is just childish.

its all speculation [really mostly B.S.] and designed to try to make TRUMP look bad , As far as i know , there are NO agreements and the 'norks' can build or do anything they like in 'n. korea' .
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Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

When did Trump sign a treaty stating that N.K. was going to disarm?

Last I knew, they had a sit-down and discussed some issues that need to be addressed going forward. Nothing more.

You have a copy of the document that says N. Korea is going to dismantle their program? Because I don't recall any of that being in the news.
IF that's the case, and there is some doubt about the nature of these "improvements," then let's see if Trump reacts in the same spineless way Obama reacted when it became clear early on that the Iranians were cheating on the nuke deal, hey?
Appears to be a butt load of speculation.

Nice try.

It's based on an analysis of satellite imagery by an organization which exists solely for the purpose of observing North Korea.

You know...instead of a delusional tweet by an egomaniac.

You do know a satellite can't see inside a building, right? They could just as easily be dismantling things. Satellite views only show activity, so assuming the worse for political points is just childish.

Thank God you are not a satellite image analyst.

"I'm sure the Cubans are dismantling those nuclear launchers, sir..."

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