North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Continued work at the Yongbyon facility should not be seen as having any relationship to North Korea’s pledge to denuclearize.


and i've a bridge for sale in brooklyn Tex


Tell that to the authority cited in the OP, I didn't write it, they did. If you hadn't taken my quote out of context and followed the link provided you'd know that.


One does not need a 'link' to recognize stark incomptience Tex


The only one demonstrating stark incompetence (correct spelling BTW) is you.

Appears to be a butt load of speculation.

Nice try.

It's based on an analysis of satellite imagery by an organization which exists solely for the purpose of observing North Korea.

You know...instead of a delusional tweet by an egomaniac.

You do know a satellite can't see inside a building, right? They could just as easily be dismantling things. Satellite views only show activity, so assuming the worse for political points is just childish.


Keep drinkin' the Dr. Donald.
Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
What exactly would you repurpose a radioactive site for?

Here are three ideas already proposed. Do you know how to google search?

France wants Tesla to build a factory at an old nuclear plant

Abandoned German Nuclear Plant Transformed Into Wunderland Kalkar Amusement Park!

Elma, WA - Satsop Abandoned Nuclear Plant

The Satsop Nuclear Power Plant was 75% complete in 1983 before the money ran out and work was abandoned. To avoid steep dismantling costs, the site was eventually handed over to a public corporation and became the Satsop Development Park, home to various light industry businesses who work in the shadows of the two cooling towers. You can enter the property freely but you can't go under the towers (they're fenced off, although supposedly they are planning to open them to the public someday). Still, you can peek inside them since their bases are not solid (the hollow structures are held aloft by a zigzag of beams.) The tower at the site entrance was completely empty inside save for a lone port-a-potty.
Dude, those are closed nuclear power plants. Not bomb test sites.

Seriously man.

Dude, YOUR link says it is a nuclear research facility, NOT a bomb testing site.....seriously man, read your own links.
Lol, what do you think they were doing at that nuclear research facility?
----------------------------------- first it was speculation and B.S. , now you are going to take it to the next level as you start ASSUMING EH Crep ??
Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
What exactly would you repurpose a radioactive site for?

Here are three ideas already proposed. Do you know how to google search?

France wants Tesla to build a factory at an old nuclear plant

Abandoned German Nuclear Plant Transformed Into Wunderland Kalkar Amusement Park!

Elma, WA - Satsop Abandoned Nuclear Plant

The Satsop Nuclear Power Plant was 75% complete in 1983 before the money ran out and work was abandoned. To avoid steep dismantling costs, the site was eventually handed over to a public corporation and became the Satsop Development Park, home to various light industry businesses who work in the shadows of the two cooling towers. You can enter the property freely but you can't go under the towers (they're fenced off, although supposedly they are planning to open them to the public someday). Still, you can peek inside them since their bases are not solid (the hollow structures are held aloft by a zigzag of beams.) The tower at the site entrance was completely empty inside save for a lone port-a-potty.
Dude, those are closed nuclear power plants. Not bomb test sites.

Seriously man.

Dude, YOUR link says it is a nuclear research facility, NOT a bomb testing site.....seriously man, read your own links.
Lol, what do you think they were doing at that nuclear research facility?
------------------------------- 'norks' were doing what ever they like , after all the nuke research facility is on 'rocketmans' property of 'north korea' Crep .
Nice try.

It's based on an analysis of satellite imagery by an organization which exists solely for the purpose of observing North Korea.

You know...instead of a delusional tweet by an egomaniac.

You do know a satellite can't see inside a building, right? They could just as easily be dismantling things. Satellite views only show activity, so assuming the worse for political points is just childish.

Thank God you are not a satellite image analyst.

"I'm sure the Cubans are dismantling those nuclear launchers, sir..."

Great, more childishness. You're not a satellite image analyst either, but I see you play one on an anonymous message board.

Thank you for once again demonstrating your willful blindness.

Having intimate knowledge of construction, I know that work hasn't been started and completed since the summit. Pretending is has is, well, childish. If you note in the article and included links they use vague term like, newly completed, newly installed and probable. But the real news is this:

Continued work at the Yongbyon facility should not be seen as having any relationship to North Korea’s pledge to denuclearize.

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

So feel free to shove your GD propaganda.


WtF? I don't think you comprehend what you just quoted from that web page.
And you don't have "intimate knowledge" of anything going on in NK.
Please, your desperation to defend YOUR "Dear Leader" is stifling.
You do know a satellite can't see inside a building, right? They could just as easily be dismantling things. Satellite views only show activity, so assuming the worse for political points is just childish.

Thank God you are not a satellite image analyst.

"I'm sure the Cubans are dismantling those nuclear launchers, sir..."

Great, more childishness. You're not a satellite image analyst either, but I see you play one on an anonymous message board.

Thank you for once again demonstrating your willful blindness.

Having intimate knowledge of construction, I know that work hasn't been started and completed since the summit. Pretending is has is, well, childish. If you note in the article and included links they use vague term like, newly completed, newly installed and probable. But the real news is this:

Continued work at the Yongbyon facility should not be seen as having any relationship to North Korea’s pledge to denuclearize.

Infrastructure Improvements at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Research Facility | 38 North: Informed Analysis of North Korea

So feel free to shove your GD propaganda.


WtF? I don't think you comprehend what you just quoted from that web page.
And you don't have "intimate knowledge" of anything going on in NK.
Please, your desperation to defend YOUR "Dear Leader" is stifling.

Oh boy, another queen of out of context quotes. Get back to me when you can quote me accurately. Otherwise fuck off.

Satellite images show North Korea upgrading nuclear research facility

Satellite images from last week show that North Korea is making numerous improvements to the infrastructure at a nuclear research facility, according to a new study.

The images, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, come just weeks after President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed an agreement that called for a denuclearized Korean peninsula.

The satellite photos indicate that North Korea is quickly progressing on several adjustments to the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center.

So much for tRump's nuclear summit huh?

I think an hearty "I told you so" is in order here.

Your butt hurts that bad today, huh? Sucks to be you.
Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
What exactly would you repurpose a radioactive site for?

Here are three ideas already proposed. Do you know how to google search?

France wants Tesla to build a factory at an old nuclear plant

Abandoned German Nuclear Plant Transformed Into Wunderland Kalkar Amusement Park!

Elma, WA - Satsop Abandoned Nuclear Plant

The Satsop Nuclear Power Plant was 75% complete in 1983 before the money ran out and work was abandoned. To avoid steep dismantling costs, the site was eventually handed over to a public corporation and became the Satsop Development Park, home to various light industry businesses who work in the shadows of the two cooling towers. You can enter the property freely but you can't go under the towers (they're fenced off, although supposedly they are planning to open them to the public someday). Still, you can peek inside them since their bases are not solid (the hollow structures are held aloft by a zigzag of beams.) The tower at the site entrance was completely empty inside save for a lone port-a-potty.
Dude, those are closed nuclear power plants. Not bomb test sites.

Seriously man.

Dude, YOUR link says it is a nuclear research facility, NOT a bomb testing site.....seriously man, read your own links.
Lol, what do you think they were doing at that nuclear research facility?

Researching nuclear stufff. You got a link showing they were building bombs.......nope. Didn’t think so.
The "oral" agreement between Kim Jong Un and Trump was a scam. Kim took Trump for a fool.
"North Korea is upgrading its only known nuclear research facility, satellite imagery has shown, despite ongoing negotiations with multiple world leaders and a pledge to abandon its weapons program.

The satellite photos, obtained by North Korea analysis outlet 38 North, indicate that the isolated regime is making numerous improvements to its Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center “at a rapid pace.”

North Korea making 'rapid' improvements to nuclear reactor despite Trump-Kim agreement

So now we're using blog sites for INTEL ANALYSIS? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Website "38 North" states on their "About" page............

While it strives to break new ground, the site’s main objective is to bring the best possible analysis to both seasoned North Korea watchers and general audiences alike. Too often analysis of the North is permeated by inexperience, littered with inaccurate information or grounded in poorly deduced reasoning. We believe no one really knows for sure what is going on in North Korea, but we can at least try to understand the possibilities. Similarly, anyone who professes certainty should be viewed with the greatest skepticism.

To accomplish these objectives, 38 North harnesses the experience of long-time observers of North Korea and others who have dealt directly with North Koreans. It draws on other experts outside the field who might bring fresh, well-informed insights to those of us who follow North Korea.

So who did the time lapse comparisons?? Where are the SOURCES of these satellite images and dates? And when did 38 North start violating their own creed that "anyone who professes certainty should be viewed with skepticism".

Crap news. Maybe even fake news. I'll let the 30,000 trained satellite/intel people handle it..
The spastic Antiffies ought to get their narratives straight. First, President Trump is vicious and vindictive; now he's a pushover who lets a kimchi cabbage walk all over him.

I'm not a spastic anything

I live in the real world

they are mutherf*ckers , one never gives a mutherf*cker a break, deal , or anything other that the bottom of one's boot

An Ape Grunts, Pounds His Chest, and Howls at the Moon

Boy, that must really make you feel tough. When the spastic talk tough, we know they are retarded.
Since you, like most Libs, have simplistic minds that are easily led (astray) , let me offer another explanation. Shortly after the summit with NK, satellite images show a former nuclear research center being repurposed. Now I’m not saying that is what is going on, and given the history of those sneaky little bastards, it is fair to assume they won’t honor an agreement, but nor would I be pounding my chest and shouting I told you so based on such little inconclusive evidence.
What exactly would you repurpose a radioactive site for?

Here are three ideas already proposed. Do you know how to google search?

France wants Tesla to build a factory at an old nuclear plant

Abandoned German Nuclear Plant Transformed Into Wunderland Kalkar Amusement Park!

Elma, WA - Satsop Abandoned Nuclear Plant

The Satsop Nuclear Power Plant was 75% complete in 1983 before the money ran out and work was abandoned. To avoid steep dismantling costs, the site was eventually handed over to a public corporation and became the Satsop Development Park, home to various light industry businesses who work in the shadows of the two cooling towers. You can enter the property freely but you can't go under the towers (they're fenced off, although supposedly they are planning to open them to the public someday). Still, you can peek inside them since their bases are not solid (the hollow structures are held aloft by a zigzag of beams.) The tower at the site entrance was completely empty inside save for a lone port-a-potty.
Dude, those are closed nuclear power plants. Not bomb test sites.

Seriously man.

Dude, YOUR link says it is a nuclear research facility, NOT a bomb testing site.....seriously man, read your own links.
Lol, what do you think they were doing at that nuclear research facility?

Now We'll See What a Real Chinese Fire Drill Is Like Under Trump's orders they were re-aiming it towards Beijing.
Deanie boy loves to quote anonymous sources who reportedly said something. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
Guess we'll see, won't we.

U.S. intelligence agencies have stepped up their collection against North Korea in recent years, and it appears to be paying off with greater insights into a country that has long been the world's hardest spying target, officials say. NBC News agreed to withhold some details of the latest intelligence assessment that officials said could put sources at risk.
NBC News agreed to withhold some details of the latest intelligence assessment that officials said could put sources at risk.
Yep, those anonymous 'sources' always seem to know everything. ... :rolleyes:

I guess the proof will be what is known a month from now. Do you think the reports will say N Korea didn't expand their nuclear facilities at that point?
Until NK allows for international observers to verify their nuclear status - there is no way of knowing what is true or not. NK does however have a well earned reputation for lying.

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