North Korea War Fever

North Korea has already detonated several successful nukes - they have demonstrated that they have the materials and technology. They have demonstrated thatthey have the means to deliver a bomb to anyplace in the world by launching and orbiting a satellite. All they need to do is to put the bomb on the rocket and launch it. With the "boy who would be king" controlled by the military it is anyone's guess what will happen. He has to go along with the military in order to stay in the palace so if the military wants to do more than rant and rave about its enemy, the USA, then he will go along with it no matter what the cost to his people. I am sure that he and the military leaders have a good bomb shelter to retire to in the event of war.

I am sorry but pretty much everything you said is false. While true they have successfully tested nuclear bombs, they still do not posses the technology to shrink the bomb down so it can fit on top of a missile. Also, these missile tests have always gone wrong, and they failed to put satellites in to orbit. He does not have missiles that could reach the U.S. mainland. He can hit our bases in the Pacific region. And I do not think that they have this all-powerful military that everyone claims they have. A lot of their military photos are doctored, and the planes are out of date, as well as a lot of their military equipment. There would not be much competition between NK and the U.S., especially if South Korea gets involved (which they will). South Korea as a strong military themselves, and could probably defeat NK on their own.
"I recognize that this would be tantamount to political hara-kiri considering the crisis, but we may want to start thinking about letting North Korea into the ‘nuclear club. Just some sort of nominal membership: a couple bombs and regular invitations to club functions.

"They’re about to have a functioning bomb anyhow, so why not make the most of it?

"The down side to this of course is that Iran would want in the club, and then Saudi Arabia, and – I don’t – Venezuela.

"It’s something that would have to be worked out with the North Koreans.

"I know this isn’t a pretty position to be in. But it’s better than a full-on war with a delusional and paranoid young man with a chip on his shoulder.

Robert B. Baer, a former Middle East CIA field officer, is’s intelligence columnist and the author of See No Evil and The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower."

Viewpoint: North Korea?s Gaddafi Nightmare |

Perhaps if they haven't been making the threats that they have recently, we could negotiate something with them. However, when a state such as NK threatens U.S. and our allies and bases overseas, we cannot allow them to acquire such weapons. We need not ponder whether he will use these detrimental weapons, as he has clearly stated he will. Why in the world would we allow him to get to that point?
North Korea has been working on a nuclear weapon for 10 years and perfected one 4 years ago so it's not a matter of allowing them to build them. They have them. There is always room for negotiations which is what this is all about. Kim Jong-un needs to prove himself a leader as did his father and his grandfather with threats of military action. If he can bring the US to the bargaining table and get us to drop sanctions with vague promises, he will claim a victory and secure himself as supreme leader.

The US needs to defuse the situation and play for time. Every day that passes China becomes less supportive of North Korea and sanctions are making things more difficult for Pyongyang. Without strong support from China, any military campaign would be short lived.

Just today, China's leaders issued thinly veiled rebukes to North Korea for raising regional tensions. We just need keep ourselves out of a war that could cost us tens of thousands of US lives and hundreds billion of dollars.
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Every day China says nothing and the stupid democrats are able to configure that into China supports North Korea less and less every day. What dunces we are, certainly, we deserve exactly what's going to happen.
Every generation of North Koreans has been indoctrinated with this account of the conflict, and it's possible they are so badly brainwashed they actually believe their military could win against the US today.
Some accounts I've read lately written by scholars and others who've studied Korea for the last half-century believe tensions haven't been this high on the peninsula since 1953.

I read that elderly South Koreans are being asked, and they say this is the worst war fever since the war ended in '53.

I didn't need to ask them; many of us here are old enough to remember pretty far back, and there's never been anything like this. This is different.

If North Koreans keep fresh the memory of our B-52 bombers pulverizing their country, you'd think they wouldn't want to get that again; we are even better at it now. But who knows what they think --- people are so easily propagandized to the opposite of reality.

Reminds me of the great Austrian Empire threatening to smash Serbia under its heel when Serbian terrorists killed the Archduke. All Austrians thought it would be easy, not realizing how much in decline Austria already was. Little Serbia beat them twice: TWICE. In the end Germany had to defeat Serbia; Austria couldn't do anything. "We are shackled to a corpse," German officers muttered about Austria. So people are told all kinds of nonsense and marched off to war not having any real idea what will actually happen.
North Korea keeps up the escalations; they are starting to reach a little now, however, since they fear doing provocations like they usually do, shooting a ship out of the water or a plane out of the sky. South Korea SAYS it's ready to fight if they start that up again.

So now they are sending NKs home from the industrial project.......some of them. I notice they haven't actually closed it: that would be a further escalation. They might get two more escalations out of that place, first expelling all the SK managers, and then next sending all the NKs home and chaining the gate.

What I really think is that they are turning their missile tests into something to be relieved about instead of everyone doing sanctions and military exercises when they do. North Korea says it will test another missile Wednesday the 10th, and if that's all they do, the world will be pleased!! This is how they are normalizing their weapons manufacture and testing, IMO. We'll all be so grateful they aren't actually firing them at Okinawa or Guam, we'll shut up about their missiles and stop doing sanctions, is I think the strategy. Then they can sell, sell, sell nuke technology and advanced missiles to one and all, whoever has oil money enough to buy them.

Hey, it's a business plan......
Every generation of North Koreans has been indoctrinated with this account of the conflict, and it's possible they are so badly brainwashed they actually believe their military could win against the US today.
Some accounts I've read lately written by scholars and others who've studied Korea for the last half-century believe tensions haven't been this high on the peninsula since 1953.

I read that elderly South Koreans are being asked, and they say this is the worst war fever since the war ended in '53.

I didn't need to ask them; many of us here are old enough to remember pretty far back, and there's never been anything like this. This is different.

If North Koreans keep fresh the memory of our B-52 bombers pulverizing their country, you'd think they wouldn't want to get that again; we are even better at it now. But who knows what they think --- people are so easily propagandized to the opposite of reality.

Reminds me of the great Austrian Empire threatening to smash Serbia under its heel when Serbian terrorists killed the Archduke. All Austrians thought it would be easy, not realizing how much in decline Austria already was. Little Serbia beat them twice: TWICE. In the end Germany had to defeat Serbia; Austria couldn't do anything. "We are shackled to a corpse," German officers muttered about Austria. So people are told all kinds of nonsense and marched off to war not having any real idea what will actually happen.
Sadly, Americans today are no strangers to nonsense and ignorance, especially with most things Korean:

"In August 1945 defeated Japanese forces formally turned over authority in Korea to the broad-based Committee for the Preparation of Korean Independence, led by Lyuh Woon-hyung, which in September proclaimed the Korean People’s Republic (KPR). When U.S. forces under Gen. Reed Hodge arrived in Inchon to accept the Japanese surrender, they

a. ordered all Japanese officials to remain in their posts, refused to recognize Lyuh as national leader, and soon banned all public reference to the KPR

b. recognized Lyuh as the legitimate head of state

c. negotiated with Lyuh to facilitate swift attainment of independence of a united Korea"

A Pop Quiz on Korea » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Can you guess the correct answer?
Every day China says nothing and the stupid democrats are able to configure that into China supports North Korea less and less every day. What dunces we are, certainly, we deserve exactly what's going to happen.

Try reading the developing news on NK, and you will see that China IS actually speaking out against NK. They do not want Pyongyang to start an international conflict on their doorstep. And that is exactly what is happening. Beijing even helped the U.S. draft the latest round of international sanctions against NK after their latest nuclear test in Feb. So please, read what's going on before you make ignorant statements. Thanks
Why would china get into a major world war right now, while they could wait another 20 years in beat our asses?

First off, China not getting involved in international conflicts is hi-larious, especially when the conflict is literally on their front door-step. It would be the worst mistake China could make right now, NOT to get involved. And your comment about them being able to "beat our asses in 20 years" is hugely insulting. People like you should be dragged out in the street and flogged before the entire country. For you idiots who thinks ANY country could match our military OBVIOUSLY has NO clue of our military capacity, and should really shut the hell up. Our military could stop funding for 10 years, and add nothing to our arsenal, and we would STILL be the number 1 military in the world. Our military technology is so far ahead of all other countries, to say that China could beat us (even in 20 years) is just an asinine statement. Why don't you find the closest highway and go play in traffic :tongue:
Why would china get into a major world war right now, while they could wait another 20 years in beat our asses?

First off, China not getting involved in international conflicts is hi-larious, especially when the conflict is literally on their front door-step. It would be the worst mistake China could make right now, NOT to get involved. And your comment about them being able to "beat our asses in 20 years" is hugely insulting. People like you should be dragged out in the street and flogged before the entire country. For you idiots who thinks ANY country could match our military OBVIOUSLY has NO clue of our military capacity, and should really shut the hell up. Our military could stop funding for 10 years, and add nothing to our arsenal, and we would STILL be the number 1 military in the world. Our military technology is so far ahead of all other countries, to say that China could beat us (even in 20 years) is just an asinine statement. Why don't you find the closest highway and go play in traffic

The so-called "Clean Debate Zone" has gone down the tubes, hasn't it? What a shame; I really liked the concept.

I guess the moderators got tired of dealing with it. :(
Every day China says nothing and the stupid democrats are able to configure that into China supports North Korea less and less every day. What dunces we are, certainly, we deserve exactly what's going to happen.

Try reading the developing news on NK, and you will see that China IS actually speaking out against NK. They do not want Pyongyang to start an international conflict on their doorstep. And that is exactly what is happening. Beijing even helped the U.S. draft the latest round of international sanctions against NK after their latest nuclear test in Feb. So please, read what's going on before you make ignorant statements. Thanks
China is a wonderful example of what happens when an isolated nation joins into world trade and free markets. War, natural disasters, and economic upheaval in neighboring countries or anywhere on earth cause problems at home because of economic ties. In short, they have a vested interest in peace and stability throughout the world.

In 1950, the Korean war was a means of spreading communism and bringing new nations into the communist trade pack. Today a Korean war means the lost of a major Chinese trading partner, South Korea as well as economic disruptions throughout Southeast Asia and possibly beyond.

Who would have guessed that a visit to China by the US Table Tennis team in 1971 would be the beginning of a long chain of events that would eventually lead to Chinese economic reforms.
Every day China says nothing and the stupid democrats are able to configure that into China supports North Korea less and less every day. What dunces we are, certainly, we deserve exactly what's going to happen.

Try reading the developing news on NK, and you will see that China IS actually speaking out against NK. They do not want Pyongyang to start an international conflict on their doorstep. And that is exactly what is happening. Beijing even helped the U.S. draft the latest round of international sanctions against NK after their latest nuclear test in Feb. So please, read what's going on before you make ignorant statements. Thanks
China is a wonderful example of what happens when an isolated nation joins into world trade and free markets. War, natural disasters, and economic upheaval in neighboring countries or anywhere on earth cause problems at home because of economic ties. In short, they have a vested interest in peace and stability throughout the world.

In 1950, the Korean war was a means of spreading communism and bringing new nations into the communist trade pack. Today a Korean war means the lost of a major Chinese trading partner, South Korea as well as economic disruptions throughout Southeast Asia and possibly beyond.

Who would have guessed that a visit to China by the US Table Tennis team in 1971 would be the beginning of a long chain of events that would eventually lead to Chinese economic reforms.

I concur. I would have never guessed China would rise as a global economic leader, especially as quickly as they did. China now has such a vested interest economically with the U.S., and frankly the entire world, to just sit back and "allow" a stable region to become a war zone. I actually think we can seek to benefit from this, and play China like a deck of cards. Well, if we actually had any intelligent people left in our government maybe we could pull it off.
Try reading the developing news on NK, and you will see that China IS actually speaking out against NK. They do not want Pyongyang to start an international conflict on their doorstep. And that is exactly what is happening. Beijing even helped the U.S. draft the latest round of international sanctions against NK after their latest nuclear test in Feb. So please, read what's going on before you make ignorant statements. Thanks
China is a wonderful example of what happens when an isolated nation joins into world trade and free markets. War, natural disasters, and economic upheaval in neighboring countries or anywhere on earth cause problems at home because of economic ties. In short, they have a vested interest in peace and stability throughout the world.

In 1950, the Korean war was a means of spreading communism and bringing new nations into the communist trade pack. Today a Korean war means the lost of a major Chinese trading partner, South Korea as well as economic disruptions throughout Southeast Asia and possibly beyond.

Who would have guessed that a visit to China by the US Table Tennis team in 1971 would be the beginning of a long chain of events that would eventually lead to Chinese economic reforms.

I concur. I would have never guessed China would rise as a global economic leader, especially as quickly as they did. China now has such a vested interest economically with the U.S., and frankly the entire world, to just sit back and "allow" a stable region to become a war zone. I actually think we can seek to benefit from this, and play China like a deck of cards. Well, if we actually had any intelligent people left in our government maybe we could pull it off.
IMHO, the nations that have the most to lose, South Korea, China, and Japan should take the lead in solving the problem. However, if war breaks out, the US should supply the South Koreans, and use it's air power, intelligence and technology to support them. The South Korean military can win the war in a matter of weeks with US support providing China stays out of it. The South Korean military is better equipped, better trained and has twice the military budget of North Korea.
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China is a wonderful example of what happens when an isolated nation joins into world trade and free markets. War, natural disasters, and economic upheaval in neighboring countries or anywhere on earth cause problems at home because of economic ties. In short, they have a vested interest in peace and stability throughout the world.

In 1950, the Korean war was a means of spreading communism and bringing new nations into the communist trade pack. Today a Korean war means the lost of a major Chinese trading partner, South Korea as well as economic disruptions throughout Southeast Asia and possibly beyond.

Who would have guessed that a visit to China by the US Table Tennis team in 1971 would be the beginning of a long chain of events that would eventually lead to Chinese economic reforms.

I concur. I would have never guessed China would rise as a global economic leader, especially as quickly as they did. China now has such a vested interest economically with the U.S., and frankly the entire world, to just sit back and "allow" a stable region to become a war zone. I actually think we can seek to benefit from this, and play China like a deck of cards. Well, if we actually had any intelligent people left in our government maybe we could pull it off.
IMHO, the nations that have the most to lose, South Korea, China, and Japan should take the lead in solving the problem. However, if war breaks out, the US should supply the South Koreans, and use it's air power, intelligence and technology to support them. The South Korean military can win the war in a matter of weeks with US support providing China stays out of it. The South Korean military is better equipped, better trained and has twice the military budget of North Korea.

That would be such an ideal situation, however, all of the countries you happened to mention are all looking to the US to take the reins. I guess that is of our own doing, being the last remaining superpower in the world. Perhaps the US government could boost talks between neighboring Asian countries, and get them to take a more active role.
I concur. I would have never guessed China would rise as a global economic leader, especially as quickly as they did. China now has such a vested interest economically with the U.S., and frankly the entire world, to just sit back and "allow" a stable region to become a war zone. I actually think we can seek to benefit from this, and play China like a deck of cards. Well, if we actually had any intelligent people left in our government maybe we could pull it off.
IMHO, the nations that have the most to lose, South Korea, China, and Japan should take the lead in solving the problem. However, if war breaks out, the US should supply the South Koreans, and use it's air power, intelligence and technology to support them. The South Korean military can win the war in a matter of weeks with US support providing China stays out of it. The South Korean military is better equipped, better trained and has twice the military budget of North Korea.

That would be such an ideal situation, however, all of the countries you happened to mention are all looking to the US to take the reins. I guess that is of our own doing, being the last remaining superpower in the world. Perhaps the US government could boost talks between neighboring Asian countries, and get them to take a more active role.
Yep, that's the problem with being number 1. The whole world looks to you for solutions. I do think the US get's into a lot of dispute resolution in order to protect our interest, real or imagined.
C'mon Barry Soetoro.... Let's finish Bush's forth term right. You warmongering Democrat prick. When one considers wars since and including WW2, Democrats are the ones who caused far more casualties than Bush ever did.
Yep, that's the problem with being number 1. The whole world looks to you for solutions. I do think the US get's into a lot of dispute resolution in order to protect our interest, real or imagined.

It's the Pax Americana issue rather than being No. 1, I think.

We got sick of being dragged into World Wars other people started and after WWII set up a lot of forward-power-projection bases and a Pax Americana based on the old Pax Romana. That means we get to start wars, but other people don't.

It has worked surprisingly well in 68 years. That's a long time for there not to be a world war, at least not in important places to developed countries' issues. It was our (continuing)presence in Germany that allowed the European Union. Our stabilizing presence in Asia allowed the economic rise of Japan and South Korea.

It cannot last forever, of course! I wonder how long Pax Americana will continue, with us being responsible for the peace in faraway places like the Korean Penninsula.
Every day China says nothing and the stupid democrats are able to configure that into China supports North Korea less and less every day. What dunces we are, certainly, we deserve exactly what's going to happen.

Try reading the developing news on NK, and you will see that China IS actually speaking out against NK. They do not want Pyongyang to start an international conflict on their doorstep. And that is exactly what is happening. Beijing even helped the U.S. draft the latest round of international sanctions against NK after their latest nuclear test in Feb. So please, read what's going on before you make ignorant statements. Thanks

Oh please. What did China say? The US has read into some vague statement that China publicly made.

China rebukes North Korea, says no state should sow chaos | Reuters

China's leaders issued thinly veiled rebukes to North Korea for raising regional tensions, with the president saying no country should throw the world into chaos and the foreign minister warning that Beijing would not allow mischief on its doorstep.

That's what China said, and we preferred to believe China was speaking about North Korea instead of the United States. The meaning of "no country" eludes our stupid leaders, and "not allow mischief on our doorstep" confuses the state department.
The meaning of "no country" eludes our stupid leaders, and "not allow mischief on our doorstep" confuses the state department.

Probably not so, Katzndogz: we have been announcing daily that we have cancelled[ (well, put off) a test of some missile in Virginia or wherever that we have planned for a long time, we say -- obviously this is a quid pro quo meant to appease China that WE are being good boys and it isn't any of it our fault, so they should get after North Korea.

This magic missile thing is obviously part of the diplomatic game going on now. Not a bad effort, really. We lost some face there.

I wish I knew what South Korea will do if NK does its usual murderous provocation. I assume we'll talk them out of any reply. Again.

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