North Korean nuclear attack would end Kim's regime, US warns


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Not that long ago it would have been un-thinkable to allow a rogue state like. N. Korea to obtain a nuclear weapon....yet it they not only have nuclear weapons they have the means to send them against the continental United States.

How was this allowed to happen? Several factors were at play which allowed the N.Koreans to obtain nuclear status.

The number one reason being the U.S. feared to attack and eliminate the N.Korean nuclear program would run the risk of War with China.

This was extremely flawed thinking....the Chinese leadership is rational....when the N.Koreans first began their quest for Nuclear Weapons China was in no position to declare a all out War on they may have initiated some sort of conventional and limited milirtary action....nothing that would have seriously threatend America because they knew back then they could not afford a big war with America because our military power was overwhelming compared to what China had at that time.....there are other factors....but the flawed thinking of our leadership at that time is the primary reason that a small rogue nation like N. Korea now has the ability to hit us with nuclear weapons....essentially allowing them now to engage in Nuclear Blackmail.

We've known since 1962 (Starfish Prime) that detonating a nuke in orbit can destroy electrical infrastructure on the surface and in space. Sixty years later and I don't think there is a single state government that has spent any money to harden our electrical grid against the catastrophe such a detonation would cause. Even after a government think tank estimated America could suffer up to 90% fatalities in the aftermath of an EMP attack, DC STILL hasn't done anything.
It's almost like they think it might be a good idea.
If corporate greed in America didn't arm China, directly and indirectly, N Korea doesn't have a nuke program,.nor does.Iran, Israel isn't attacked by Hamas, on and on. This is all selr inflicted and China will NOT be so accomodating to the world as the West has been.
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If corporate greed in America didn't arm China, directly and indirectly, N Korea doesn't have a nuke program,.nor does.Iran, Israel isn't attacked by Hamas, on and on. This is all selr inflicted and China will NOT be so accomodating to the world as the West has been.
Can you be more specific? For example, how did corporate greed arm China? Are you referring to Bill Clinton selling missile targeting technology to China in return for campaign contributions?
Can you be more specific? For example, how did corporate greed arm China? Are you referring to Bill Clinton selling missile targeting technology to China in return for campaign contributions?
Im referring to 30 years of rhe West drooling over this massive market in a Communist country if only we would .let them take our technology through "partnering" and sent them our industries. Yea, they wll then be a civilized free nation then and will buy our products (instead they copy them with cheap knock offs). Except, we forget to realize.that Communism isn't about free elections, they are.ALWAYS in power and they intend to.keep it that way.
We've known since 1962 (Starfish Prime) that detonating a nuke in orbit can destroy electrical infrastructure on the surface and in space. Sixty years later and I don't think there is a single state government that has spent any money to harden our electrical grid against the catastrophe such a detonation would cause. Even after a government think tank estimated America could suffer up to 90% fatalities in the aftermath of an EMP attack, DC STILL hasn't done anything.
It's almost like they think it might be a good idea.
The elites of DC have their own little bunker that they all can head to and wait out the carnage that will happen. Then when it does down, they will emerge victorious knowing that 6.5 billion people have been removed from the Earth...

NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet's 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion.
I know that this place isnt going to be used, because everyone knows where it is at, but the new one is off the radar and you can expect it to be used soon.
Im referring to 30 years of rhe West drooling over this massive market in a Communist country if only we would .let them take our technology through "partnering" and sent them our industries. Yea, they wll then be a civilized free nation then and will buy our products (instead they copy them with cheap knock offs). Except, we forget to realize.that Communism isn't about free elections, they are.ALWAYS in power and they intend to.keep it that way.
and yet, canada watched silently, as they profited as well, greed, which the canadian government is guilty of
We've known since 1962 (Starfish Prime) that detonating a nuke in orbit can destroy electrical infrastructure on the surface and in space. Sixty years later and I don't think there is a single state government that has spent any money to harden our electrical grid against the catastrophe such a detonation would cause. Even after a government think tank estimated America could suffer up to 90% fatalities in the aftermath of an EMP attack, DC STILL hasn't done anything.
It's almost like they think it might be a good idea.
Yup. Peter Vincent Prye screamed it from the hilltops when he lep the EMP commission, and the government has done nothing to defend the public from this threat. I think Uncle Sugar is keeping the EMP threat on the table for their own personal use as the ultimate kill switch. Should their little sheep get in the way, or out of line.
Maybe the Potato will tell him "Dont". That should solve the problem. But it only works if the Potato squints his beady little eyes and says it in an ominously low voice!!!!!
Im referring to 30 years of rhe West drooling over this massive market in a Communist country if only we would .let them take our technology through "partnering" and sent them our industries. Yea, they wll then be a civilized free nation then and will buy our products (instead they copy them with cheap knock offs). Except, we forget to realize.that Communism isn't about free elections, they are.ALWAYS in power and they intend to.keep it that way.
elections or political stripe have little bearing on the aims of corporate greed shocked one...~S~
and yet, canada watched silently, as they profited as well, greed, which the canadian government is guilty of
Our businesses and government doing the bidding on behalf of said businesses, yes. I questioned this logic as far back as 2003 or so when I was in my MBA and first learned of just how extensive Chinas rise was. It was clear to me this would not end well for capitalism and civil liberties but if you said that lit loud you might be deemed subversive to Canadas interest. That is how stupid some people are. I have nothing against Chinese leaders or China, I think the have a fantastic and interesting culture. We didn't give them any preconditions before allowing them into the WTO (big mistake) and they are STILL, as the second largest economy on earth deemed "developing". Guess where the Wests taxes are goiing to help them." develop"? As I said, Chinas.intelligence agencies have been excellent for China. I respect their dedication and successes. There will be book written about how they achieved this success that wll be studied nundreds.of years from now.
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It was clear to me this would not end well for capitalism and civil liberties but if you said that lit loud you might be deemed subversive to Canadas interest. That is how stupid some people are. I have nothing against Chinese leaders or China, I think the have a fantastic and interesting culture.
dont confuse the worst of our governments with capitalism

Unlike you, I have much I can not like about aggressive Marxism that abuses the rights, and literally kills it's people.

North Korea: We’re Prepared to Nuke America

Bluster? Perhaps....yet the fact remains....they have the capability to do just that.

The politicians will never be held accountable for allowing this situation to develop.

A few years ago anyone who said the hermit kingdom would one day be able to hit America with nukes would have been laughed at.

This is the sort of thing that happens when politicians lack the courage to deal with emerging threats to America....just refuse to admit problems exist, refuse to deal with difficult problems....continue to kick the can down the road.
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We've known since 1962 (Starfish Prime) that detonating a nuke in orbit can destroy electrical infrastructure on the surface and in space. Sixty years later and I don't think there is a single state government that has spent any money to harden our electrical grid against the catastrophe such a detonation would cause. Even after a government think tank estimated America could suffer up to 90% fatalities in the aftermath of an EMP attack, DC STILL hasn't done anything.
It's almost like they think it might be a good idea.
Perhaps those in power think an EMP attack that would kill off 9 out of 10 Americans would save the world from Global Warming.
Or save them from the wrath of an angry populace...
Those who run this nation are incredibly stupid for not investing in our power grid and hardening it. Those who run our electric companies are greedy as they don’t want to invest in something that could save 9 out 10 Americans.

We are the most powerful nation in the world and in one instant could turn into the weakest nation in the world. Sure, we could retaliate with our nukes but that doesn’t bring people back from the grave.
Those who run this nation are incredibly stupid for not investing in our power grid and hardening it. Those who run our electric companies are greedy as they don’t want to invest in something that could save 9 out 10 Americans.

We are the most powerful nation in the world and in one instant could turn into the weakest nation in the world. Sure, we could retaliate with our nukes but that doesn’t bring people back from the grave.
Our Government plans for the continuity of Government (power); not the continuity of you, or I...

North Korea: We’re Prepared to Nuke America

Bluster? Perhaps....yet the fact remains....they have the capability to do just that.

The politicians will never be held accountable for allowing this situation to develop.

A few years ago anyone who said the hermit kingdom would one day be able to hit America with nukes would have been laughed at.

This is the sort of thing that happens when politicians lack the courage to deal with emerging threats to America....just refuse to admit problems exist, refuse to deal with difficult problems....continue to kick the can down the road.
This is what happens when Bill Clinton decided to give missile technology to China so they could pinpoint a missile on one of our cities. Since then China has been giving that tech away to the Chinese satellite regimes.....

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