Northern England's reaction to Maggie Thatcher's death.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Merritt Island, FL
I told you that the English hated her.

[ame=]when maggie thatcher dies we,re all avin a party - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]West Belfast celebrates the death of Margaret Thatcher - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Liverpool Celebrates the Death of Thatcher - YouTube[/ame]
Eh...a different point of view...leave it to the hate-mongering lefties..


I can't say I'm surprised that so many on the Left are reacting with malicious glee to the death of Baroness Thatcher. "What a terrible shame – that it wasn't 87 years earlier," tweeted Mark Steel, a Radio 4 "comedian" and ex-member of the SWP. David Hopper, the general secretary of the Durham Miners' Association, hailed her death as a "great day" for coal miners, while Red Pepper, the socialist magazine, has come up with a list of "five songs for the Thatcher funeral party". ('Maggie, Maggie, Maggie – Out, Out, Out' is one of the less offensive suggestions.) Meanwhile, at the annual conference of the National Union of Students, the news was greeted with applause.

• Margaret Thatcher dies: full story
• Margaret Thatcher dies: latest reaction
• Margaret Thatcher dies: coverage in full

Two points spring immediately to mind.

The first is that Margaret Thatcher herself would not have minded. She was the target of a huge amount of personal abuse during her lifetime and recognised that such comments were nearly always self-defeating. “I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left," she said. Quite right. And, of course, one of the reasons her opponents ran out of arguments is because she took them on in open debate and defeated them.

The second is that, if it hadn't been for Thatcher, these same Left-wing gadflies might well be rotting in a Soviet prison camp somewhere east of the Urals. That sounds like an exaggeration, but we shouldn't forget her contribution to ending the Cold War. Okay, Ronald Reagan and the United States deserve the lion's share of the credit, but had it not been for the presence of the Iron Lady on the other side of the Atlantic the Berlin Wall might not have come down in 1989. At the time, Reagan and Thatcher were widely criticised for their opposition to "the Evil Empire", with many on the Left believing it would lead to a full-scale nuclear war. (That famous parody of the 'Gone With The Wind' poster comes to mind.) In fact, history proved them right. Had Britain embarked on a path of unilateral nuclear disarmament in the 1980s, as Michael Foot and other Left-wing leaders wanted (egged on by the Soviet-financed "peace" movement), the Cold War might have ended very differently.

I wonder how Trotskyists like Mark Steel would have got on in a Soviet-controlled People's Republic of Great Britain? Call me an old cynic, but I doubt he'd have his own series on the flagship radio station of the state-financed broadcasting network.

"Bloody typical that Thatcher dies when I am in Australia," tweeted Ross Noble, another Radio 4 comedian, earlier today. "I hate to miss a good street party."

Better than being in a Siberian prison camp, though, eh?

The trendy, Left-wing gadflies celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death would probably be rotting in the Gulag if it wasn't for the Iron Lady ? Telegraph Blogs
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Thatcher could not bear to see England in decline. That was very bad news to those who had dedicated themselves to decline. When she took office parts of England only had electricity three days a week and union strikes for four.
Pretty tasteless to celebrate her death. But does underscore the fact that she is perceived way differently by American Rightwingers than she is by the people who actually had to live under her administration. She is loved at Bill Kristol's The Weekly Standard, but despised in Liverpool.
She was despised by the people who wanted to get paid for doing nothing. Much like the American left wants to get paid for doing nothing.
She was despised by the people who wanted to get paid for doing nothing. Much like the American left wants to get paid for doing nothing.

They went on strike so they could have better conditions at work. And they did work.
The working class works, so they deserve to earn a living too.
I will cellebrate cheneys death.

When evil leaves the world the world should be joyful.
Ted Kenndy Helped people and you people ddi nothing but TRASH him with lies for days after he died.

Why is it you always insist on respect yet are NEVER willing to give any yourself?
Thatcher saved Britain's sorry 1970s ass. She was elected because the unions were too strong and people tired of subsidizing shiftless and non-productive workers in a dizzying array of failing businesses. If it wasn't for Thatcher, Britain would essentially Greece today. As a Greek citizen, I wish Greece had had a Thatcher.
Ted Kenndy Helped people and you people ddi nothing but TRASH him with lies for days after he died.

Why is it you always insist on respect yet are NEVER willing to give any yourself?

Liberal Democrats have no problem setting up systems where they legally steal the money out of the pockets of hardworking Americans to pay for their many socially dependent (slavery to the government) programs. It's the only way Democrats can win elections.

Ted Kennedy spent a lifetime helping himself to others hard earned money.
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Thatcher saved Britain's sorry 1970s ass. She was elected because the unions were too strong and people tired of subsidizing shiftless and non-productive workers in a dizzying array of failing businesses. If it wasn't for Thatcher, Britain would essentially Greece today. As a Greek citizen, I wish Greece had had a Thatcher.

She could have introduced right to work walls and basically strip their right to strike and either give them the option to work or be unemployed.

She took the extremist way and did it to intentionally hurt people, instead of considering the economy and balancing it out in a way that wouldn't hurt people to the extent that she did.

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