Norway looking at banning male genital mutilation

You do realize that outside of the U.S., Autralia and Canada circumcision is very rare in the non-Muslim and non-Jewish world.

yeah? so? that's how the fact that cervical cancer is more common in THOSE
places came to be known. It is also a fact that HISTORICALLY-----Nazi shit
outlawed circumcision as a persecution of jews. Baathists do not outlaw
circumcision-------<<<< now THAT's interesting. The Assyrian king ----when he was a greek DID outlaw circumcision in Judea

In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.

you quoted a statistic. Where was my lie you disgusting pile of dog shit?
No one is asking YOU to interpret the stats ------or ever will
The statistic is that where circumcision is not practiced, there is less cervical cancer. Your claim that mutilating male babies reduces cervical cancer is therefore bullshit. There is no place for mutilating male babies in a civilized society. Just as there no place for mutilating female babies in a civilized society.
It is unlikely to pass because the Jews are against it and it is presented by the third party of Norway.
Even though it is safer and painless in infancy? That only makes liberal sense. Although a lot of men may be forced into having circumcision as an adult when they get turned down by women. I feel sorry for them. It's a bad decision to have to make.
LOL if a "woman" turns you down because part of your penis you were born with then she is CERTAINLY not marriage material and doesn't deserve the time of day with you.

Some men keep getting infections so they have to get it done, so it is medically far as infancy , I think it is a personal family decision ( no one else should be involved )
Of course government should stop it. Its genital mutilation just like it is with females.
Ban on young boys’ circumcision proposed in Norway

Of course the tribe is freaking out....I hope it passes!
Ah, the good old days of identifying jews by looking at their penises. It makes it easier to sort them out, eh?

Disgusting adn ridiculous but the muslims run almost everything over there now anyway.

the first time I saw a muzzie circ. -----I laughed. -------ragged edges. They
do it when the kid is about 12------have to HOLD THE SUBJECT DOWN----
and end up with ragged edges. A circ at the first week is easy------but use
experts only.
True barbarians.

So, doing it to an infant is not barbaric. You are one stupid punk.
People considering butchering their sons private areas should be forced to sit in a room and listen to the blood curdling screams of the babies as they are sliced apart. I had to hear it when our last daughter was born the baby boy next door was being mutilated and I had to walk out and get away from the screaming it was so bad.
People considering butchering their sons private areas should be forced to sit in a room and listen to the blood curdling screams of the babies as they are sliced apart. I had to hear it when our last daughter was born the baby boy next door was being mutilated and I had to walk out and get away from the screaming it was so bad.
I was right there. I didn't hear any blood curdling screams. He cried when he got his first breath of air. Then they plopped him in my arms and he was quiet. There aren't a lot of nerves in a foreskin, nor are there a lot of blood vessels. In an infant, those nerves aren't even formed well enough to cause any appreciable pain. If you heard blood curdling screams, they were in your head.

Male circumcision is healthier and cleaner. It drastically reduces the risk of penile cancer.

Male circumcision and penile cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

You do not really have a bigger dick if it's not circumcised. You are much better off.
If you can't do this thread without getting personal -- it's doomed. Not gonna "fix it" anymore.
Even though it is safer and painless in infancy? That only makes liberal sense. Although a lot of men may be forced into having circumcision as an adult when they get turned down by women. I feel sorry for them. It's a bad decision to have to make.

You do realize that outside of the U.S., Autralia and Canada circumcision is very rare in the non-Muslim and non-Jewish world.

yeah? so? that's how the fact that cervical cancer is more common in THOSE
places came to be known. It is also a fact that HISTORICALLY-----Nazi shit
outlawed circumcision as a persecution of jews. Baathists do not outlaw
circumcision-------<<<< now THAT's interesting. The Assyrian king ----when he was a greek DID outlaw circumcision in Judea

In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.
You do realize that outside of the U.S., Autralia and Canada circumcision is very rare in the non-Muslim and non-Jewish world.

yeah? so? that's how the fact that cervical cancer is more common in THOSE
places came to be known. It is also a fact that HISTORICALLY-----Nazi shit
outlawed circumcision as a persecution of jews. Baathists do not outlaw
circumcision-------<<<< now THAT's interesting. The Assyrian king ----when he was a greek DID outlaw circumcision in Judea

In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.

girl ----do not try to educate monte----it is hopeless. both criminal and "sickness"
stats are reported by the given countries-----those reported from fourth world muzzie states are NOTORIOUSLY fake. For decades Saudi Arabia reported
"no Hiv"-------even the muzzie doctors in conferences LAUGHED
yeah? so? that's how the fact that cervical cancer is more common in THOSE
places came to be known. It is also a fact that HISTORICALLY-----Nazi shit
outlawed circumcision as a persecution of jews. Baathists do not outlaw
circumcision-------<<<< now THAT's interesting. The Assyrian king ----when he was a greek DID outlaw circumcision in Judea

In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.

girl ----do not try to educate monte----it is hopeless. both criminal and "sickness"
stats are reported by the given countries-----those reported from fourth world muzzie states are NOTORIOUSLY fake. For decades Saudi Arabia reported
"no Hiv"-------even the muzzie doctors in conferences LAUGHED
here a few years ago the asshats here said our infant mortality rate was one of the highest in the world. Because they were comparing our numbers to the numbers of countries that don't even track infant mortality.
In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.

girl ----do not try to educate monte----it is hopeless. both criminal and "sickness"
stats are reported by the given countries-----those reported from fourth world muzzie states are NOTORIOUSLY fake. For decades Saudi Arabia reported
"no Hiv"-------even the muzzie doctors in conferences LAUGHED
here a few years ago the asshats here said our infant mortality rate was one of the highest in the world. Because they were comparing our numbers to the numbers of countries that don't even track infant mortality.

another one for you, girl. It is actually TAUGHT in muzzie medical schools
that "MUSLIMS HARBOR NO MENTAL ILLNESSES" -----<<<because being
muslim renders a person IMMUNE from psychiatric woes. Sickness stats
are provided to WHO (world health organization) by the countries themselves---that is the SOURCE. Muzzie countries routinely report "NO SCHIZOPHRENIA
HERE" In fact---schizophrenia strikes about 1% of every population in the
world-------it is a damned consistent stat. of the human condition. ----and then
there are the 'rape stats' no rape at all in shariah shit holes (criminal stats
are provided the same way sick stats are provided for WORLD STATS)
In fact, the cervical cancer rate in the U.S. is higher than every EU country except Croatia and Portugal.

Genital mutilation of male a child is an abhorrent practice whether done by Jews or Muslims. It should be banned in civilized nations just as female genital mutilation is.

so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.

girl ----do not try to educate monte----it is hopeless. both criminal and "sickness"
stats are reported by the given countries-----those reported from fourth world muzzie states are NOTORIOUSLY fake. For decades Saudi Arabia reported
"no Hiv"-------even the muzzie doctors in conferences LAUGHED
here a few years ago the asshats here said our infant mortality rate was one of the highest in the world. Because they were comparing our numbers to the numbers of countries that don't even track infant mortality.

We aren't comparing the U.S. with Saudi Arabia, we are comparing the U.S. cervical cancer rates with the EU states that have better healthcare systems and much better data collection than the U.S.

Bullshit. Infant mortality is tracked more accurately in the EU, where healthcare is single payer and data is maintained centrally, than in the U.S.

You two are dimwits.
so? how do you interpret that fact? You are, clearly, a very ignorant person.
Has any medical journal asked YOU to review and endorse medical studies?-----
don't hold your breath. I do not have any risk of cervical cancer------I would suggest that YOU get a pap smear every six months

I gave you the facts. The list shows the prevalence of cervical cancer by country and Europe, which does not practice male genital mutilation has a lower rate than the U.S. So stop your lying you ignorant piece of crap.
Just because it isn't diagnosed doesn't mean the rate is lower. It just means they aren't catching it to diagnose it.

girl ----do not try to educate monte----it is hopeless. both criminal and "sickness"
stats are reported by the given countries-----those reported from fourth world muzzie states are NOTORIOUSLY fake. For decades Saudi Arabia reported
"no Hiv"-------even the muzzie doctors in conferences LAUGHED
here a few years ago the asshats here said our infant mortality rate was one of the highest in the world. Because they were comparing our numbers to the numbers of countries that don't even track infant mortality.

We aren't comparing the U.S. with Saudi Arabia, we are comparing the U.S. cervical cancer rates with the EU states that have better healthcare systems and much better data collection than the U.S.

Bullshit. Infant mortality is tracked more accurately in the EU, where healthcare is single payer and data is maintained centrally, than in the U.S.

You two are dimwits.

wrong again------the USA has excellent records of birth and death. From what
cesspit have you emerged, monte?. As to cervical cancer-----YOU know nothing
about it and the effect of circumcision thereupon. A simple stat "there is less
cervical cancer" here or there, proves nothing about circumcision. ----the other factors need to be taken into consideration. Do you have ANY idea what the risk
factors are. -----nope----you don't.
If you can't do this thread without getting personal -- it's doomed. Not gonna "fix it" anymore.
Thanks. :)

I'm good with how this thread is going. It's giving people a platform to share differing thoughts/opinions about a topic some don't fully understand.

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