Not $33B to Ukraine, $40B- Who benefits?

Never said its winnable idiot. Tired of you clowns Fear Mongering over it. I served during the cold War. Heard it all, so STFU
The reason why you say you're tired of fear mongering is because your mindset is still in the military.

And that makes it quite impossible to consider the MAD factor is determining the conduct of this war. MAD cannot and must not be considered by the military.
The military must always believe that a war is winnable against a large nuclear power.
Yes this is a frightening mindset. However I’m skeptical our political class has the ability to control it. Particularly with a potus who has supported every war these past 50 years and now has lost his mind.
And that's exactly on target as the fear we must face and bear. Can the political side win the day when the decision is made?

What a perfect question for everybody to consider!
The reason why you say you're tired of fear mongering is because your mindset is still in the military.

And that makes it quite impossible to consider the MAD factor is determining the conduct of this war. MAD cannot and must not be considered by the military.
The military must always believe that a war is winnable against a large nuclear power.
If its conventional. Russia's ass is grass. Nuclear is not winnable. Period.

You are right with x military not giving a shit on their threats. They have been doing that forever.
Government keeps saying that Putin's Russia is a serious threat to our national security and must be defeated in Ukraine.
While the really dangerous enemy China is basically ignored. ... :cuckoo:
Treason Is Not a Property Right

The plutocratic parasites haven't outsourced any of our jobs to Russia, so Putin is a threat to their transnationalist security.

Who benefits? Let's just cut through the bullshit and cut to the chase.

America is supposed to benefit. That much money isn't being spent for altruistic reasons of saving the Ukraine. It's an investment in defeating Russia as what America sees as a step toward defeating China later. It's truly and literally a life or death struggle for both America and Russia. The two combatants in this war.

The propaganda hoax of the war being for the Ukraine can't be sold to anybody above a grade school level. There is far, far too much contradicting evidence from the brightest of war analysists for even moderately informed people to buy any longer.

This is the opening debating point without any watering down. This is the way it must be presented.
Greenwald only gets it wrong on saying that it's the MIC that's the benefactor.

America and Russia are at war.
The pResident of Ukastan is "chosen" .
Merryykuhskis greatest ally on the entire plantlet want to see he gets what he want-eths.
It is written ! (the check, that is)
The tears of the RussoNazis here are bitter, yet still so sweet.

And no, it's not surprising that the vicious fascists here back Putin and his tactics of genocide and concentration camps. Nazis love Nazis.
The tears of the RussoNazis here are bitter, yet still so sweet.

And no, it's not surprising that the vicious fascists here back Putin and his tactics of genocide and concentration camps. Nazis love Nazis.
You make a good living at this trolling business? Or do they pay you with rice?
Don't deny it. You stroke yourself when you read about Russians murdering civilians.
Your an idiot...........I've been telling to go to hell on these boards for a while now........Putin can kiss my ass and so can you if you think I trust our gov't not to Launder this money.
The tears of the RussoNazis here are bitter, yet still so sweet.

And no, it's not surprising that the vicious fascists here back Putin and his tactics of genocide and concentration camps. Nazis love Nazis.
Yes you support Nazis. Why?
Just because Trump told you to turn traitor and support Russia over Ukraine, because Ukraine wouldn't go along with Trump's corruption, you don't have to obey. Leave the Trump cult. Become a loyal American again.
Just because Trump told you to turn traitor and support Russia over Ukraine, because Ukraine wouldn't go along with Trump's corruption, you don't have to obey. Leave the Trump cult. Become a loyal American again.
Warmongering statists never learn. Decades of lies and failed wars, yet they want more.

Just because Trump told you to turn traitor and support Russia over Ukraine, because Ukraine wouldn't go along with Trump's corruption, you don't have to obey. Leave the Trump cult. Become a loyal American again.
broken record troll paid post.

Nothing more.
Warmongering statists never learn. Decades of lies and failed wars, yet they want more.

Tell Russia to pull their troops out then.

I don't want War......but it's obvious they did...........They INVADED.........Oh to save lives..............LMAO.........RIGHT NOW TRYING TO TAKE ODESSA to take all the Black Sea areas.
These stupid clowns in DC are just showing their ass. Look at us we are giving $40B to Ukraine aren't we just awesome politicians. Meanwhile the national debt is $28 trillion.

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