Not $33B to Ukraine, $40B- Who benefits?

We don't have to, Ukraine is winning it for us.
Ukraine is giving them hell. That is for sure. Putin thought he'd walk right over them. Why he's pulling back to a degree.

He's still trying to take Odessa. He wants that land. He wants all of the coast to the Black Sea.
Adolf, I think the Azoz Battlion is looking for some canon fodder. Get your boots on son and get to killing some women and children.
Stop ordering people around you Globalist POS. I've done my time in the service. All you do is flap your mouth about how we suck.

You are doing your job to troll the boards with Anti American BS. Putin is no Saint. And neither are you.

May Karma finds his ass on his attempt to take Odessa. Enjoy.
Big Bend Texas
Europe is in it for the Reset. They have helped fund Russia........Even though they are weak so is Russia. Would not be easy for Russia to go through them.

Europe has been at War forever. Always over taking back land that they once owned. My Great Great Great Great Grandfather owned it once so I'm gonna kill you to take it back.

Nothing has changed but the lines for a time in Europe. Traditions there don't die.

You two cons sure must love old Joe Biden. Nothing like war to bring you crazed partisans of the duopoly together. LMFAO.

Hey Lil’Tex is that you kissing old Joe?
All American money spent on America's continuous wars has been well spent. This war is no different but it will take a while for Americans to accept that it's their war against Russia.

For that reason it's essential to win this war because it will pay higher dividends than any of America's previous wars.

The large majority of Americans support this war but they don't understand the reason why quite yet. The current high price of oil will be paid back with interest for many years to come.

The consequences of not defeating Russia are too costly to even contemplate.

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