Not $33B to Ukraine, $40B- Who benefits?

Tell Russia to pull their troops out then.

I don't want War......but it's obvious they did...........They INVADED.........Oh to save lives..............LMAO.........RIGHT NOW TRYING TO TAKE ODESSA to take all the Black Sea areas.
Stop being a chicken shit. No need to fear Putin my son. Man up!
Stop being a chicken shit. No need to fear Putin my son. Man up!

You trying to do a Rope A Dope on me............LMAO

Right now they are trading in oil with China and BRICS...........while people like you are SAYING LOOK HERE............NO HERE.........NO HERE.

22 Nations going off the Dollar and Russia is part of it.

Fuck Russia.

You trying to do a Rope A Dope on me............LMAO

Right now they are trading in oil with China and BRICS...........while people like you are SAYING LOOK HERE............NO HERE.........NO HERE.

22 Nations going off the Dollar and Russia is part of it.

Fuck Russia.
Why are you supporting Biden and Nancy? I thought you hated them. Are you a partisan R?

Joe’s war in Ukraine just might end the dollar as reserve currency. And for what? Ukraine…lol.

I think you’re terribly confused. Come back when you get straightened out.
Why are you supporting Biden and Nancy? I thought you hated them. Are you a partisan R?

Joe’s war in Ukraine just might end the dollar as reserve currency. And for what? Ukraine…lol.

I think you’re terribly confused. Come back when you get straightened out.
BS. You are a PRAVDA AGENT..........Who want everyone to believe PUTIN IS THE GOOD GUY.

Sorry.......he's x KGB from the USSR........and is on a land grab for the Black he and China push to finish off the dollar along with Biden and company

PUTIN IS ONE OF THEM..............

But you are their PRAVDA AGENT HUH.............PUTIN IS MY HERO SHIT.............STFU.
BS. You are a PRAVDA AGENT..........Who want everyone to believe PUTIN IS THE GOOD GUY.

Sorry.......he's x KGB from the USSR........and is on a land grab for the Black he and China push to finish off the dollar along with Biden and company

PUTIN IS ONE OF THEM..............

But you are their PRAVDA AGENT HUH.............PUTIN IS MY HERO SHIT.............STFU.
Adolf. Heil Hitler!
Why do you support Joe Biden and the Nazi regime in Ukraine? Are you stupid?
More BS from the pravda agent who has been preaching for years America Sucks which happens to be the left's platform.

I wouldn't piss on Biden if he was on fire.........Same goes to your boy Putin who is nothing more than a KGB remnant of the USSR. Both of these peeps are with the globalist as Putin destroys the dollar via BRICs as everyone watches what the Globalist want us to watch.

Putin wants a War just fire on NATO.........even Biden couldn't stop their ass kicking after that. Biden is Putin's bitch and is bought and paid for by the ones writing the scipt.

A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world's reserve currency.

23 countries (60% of the world's GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.

These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Once the new system is in place, our dollar won't be needed in these countries and a new reserve currency will come into being. All those dollars in foreign accounts will come home, which will annihilate our monetary system.

Also, China just announced that it will stop purchasing our debt (holding dollars in reserve). This will force The Federal Reserve to print even more dollars than the $85 billion it's currently printing.

World reserve currencies have always had a limited life span and ours is up.
More BS from the pravda agent who has been preaching for years America Sucks which happens to be the left's platform.

I wouldn't piss on Biden if he was on fire.........Same goes to your boy Putin who is nothing more than a KGB remnant of the USSR. Both of these peeps are with the globalist as Putin destroys the dollar via BRICs as everyone watches what the Globalist want us to watch.

Putin wants a War just fire on NATO.........even Biden couldn't stop their ass kicking after that. Biden is Putin's bitch and is bought and paid for by the ones writing the scipt.
He could, but it would be the end of Civilization as we know it.
He could, but it would be the end of Civilization as we know it.
Because it's a conventional War we can't win. The real War is the destruction of our economy and is being done on purpose for the Great Reset.

The rest is just Chaos to keep people's attention elsewhere.

A new world monetary system is being set up right now which will completely kill the US dollar, which is the world's reserve currency.

23 countries (60% of the world's GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the dollar and SWIFT, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.

These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.

Once the new system is in place, our dollar won't be needed in these countries and a new reserve currency will come into being. All those dollars in foreign accounts will come home, which will annihilate our monetary system.

Also, China just announced that it will stop purchasing our debt (holding dollars in reserve). This will force The Federal Reserve to print even more dollars than the $85 billion it's currently printing.

World reserve currencies have always had a limited life span and ours is up.
If the US takes it's forces in Europe and our dollars out of Europe, their economies would soon collapse and Russia would not stop until they reached the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

The Euro's know they can only push us so far.
Because it's a conventional War we can't win. The real War is the destruction of our economy and is being done on purpose for the Great Reset.

The rest is just Chaos to keep people's attention elsewhere.
We don't have to, Ukraine is winning it for us.
If the US takes it's forces in Europe and our dollars out of Europe, their economies would soon collapse and Russia would not stop until they reached the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

The Euro's know they can only push us so far.
Europe is in it for the Reset. They have helped fund Russia........Even though they are weak so is Russia. Would not be easy for Russia to go through them.

Europe has been at War forever. Always over taking back land that they once owned. My Great Great Great Great Grandfather owned it once so I'm gonna kill you to take it back.

Nothing has changed but the lines for a time in Europe. Traditions there don't die.
More BS from the pravda agent who has been preaching for years America Sucks which happens to be the left's platform.

I wouldn't piss on Biden if he was on fire.........Same goes to your boy Putin who is nothing more than a KGB remnant of the USSR. Both of these peeps are with the globalist as Putin destroys the dollar via BRICs as everyone watches what the Globalist want us to watch.

Putin wants a War just fire on NATO.........even Biden couldn't stop their ass kicking after that. Biden is Putin's bitch and is bought and paid for by the ones writing the scipt.
Adolf, I think the Azoz Battlion is looking for some canon fodder. Get your boots on son and get to killing some women and children.

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