Not a suggestion, Trump really is going after the Muslim Vote. No, really!



Trump camp quietly courts Muslims

Trump has since softened his rhetoric on the ban, saying it’s merely a “suggestion.”

Some of those that Phares reached out to are still trying to wrap their minds around Trump’s candidacy.

Ahmed says she supports Trump despite his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country. She said Trump’s proposal is nothing more than election-year rhetoric that has no chance of ever becoming law.

Something like that could never be enacted so I can ignore it,” Ahmed said.

(oops, it's not all sunshine and flowers)

“I’m a lifetime Republican and a conservative and believe that Muslims need a candidate who gives us tough love and recognizes that we need to come to terms with an ideology that is sometimes incompatible with the Constitution,” Jasser said.

“But Trump is irrational and shallow and I can’t support him because of his character. His entire campaign has been scorched-earth and I have an ethical compass that I live by. I won’t support him just because the ends seem to justify the means.”


I suspect Trump's followers are laughing, yea, go ahead and vote for him, later, we will show you how we really treat your kind.
Fuck "da gubermint" and fuck are such a stupid clown.

Yes, fuck civilization and fuck everything!!! You're a clown and a piece of shit.

Yeah, civilization could not survive without "gubermint" and all their acts, statutes and codes...again allow me to say "FUCK you....and FUCK your federal gubermint that you bow down and kiss the ass off. Middle finger salute to them times two and I do it every fucking day.
Fuck "da gubermint" and fuck are such a stupid clown.

Yes, fuck civilization and fuck everything!!! You're a clown and a piece of shit.

Yeah, civilization could not survive without "gubermint" and all their acts, statutes and codes...again allow me to say "FUCK you....and FUCK your federal gubermint that you bow down and kiss the ass off. Middle finger salute to them times two and I do it every fucking day.
Acts, statutes and codes.

Yea, Drive your family in a car made without safety regulations on a road built without statutes and without a speed limit to a store to buy food that follows no safety regulations and eat up. Bon Apatite.
And Trump eats tacos. He's turning in to quite the politician.

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