Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

keep digging yourself deeper idiot. You have no clue what the purpose of the supreme court is.
and you have proven that here.

Her pinkie is more qualified than you to comment. You don't have a clue. That's what I love about you neocon whackjobs who call yourselves "patriots" (why is it always right wing loons who have board names with words like 'patriot' and 'eagle' in them?), you get your (mis)information from other loons who don't have a clue.

The fact you call Obama a Kenyan says it all. That aside, if you don't even know something a simple as Obama gets to appoint who he likes as long as they are qualified you are beyond clueless. That aside, I do agree he should appoint something who is qualified instead of their political affiliations. However, when somebody like Clarance Thomas makes that cut, all bets are off really....
Every one of Obama's appointees stacked together could not reach Thomas' ankles. Obama could name Fidel Castro to the Supreme Court but the Senate gets to confirm. And they won't. Given Obama's previous picks, based on race and sexual preference, the Senate would be wise to reject every nominee and stall until after the election.
He's a Lame duck and he needs to figure out his place now. This decision should be left up to the NEXT real President of this country
Every one of Obama's appointees stacked together could not reach Thomas' ankles. Obama could name Fidel Castro to the Supreme Court but the Senate gets to confirm. And they won't. Given Obama's previous picks, based on race and sexual preference, the Senate would be wise to reject every nominee and stall until after the election.

Everyone of his appointees would make Thomas look like he had an IQ of 90.

They won't stall if it's a qualified minority. It'll cost them too many votes. If he is chooses wisely they'll have to confirm. Remember, when it comes to elections, conservatives and liberals don't matter. It's the undecideds who do. And they can be a fickle bunch...
Every one of Obama's appointees stacked together could not reach Thomas' ankles. Obama could name Fidel Castro to the Supreme Court but the Senate gets to confirm. And they won't. Given Obama's previous picks, based on race and sexual preference, the Senate would be wise to reject every nominee and stall until after the election.

Everyone of his appointees would make Thomas look like he had an IQ of 90.

They won't stall if it's a qualified minority. It'll cost them too many votes. If he is chooses wisely they'll have to confirm. Remember, when it comes to elections, conservatives and liberals don't matter. It's the undecideds who do. And they can be a fickle bunch...
Thomas is like Oliver Wendell Holmes compared to the Wise Latina Vagina.
What votes will it cost them? The black vote? Haha!
The Republicans will lose big if they allow yet another lying unqualified dark skinned person with the right sexual orientation or plumbing to be named to the SUpreme Court. And since Obama is the most arrogant president in history that is exactly what he will propose. They will be right to put off any consideration until after the election.
Thomas is like Oliver Wendell Holmes compared to the Wise Latina Vagina.
What votes will it cost them? The black vote? Haha!
The Republicans will lose big if they allow yet another lying unqualified dark skinned person with the right sexual orientation or plumbing to be named to the SUpreme Court. And since Obama is the most arrogant president in history that is exactly what he will propose. They will be right to put off any consideration until after the election.

The black vote. The gay vote. The women vote. The Latin vote. I could go on....When are you loons gonna realise that it isnt a white old mans world any more?
Thomas is like Oliver Wendell Holmes compared to the Wise Latina Vagina.
What votes will it cost them? The black vote? Haha!
The Republicans will lose big if they allow yet another lying unqualified dark skinned person with the right sexual orientation or plumbing to be named to the SUpreme Court. And since Obama is the most arrogant president in history that is exactly what he will propose. They will be right to put off any consideration until after the election.

The black vote. The gay vote. The women vote. The Latin vote. I could go on....When are you loons gonna realise that it isnt a white old mans world any more?
Gays are what, 4% of the population. And about 90% vote Democrat anyway. Same with Blacks. Romney won the married woman vote handily. Married women have some sense. Women who are losers and can't attract appropriate men tend to vote Dem. With Cruz or Rubio the GOP will probably attract half the Hispanic vote. And Hispanics don't give a shit about appointing the first black transgendered paraplegic to the Court.
BORK lately?
The Constitutional obstructionist that tried and failed to institute the phantom theory of "original intent"? What about him?
The stupidest comment I've seen i a week on here. So stupid I'm off to do something else.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
Gays are what, 4% of the population. And about 90% vote Democrat anyway. Same with Blacks. Romney won the married woman vote handily. Married women have some sense. Women who are losers and can't attract appropriate men tend to vote Dem. With Cruz or Rubio the GOP will probably attract half the Hispanic vote. And Hispanics don't give a shit about appointing the first black transgendered paraplegic to the Court.

Go back over all your posts while on this board and check out your projections. I can't think of a time when you've ever been right. You might have (then again I haven't read most of your posts),but if I had a dollar for everytime you've predicted something that hasn't happened I'd have a beach house in the Hamptons.
BORK lately?
The Constitutional obstructionist that tried and failed to institute the phantom theory of "original intent"? What about him?
The stupidest comment I've seen i a week on here. So stupid I'm off to do something else.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
So we moved from Original Intent being a "phantom theory" (whatever that is) to being stupid.
In fact the document was the result of consensus so yes they all had the same intent when it came to the words on the page.
Gays are what, 4% of the population. And about 90% vote Democrat anyway. Same with Blacks. Romney won the married woman vote handily. Married women have some sense. Women who are losers and can't attract appropriate men tend to vote Dem. With Cruz or Rubio the GOP will probably attract half the Hispanic vote. And Hispanics don't give a shit about appointing the first black transgendered paraplegic to the Court.

Go back over all your posts while on this board and check out your projections. I can't think of a time when you've ever been right. You might have (then again I haven't read most of your posts),but if I had a dollar for everytime you've predicted something that hasn't happened I'd have a beach house in the Hamptons.
Your admission of defeat here is acknowledged and accepted.
BORK lately?
The Constitutional obstructionist that tried and failed to institute the phantom theory of "original intent"? What about him?
The stupidest comment I've seen i a week on here. So stupid I'm off to do something else.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
So we moved from Original Intent being a "phantom theory" (whatever that is) to being stupid.
In fact the document was the result of consensus so yes they all had the same intent when it came to the words on the page.

Once you give judges the power of interpretation, all bets are off.
Justice Kennedy was confirmed in Reagan's final year in office...why can't Obama get a judge on the bench in his final year too?
BORK lately?
The Constitutional obstructionist that tried and failed to institute the phantom theory of "original intent"? What about him?
The stupidest comment I've seen i a week on here. So stupid I'm off to do something else.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
So we moved from Original Intent being a "phantom theory" (whatever that is) to being stupid. In fact the document was the result of consensus so yes they all had the same intent when it came to the words on the page.
If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
Gays are what, 4% of the population. And about 90% vote Democrat anyway. Same with Blacks. Romney won the married woman vote handily. Married women have some sense. Women who are losers and can't attract appropriate men tend to vote Dem. With Cruz or Rubio the GOP will probably attract half the Hispanic vote. And Hispanics don't give a shit about appointing the first black transgendered paraplegic to the Court.
Go back over all your posts while on this board and check out your projections. I can't think of a time when you've ever been right. You might have (then again I haven't read most of your posts),but if I had a dollar for everytime you've predicted something that hasn't happened I'd have a beach house in the Hamptons.
Your admission of defeat here is acknowledged and accepted.
Also typical, claiming phantom victories. What a joke! :laugh2:

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