Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

BORK lately?
The Constitutional obstructionist that tried and failed to institute the phantom theory of "original intent"? What about him?
The stupidest comment I've seen i a week on here. So stupid I'm off to do something else.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
So we moved from Original Intent being a "phantom theory" (whatever that is) to being stupid. In fact the document was the result of consensus so yes they all had the same intent when it came to the words on the page.
If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
LOL! You have no idea how this works, do you?
Do you imagine every Supreme Court case hinges on which Founder's opinion we follow?
You are the one who called Original Intent stupid, not me. But you're the stupid one here.
Gays are what, 4% of the population. And about 90% vote Democrat anyway. Same with Blacks. Romney won the married woman vote handily. Married women have some sense. Women who are losers and can't attract appropriate men tend to vote Dem. With Cruz or Rubio the GOP will probably attract half the Hispanic vote. And Hispanics don't give a shit about appointing the first black transgendered paraplegic to the Court.
Go back over all your posts while on this board and check out your projections. I can't think of a time when you've ever been right. You might have (then again I haven't read most of your posts),but if I had a dollar for everytime you've predicted something that hasn't happened I'd have a beach house in the Hamptons.
Your admission of defeat here is acknowledged and accepted.
Also typical, claiming phantom victories. What a joke! :laugh2:
When he deflects he has lost. Just like you.
Justice Kennedy was confirmed in Reagan's final year in office...why can't Obama get a judge on the bench in his final year too?

Because Obama has done enough damage, and Congress has a chance to do something useful for a change.
Justice Kennedy was confirmed in Reagan's final year in office...why can't Obama get a judge on the bench in his final year too?

You know the RW'ers are going to go into one of their insanity episodes on this issue.
He's needs to be stopped at all cost. Call your damn Congresscritters.

But leave it to him to stir up more chaos in our lives over this.
If the Republicans in the Senate want to leave the court at 8, indefinitely, so be it.

That means the Court has one less rightwing nut on it, and the conservatives on the court need a swing vote just to tie.
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
The dude was seventy-freakin'-nine. He was also heavy. That happens.

And it's Obama's job to nominate a replacement. It almost certainly won't go anywhere, and both parties will make a big deal of that during the campaign.

Nothing strange going on here. People die and it's politics as usual.
]If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
LOL! You have no idea how this works, do you? Do you imagine every Supreme Court case hinges on which Founder's opinion we follow? You are the one who called Original Intent stupid, not me. But you're the stupid one here.
I didn't say "stupid"; I said "phantom". I say that because the proponents are trying to imply that's there's always a "proper" interpretation in every case and that in essence they're all pre-judged according to some arbitrary standard of 18th century political philosophy. The truth is that the Constitution was written with the evolution of the country and of political thought in mind.
]If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
LOL! You have no idea how this works, do you? Do you imagine every Supreme Court case hinges on which Founder's opinion we follow? You are the one who called Original Intent stupid, not me. But you're the stupid one here.
I didn't say "stupid"; I said "phantom". I say that because the proponents are trying to imply that's there's always a "proper" interpretation in every case and that in essence they're all pre-judged according to some arbitrary standard of 18th century political philosophy. The truth is that the Constitution was written with the evolution of the country and of political thought in mind.
The interesting thing is that you dont know what you've posted. It's like you've got Alzheimers or something.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
Maybe it's time for Term limits on these people? Isn't it nice to know you can have a job until you freaking DIE in office AND then leave us in this MESS now with Obama?
]If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
LOL! You have no idea how this works, do you? Do you imagine every Supreme Court case hinges on which Founder's opinion we follow? You are the one who called Original Intent stupid, not me. But you're the stupid one here.
I didn't say "stupid"; I said "phantom". I say that because the proponents are trying to imply that's there's always a "proper" interpretation in every case and that in essence they're all pre-judged according to some arbitrary standard of 18th century political philosophy. The truth is that the Constitution was written with the evolution of the country and of political thought in mind.
The interesting thing is that you dont know what you've posted. It's like you've got Alzheimers or something.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
I was responding to your characterization of what I said. Won't you at least acknowledge that you stooped to the personal invective first.
Maybe it's time for Term limits on these people? Isn't it nice to know you can have a job until you freaking DIE in office AND then leave us in this MESS now with Obama?
This would be an interesting conversation. I'm not a big fan of anyone being appointed to pretty much anything "for life".

Unfortunately, we're not in a point in our history where interesting conversations have much of a place. It's all yelling and screaming and finger-pointing, currently.
]If there was consensus, there'd be no need for the SC, that's why the notion is phantom. As for "stupid", you brought that up. It's just typical that you're the first to reach for invective and the last to acknowledge your actions.
LOL! You have no idea how this works, do you? Do you imagine every Supreme Court case hinges on which Founder's opinion we follow? You are the one who called Original Intent stupid, not me. But you're the stupid one here.
I didn't say "stupid"; I said "phantom". I say that because the proponents are trying to imply that's there's always a "proper" interpretation in every case and that in essence they're all pre-judged according to some arbitrary standard of 18th century political philosophy. The truth is that the Constitution was written with the evolution of the country and of political thought in mind.
The interesting thing is that you dont know what you've posted. It's like you've got Alzheimers or something.
Once again, hit-n-run without explaining yourself. FYI, there's nothing stupider than "original intent", because it assumes that all the FFs had the same intent.
I was responding to your characterization of what I said. Won't you at least acknowledge that you stooped to the personal invective first.
blahblahblah. Just admit it and move on.
I didn't say "stupid"; I said "phantom". I say that because the proponents are trying to imply that's there's always a "proper" interpretation in every case and that in essence they're all pre-judged according to some arbitrary standard of 18th century political philosophy.

The language used in the Constitution, and the definitions and meanings applied to the words and phrases at the time of their inclusion are the only criteria by which the Constitution should be applied.
The truth is that the Constitution was written with the evolution of the country and of political thought in mind.

Indeed, which is why an amendment process was included. It is the only permissible process for change under the Constitution.
But hey, OBama is special so he can bring down on us anything he pleases. When has he ever listened to the WILL of the people he Represents Anyway.

UPDATE=> There Hasn’t Been Justice Nominated and Confirmed In Election Year By Divided Government Since 1880 (Updated)

Jim Hoft Feb 13th, 2016 6:07 pm

Republican presidential contenders and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued for the Senate to run out the clock on President Barack Obama, depriving him the chance to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death today.

Far left President Barack Obama will want the Republican Senate to confirm an appointment this year but this hasn’t happened since 1880.

There hasn’t been a justice nominated and confirmed in an election year by divided government since 1880.
Josh Blackman reported:

Since the Civil War, there have been eleven nominations to the Supreme Court in a presidential election year. Of those nine were confirmed, one withdrawn, and one was not acted upon. However, of the nine that were confirmed, eight were with a unified government–that is the President and the Senate were of the same party. Only Justice William Burnham Woods, nominated by Rutherford B. Hayes (a Republican) was confirmed by a Democratic Senate in 1880. All other Justices who were nominated in election year were confirmed by Senates that were of the same party as the President.

ALL of it here:
UPDATE=> There Hasn't Been Justice Nominated and Confirmed In Election Year By Divided Government Since 1880 (Updated) - The Gateway Pundit
Maybe it's time for Term limits on these people? Isn't it nice to know you can have a job until you freaking DIE in office AND then leave us in this MESS now with Obama?
That would require a Constitutional Amendment.

Not gonnah happen.
This is the Fact that was Booed by Republicans LOL...they desperately want to deny the Negro President what is routine for white Presidents

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