Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

But hey, OBama is special so he can bring down on us anything he pleases. When has he ever listened to the WILL of the people he Represents Anyway.

UPDATE=> There Hasn’t Been Justice Nominated and Confirmed In Election Year By Divided Government Since 1880 (Updated)

Jim Hoft Feb 13th, 2016 6:07 pm

Republican presidential contenders and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell argued for the Senate to run out the clock on President Barack Obama, depriving him the chance to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death today.

Far left President Barack Obama will want the Republican Senate to confirm an appointment this year but this hasn’t happened since 1880.

There hasn’t been a justice nominated and confirmed in an election year by divided government since 1880.
Josh Blackman reported:

Since the Civil War, there have been eleven nominations to the Supreme Court in a presidential election year. Of those nine were confirmed, one withdrawn, and one was not acted upon. However, of the nine that were confirmed, eight were with a unified government–that is the President and the Senate were of the same party. Only Justice William Burnham Woods, nominated by Rutherford B. Hayes (a Republican) was confirmed by a Democratic Senate in 1880. All other Justices who were nominated in election year were confirmed by Senates that were of the same party as the President.

ALL of it here:
UPDATE=> There Hasn't Been Justice Nominated and Confirmed In Election Year By Divided Government Since 1880 (Updated) - The Gateway Pundit
And once again Steph goes to Jim "stupidest man on the internet" Hoft.


Two words for you and the dolt: Anthony Kennedy.
This is the Fact that was Booed by Republicans LOL...they desperately want to deny the Negro President what is routine for white Presidents

you left live and thrive on nothing but hate. pointing out some people booing as if that means anything. how sad
this Tyrone is just a nasty troll who adds nothing to a thread. don't feed it
Maybe it's time for Term limits on these people? Isn't it nice to know you can have a job until you freaking DIE in office AND then leave us in this MESS now with Obama?

How very selfish of Scalia to pass away while Obama is President! Prick!
11 months left in a 48 month term and Republicans act like it is over
This is the Fact that was Booed by Republicans LOL...they desperately want to deny the Negro President what is routine for white Presidents

There is a difference between a justice who retired and one who dies while in office.
So ?
that means the Negro does not get to nominate like the rest of the Presidents.... you Republicans are insane to boo thing is to boo an opinion but who the hell boos facts ...that is what happened at the debate "you all' are so eager to deny the Negro his due that you boo facts that support the Negro Nominating do the same with Global do not like what Science has to boo Science conclusion is you all have suffered some sort of massive break away from conventional reality and are somewhere out there...
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.

is there going to be an autopsy

people just tilt over all the time

when your number is called

you are out of here
The haste with which Scalia's death was reduced to a political battle was a bit alarming. But the tweets also underscore a pretty obvious reality that existed even before the news broke: in the last year of the Obama administration, congressional Republicans are pretty invested in just running out the clock.

Not surprisingly, Democrats weren't keen on going along with the de facto inaction. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), a long-serving member of the judiciary committee, encouraged the president to move swiftly in naming a replacement for Scalia. "I hope that no one will use this sad news to suggest that the President or the Senate should not perform its constitutional duty," he said in a statement. And Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) quickly encouraged the president to "send the Senate a nominee right away."

"With so many important issues pending before the Supreme Court, the Senate has a responsibility to fill vacancies as soon as possible," Reid's statement read. "It would be unprecedented in recent history for the Supreme Court to go a year with a vacant seat. Failing to fill this vacancy would be a shameful abdication of one of the Senate's most essential Constitutional responsibilities.”

Conservatives Quickly Refuse Any Obama Court Replacement After Antonin Scalia's Death
Scalia was murdered.

One media outlet says 'natural causes', another says the cause is 'undetermined'.

Scalia had been extremely vocal, especially for him, for a while now...negative of the Obama administration and of the Chief Justice / some decisions / opinions recently.

Of all the Justices one might expect to die from 'natural causes', Scalia did not top the list of USSC Judges.

'With so many important issues pending', Reid pointed out, it is imperative for the Liberals to have the court stacked in their favor RIGHT NOW... at any cost?

Scalia wouldn't be the 1st person sacrificed for the 'greater good'...ask Vince Foster ... and Ambassador Stevens.

If Obama can't appoint the next Justice, if the GOP succeed in preventing him from being able to do so as McConnell promised yesterday, he has that much more of a NEED for Hillary to win the Presidency, to ensure like-minded Democrats get to pick the next Justice. That provides more than enough Conflict of Interest ... REASON ... for him to ensure there is no Grand Jury and no Indictment of Hillary Clinton.
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Let me get this straight. Scalia was admired for his strict adherence to the literal constitution of the United States. According to the constitution, the President appoints justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Why are Conservatives, who admired Scalia the most and justly for his commitment to the constitution, so quick to repress the constitution by opposing the enumerated powers of the President in appointing a Justice?

What's the Conservative priority? Strong adherence to the constitution, or amassing no political power? Where are the Conservative constitutionalists?
if you dont understand the answer to what you just asked, you are part of the reason whats happening is happening.
obama is not looking for a justice that will follow the constitution, he is looking for those that will follow his personal desires.
Isn't that what confirmation by the Senate is supposed to determine? The qualifications of the night nominee?

My suggestion is to follow the constitution and not the partisan whims of either political ideology. Surely you cannot say that all the justices are not qualified to be on the bench. Or perhaps you believe that partisanship rather than judicial qualifications are more likely to important?

Obama needs to appoint a Conservative Italian America and he'll get approved by the Senate. It's that simple
The President has to nominate the most qualified person to the court. Ethnic and political litmus tests are, in fact, unconstitutional. Where are the Conservative constitutionalists?

Kagan got the appointment as payback for keeping Obama academic records at Harvard sealed
Scalia was murdered.

One media outlet says 'natural causes', another says the cause is 'undetermined'.

Scalia had been extremely vocal, especially for him, for a while now...negative of the Obama administration and of the Chief Justice / some decisions / opinions recently.

Of all the Justices one might expect to die from 'natural causes', Scalia did not top the list of USSC Judges.

'With so many important issues pending', Reid pointed out, it is imperative for the Liberals to have the court stacked in their favor RIGHT NOW... at any cost?

Scalia wouldn't be the 1st person sacrificed for the 'greater good'...ask Vince Foster ... and Ambassador Stevens.

If Obama can't appoint the next Justice, if the GOP succeed in preventing him from being able to do so as McConnell promised yesterday, he has that much more of a NEED for Hillary to win the Presidency, to ensure like-minded Democrats get to pick the next Justice. That provides more than enough Conflict of Interest ... REASON ... for him to ensure there is no Grand Jury and no Indictment of Hillary Clinton.

Obama is going to take out Clarence Thomas too. This is part of the activity he promised in his final year

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