Not Enough Felons in the Schools???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Be aware! This is NOT satire! I am going to post parts of an actual article from the May 2nd official newspaper of the largest teacher's union local in the nation, the United Federation of Teacher's newspaper, "New York Teacher."


If you continue reading, you will be exposed to the nexus of Liberalism, unionism, racism, and anti-education.

1. "UFT: Resources needed to prevent student suspensions

2. Too many New York City public school students are suspended or arrested, UFT Director of School Kazansky.... called on the Department of Education to move beyond its narrow emphasis on testing and instead put more resources into peer-mediation and crisis-intervention programs and the hiring of more mental health professionals for the schools.

3. Joining Kazansky were high school students from the group Dignity in Schools, education activists from New Yorkers for Great Public Schools and a host of political leaders, including two Democratic candidates for mayor, City Comptroller John Liu and former Comptroller William Thompson, as well as representatives of other Democratic mayoral candidates.

4. ... called for the next mayor to end zero-tolerance discipline policies that disproportionately affect students of color.

5. “A lot of black and Latino students are pushed out of school and into the school-to-prison pipeline,” ...

6. “Student suspensions, if necessary at all, should be a last resort ...He called for a broader adoption by schools of a restorative justice approach now used at only 10 schools. It “gives students ownership of their behavior and makes them responsible for doing something to make it right.”

7. Ultimately, students would be better served with less emphasis on discipline and more on prevention and intervention, he said.

8. .... launch of a new UFT initiative, Safety in Numbers. It will call on educators to report all disciplinary incidents and will provide a training module for staff to change a school’s culture."
UFT: Resources needed to prevent student suspensions | United Federation of Teachers

So....let's review, shall we?

According to the most powerful education labor union, one that elects leaders in the biggest and most influential city in the nation, it is not an emphasis on teaching that we need is to make certain that there is less discipline..." students would be better served with less emphasis on discipline..."????

Their goal and desire is to keep felons and felons-in-training in the schools? Get these idiots out! That's the teachers to whom I'm referring!!!

The implication is that the most Liberal professionals in the nation....nay, the world...are singling out " A lot of black and Latino students..."????

And, these angels....the ones 'suspended and arrested,' were picked out at random.....???
What kind of insanity is loose in the world????

Here we see the reason why education is a thing of the past....

Just as in good government, Liberals and education are oil and water.
Throw 'em out!!
So the NYCity teacher's union wants to institute a failed philosophy in the schools???

"He called for a broader adoption by schools of a restorative justice approach..."

"Competency development. Restorative justice seeks to increase
the pro-social skills of those who have harmed others, address
underlying factors that lead youth to engage in delinquent
behavior, and build on strengths in each young person." BARJ GUIDEBOOOK.pdf

Great....let's show kids that the best way to get hugs and attention is to be a thug!

Gee....I about we immediately and permanently remove thugs and those impeding the learning of others.....
...think that might be a learning experience for all involved?
Not Enough Felons in the Schools???

"Sheriff" Arpaio, the KKK nutter in Maricopa county Arizona, is doing his part to put felons in schools. If you're a convicted child molester, he'll happily give you a gun so you can "guard" little grade school age children.

Not surprisingly, the rw's love the idea of armed felons guarding children.
Not Enough Felons in the Schools???

"Sheriff" Arpaio, the KKK nutter in Maricopa county Arizona, is doing his part to put felons in schools. If you're a convicted child molester, he'll happily give you a gun so you can "guard" little grade school age children.

Not surprisingly, the rw's love the idea of armed felons guarding children.

You're a nutjob. Where do you come up with this stuff idiot?
Not Enough Felons in the Schools???

"Sheriff" Arpaio, the KKK nutter in Maricopa county Arizona, is doing his part to put felons in schools. If you're a convicted child molester, he'll happily give you a gun so you can "guard" little grade school age children.

Not surprisingly, the rw's love the idea of armed felons guarding children.

Hey, Ugly_Necktie....
1. ...didn't you also claim that the Tea Party was two holes in a pillowcase short of the KKK?

That seems to be your one-size-fits-all critique.

2. Funny, because of the provenance of the KKK....

a. Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

3. Bottom line.....are you signing on to the insane suggestions of the NYCity teacher's union that what the schools need is more thugs, criminals and trouble-makers???

'Cause, you, being as provably crazy as you are, might actually find said plan efficacious.

Don't be afraid to speak're for it, aren't you?

...then we'll get someone to lend you a quarter so you can buy a clue....
If the kids aren't in school, the districts don't get paid. It really is as simple as that.

This initiative is another example of the selfishness of public education. They are not in the least concerned with the welfare of students, but their own jobs. And the jobs of their relatives that they hired. And the jobs of their friends that they hired.

To Liberalism, unionism, racism, and anti-education... you can also add nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism.
Remember this?

"The G.I. Bill
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (P.L. 78-346, 58 Stat. 284m), known informally as the G.I. Bill, was a law that provided a range of benefits for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as G.I.s). Benefits included ... cash payments of tuition and living expenses to attend college, high school or vocational education,... By the end of the program in 1956, roughly 2.2 million veterans had used the G.I. Bill education benefits in order to attend colleges or universities, and an additional 6.6 million used these benefits for some kind of training program.[2]"
G.I. Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We need this today for all school children.....
....we could call it....


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