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Not enough money to help Americans, but more than enough to put troops all over the world?

Love the way Republicans go on about how much money they contribute to the country. They aren't even qualified for good jobs. They hate education. And the place you work? How many will only promote you if you go out and get more schooling? Something most Republicans would never do.
Which is why business wants immigrants here.

It's actually a brilliant short term plan. Business knows it has the GOP vote sewn up. It knows the educated won't vote against their own self interests the way an ignorant GOP base will. So it gets poor white GOP voters to vote for them because they are the "job creators" and they get the skills and talents of educated immigrants.
Love the way Republicans go on about how much money they contribute to the country. They aren't even qualified for good jobs. They hate education. And the place you work? How many will only promote you if you go out and get more schooling? Something most Republicans would never do.
Which is why business wants immigrants here.

It's actually a brilliant short term plan. Business knows it has the GOP vote sewn up. It knows the educated won't vote against their own self interests the way an ignorant GOP base will. So it gets poor white GOP voters to vote for them because they are the "job creators" and they get the skills and talents of educated immigrants.

Funny how you think all of us Republicans are so doggone stupid, R-Derp...yet somehow we're also the people that run all these big corporations that make billions of dollars!
Liberals on the other hand have claimed Government and Education as their domains...areas where you don't have to compete because you're a monopoly.
Not enough money to help Americans, but more than enough to put troops all over the world?


The Federal government isn't supposed to "help Americans" by handing out goodies to them. They are supposed to protect their rights. And otherwise stay out of their way. Says so right in the Constitution. Because sensible people know that will ultimately hurt more then it helps.

You want to hand them goodies, feel free to write them a check and/or fill up a truck or twenty. And persuade your neighbors to do the same. But quit trying to force others to do it.
Like I said in the beginning its gonna be hard. That's not the governments fault. EVERY person should be given a wage they can raise a family on. Blame the corporations who refused to pay wages high enough. The government should have more say so in wages and who gets raises etc once this is instituted. Between the capitalist swine that will leave and others that will leave for the hell of it there wont be a problem. If there is a problem we let them know the government had to take action to make sure everyone was given an equal chance but from now on EVERYONE will not only have a livable wage but a chance to advance. The old system doesn't work. Those that whine let them leave...fuck em.Its whats best for the common good.
What a baby. You want to force someone that builds a business to supply a lifelong nipple into your gaping yap because you think you're entitled to it. Fuck you. Go start your own business you spineless parasite!

The opportunity is out there for people with backbones, foreigners come here barely speaking the language and make it. You obviously can't. Boohoo.
Whine all you want. Its a human right to be able to afford the simple things in life. In fact the pursuit of happiness means a decent livable wage. The corporations won't do it themselves so they must be forced to do it. Tough luck.
I didn't whine, I make my own way. I don't feel like I have the right to attach myself to someone else's success. You obviously want a host to feed off of regardless of your worth.

The Constitution says no such thing. The right to pursue is not the right to have. You're too fucking stupid for more than grunt work. That's why you'll never make 40k a year. Not greed. Worth!
1. ANYONE that works should be paid enough to live without government help
2.Human Beings are not products they are PEOPLE they aren't to be used as "worth". PERIOD.
People are not used at all. They exchange their goods (the labor) for a wage.

When your labor is not worth anything then you are not going to get much for it - period. It does not matter how many worthless pieces of paper you deem needs to be exchanged for said labor - its vales DOES NOT CHANGE. By trying to inflate the cost of that labor you simply inflate everything else as well. In the end, you end up with the same amount of money but more paper to represent it.
1. ANYONE that works should be paid enough to live without government help
2.Human Beings are not products they are PEOPLE they aren't to be used as "worth". PERIOD.
I didn't say humans were products, I called you a leech. And I didn't say people were entitled to government help. If they are able bodied they need to work and they should only make what someone is willing to pay. You don't understand our Constitution. We can look at Cuba for how your scenario plays out.
That's the problem. You think people are inherently good and will actually pay people a decent wage. I don't and the world today is proof I am correct. It takes force unfortunately.
Force, the hallmark of all things that are good, moral and right...

So should we station troops all over the world???? That is the main question.
Yes we should. When people who do not know anything about the military talk it seems they think the military is only about war. Yes that is one charter of theirs. Defense is another priority, public relations, intelligence gathering, search and rescue, training, with global power and global reach within 24 hours. You know only what they show on 24 hour news and unfortunately they only show what sells. All the other works that the military does is forgotten. Shrinking back into isolationism is never going to happen no matter what politician says it, he or she is lying to you, to get support from his constituents for whatever nefarious reason. If that politician were to ever get power ie president you would quickly see him or her do a 180 on what they said. With a global market it is never going to happen. And all the countries we are in they want us there. Same as if a base were to pop up in your town, nobody would want it to close.

The fact is we are downsiZing bases overseas, but current global trends now force them to remain open. If all bases overseas close as you want, the world would sink into chaos, more then what you are seeing now! Does the United States get things wrong? Yes they do. But that is more of a political problem, the troops on the ground see the world through unfiltered eyes, politicians are shown only what the country wants them to see. And unfortunately politicians make choices that any troop on the ground would tell you is wrong. It's mostly political follies from both bush and obama.
That's because its being done wrong. To get people out of poverty you must FORCE the companies to pay a livable wage,make education and healthcare "free" in the form of higher taxes in a progressive tax form. If people had money to live decently and not go into debt with unexpected health problems or paying 100k for an education on top of paying 20% interest on it we would not have anywhere near the amount of poverty we have now

So your solution to the lack of success getting rid of poverty after fifty years of the "War on Poverty" is to throw more tax dollars at the problem? You also want to force companies to pay more in wages? And you think doing those two things will get rid of poverty? You didn't take economics in college, Odium...did you?
Don't need economics when you use common sense. People are born in a hole and when they try to get out of that hole they dig a deeper hole that eventually collapses on them thus putting them in deeper poverty.Give everyone an equal chance and it will be fine. The can afford to pay CEO'S millions they can afford to pay every worker an annual wage of 40k.

I'm going to use a little of your "common sense" to show why your simple solution doesn't work, Odium...

Let's say I do pay every worker a wage of at least 40 thousand! I used to pay my entry level workers a wage of about 20 thousand so I'm doubling their wages. So what do the people who have gotten some job skills and progressed a few levels higher than entry level going to say when an entry level person now makes the same amount of money as they do? Common sense tells us that those people will be VERY unhappy unless their wages are raised a corresponding amount as well. They are going to say since you doubled the wages for the starting people then you should double mine as well. I've put in my time...I've learned job skills to get a promotion and a raise...why shouldn't I be making more than someone who just started! And if you give those people a big raise to keep them happy then their supervisor is going to go "Whoa...hold on there...how come they got raises and I didn't!!!" So you've got to bump them as well...

See where this is going? You end up raising everyone's wages. Labor costs go through the roof. Prices for goods and services naturally have to be raised to pay those new higher labor costs. Higher prices lead to inflation. Inflation leads to a shrinking of disposable income. So what have you accomplished?
That's not anyones problem but the companies paying slave wages. They will adapt or sink.
So your willing to pay the guy that cuts your grass $40,000 a year?
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...

Like I said in the beginning its gonna be hard. That's not the governments fault. EVERY person should be given a wage they can raise a family on. Blame the corporations who refused to pay wages high enough. The government should have more say so in wages and who gets raises etc once this is instituted. Between the capitalist swine that will leave and others that will leave for the hell of it there wont be a problem. If there is a problem we let them know the government had to take action to make sure everyone was given an equal chance but from now on EVERYONE will not only have a livable wage but a chance to advance. The old system doesn't work. Those that whine let them leave...fuck em.Its whats best for the common good.
What a baby. You want to force someone that builds a business to supply a lifelong nipple into your gaping yap because you think you're entitled to it. Fuck you. Go start your own business you spineless parasite!

The opportunity is out there for people with backbones, foreigners come here barely speaking the language and make it. You obviously can't. Boohoo.
Whine all you want. Its a human right to be able to afford the simple things in life. In fact the pursuit of happiness means a decent livable wage. The corporations won't do it themselves so they must be forced to do it. Tough luck.
I didn't whine, I make my own way. I don't feel like I have the right to attach myself to someone else's success. You obviously want a host to feed off of regardless of your worth.

The Constitution says no such thing. The right to pursue is not the right to have. You're too fucking stupid for more than grunt work. That's why you'll never make 40k a year. Not greed. Worth!
1. ANYONE that works should be paid enough to live without government help
2.Human Beings are not products they are PEOPLE they aren't to be used as "worth". PERIOD.
People are not used at all. They exchange their goods (the labor) for a wage.

When your labor is not worth anything then you are not going to get much for it - period. It does not matter how many worthless pieces of paper you deem needs to be exchanged for said labor - its vales DOES NOT CHANGE. By trying to inflate the cost of that labor you simply inflate everything else as well. In the end, you end up with the same amount of money but more paper to represent it.
Again PEOPLE are not items to be bought and paid for and used as labor. They are HUMAN BEINGS an as such deserve a certain level of living.
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...
Holy Moly. Their customers would have to pay them enough to pay him 40k a year. You're sticking your head in the sand.
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...
Holy Moly. Their customers would have to pay them enough to pay him 40k a year. You're sticking your head in the sand.
Then people would get off their asses and cut their own damn grass and the companies will go back to cutting the grass of big companies that can afford it. Everyone wins.
So your solution to the lack of success getting rid of poverty after fifty years of the "War on Poverty" is to throw more tax dollars at the problem? You also want to force companies to pay more in wages? And you think doing those two things will get rid of poverty? You didn't take economics in college, Odium...did you?
Don't need economics when you use common sense. People are born in a hole and when they try to get out of that hole they dig a deeper hole that eventually collapses on them thus putting them in deeper poverty.Give everyone an equal chance and it will be fine. The can afford to pay CEO'S millions they can afford to pay every worker an annual wage of 40k.

I'm going to use a little of your "common sense" to show why your simple solution doesn't work, Odium...

Let's say I do pay every worker a wage of at least 40 thousand! I used to pay my entry level workers a wage of about 20 thousand so I'm doubling their wages. So what do the people who have gotten some job skills and progressed a few levels higher than entry level going to say when an entry level person now makes the same amount of money as they do? Common sense tells us that those people will be VERY unhappy unless their wages are raised a corresponding amount as well. They are going to say since you doubled the wages for the starting people then you should double mine as well. I've put in my time...I've learned job skills to get a promotion and a raise...why shouldn't I be making more than someone who just started! And if you give those people a big raise to keep them happy then their supervisor is going to go "Whoa...hold on there...how come they got raises and I didn't!!!" So you've got to bump them as well...

See where this is going? You end up raising everyone's wages. Labor costs go through the roof. Prices for goods and services naturally have to be raised to pay those new higher labor costs. Higher prices lead to inflation. Inflation leads to a shrinking of disposable income. So what have you accomplished?
That's not anyones problem but the companies paying slave wages. They will adapt or sink.
So your willing to pay the guy that cuts your grass $40,000 a year?
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...

What a baby. You want to force someone that builds a business to supply a lifelong nipple into your gaping yap because you think you're entitled to it. Fuck you. Go start your own business you spineless parasite!

The opportunity is out there for people with backbones, foreigners come here barely speaking the language and make it. You obviously can't. Boohoo.
Whine all you want. Its a human right to be able to afford the simple things in life. In fact the pursuit of happiness means a decent livable wage. The corporations won't do it themselves so they must be forced to do it. Tough luck.
I didn't whine, I make my own way. I don't feel like I have the right to attach myself to someone else's success. You obviously want a host to feed off of regardless of your worth.

The Constitution says no such thing. The right to pursue is not the right to have. You're too fucking stupid for more than grunt work. That's why you'll never make 40k a year. Not greed. Worth!
1. ANYONE that works should be paid enough to live without government help
2.Human Beings are not products they are PEOPLE they aren't to be used as "worth". PERIOD.
People are not used at all. They exchange their goods (the labor) for a wage.

When your labor is not worth anything then you are not going to get much for it - period. It does not matter how many worthless pieces of paper you deem needs to be exchanged for said labor - its vales DOES NOT CHANGE. By trying to inflate the cost of that labor you simply inflate everything else as well. In the end, you end up with the same amount of money but more paper to represent it.
Again PEOPLE are not items to be bought and paid for and used as labor. They are HUMAN BEINGS an as such deserve a certain level of living.
So if you would have a company cutting your grass now and it cost you $200 a month now. Giving all employees raises you would be willing to pay $600 to $800 a month? That's what would happen if something as asinine you're proposing. See raise wages everything else will go up. No matter how much you wish and throw money at it. There will always be poor people.
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...
Holy Moly. Their customers would have to pay them enough to pay him 40k a year. You're sticking your head in the sand.
Then people would get off their asses and cut their own damn grass and the companies will go back to cutting the grass of big companies that can afford it. Everyone wins.


So, by reducing consumer spending due to high inflationary prices, you think everyone wins? What about the people who end up losing their jobs because there isn't enough work to go around anymore? How is that a win?
The COMPANY I hire to cut my grass would pay him 40k a year yes. I cut my own damn grass though...
Holy Moly. Their customers would have to pay them enough to pay him 40k a year. You're sticking your head in the sand.
Then people would get off their asses and cut their own damn grass and the companies will go back to cutting the grass of big companies that can afford it. Everyone wins.
You seriously missed the point.
"When I comes to helping Americans, whether it's disaster victims or those on food stamps, disabled or born into poverty, Republicans insist we don't have the money".

Problem? Doesn't Obama have enough money to bribe wetbacks with?
I have a great idea. Why not do away with all welfare, both foreign and domestic?

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