Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

Saudi Arabia and Israel hate Iran that is why they are terrorists , as well as Hamas and Hezbollah, A jew is the father of Shia Islam. Also Israel didn't mind giving weapons to Iran in the 1980's during the Iran Contra.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Sak King Herod was not Iranian-----he was an edomite---
roman shill appointed king of Judea by the Romans.
Sak you are probably too young to remember ----when things were fairly good for jews in Iran-----Ie----like before
You’re correct, confused Herod with Darius. Going off of memory here, cut me slack.

Though it still doesn’t go against my point of WTF is Penelope talking about when it comes to Jews 3000 years ago.

3000 years ago------little david was THROWING Rocks----when he was not playing on his harp
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Babylon destroyed the Solomons Temple in about 590 BC, and only 45000 Jews (to include the singers) returned to Judea to rebuild the temple with Persian money.

You can't jump from there to Herod and then to Hitler from there, a lot happened.

Why didn't more come back from Babylon, when King Cyrus allowed them to a few decades later, they liked it there.

Oh they became very happy in Iran, Queen Esther. You must be an evangelical.
No I’m not an evangelical, I am a listener of Dan Carlin’s hardcore history. Again this was 3,000 years ago...NO SHIT A LOT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN. A big one was Persia changing their name to Iran. Modern day Jews are not welcome in Iran. WTF IS YOUR POINT?? You say a lot has happened since WWII and that I can’t just jump around, but then YOU say “Jews liked it in Persia way back when.” BUT I THOUGHT A LOT HAS CHANGED FROM THEN, but apparently only when someone else brings up the precipitating events that led to the formation of Israel....

You are uttering laughable nonsense. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT?? That the peasant Jews could’ve returned when the nice kings in the pre-Roman empire would let them....yea a lot has changed since then. Things like modern day transportation is a pretty big one. It was a lot harder to travel hundreds of miles back then than it is now, just in case you didn’t know. Let’s not forget, PLENTY DID again wtf is your point?

sak----only 2000 years ago------2000 years ago---MOST ADULT JEWISH MALES WERE LITERATE------there is a
real history------and it is mostly not the NT
She’s bringing up ester and Cyrus which we’re about 3000 years ago, jimminy cricket was 2000
DEX ----you are badly misinformed

It was parroted and cited....

It is not "my take," but one from the web....

Sunday school stuff Dex. ----I is a jew------I did more
SUNDAY school as a child than----anything approaching
"Hebrew school" ie no "Hebrew school at all" --------but I did learn lots thru the course of time by being a book worm and------a LISTENER. I read the new testament with a completely opened mind as a kid-------too. ------bottom line
from my own UNCONTAMINATED LOGIC-----Jesus was a
Pharisee and Constantine hated Pharisees for GOOD REASON Pharisees hated romans. ---later on I did discover that very erudite biblical scholars AGREE

Wasn't it great when Moses repaid the Midianites for their years of hospitality by exterminating them???
What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Babylon destroyed the Solomons Temple in about 590 BC, and only 45000 Jews (to include the singers) returned to Judea to rebuild the temple with Persian money.

You can't jump from there to Herod and then to Hitler from there, a lot happened.

Why didn't more come back from Babylon, when King Cyrus allowed them to a few decades later, they liked it there.

Oh they became very happy in Iran, Queen Esther. You must be an evangelical.
No I’m not an evangelical, I am a listener of Dan Carlin’s hardcore history. Again this was 3,000 years ago...NO SHIT A LOT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN. A big one was Persia changing their name to Iran. Modern day Jews are not welcome in Iran. WTF IS YOUR POINT?? You say a lot has happened since WWII and that I can’t just jump around, but then YOU say “Jews liked it in Persia way back when.” BUT I THOUGHT A LOT HAS CHANGED FROM THEN, but apparently only when someone else brings up the precipitating events that led to the formation of Israel....

You are uttering laughable nonsense. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT?? That the peasant Jews could’ve returned when the nice kings in the pre-Roman empire would let them....yea a lot has changed since then. Things like modern day transportation is a pretty big one. It was a lot harder to travel hundreds of miles back then than it is now, just in case you didn’t know. Let’s not forget, PLENTY DID again wtf is your point?

sak----only 2000 years ago------2000 years ago---MOST ADULT JEWISH MALES WERE LITERATE------there is a
real history------and it is mostly not the NT
She’s bringing up ester and Cyrus which we’re about 3000 years ago, jimminy cricket was 2000

yes----in and about-------give or take a few hundred years---BUT NOT A THOUSAND. She is very confused about jewish migration. Jews MOVED AROUND LOTS-----more or less voluntarily or forced. There were jews in Persia ---for fun and business------and in Arabia-----evey way back then
You do not lie every day to the world and still pretend you are a good Christian! Sarah Sanders does just that.

Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.
Yes, Sarah lies daily, and Doc1 tries to emulate her daily. That is not Christian behavior.

Poor Jake, such a liar and a pretend internet character.
^^^^ poor, poor Doc1 ^^^^ pitiful irosie, I have no problem with the Jews or the Jewish state, which I support its right to exist.
Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
The real Jesus. I wish you did.

Wasn't it great when Moses repaid the Midianites for their years of hospitality by exterminating them???

again-----a sunday school reconstruction. If you read carefully and with some level of discernment-----you will note that ----them peoples KNEW each other-------and to a very
significant extent were LONG TERM TRIBAL LIKE
OPPONENTS. Their skirmishes were INCESSANT----the time spent in Egypt------changed nothing
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Sak King Herod was not Iranian-----he was an edomite---
roman shill appointed king of Judea by the Romans.
Sak you are probably too young to remember ----when things were fairly good for jews in Iran-----Ie----like before
You’re correct, confused Herod with Darius. Going off of memory here, cut me slack.

Though it still doesn’t go against my point of WTF is Penelope talking about when it comes to Jews 3000 years ago.

3000 years ago------little david was THROWING Rocks----when he was not playing on his harp
What about that is hypocritical? Can you only be Jewish to support Israel? Can you only be Muslim to support Palestine?

Almost all of the Jewish dem legislators support Israel, but many on the left do does that make the left hypocritical?

If you take the religion completely out of this equation, what you have is a country, along with a bunch of neighboring countries, tried to wipe another country off the map (and almost succeeded. But that country fought them back and took the other country because its highly strategic to do so, and not have a country intent on your destruction in proximity to a crucial boarder of your country out of your control. Don’t forget they could have easily taken control of more land (they pushed back all the way to Cairo), but stopped and let the boot off the neck easily.

If you add religion back into the equation, what you see is a Jewish country, that took a UN deal for their own sovereignty, then has been in a state of constant defensive war pretty much since its inception...when has Israel not acted defensively? It’s also the only democratic country in the Middle East, to the point where they have people in parliament who wish for the very destruction of that country. It’s a Jewish country that has banned Jews from their most holy site in order to placate to the Muslims that want to wipe them off the map. It’s the only tolerant country in the Middle East for gays and lesbians.

To paint them as the bad guys in this situation is utterly ridiculous. Disagreeing with how they handle things is one thing. But just painting them as the bad guys, the instigators, etc, is so naive, and an incredibly simplistic (and wrong) view of a complicated situation.

What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

Iran funds terrorist organizations. That is why they are terrorists. .Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. Always have been and always will be.

And oil.

You just happen to support terrorists. Period.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Sak King Herod was not Iranian-----he was an edomite---
roman shill appointed king of Judea by the Romans.
Sak you are probably too young to remember ----when things were fairly good for jews in Iran-----Ie----like before
You’re correct, confused Herod with Darius. Going off of memory here, cut me slack.

Though it still doesn’t go against my point of WTF is Penelope talking about when it comes to Jews 3000 years ago.

3000 years ago------little david was THROWING Rocks----when he was not playing on his harp
Again, why the fuck does it matter?? All that matters is why they are there NOW, not why didn’t they all return 2000-3000 years ago. Jesus Christ, Mary and Joseph .
"The tell of a stupid person is that they use guilt by association and reject it when it's used on them."

Hung on his own words.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

And yet the GOP is the friend of Israel while the left only wants the Jews in America to vote for them.

I find that amusing. Not in a “ha ha” way, but a hypocritical way.

Both parties are pro-Israel, just one is retarded about Israel the GOP, and one isn't so retarded about Israel.

The GOP is turning off it's own Polish American fan base in Trump here, to fight for a smaller Jewish American populace, whom voted for Hillary.

Tensions rise between U.S. and Poland over ‘Holocaust law’

You GOP are idiots, you just like the power of looting, and shooting, and W Bush, H.W Bush, and Israel (Zionists) do love the power of looting, and shooting.

What a dumbass.
Sure she does, but the post was about Jake, oh yes, you're not a "Christian" either.
Yes, Sarah lies daily, and Doc1 tries to emulate her daily. That is not Christian behavior.

Poor Jake, such a liar and a pretend internet character.
^^^^ poor, poor Doc1 ^^^^ pitiful irosie, I have no problem with the Jews or the Jewish state, which I support its right to exist.
Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
The real Jesus. I wish you did.

No Jake, you lie too much to know the "real" Jesus. Tell me, did He die for your sins? Was He raised on the 3rd day? Is He the ONLY way to heaven?
What I see is for years it was mainly a Arab nation of Muslims, a few Christians and some Jews. The jews were sent there to maintain the Suez Canal, and then they kicked the British out, King David Hotel.

Only 45000 Jews returned from Babylon, most loved it in Babylon. Ever hear of the
Herodian Dynasty

Do you see Herods Temple there yet??? No.

So we are told, what about Saudi Arabia?
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Babylon destroyed the Solomons Temple in about 590 BC, and only 45000 Jews (to include the singers) returned to Judea to rebuild the temple with Persian money.

You can't jump from there to Herod and then to Hitler from there, a lot happened.

Why didn't more come back from Babylon, when King Cyrus allowed them to a few decades later, they liked it there.

Oh they became very happy in Iran, Queen Esther. You must be an evangelical.
No I’m not an evangelical, I am a listener of Dan Carlin’s hardcore history. Again this was 3,000 years ago...NO SHIT A LOT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN. A big one was Persia changing their name to Iran. Modern day Jews are not welcome in Iran. WTF IS YOUR POINT?? You say a lot has happened since WWII and that I can’t just jump around, but then YOU say “Jews liked it in Persia way back when.” BUT I THOUGHT A LOT HAS CHANGED FROM THEN, but apparently only when someone else brings up the precipitating events that led to the formation of Israel....

You are uttering laughable nonsense. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT?? That the peasant Jews could’ve returned when the nice kings in the pre-Roman empire would let them....yea a lot has changed since then. Things like modern day transportation is a pretty big one. It was a lot harder to travel hundreds of miles back then than it is now, just in case you didn’t know. Let’s not forget, PLENTY DID again wtf is your point?

sak----only 2000 years ago------2000 years ago---MOST ADULT JEWISH MALES WERE LITERATE------there is a
real history------and it is mostly not the NT
She’s bringing up ester and Cyrus which we’re about 3000 years ago, jimminy cricket was 2000

Because its based on a lie.
What the hell does king herod have to do with anything? Hahaha what a completely laughable point. Didn’t he let many return to Jerusalem? Are you suggesting that Jews would be happier in Iran? What on earth is your point.

Let’s put everything here into context. Babylon took over Israel, and moved Israelites all around the empire, and treated them like shit for generations up until Herod. Who was nicer to them and let many return to Jerusalem, and the Jews even hailed him as a savior for them after suffering under the previous harsher dynasty’s...So you’re comparing Jews from 3,000 years ago, where generation after generation grew up in Babylon under harsh rule, finally get a decent king who treats them well and decide to stay, rather than make a dangerous trek through strange lands to a place they have never been before; to Jews who moved to Israel after their neighbors were turning them in by the millions to the nazis, who systematically slaughtered them by the millions. At this time, when they tried to escape to a different country, country after country denied them access (including FDR and the US) these Jews said fuck it, we’re going back to the promise land because we won’t survive another one of these holocausts. After they established their country, and accepted the UN deal, their neighboring countries have unsuccessfully tried to wipe them off the map on numerous occasions.

So some Jews...not all...3,000 or so years ago stayed in Babylon. And this is comparable to the situation we see after WWII?

Persia changed their name to Iran (which translates to Aryan in honor of Hitler and what he was doing). I don’t think that’s a place where modern day Jews will get the same treatment they did under Herod.

Babylon destroyed the Solomons Temple in about 590 BC, and only 45000 Jews (to include the singers) returned to Judea to rebuild the temple with Persian money.

You can't jump from there to Herod and then to Hitler from there, a lot happened.

Why didn't more come back from Babylon, when King Cyrus allowed them to a few decades later, they liked it there.

Oh they became very happy in Iran, Queen Esther. You must be an evangelical.
No I’m not an evangelical, I am a listener of Dan Carlin’s hardcore history. Again this was 3,000 years ago...NO SHIT A LOT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEN. A big one was Persia changing their name to Iran. Modern day Jews are not welcome in Iran. WTF IS YOUR POINT?? You say a lot has happened since WWII and that I can’t just jump around, but then YOU say “Jews liked it in Persia way back when.” BUT I THOUGHT A LOT HAS CHANGED FROM THEN, but apparently only when someone else brings up the precipitating events that led to the formation of Israel....

You are uttering laughable nonsense. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR POINT?? That the peasant Jews could’ve returned when the nice kings in the pre-Roman empire would let them....yea a lot has changed since then. Things like modern day transportation is a pretty big one. It was a lot harder to travel hundreds of miles back then than it is now, just in case you didn’t know. Let’s not forget, PLENTY DID again wtf is your point?

sak----only 2000 years ago------2000 years ago---MOST ADULT JEWISH MALES WERE LITERATE------there is a
real history------and it is mostly not the NT
She’s bringing up ester and Cyrus which we’re about 3000 years ago, jimminy cricket was 2000

Because its based on a lie.

Lie = Anything you don't believe
Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?
You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.
You are such a honey bunch, getting your words and thoughts all tied up. I said the Jews did not kill Jesus. I said the first congregations were Jewish Christians. I said the Jews are not responsible for Jesus' death. Anyone who says they were and are, even unto today, is not a Christian. Come unto Jesus, Doc1, He will accept you where you are and guide you. Accept him, Doc1.
Evangelicals, fundies, and Penties are heretics doctrinally.

That does not make them apostates, but they are feeding on bad theology, and that's why you end up with some of the nonsense above about the Jews.

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