Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

According to the Bible the Jews that did not back Christ demanded Pilate kill Jesus. He could find no reason to. Handed him back over to the mob of Jews. They did.
Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

Me, Nixon also lost by the skin of his teeth to JFK. The GOP Protestants and Evans could not have that, going for over 10 years without a GOP in office.

Ten years? My God, you are stupid!

Nixon ran in 1960 and lost. In 1968, he won. 1968-1960 would be 8 years, you idiot!
MaryAnne11 has admitted defeat and that she does not understand the Bible's narrative.

HoneyBunchDoc1 got beat into the dust.

The Romans crucified Jesus, not the Jews. The congregations of Christians in the first century began with Jews and in Jewish synagogues. The Jews remain the Chosen People. And true Christians are their friends today, and particularly of the Jewish State.
Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

And I answered you. No where did I mention Evangelicals. I simply gave you the name.

So admit not being able to read the thread? Good for you! Seek help!
MaryAnne11 has admitted defeat and that she does not understand the Bible's narrative.

HoneyBunchDoc1 got beat into the dust.

The Romans crucified Jesus, not the Jews. The congregations of Christians in the first century began with Jews and in Jewish synagogues. The Jews remain the Chosen People. And true Christians are their friends today, and particularly of the Jewish State.

You aren't even in my league Jakey/Fakey ;) It's sad how much you feel the need to lie. Your LDS Bible is letting you down.
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.
And Jews snitched on you, too.
It's worth noting that Oswald was to the rear and above the right shoulder of JFK. The head jerks backwards and the brains end up on the trunk. Magic bullet?
MaryAnne11 has admitted defeat and that she does not understand the Bible's narrative.

HoneyBunchDoc1 got beat into the dust.

The Romans crucified Jesus, not the Jews. The congregations of Christians in the first century began with Jews and in Jewish synagogues. The Jews remain the Chosen People. And true Christians are their friends today, and particularly of the Jewish State.

You aren't even in my league Jakey/Fakey ;) It's sad how much you feel the need to lie. Your LDS Bible is letting you down.
IOW, you cannot argue the facts. You are not even Christian, Doc1, it's obvious you have never read the Bible, and only a fool would suggest I am Mormon. ;) You need to start taking Bible classes from a real Christian teacher. Take MaryAnne11 with you.

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

Me, Nixon also lost by the skin of his teeth to JFK. The GOP Protestants and Evans could not have that, going for over 10 years without a GOP in office.

Ten years? My God, you are stupid!

Nixon ran in 1960 and lost. In 1968, he won. 1968-1960 would be 8 years, you idiot!

LOL, what two killers write a diary, certaintly a Methodist one from Palestine and a schizo, what did the three have in common. If you can't follow the dots, forget it, but just know all three ran against the GOP, Nixon and FBI Hoover was in office. Get a grip, also who tried so hard to have Lennon deported, Nixon and FBI, and what fruitcake offed him, and Evan due to the song "imagine". and he is more popular than Jesus,

reeks of the Evan against civil rights and desegregation, and the communist scare.
DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

Me, Nixon also lost by the skin of his teeth to JFK. The GOP Protestants and Evans could not have that, going for over 10 years without a GOP in office.

Ten years? My God, you are stupid!

Nixon ran in 1960 and lost. In 1968, he won. 1968-1960 would be 8 years, you idiot!

LOL, what two killers write a diary, certaintly a Methodist one from Palestine and a schizo, what did the three have in common. If you can't follow the dots, forget it, but just know all three ran against the GOP, Nixon and FBI Hoover was in office. Get a grip, also who tried so hard to have Lennon deported, Nixon and FBI, and what fruitcake offed him, and Evan due to the song "imagine". and he is more popular than Jesus,

reeks of the Evan against civil rights and desegregation, and the communist scare.

According to your own link, Sirhan Sirhan was Greek Orthodox and attended a Lutheran school. Where the hell do you get Methodist from? Dumbass!

The Unabomber kept a diary. Why is that unusual?
Every time Doc1 does make it personal, he admits that he is losing.

Traditional Christians understand that the Jews did not kill Christ (the Romans did), the Jews did not drink Christian blood, and the Jews did not eat the flesh of sacrificed Christian babies.

Why Doc1 hates Jews is beyond me, but that is characteristic of the religious Alt Right. The religious Christian right generally loves Jews and the Jewish state.

Jake, no offense but Jews were the ones demanding Jesus die. Pontuis Pilate could find no fault.

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

The Jews who left to follow Jesus were the innocent ones.

Maryanne-----you haven't got a clue. Mark and Luke SAID SO? Neither were there. It's heresay which makes no sense at all written long after the fact under the aegis of Constantine. Jews do not crucify ANYONE-----ever, nor are executions modes of entertainment-----that is a ROMAN

You certainly do not know your Bible. I suggest you read it, then get back to me!

I read it-----if you imagine you have a point----please post
it. I will help you understand that which you have stated
and that which you read. You stated approx "the jews wanted to kill Jesus"------so what was stopping them?.
Jesus was hanging around jews all the time and if "the jews" had killed him-----the romans, certainly, would not have cared. A knife in the back could have done it, Did the
Romans care when Herod killed John the Baptist?

Nothing stopped the Jews.Pontius Pilate could find no reason. He turned them over to the Jews. They crucified him.

Do you ever step foot in a Church? The month long Sermons before Easter preached that very Sermon! Leading up to the stone being rolled away and Jesus Return.

I am not going to give you links because I doubt you would read them.

Try Google.

Maryanne ------try reading the New Testament. It is dull but readable. "HE <Pontius pilate> TURNED THEM OVER TO THE JEWS" <<<< you are truly and utterly deluded by the filthy Nazi dogs who are your teachers.
I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

Me, Nixon also lost by the skin of his teeth to JFK. The GOP Protestants and Evans could not have that, going for over 10 years without a GOP in office.

Ten years? My God, you are stupid!

Nixon ran in 1960 and lost. In 1968, he won. 1968-1960 would be 8 years, you idiot!

LOL, what two killers write a diary, certaintly a Methodist one from Palestine and a schizo, what did the three have in common. If you can't follow the dots, forget it, but just know all three ran against the GOP, Nixon and FBI Hoover was in office. Get a grip, also who tried so hard to have Lennon deported, Nixon and FBI, and what fruitcake offed him, and Evan due to the song "imagine". and he is more popular than Jesus,

reeks of the Evan against civil rights and desegregation, and the communist scare.

According to your own link, Sirhan Sirhan was Greek Orthodox and attended a Lutheran school. Where the hell do you get Methodist from? Dumbass!

The Unabomber kept a diary. Why is that unusual?

there is indication that MARONITE BORN (eastern orthodox) Sirhan----dabbled in protestant religions----
not unlikely. I have never been to Jordan----I have known
maronites from that land in the USA. I have been to Israel---where there are Protestant proselytizers ON EVERY
CORNER------probably true of Jordan too. Jordan is not
like other muzzie shit holes------I doubt that they would execute protestant proselytizers
Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?
You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.
You are such a honey bunch, getting your words and thoughts all tied up. I said the Jews did not kill Jesus. I said the first congregations were Jewish Christians. I said the Jews are not responsible for Jesus' death. Anyone who says they were and are, even unto today, is not a Christian. Come unto Jesus, Doc1, He will accept you where you are and guide you. Accept him, Doc1.

I never get anything tied up Jakey, be careful, I will trap you. NOBODY says the "Jews" killed Jesus. EVERYBODY knows who pounded the nails. Jake you are not a Christian, we both know it. You are not a "Conservative", we both know it. You are however incorrect, the Jews were/are indeed responsible for the Death of Christ. THEY were the ones who agitated Pilate to doit. Huh, an "intelligent" guy like you should know Pilate said he "finds no guilt in this man" and even offered to set him or Barrabas free....the "Jews" chose Barabbas. Keep going, I'll keep burying you ;)

In my EDUCATED opinion----you have to be stupid to BELIEVE that CONSTANTINE story. Who are "DA JOOOOS" in this idiot tale?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?
You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.
You are such a honey bunch, getting your words and thoughts all tied up. I said the Jews did not kill Jesus. I said the first congregations were Jewish Christians. I said the Jews are not responsible for Jesus' death. Anyone who says they were and are, even unto today, is not a Christian. Come unto Jesus, Doc1, He will accept you where you are and guide you. Accept him, Doc1.

I never get anything tied up Jakey, be careful, I will trap you. NOBODY says the "Jews" killed Jesus. EVERYBODY knows who pounded the nails. Jake you are not a Christian, we both know it. You are not a "Conservative", we both know it. You are however incorrect, the Jews were/are indeed responsible for the Death of Christ. THEY were the ones who agitated Pilate to doit. Huh, an "intelligent" guy like you should know Pilate said he "finds no guilt in this man" and even offered to set him or Barrabas free....the "Jews" chose Barabbas. Keep going, I'll keep burying you ;)
In my EDUCATED opinion----you have to be stupid to BELIEVE that CONSTANTINE story. Who are "DA JOOOOS" in this idiot tale?
irosie, imo, those who blame the Jews for the Death of Jesus are those who have no trouble for pogroms or holocausts or genocides in the name of Jesus or Western Civilization or both.
Jewish Senators;

and yet the Evangelicals are the main supporters of Israel and the Jews.

Seems funny to me. Not ha ha funny, but hypocritical funny.

Naw, the Evangelicals want Jews in Palestine so Jesus can come back and the end of the world can start.

So it's really not funny at all. It's kind of sad, all these Bible Thumpers hoping for the end of the world because no one accepts their values. .
yeah it's the worlds largest religion, yet no one accepts their values......Do you know how stupid you sound?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

According to the Bible the Jews that did not back Christ demanded Pilate kill Jesus. He could find no reason to. Handed him back over to the mob of Jews. They did.

school teacher that was inflicted on Maryanne----a JEWISH MOB nailed jesus to a cross. Let me help you out Marianne-------the jews at that time were LARGELY LITERATE-------and their history does exist-----even amongst people who never heard or cared that a person called
JESUS existed. Jews NEVER CRUCIFY PEOPLE----that is the kind of filth in which you and yours engaged. Jews did not CHEER the barbarity of your HOLY ROMAN FOUNDERS ---in fact public executions for the entertainment of the perverted were not even done. As to your hero PONTIUS PILATE---he murdered an estimated
20,000 innocent jews by crucifixion <<< also history.
removed him from office for his overwhelming barbarity.
----again---BACK TO REALITY----back then----there were some POLITICALLY MOTIVATED assassinations by jews on jews-----it could be done easily without roman soldiers and their hammers and nails------and even those facts are known
in history. Now ----move forward to your murderous hero---CONSTANTINE-----he so hated Pharisee jews that he murdered them wholesale<<<< and he was the editor in
chief of the version of the NT that exists today. I attended protestant sunday school as a child a few dozen times------I did not have any
organized "jewish" education----but in my youth was a BOOK WORM. ---------and. as an adult got to interact with
persons of ALL KINDS of backgrounds----even two ----
<do not laugh> former priests. Feel free to ask questions
Last edited:
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

according to the little story------one person whose existence cannot be verified---to wit the person called JUDAS ISCARIOT------told another person----CAIAPHAS ---who is an historic and known person. Caiaphas was a MUCH HATED opponent of the Pharisees and a SHILL FOR ROME----he was placed in office as a priest BY ROME. ----
the snitch was "where to find Jesus" -----Logically Jesus
would be hiding from the ROMANS AND THEIR SHILLS
for his violent actions in the rome and Sadducee corrupted
affairs of the Temple courtyard.------the situation which
PHARISEES like jesus so ABHORRED. Pontius Pilate
is called a "saint" by some Christian sects----
For jews he was a mass murderer. Caiphas---according to
sunday school teachers, was something like a Pharisee
guy. -----NOPE he was a SADDUCEEAN----shill for rome.
In order to understand the NT ---you do need to know a bit
of history

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