Not even one GOP senator is Jewish , but there are several Democratic

What is the issue?

I stated it in the OP. Evans are Republican and yet no member of the GOP Senate is a Jew.
So you're thinking the Senate is an affirmative action chamber?

Do you know any Evangelicals who are Democrats.

No. And?

And why do they love Israel so much?? And back it? I am talking Israel and not Jews.

You mean because Israel is mostly Sikhs?
Every time Doc1 does make it personal, he admits that he is losing.

Traditional Christians understand that the Jews did not kill Christ (the Romans did), the Jews did not drink Christian blood, and the Jews did not eat the flesh of sacrificed Christian babies.

Why Doc1 hates Jews is beyond me, but that is characteristic of the religious Alt Right. The religious Christian right generally loves Jews and the Jewish state.

This is classic...

WHO made the law against "blasphemy" meaning claiming to be "son of God?"

WHY was such a law on the books at the time?

WHO did Judas rat Jesus out to?

WHO arrested Jesus?

Judaism is actually correct - Nazareth was a total fraud.

Socrates was executed for Blasphemy. Anyone out there
know of any jews who were executed for Blasphemy on the
judgement of a jewish court? I cannot think of any

Jesus equated Himself to God. That’s why He was crucified.

According to Pharisees of that time, claiming equality with God was blasphemy, an offence punishable with death. According to the Bible, making yourself equal with God is blasphemy, yes, but you can’t kill a man for that.

Crucifixion of Jesus came by chance, although using spiritual binoculars we believe God planned it all for the sake of redeeming the world.

Trial of Jesus Christ came at around that time of the Jewish customary feast, and setting free a death row convict marked the occasion. Decision on whom to set free was a sole discretion of the people.

Hanging on a tree was considered a befitting punishment for a capital offender.

Barabbas was a death row convict and his death in the authority’s hands was looming. “Jesus’ trial came at the right time,” and the administrative authority asked them who should they (Roman rulers) set free, between Jesus and Barabbas. The religious leaders incited the crowd to choose Barabbas.

That’s how Jesus ended up on the cross. The Pharisees who refused to accept that Jesus Christ was God incarnate gave the verdict that sent Him to die on the cross.

"the Pharisees" "gave the verdict die on the cross"?? ROFLMAO I read the NT very casually---
as if it was a superman comic-------and even I know that
Dex's "the Pharisees" did it comment is bullshit. Dex---little old ladies give out copies of the NT-----get one and read it
You almost gotta laugh. The crazy left seems to think it's hypocritical for republicans of the Christian faith to support Israel while democrats kicked Joe Lieberman, a Jew and a vocal supporter of Israel, out of the freaking party.

??? citation? Joe Lieberman was "kicked" out of
being a democrat? that can happen? I am a registered democrat? Have I been kicked out too?

During his last several elections, the Democrats nominated someone else for his seat and he ran and won as an independent. You need to answer some of your own questions.

He voted for McCain, that qualifies him as an indep. I vote for his running mate, Gore. I also voted for McCain, due to his integrity, but I will no longer call myself an indep.. I'm Dem all the way. This is a diverse nation and we should have a diverse congress.

Your knowledge of this topic is on par with others. You are a dumbass! You cannot possibly think what you say is true, so that makes you a lying dumbass.
It's sad how you think that we should base our support for causes solely on our tribal DNA.

I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!

Every time Doc1 does make it personal, he admits that he is losing.

Traditional Christians understand that the Jews did not kill Christ (the Romans did), the Jews did not drink Christian blood, and the Jews did not eat the flesh of sacrificed Christian babies.

Why Doc1 hates Jews is beyond me, but that is characteristic of the religious Alt Right. The religious Christian right generally loves Jews and the Jewish state.

Jake, no offense but Jews were the ones demanding Jesus die. Pontuis Pilate could find no fault.

Pontius Pilate - Wikipedia

The Jews who left to follow Jesus were the innocent ones.

Maryanne-----you haven't got a clue. Mark and Luke SAID SO? Neither were there. It's heresay which makes no sense at all written long after the fact under the aegis of Constantine. Jews do not crucify ANYONE-----ever, nor are executions modes of entertainment-----that is a ROMAN

You certainly do not know your Bible. I suggest you read it, then get back to me!

I read it-----if you imagine you have a point----please post
it. I will help you understand that which you have stated
and that which you read. You stated approx "the jews wanted to kill Jesus"------so what was stopping them?.
Jesus was hanging around jews all the time and if "the jews" had killed him-----the romans, certainly, would not have cared. A knife in the back could have done it, Did the
Romans care when Herod killed John the Baptist?

Nothing stopped the Jews.Pontius Pilate could find no reason. He turned them over to the Jews. They crucified him.

Do you ever step foot in a Church? The month long Sermons before Easter preached that very Sermon! Leading up to the stone being rolled away and Jesus Return.

I am not going to give you links because I doubt you would read them.

Try Google.
I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.
This is bad history >>> "Nothing stopped the Jews. Pontius Pilate could find no reason. He turned them over to the Jews. They crucified him." Pilate condemned Christ, the Roman soldiers executed him.

There are no links that support the Jews crucified Jesus.
Liberal Jewish Democrats and voters in the YS boggle my mind. They stand with the party and leaders that appease nation states that hate Jews and Israel and yet rail on Bush/Trump for somehow being anti-Semitic??? Netenyahu holds his ground to protect Israel and US Liberal Jews are offended by that???
I am still wondering why anyone would care that out of the 100 senators-----none are GOP JEWS. Only two or three
people out of 100 in the USA are jews

People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


He was a Methodist I believe, and funny how he kept a diary, isn't it?
After a short relationship ended and he quit both of his jobs, on March 1, 1972 the unemployed Bremer began his diary with the words, "It is my personal plan to assassinate by pistol either Richard Nixon or George Wallace. I intend to shoot one or the other while he attends a campaign rally for the Wisconsin Primary." The following evening, Bremer attended an organizational meeting for Wallace at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.

Judge Walker admitted into evidence pages from three of the journal notebooks that Sirhan had kept, it was clear that the murder was not only premeditated, but also "quite calculating and willful."[14]

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia

I mean really what men keep a diary , even today? What did all 3 have in common, Nixon and Republicans and Hoover.
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Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?
You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.
You are such a honey bunch, getting your words and thoughts all tied up. I said the Jews did not kill Jesus. I said the first congregations were Jewish Christians. I said the Jews are not responsible for Jesus' death. Anyone who says they were and are, even unto today, is not a Christian. Come unto Jesus, Doc1, He will accept you where you are and guide you. Accept him, Doc1.

I never get anything tied up Jakey, be careful, I will trap you. NOBODY says the "Jews" killed Jesus. EVERYBODY knows who pounded the nails. Jake you are not a Christian, we both know it. You are not a "Conservative", we both know it. You are however incorrect, the Jews were/are indeed responsible for the Death of Christ. THEY were the ones who agitated Pilate to doit. Huh, an "intelligent" guy like you should know Pilate said he "finds no guilt in this man" and even offered to set him or Barrabas free....the "Jews" chose Barabbas. Keep going, I'll keep burying you ;)
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Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.
Which Jesus do you believe in Jakeapotamus?
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.
People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!
So you think ole Pilate would have killed Jesus without the Jewish agitation? What kind of bible do you use? The LDS version?
Why are you arguing with yourself?

You're the one who attempted to say the Jews had nothing to do with the death of Christ, not me.

Never heard of Jew Judas Iscariot?

Kid you can't even read English. Try again.

Jews snitched on Jesus.

You would have, they beat you to it. Like I said though, you can't even read English.
People who care about that sort of thing are highly invested in Identity Politics.

No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


He was a Methodist I believe, and funny how he kept a diary, isn't it?
After a short relationship ended and he quit both of his jobs, on March 1, 1972 the unemployed Bremer began his diary with the words, "It is my personal plan to assassinate by pistol either Richard Nixon or George Wallace. I intend to shoot one or the other while he attends a campaign rally for the Wisconsin Primary." The following evening, Bremer attended an organizational meeting for Wallace at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.

Judge Walker admitted into evidence pages from three of the journal notebooks that Sirhan had kept, it was clear that the murder was not only premeditated, but also "quite calculating and willful."[14]

Sirhan Sirhan - Wikipedia

I mean really what men keep a diary , even today? What did all 3 have in common, Nixon and Republicans and Hoover.

You cannot even read your own link? Sad! Truly sad and embarrassing for you if you actually cared. Then you deflect to Bremer. Hilarious!
This is bad history >>> "Nothing stopped the Jews. Pontius Pilate could find no reason. He turned them over to the Jews. They crucified him." Pilate condemned Christ, the Roman soldiers executed him.

There are no links that support the Jews crucified Jesus.

Your ignorance on events in the Bible show me you have no idea what it says.

So no more soup for you!
No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

Me, Nixon also lost by the skin of his teeth to JFK. The GOP Protestants and Evans could not have that, going for over 10 years without a GOP in office.
No I wonder why the GOP is so radical and hateful, I also wonder why the only RC Potus got assassinated along with his brother who was going to run. Evangelical writing is all over it.

Who killed RFK? It wasn't an evangelical, now was it?

Sirhan Sirhan.

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia

DUH! The famous evangelical Sirhan Sirhan!


I never said anything about Sirhan being an Evangelical. Some one asked who killed Bobby Kennedy.

It would be no
Ice if you read the thread before commenting next time.

And I am not being sarcastic.

The other poster claimed that evangelicals killed JFK and Bobby Kennedy, which is grossly not true. I was the one who asked a rhetorical question about who killed RFK. The intent was to show the poster was full of shit! You took a big bite right out of it! Maybe YOU should read the thread more closely!

And I answered you. No where did I mention Evangelicals. I simply gave you the name.

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