Not gonna lie; I underestimated Trump

destroyed the Republican Party

LMAO we just gained seats in the senate. When Trump loses both the House and the Senate like Obama did then call us. :auiqs.jpg:

Assuming you are talking about the 2010 midterms...Obama lost because the economy was a mess and the U-3 had gone up on his watch from 7.8% (when he took office) to 9.4% when the midterms occurred.
Well duh he is going to lose big under those conditions.

But Trump lost the House - flat out - with the economy supposedly 'booming' and the U-3 WAY down to 3.7%.

Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusion is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

Which means that even with a booming economy, Trump obviously cannot win in 2020 (barring a war).
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You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles.

I don't remember any Dems in the House or Senate who were critics of Obama.

Can you?

I don't recall Obama implying that Hillary's dad assassinated JFK.

You can just admit you can't recall any Dem critics of Obama.
It probably won't kill you.
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Republicans themselves will tell you that their party now revolves around Trump worship. Even Cruz and Graham, once outspoken critics of Trump, are now his poodles. I am wrong about this somehow? I think it's pretty obvious what has happened. But you're welcome to your opinion I suppose.

The reason for that is Trump is conducting himself like a conservative, that's how he won them over. Look at the judges he picked. Look at how he stood by Kavanaugh even under the harshest criticisms and lies by the left. He got rid of the Iran deal, the Paris accords. He lowered corporate and individual taxes. Why shouldn't they love him now?

I don't understand what the JCPOA has to do with conservatism, or the Climate Accord. Lowering taxes is fine, but he did it in such a way that most of the benefit goes to the wealthy (shocking) and then spending increased anyway. So you reduce tax income and increase spending. How is that conservative? How are tariffs conservative? How are Twitter rants and fear-mongering over immigration ... how is any of that conservative?

Apparently you have a much lower opinion of conservatism than I do..

Congress spends money--not the President. There is no immigration scare, it's a real thing. We have people right now marching to our borders in effort to invade it like so many millions of others in the past.

The Paris Accord would have given the foreign members the ability to control our economy. Yeah, I would say getting rid of it was pretty conservative. Forcing other countries to make better trade deals with the US is also conservative.

You are acting like the president does not have influence over Congress.

There was no need to go into such antics over the caravan, other than to frighten paranoid white people who think savages with claws and long fangs are swooping in to murder them and run off with their daughters. Just say, "we're working on border security" and leave it at that. No need for all the "these are terrible people who are coming for you" stuff.

The Paris Accord was just that; an agreement to care for the environment by reducing emissions. It was in no way enforceable, and we basically pulled out just to give the finger. Is forsaking the environment a core part of conservatism now? I must've missed that part.

Where are all these "better deals"? China is not budging. We basically have NAFTA 2.0 in North America. That's about it though. Where are all these brilliant deals?

China might take some time, but already because of Trump, their economy is suffering while ours is exploding.

Speaking of China, they were given a pass with the Paris Accord. We don't need other countries telling us what we have to do in order to manufacture. They would have used that stupid thing to slow down our economy to bump theirs.

The Caravan is an invasion of our country; foreigners using our own rules and empathy against us. We don't need anymore foreigners in this country. I would say 20 million illegals is quite enough.

ICE: Illegal immigrant released by ‘sanctuary’ charged with triple murder
He was exactly the right man to come along at a time when the US was sliding into the abyss of Socialism. It may still go that way, but not without a fight. Thank you President Trump for stepping up and not allowing Hillary to hand our country over to China, Mexico and the EU.
Congrats Yes he raised the level of hate I have for republicans and you have for dems A real winner he is The biggest pos ever to enter our WH
destroyed the Republican Party

LMAO we just gained seats in the senate. When Trump loses both the House and the Senate like Obama did then call us. :auiqs.jpg:

Assuming you are talking about the 2010 midterms...Obama lost because the economy was a mess and the U-3 had gone up on his watch from 7.8% (when he took office) to 9.4% when the midterms occurred.
Well duh he is going to lose big under those conditions.

But Trump lost the House - flat out - with the economy supposedly 'booming' and the U-3 is WAY down to 3.7%.

Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusions is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

Which means that even with a booming economy, Trump obviously cannot win in 2020 (barring a war).

The dems lost for one glaring reason....Obamacare
Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusions is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

So what does that tell you about the intelligence of our electorate? People are voting on a President the way they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant instead of the job he's doing. It's a scary and unfortunate thing really.
Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusions is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

So what does that tell you about the intelligence of our electorate? People are voting on a President the way they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant instead of the job he's doing. It's a scary and unfortunate thing really.

Let's just hope Oprah isn't our next president.
Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusions is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

So what does that tell you about the intelligence of our electorate? People are voting on a President the way they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant instead of the job he's doing. It's a scary and unfortunate thing really.

Let's just hope Oprah isn't our next president.
Maybe everyone will get a new car?
Obama lost the midterms because the economy stunk. Yet Trump lost the House when the economy was supposedly fantastic.

The conclusions is clear...most Dems and Indy's despise Trump as POTUS.

So what does that tell you about the intelligence of our electorate? People are voting on a President the way they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant instead of the job he's doing. It's a scary and unfortunate thing really.

Let's just hope Oprah isn't our next president.

I wouldn't put it past the Democrat party.
Maybe everyone will get a new car?

No, the only reason for the cars and the African schools was to promote her show. She lost her show and audience, so no more cars or schools.

I don't follow Oprah, but I don't recall her giving anything to anybody unless she ultimately benefited herself.
“Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.”


Proving the be a lie the rightwing talking point that ‘the media’ are ‘liberal’ and ‘anti-Trump.’
“Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.”


Proving the be a lie the rightwing talking point that ‘the media’ are ‘liberal’ and ‘anti-Trump.’

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
How many seats did the Obama cult lose in the House in his first mid term, John? How many seats did he lose in the Senate? I'll give you a hint...Obama himself described it as a "shellacking"!

Okay. What's your point? I didn't vote for Obama. He and I have no connection whatsoever, other than that he was the president of my country at one point. The exact same connection I have with Trump. Do I think Obama was more qualified than Trump? Yes. But still not fully qualified.

Now THAT is an interesting statement, John! In what way was Barack Obama ever "qualified" to be President of the United States?

I already said he wasn't qualified. But he was at least a senator prior to his ascendancy. Personally, I would have voted for McCain if I wasn't too busy getting hammered in college to vote.

A Senator that did what exactly? Barack Obama had ZERO legislative skills! None. If it wasn't for people letting him sign his name onto bills that THEY worked on...he'd still be back in Illinois trying to get his first piece of legislation passed in the Illinois State Senate!
How many who advised him were indicted ??? He had the best of the best ,,,,trump brought the swamp with him

The fact that none were "indicted" despite people like Lois Lerner, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder working in his administration simply illustrates how liberals like them were all "above the law" while Obama was in power!
He was exactly the right man to come along at a time when the US was sliding into the abyss of Socialism. It may still go that way, but not without a fight. Thank you President Trump for stepping up and not allowing Hillary to hand our country over to China, Mexico and the EU.

Socialism? That's hilarious? Where have you been...?

75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
“Trump even has tremendous allies in the MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Go to any channel and there's a 70+% chance they are giving the cult leader free publicity. The MSM gave Trump 2016 on a silver platter, and in addition, diminished his losses in 2018. Trump did a fantastic job of manipulating the fools to his benefit.”


Proving the be a lie the rightwing talking point that ‘the media’ are ‘liberal’ and ‘anti-Trump.’

Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
I don't know how accurate that article is but I know that the media loves him and can't get enough of him, he is getting them ratings. Hell CNN must love the guy, he made them relevant again by talking about them when they were becoming an afterthought.

A reality star actor as president with no experience in government bumbling his way through, constantly doing and saying stupid things has been a godsend to media and journalism.
You really have a problem with finding facts, dear. Are you relying on think progress for your information?

Trump is living rent free in the left's head, they vent daily.

Looks like you can't even give the orange man praise without the Trump cultists swarming over your topic like angry wasps. Always eager to attack someone or something for practically no reason, the Trumpsters have low intelligence, but are dangerous in great numbers.

Yeah! That's the way to win people over to your side, call them stupid! That always works.


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