Not hearing much about Les Parnas these days. What happened ?

I hope they call witnesses and this takes months and months. That god damned non whistleblower needs to be cross examines....IN PUBLIC!!!!
Right AFTER Schiff is grilled over his admission he and his team communicated with the Whistle Blower BEFORE the complaint was filed / sent to the House Intel Committee, over his reversal and claim he had / has no idea who the Whistle Blower is, over his threatening to punish anyone who revealed the identity of the Whistle Blower....even though he suddenly claimed he did not know who it was, and over why he did not recuse himself from this entire Impeachment process while being a 'Contact Witness'....after lying for 2+ years about having direct personal evidence of crimes committed by the President only to admit he lied (Sedition), after attempting to present false evidence against the President, after being exposed for taking large amounts of cash from a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt Ukraine officials, after being exposed for having taken a large sum of money from Burisma reps, and after admitting he leaked classified to hurt the President (Espionage)....

You have a very limited vocabulary.
Oh hey.....

Parnas' name showed up in an article on Real Clear.

Guess he's not totally dead....just almost.
I hope they call witnesses and this takes months and months. That god damned non whistleblower needs to be cross examines....IN PUBLIC!!!!
Right AFTER Schiff is grilled over his admission he and his team communicated with the Whistle Blower BEFORE the complaint was filed / sent to the House Intel Committee, over his reversal and claim he had / has no idea who the Whistle Blower is, over his threatening to punish anyone who revealed the identity of the Whistle Blower....even though he suddenly claimed he did not know who it was, and over why he did not recuse himself from this entire Impeachment process while being a 'Contact Witness'....after lying for 2+ years about having direct personal evidence of crimes committed by the President only to admit he lied (Sedition), after attempting to present false evidence against the President, after being exposed for taking large amounts of cash from a Russian-born arms dealer who did business with corrupt Ukraine officials, after being exposed for having taken a large sum of money from Burisma reps, and after admitting he leaked classified to hurt the President (Espionage)....

You have a very limited vocabulary.
It describes your posts PERFECTLY!
Therefore it is a PREFECT vocabulary!
The nothingburgers continue to pile up.

"We got him this time for sure!!!!!"

Yeah.... no. The marxist Dims are pathetic and suggestible. Because they are weak, defective units. Most of them would huddle and chant around a sewer rat if its droppings happened to spell "Trump Sux". F'king scum.

Pick a side.
Another nothingburger ?

Adam schiff got caught lying about him......he redacted part of the information that showed parnas wasn't referring to zelensky but to another guy with a name starting with a "z." He did this and got caught.
Les Parnas???

Sounds like a French canape....

Sounds like a criminal money launderer that has been a staple of Trump's inner circle for quite some time...
like this stuff?
Obama Admin ‘Laundered’ U.S. Cash to Iran Via NY Fed, Euro Banks
Giuliani: Biden Allegations Involve Money Laundering
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

feel free to list links - even from "extreme sites" that are linking actions to people in such a manner. you have zero interest in justice, only what feeds your emotions. you have zero interest in looking into what we have actual proof of cause it's YOUR side.

we really need to get back to prosecuting crimes people commit, not those we hate and make shit up about.
Lev, Lev....... Oh yeah, that’s male for Blasey Ford. About as believable.
Evidently so. Maybe not as believable.
This fits the pattern the democrats have followed before, with the Kavanaugh hearings. Fire off the best they have and when they realize it's not enough, bring the weaker stuff out of the woodwork and hope that the sheer volume of screeching will be enough to overcome the lack of solid evidence. It didn't work on Kavanaugh, and likely won't work on Trump either.

Christine Blasey Ford wasn't "weaker stuff". There was plenty of evidence that Kavanaugh (like his Jedi mentor Clarence Thomas) was a scumbag who preyed on women. Time and a Republican majority were the reason he survived his nomination. Trump??, We'll see. It's a long way to November..and Trump..still has a 43% approval rating..with 51% of people (at last count) wanting to see him removed from office. Thank the heavens above for Moscow Mitch and the rest of the Republican toadies in the know, the ones with no honor and no integrity. :)

like what "evidence" that isnt based in speculation?
It describes your posts PERFECTLY!
Therefore it is a PREFECT vocabulary!
Snowflakes' vocabulary are almost non-existent since they parrot almost everything their masters tell them.
I'm going to give Lev some points here.......He's got a very attractive asset on his balance sheet. I'm sure she married him for his looks Lol...... Either the money or a 9 incher or both
Les likely locked up, er...relaxing as a guest of The Whistleblower Inn somewhere.
See my sig!
Your 'sig' is an example of what the Democrats have done all along - accuse others of doing what Democrats have done / are doing. Not a surprise you took that on as your 'sig'.

Actually my sig shows the hypocrisy of the Right actually accusing others of what they are doing.
In the first quote Russia Limbaugh makes his hypocritical accusation, in the second he explains what a messiah is, referring to Obama, and in the third he fulfills his own definition of a messiah!
PS, Russia Limbaugh is NO Dem!
See my sig!
Your 'sig' is an example of what the Democrats have done all along - accuse others of doing what Democrats have done / are doing. Not a surprise you took that on as your 'sig'.

Actually my sig shows the hypocrisy of the Right actually accusing others of what they are doing.
In the first quote Russia Limbaugh makes his hypocritical accusation, in the second he explains what a messiah is, referring to Obama, and in the third he fulfills his own definition of a messiah!
PS, Russia Limbaugh is NO Dem!
The fact that Rush Limbaugh is a fat, arrogant, obnoxious, pompous, self-important, bloated windbag does not erase the fact that accusing others of doing what the Democrats have done / are doing has been an age-old Democratic Party / snowflake tactic. The Democrats' last 4 years of going after Trump is filled with it.

- Accusing Trump of illegally colluding with Russians while Hillary / Obama's FBI pays a known lying, untrustworthy, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda they knowingly use to commit FISA Court abuses to spy on Trump and his team to control the 2016 election? Are you f*ing serious? :p

If there was an 'Hypocrisy' police force and extreme hypocrisy / accusing others of doing what 'you' are doing was a capitol punishment carried out by being buried in cow excrement, the pile Adam Schiff would be lying under right now would be higher / taller than the WH.
See my sig!
Your 'sig' is an example of what the Democrats have done all along - accuse others of doing what Democrats have done / are doing. Not a surprise you took that on as your 'sig'.

Actually my sig shows the hypocrisy of the Right actually accusing others of what they are doing.
In the first quote Russia Limbaugh makes his hypocritical accusation, in the second he explains what a messiah is, referring to Obama, and in the third he fulfills his own definition of a messiah!
PS, Russia Limbaugh is NO Dem!

Your sig is a clear indication you can't think for yourself.
Still not much on Real Clear about Lev......

What's going on.

I thought he was the second coming of Russiagate ?
Unreliable, known scammer, wants leniency. Gee, that's not shady at ALL. Lol!
He is only 48 years old! He looks a lot older than that, IMO.

See my sig!
Your 'sig' is an example of what the Democrats have done all along - accuse others of doing what Democrats have done / are doing. Not a surprise you took that on as your 'sig'.

Actually my sig shows the hypocrisy of the Right actually accusing others of what they are doing.
In the first quote Russia Limbaugh makes his hypocritical accusation, in the second he explains what a messiah is, referring to Obama, and in the third he fulfills his own definition of a messiah!
PS, Russia Limbaugh is NO Dem!
The fact that Rush Limbaugh is a fat, arrogant, obnoxious, pompous, self-important, bloated windbag does not erase the fact that accusing others of doing what the Democrats have done / are doing has been an age-old Democratic Party / snowflake tactic. The Democrats' last 4 years of going after Trump is filled with it.

- Accusing Trump of illegally colluding with Russians while Hillary / Obama's FBI pays a known lying, untrustworthy, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda they knowingly use to commit FISA Court abuses to spy on Trump and his team to control the 2016 election? Are you f*ing serious? :p

If there was an 'Hypocrisy' police force and extreme hypocrisy / accusing others of doing what 'you' are doing was a capitol punishment carried out by being buried in cow excrement, the pile Adam Schiff would be lying under right now would be higher / taller than the WH.
There you go again accusing others of what you are doing.
Keep it up!

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