‘Not humane’: PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog

The worst part of puppy rearing in my opinion... Is the hypersonic yowling that can penetrate anything. When separated from me or the other dogs... That sound can be heard from space! Ahhhh! How do they all know that frequency that's damned near guaranteed to make your ears bleed? Just gotta out last em...

:lol: Mine sounds like a calf being slaughtered! Let's just hope PETA doesn't camp out near my house :eek:
No kidding! They sound like they're being run through a wood chipper for christ sake. Can't I use the damned bathroom!?

Thank God we picked up Betsy Ross and Christopher Gadsden as brother and sister.
There was absolutely no separation anxiety whatsoever.
Of course if you try and separate em now they pitch an ungodly fit!!!
The worst part of puppy rearing in my opinion... Is the hypersonic yowling that can penetrate anything. When separated from me or the other dogs... That sound can be heard from space! Ahhhh! How do they all know that frequency that's damned near guaranteed to make your ears bleed? Just gotta out last em...

:lol: Mine sounds like a calf being slaughtered! Let's just hope PETA doesn't camp out near my house :eek:
No kidding! They sound like they're being run through a wood chipper for christ sake. Can't I use the damned bathroom!?

Thank God we picked up Betsy Ross and Christopher Gadsden as brother and sister.
There was absolutely no separation anxiety whatsoever.
Of course if you try and separate em now they pitch an ungodly fit!!!

I was pretty lucky with Wyatt - he didn't have a lot of litter separation anxiety, I was surprised! But he sure pitches a fit if he thinks he's being left out of something - he's not a big fan of being crated because he might be left out of the action. But he's learned :)
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.
The worst part of puppy rearing in my opinion... Is the hypersonic yowling that can penetrate anything. When separated from me or the other dogs... That sound can be heard from space! Ahhhh! How do they all know that frequency that's damned near guaranteed to make your ears bleed? Just gotta out last em...

:lol: Mine sounds like a calf being slaughtered! Let's just hope PETA doesn't camp out near my house :eek:
No kidding! They sound like they're being run through a wood chipper for christ sake. Can't I use the damned bathroom!?

Thank God we picked up Betsy Ross and Christopher Gadsden as brother and sister.
There was absolutely no separation anxiety whatsoever.
Of course if you try and separate em now they pitch an ungodly fit!!!

I was pretty lucky with Wyatt - he didn't have a lot of litter separation anxiety, I was surprised! But he sure pitches a fit if he thinks he's being left out of something - he's not a big fan of being crated because he might be left out of the action. But he's learned :)

The only time they get crated is if we have to leave em alone.
It's been our experience that once they hit two it's no longer necessary and they get free run of the house while we're gone.

Do they sleep in your bed?
Yup. And that is the best time to train a dogs inherent drives into favorable behaviors. But so many people can't handle it, and end up losing their cool. They dont know how to train a dog, and either take it out on the dog. Or get rid of the dog after they've taken out their frustration on the poor thing. If you dont have patience, and a stronger will than the dog; the relationship is guaranteed to fail. The worst part is that the dog is usually the one to pay the price for such owners failures...

Indeed :(

(I am currently going through my pups adolescence!)
I'm about to do it all over again..! But it's worth it. It's a labor of love.

Most of my dogs have been adults when I got them, I've had relatively few puppies. The last puppy I had was this boys father and that was 18 years ago (Wyatt, the pup was a product of AI). I've forgotten what adolescence was like - because I swear his dad wasn't this bad! :lol:

You tend to remember the sweet cuddly parts rather than the trials and tribulations.
We hadn't had pups since our late thirties when we got this latest batch. And Holy Hell does it come back real fast what a handful they can be!!!!
We've had the backyard resodded twice already and we've given up till they get a little older. Same goes with the leather furniture,we were prepared to sacrifice it because it was getting old......good thing because it's shredded at this point.

I'm running out of shoes :lol:
Oh..! The flip-flops, and stinky socks that have fallen prey...
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.
The worst part of puppy rearing in my opinion... Is the hypersonic yowling that can penetrate anything. When separated from me or the other dogs... That sound can be heard from space! Ahhhh! How do they all know that frequency that's damned near guaranteed to make your ears bleed? Just gotta out last em...

:lol: Mine sounds like a calf being slaughtered! Let's just hope PETA doesn't camp out near my house :eek:
No kidding! They sound like they're being run through a wood chipper for christ sake. Can't I use the damned bathroom!?

Thank God we picked up Betsy Ross and Christopher Gadsden as brother and sister.
There was absolutely no separation anxiety whatsoever.
Of course if you try and separate em now they pitch an ungodly fit!!!

I was pretty lucky with Wyatt - he didn't have a lot of litter separation anxiety, I was surprised! But he sure pitches a fit if he thinks he's being left out of something - he's not a big fan of being crated because he might be left out of the action. But he's learned :)

The only time they get crated is if we have to leave em alone.
It's been our experience that once they hit two it's no longer necessary and they get free run of the house while we're gone.

Do they sleep in your bed?

Wyatt's crated when we aren't home, he's 7 months and pretty good when we are there. I also crate them if I'm working them one at a time, plus - I have baby gates so one of my dogs actually has her own room (she does not get along with the other female). They do sleep in my bed if they want but for some reason Wyatt likes to sleep beside it.
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.
Indeed :(

(I am currently going through my pups adolescence!)
I'm about to do it all over again..! But it's worth it. It's a labor of love.

Most of my dogs have been adults when I got them, I've had relatively few puppies. The last puppy I had was this boys father and that was 18 years ago (Wyatt, the pup was a product of AI). I've forgotten what adolescence was like - because I swear his dad wasn't this bad! :lol:

You tend to remember the sweet cuddly parts rather than the trials and tribulations.
We hadn't had pups since our late thirties when we got this latest batch. And Holy Hell does it come back real fast what a handful they can be!!!!
We've had the backyard resodded twice already and we've given up till they get a little older. Same goes with the leather furniture,we were prepared to sacrifice it because it was getting old......good thing because it's shredded at this point.

I'm running out of shoes :lol:
Oh..! The flip-flops, and stinky socks that have fallen prey...

I caught my little shiheads with my favorite winter time mask for riding the SxS in the backyard chewing it to shit and playing tug of war. I blame it on the A/C guy who came by the house to give us an estimate.
He left the door to the gun room/hunting room open and they took advantage.
:lol: Mine sounds like a calf being slaughtered! Let's just hope PETA doesn't camp out near my house :eek:
No kidding! They sound like they're being run through a wood chipper for christ sake. Can't I use the damned bathroom!?

Thank God we picked up Betsy Ross and Christopher Gadsden as brother and sister.
There was absolutely no separation anxiety whatsoever.
Of course if you try and separate em now they pitch an ungodly fit!!!

I was pretty lucky with Wyatt - he didn't have a lot of litter separation anxiety, I was surprised! But he sure pitches a fit if he thinks he's being left out of something - he's not a big fan of being crated because he might be left out of the action. But he's learned :)

The only time they get crated is if we have to leave em alone.
It's been our experience that once they hit two it's no longer necessary and they get free run of the house while we're gone.

Do they sleep in your bed?

Wyatt's crated when we aren't home, he's 7 months and pretty good when we are there. I also crate them if I'm working them one at a time, plus - I have baby gates so one of my dogs actually has her own room (she does not get along with the other female). They do sleep in my bed if they want but for some reason Wyatt likes to sleep beside it.

LOL at the baby gates!!
Bubba has learned how to open the one at the base of the stairs and he runs around with wild abandon up there.
First time I heard it I thought it was thundering but it turned out to be the thundering of four dog feet going nutz!!

Ours both sleep in our bed and it can be quite challenging to find room for the four of us with a 140 lbs of dog in the bed. And of course they both want to sleep sideways.
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.
Dogs already know the way. It's people who need trained.

I've got a 105 lb Turkish Kangal at the moment. Solid muscle. It's a very independent breed, a guardian breed, and boasts the strongest bite in the world. He's four now. Never been caged. Never been hit. Never had a problem with him socially. Never went to the bathroom in the house. He even brings me my laundry.
What would you do if you happened upon a man beating the crap out of a dog?

Stop and chat about his "alpha dog philosophy"?

All of this excuse-making for animal abuse is fucked up.

That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.

If this thread has made you reconsider your lifetime of abusing pets, your dopey excuses and tantrum will have been worth it.

Don't beat the crap out of your fucking dog.
Democrats owning people ended in 1866

Actually anybody owning people ended in 1865.
Owning slaves never required a political party and predates political parties by centuries.
Slavery didn't end until the 13th amendment
Excuse me but candy corn said she owned someone
Maybe you should take your grievances up with candy corn

Actually CC said someone owns you as I read it. In that instance "owns" is a metaphor. It's also not possible to literally live inside someone's head; that's another metaphor.

In any case the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, and became the law of the land, in December of 1865 and wasn't related to political parties. You brought that in.
actually you read it wrong candy corn wasn't posting to me.
You need to get a fix on that TDS shit it makes you see things that didn't happen.

This post didn't happen?

She live [sic] rent free in your head
her being [sic] attention whore does not mean she's living rent-free in somebody's mind it just means she is a attention whore

She owns you. Too bad you’re worthless

I don't agree about "worthless" btw. If you're standing up for animal shelters you and I are on the same side here. I volunteer with our local shelter. But I also know my history.
for some reason I got my post's crossed oh well candy corn is a piece of shit longing for the old days of democrats owning people again.
It ain't happening
Had you bit this dogs ear he would have ripped your face off early on.
He was originally owned by a Houston Police officer who was into ilicite dog fighting. He's now Former HPD thank God.
He was abused for over a year and bore the scars around his neck till the day he died.
This wasnt your average rescue and the only reason Boxer rescue let us adopt him was our extensive experience with the breed and we had no children.
We went through an exhaustive list of questioning about our abilities and how we were going to rehabilitate him.
I mentioned tough love and they agreed it could be necessary on a limited basis.
The rest was history.
Although he did kill a couple of goats across the river at our weekend place in Junction Tx. He saw em from across the river,swam the river chased em down and brought em back across the river by the neck to the porch...he was so proud of himself.
Cost me $800 bucks for those fucken goats!!!
He also chased down a whitetail doe and killed it...we ate that bitch,and he got his fair share.
He was an old man in this pic.
View attachment 299724
Cute pup
Here's how I do it always keep a club on hand with an aggressive dog
Dog lunges at you have the club waiting so they bite it while they have their mouth fully implanted on the club grab them by the scruff of the neck. pick them up firmly place your teeth on their ear and bite as hard as you can.
It will establish that you are the alpha
That would depend. If he was disciplining his dog the right way more power to em.
If he was absolutely beating the shit out of it I'd cap his ass and say the dog did it.

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.

If this thread has made you reconsider your lifetime of abusing pets, your dopey excuses and tantrum will have been worth it.

Don't beat the crap out of your fucking dog.

If my new dogs were to bite my Wife they'll get the same ass kicking.
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.

Purebred dogs bite too. Bet you didn't know that huh?

I got a purebred Yellow Lab, one of the friendliest breeds there is. She barks with new people until I introduce her, and then she loves them.

This bit, where you need to assume that anyone that disagrees with you, is stupid, is a manifestation of insecurity and intellectual immaturity.

I recommend you work on that. I offer this advice in Good Faith and hope you are able to hear it, inside your closed mind.

This bit where you assume all rescue dogs are adopting other people,Es problems (in itself a sign of intellectual immaturity) is what led me to somewhat abusive sarcasm. Could I have handled it differently? Sure. Could you have handled it differently? Sure.

Your broad generalization of rescue dogs is no different than the broad generalization of purpose bred dogs.

Like I said...I have both. And have had for 40 years now.

Maybe you could open your mind a wee bit eh?

I could have said, "I did not want to RISK, adopting someone else's problems", but I figured that most reasonable people would understand that, or failing that. lead with, something along the lines of

"MOst rescues dogs are fine", and I would go, "Just trying to put the odds as much in my favor as possible"

And we could all move on with our lives and live happily ever after.


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