‘Not humane’: PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog

Yeah. You started this discussion by telling us that you beat the crap out of your dog.

Fuck off.

No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.

If this thread has made you reconsider your lifetime of abusing pets, your dopey excuses and tantrum will have been worth it.

Don't beat the crap out of your fucking dog.

If my new dogs were to bite my Wife they'll get the same ass kicking.

You're a dog beater.
No you fuck off.
When I say I beat the crap out of him that means a swift hard kick to the ribs and a lot of screaming to scare the shit out of him.

Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.

If this thread has made you reconsider your lifetime of abusing pets, your dopey excuses and tantrum will have been worth it.

Don't beat the crap out of your fucking dog.

If my new dogs were to bite my Wife they'll get the same ass kicking.

You're a dog beater.

The last time I had to smack a dog was 15 years ago.
You beat your wife more frequently.
Yeah? That's what it means? Awesome.

Let us know when you decide to stop lying on this anonymous message board. It's fucking sad.

You can suck it bone smoker.
I surely dont need you to tell me how to raise my dogs.
In fact they most likely live better than you do and with better healthcare.

If this thread has made you reconsider your lifetime of abusing pets, your dopey excuses and tantrum will have been worth it.

Don't beat the crap out of your fucking dog.

If my new dogs were to bite my Wife they'll get the same ass kicking.

You're a dog beater.

The last time I had to smack a dog was 15 years ago.
You beat your wife more frequently.

Nope. You are behaving like most animal abusers behave. You deny, make excuses, equivocate and deflect. You’re a fucking man who beats the crap out of his fucking dog. Own it.
Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.

You beat the crap out of a dog.

Let that simmer.

If I beat the crap out of you you'd think twice before crossing me again.
Or are you saying you're dumber than a dog?

Look at the tough guy run his trap. He beats his pets to make them fear him and he thinks it will work on a man too. Silly nutter. Go find a puppy to stare down.

So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.
You’re a brute and a moron. It’s long been established that there is no place in responsible dog training for brutality, and it is not a component of how wolves teach their offspring - nor any other species except f’d up humans like you who enjoy inflicting pain on
creatures smaller and weaker, and probably your children too.
Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
You don't beat the crap out of them. I always put an aggressive dog in a contained area until they begin to trust me and eventually they started trusting family members.
I did take my belt off to a neighbors son for taunting one of my dogs though.

Read my last post.
I have a lifetime of experience dealing with Boxers and know their foibles.
Some need a strong hand others need warmth and understanding.
You obviously try the warmth method first but after over a year of that you have to try another approach.
Teaching them who is boss almost always works for those dogs that refuse to conform through gentle measures.
I've been bitten by several different breeds of dogs they do it once after I pick them up and grab their ear and bite it they don't bite anyone after that. No beating needed. That comes from 50 years of dog ownershp

Had you bit this dogs ear he would have ripped your face off early on.
He was originally owned by a Houston Police officer who was into ilicite dog fighting. He's now Former HPD thank God.
He was abused for over a year and bore the scars around his neck till the day he died.
This wasnt your average rescue and the only reason Boxer rescue let us adopt him was our extensive experience with the breed and we had no children.
We went through an exhaustive list of questioning about our abilities and how we were going to rehabilitate him.
I mentioned tough love and they agreed it could be necessary on a limited basis.
The rest was history.
Although he did kill a couple of goats across the river at our weekend place in Junction Tx. He saw em from across the river,swam the river chased em down and brought em back across the river by the neck to the porch...he was so proud of himself.
Cost me $800 bucks for those fucken goats!!!
He also chased down a whitetail doe and killed it...we ate that bitch,and he got his fair share.
He was an old man in this pic.
View attachment 299724
Not only are you a brute who beats dogs, you’re an asshole irresponsible dog owner who lets his untrained dog run loose and kill other people’s livestock and harass and kill wildlife. Too bad someone didn’t shoot that dog. And you.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.

Exactly right.
Show a beta side to a hundred lb aggressive dog and he wont respect you in the least.
Ya gotta smack him upside the head and show no fear.
Believe me you!! The first time I went Alpha on the rescue Boxer I was a bit nervous to say the least.
He growled and bowed up and I smacked him again and that was that.
He was docile from then on out.
Yeah it’s a sad state of affairs. We often get ignorant, virtue signaling, inexperienced dog owners who get these high drive, intelligent, powerful breeds; and then go on to completely disrespect the dog. By disrespect I mean they operate on feelings, rather than experience, and understanding. They then go on to try and treat these dogs like they would people, cuz “feelings and shit”. Then more often than not they end up with an unruly, untrustworthy, and often dangerous dog. All because they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. It’s those fuckers right there who are responsible for the majority of these large breed dogs being sent to the pound, and ultimately put down. It’s a god damned shame. But at least some get rescued. Rehabing a dog is a labor of love, and that X factor will always be present. But the whole ordeal could usually be avoided if the owner understood dog psychology, or instead got a goldfish...

Were not talking about Golden retrievers here,we're talking about working dogs that are bred to be aggressive. Pitts and Rots mainly,Boxers and other working breeds can be a problem but to a lesser extent.
You have to have a sack to try and tame these breeds and they aren't for the weak at heart or those with small children.

My rottie would lick ya to death ...fine around other dogs and kids ...loved other dogs
I could walk with him without the leash ...even knew not to go into thE street or cross an intersection without me ...smart easily trainable ....I had professional help though

I loved that dog

They're not for everyone ....just like pits dobermans ,shepherds....even big poodle

My little sickly lil rescue poodle who is a pure bred ...is a nasty little mofo ...hates other people and other dogs

Hes only 10 lbs ...hes only a threat to himself if abig dog grabs him lol

He hasn't had a seizure in months now
No sugar...and nothing high in sodium.

People are rotten

He was abandoned and abused ....abandoned cause he has seizures ...I got em under control

I dont care what kind of Dog you have. If you raise em from a pup they're going to be as nice as can be if raised properly......for the most part.
The Wife had a Chow she raised from a pup and at two years it attacked Her for not putting down it's food fast enough.

She sold it to a breeder and got a Golden.
Smartest Dog I've ever seen!!! It could do five marks by number easily. It would retrieve anything you asked it to retrieve,he brought in the trash cans,the neighbors newspaper and beer from the ice chest or fridge.
She trained it herself to do trials and it won many a trophy!!
But my favorite skill was stealing the neighbors paper,bringing me beer and my cigs.
And you married a moron too I see - your wife sells a biting dog to a breeder?!?! Instead of following through on HER responsibility to properly train the dog that she’s allowed to become aggressive, she sells it to someone else for breeding purposes?!?!

You both should be shot. Glad you didn’t reproduce. Seriously, you’re stupid and mean and irresponsible.
I've bought purebred Boxers and I've rescued them from Boxer Rescue.
Ironically the Rescue turned out to be the best Boxer we've ever had.
Although he was an SOB at first,bit a few people including my Wife which was the last straw. I beat the crap out of him and after that he figured out who was boss and was the coolest Boxer ever.

He's the one on the left. Cozmo.
View attachment 299501

Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.
Kind of...the whole alpha thing though is often overrated and a good way to get bitten. Training a large breed is little different than a small breed.

I dont recommend women use alpha training.
The Dog knows the difference between a male and a female.
Point in case....Our rescue hellion never bit me. But he did bite my Wife.
On occasion yes it is.

What you're saying is you're not creative enough.

Alpha is all about Fear. It doesn't take violence to instill fear with a dog. They're smarter than you seem to think.

It's not about fear numbnuts it's about dominance.
If you have a large aggressive dog that thinks he's the boss you're fucked from the get go.
You might as well roll on your back with your feet and arms in the air and show him your vulnerable under belly.
Yup. These people who think they know what they're talking about, but actually know Jack shit about dogs; are the ones who end up taking their "problem" dogs to the pound. Or just turn em loose on a country road after they've fucked the dog up...

Actually....I've had fucked up dogs come my way who's owners had attempted the Cesare Milan method of dominance on them. And they resorted to biting as opposed to growling (a warning).

Most of the dogs we get from the shelter are given up as adolescents (8 most - 2 yrs) when they are at their most assholistic and people can't deal with it, they aren't a cute puppy anymore, their drives are coming into play and they are jerks. :dunno: I love them though :)
Caesar Milan is a shill. I'm quite surprised you even invoked that clown. Being the alpha of the pack involves a whole lot more than physically correcting a dog. It's hardly a fraction of everything involved. Getting physical is only necessary as a last resort, in response to unacceptable behavior. Most often it isn't even needed.
You’re a total moron and a brute too. People who think as stupidly as you do shouldn’t be allowed to keep dogs.

As dogtrainers...we keep a lot of tools in our toolbox and some are indeed last resort. I am not a big proponent of the alpha stuff, but if it worked when nothing else did, the. Maybe it was the right tool. We have to be flexible.

Taking the Alpha role is fine, and sometimes it's necessary with dogs. The physical abuse though is a whole 'nother smoke.
Violence begets violence. It's not necessary to inflict violence to make the Alpha point.

There is a boatload of misconception about "alpha" roles - it became really popular and people like Cesare Millan made it stick but a lot of pack theory is based on really faulty science: the idea that dog packs function like wolf packs.

They really don't. Dogs evolved away from wolves a long time ago - they evolved as scavengers hanging out in the outskirts of human habitations and that required a different more fluid social structure. The other misconception is the idea that wolf pack alpha's are always going beating up subordinates and showing them who's boss. There are relatively few fights for dominance in a wolf pack (which is usually constructed of close family members). The real alpha's just "are"...they don't have to do much, they have presence. It's the INSECURE alpha wannabe's that are always posturing and mounting and starting fights.

In dogs - there is no clear alpha because dog pack dynamics are very fluid. One dog might be alpha when it comes to leading a chase, another might be when it comes to the best spots to sleep in. Dog's evolved to defer to humans as part of their pack order - wolves never did and even when raised by humans as pups still don't see humans as part of their pack structure. It's a key difference between the two.

A lot of alpha theory insists that you need to forceable roll a dog over and pin it to "assert" your dominance (mind you - wolves seldom do this and don't go around rolling their mates at every provocation). This sort of "training" is STILL advocated by some despite the fact it is a damn good way to terrify a dog, get bitten, and destroy trust. Alpha and leadership are not necessarily the same.

Good leadership - consistent fair rules, clear boundaries. There are a lot of ways to attain this that don't involve physical altercation with the dog.

Couldnt disagree more.


Because your hypothesis is complete bullshit.
Dods are still wild at heart and you'll never breed the pack animal out of them. It exists in domesticated dogs as it does in say "coyotas"
There is always a fight at some point in packs to affirm dominance by the lead male.
Not sure where you came up with the alpha male rolling females to show dominance,he already made that distinction with the weaker male.
Maybe it has something to do with you thinking the female has a say one way or another as to who she mates with. A feminist viewpoint if you will. Thats pure fantasy,stop watching Disney movies fer fucks sake!!!
It would almost be funny how totally wrong you are about wolves/coyotes and how their packs operate and the roles of females vis a vis males, but it’s just f’ing sad. You are pathetic. Try picking up a book and reading anything from the last few decades about study of these animals in the wild, and how it relates to the care and training of their domestic counterparts. You are stuck in the middle of the last century and studies of animal behavior have turned all that stupid antiquated and totally wrong Alpha dominance male centric shit upside down.

And is it any wonder why? All that observation of wildlife was being done through an anthropomorphizing lens by sexist researchers. Today researchers and animal behaviorists of BOTH sexes reject those theories outright. It’s well established and well accepted that the females of species are, in fact, very often who decides who breeds to who and how baby animals are socialized and trained in the ways of the pack.

Get your head out of your ass and out of the last century - or keep making a laughing stock of yourself.
You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.

You beat the crap out of a dog.

Let that simmer.

If I beat the crap out of you you'd think twice before crossing me again.
Or are you saying you're dumber than a dog?

Look at the tough guy run his trap. He beats his pets to make them fear him and he thinks it will work on a man too. Silly nutter. Go find a puppy to stare down.

So how do you explain his complete transformation from a biter to a complete sweetheart?
We had had him for over a year before I put my foot down and he bit several people.
I treated him as one of the pack and showed him who was boss,just like in nature.

Just because you have no understanding of the mind of a dog doesnt mean I dont.
You’re a brute and a moron. It’s long been established that there is no place in responsible dog training for brutality, and it is not a component of how wolves teach their offspring - nor any other species except f’d up humans like you who enjoy inflicting pain on
creatures smaller and weaker, and probably your children too.

Total bullshit.
Are trying to tell me wolves dont fight for dominance and the alpha male position?
The last time I had to hit one of my dogs was over 15 years ago so you can stop with "I love to beat my dogs" bullshit.
You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
You don't beat the crap out of them. I always put an aggressive dog in a contained area until they begin to trust me and eventually they started trusting family members.
I did take my belt off to a neighbors son for taunting one of my dogs though.

Read my last post.
I have a lifetime of experience dealing with Boxers and know their foibles.
Some need a strong hand others need warmth and understanding.
You obviously try the warmth method first but after over a year of that you have to try another approach.
Teaching them who is boss almost always works for those dogs that refuse to conform through gentle measures.
I've been bitten by several different breeds of dogs they do it once after I pick them up and grab their ear and bite it they don't bite anyone after that. No beating needed. That comes from 50 years of dog ownershp

Had you bit this dogs ear he would have ripped your face off early on.
He was originally owned by a Houston Police officer who was into ilicite dog fighting. He's now Former HPD thank God.
He was abused for over a year and bore the scars around his neck till the day he died.
This wasnt your average rescue and the only reason Boxer rescue let us adopt him was our extensive experience with the breed and we had no children.
We went through an exhaustive list of questioning about our abilities and how we were going to rehabilitate him.
I mentioned tough love and they agreed it could be necessary on a limited basis.
The rest was history.
Although he did kill a couple of goats across the river at our weekend place in Junction Tx. He saw em from across the river,swam the river chased em down and brought em back across the river by the neck to the porch...he was so proud of himself.
Cost me $800 bucks for those fucken goats!!!
He also chased down a whitetail doe and killed it...we ate that bitch,and he got his fair share.
He was an old man in this pic.
View attachment 299724
Not only are you a brute who beats dogs, you’re an asshole irresponsible dog owner who lets his untrained dog run loose and kill other people’s livestock and harass and kill wildlife. Too bad someone didn’t shoot that dog. And you.

So now you want to shoot dogs?
Who's the animal abuser again?
And I bet your the type who has no problem with feral cats killing wild animals left and right.
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.
The breed of the dog has nothing to do with whether it will be friendly or bite

All dog behavior is a result of how the owner trains and raises the animal.

I've had purebred huskies and golden retrievers I've had mutts and I have had shelter dogs and they were all well behaved wonderful dogs because I made them be that way
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Exactly right.
Show a beta side to a hundred lb aggressive dog and he wont respect you in the least.
Ya gotta smack him upside the head and show no fear.
Believe me you!! The first time I went Alpha on the rescue Boxer I was a bit nervous to say the least.
He growled and bowed up and I smacked him again and that was that.
He was docile from then on out.
Yeah it’s a sad state of affairs. We often get ignorant, virtue signaling, inexperienced dog owners who get these high drive, intelligent, powerful breeds; and then go on to completely disrespect the dog. By disrespect I mean they operate on feelings, rather than experience, and understanding. They then go on to try and treat these dogs like they would people, cuz “feelings and shit”. Then more often than not they end up with an unruly, untrustworthy, and often dangerous dog. All because they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. It’s those fuckers right there who are responsible for the majority of these large breed dogs being sent to the pound, and ultimately put down. It’s a god damned shame. But at least some get rescued. Rehabing a dog is a labor of love, and that X factor will always be present. But the whole ordeal could usually be avoided if the owner understood dog psychology, or instead got a goldfish...

Were not talking about Golden retrievers here,we're talking about working dogs that are bred to be aggressive. Pitts and Rots mainly,Boxers and other working breeds can be a problem but to a lesser extent.
You have to have a sack to try and tame these breeds and they aren't for the weak at heart or those with small children.

My rottie would lick ya to death ...fine around other dogs and kids ...loved other dogs
I could walk with him without the leash ...even knew not to go into thE street or cross an intersection without me ...smart easily trainable ....I had professional help though

I loved that dog

They're not for everyone ....just like pits dobermans ,shepherds....even big poodle

My little sickly lil rescue poodle who is a pure bred ...is a nasty little mofo ...hates other people and other dogs

Hes only 10 lbs ...hes only a threat to himself if abig dog grabs him lol

He hasn't had a seizure in months now
No sugar...and nothing high in sodium.

People are rotten

He was abandoned and abused ....abandoned cause he has seizures ...I got em under control

I dont care what kind of Dog you have. If you raise em from a pup they're going to be as nice as can be if raised properly......for the most part.
The Wife had a Chow she raised from a pup and at two years it attacked Her for not putting down it's food fast enough.

She sold it to a breeder and got a Golden.
Smartest Dog I've ever seen!!! It could do five marks by number easily. It would retrieve anything you asked it to retrieve,he brought in the trash cans,the neighbors newspaper and beer from the ice chest or fridge.
She trained it herself to do trials and it won many a trophy!!
But my favorite skill was stealing the neighbors paper,bringing me beer and my cigs.
And you married a moron too I see - your wife sells a biting dog to a breeder?!?! Instead of following through on HER responsibility to properly train the dog that she’s allowed to become aggressive, she sells it to someone else for breeding purposes?!?!

You both should be shot. Glad you didn’t reproduce. Seriously, you’re stupid and mean and irresponsible.

You obviously know nothing about Chows.
She knows more about dog training than you'll ever know and has the trophies to prove it.
How many times has your dog won state championships?
Nobody here takes issue with this dude beating his dog?

You have no idea how to train an aggressive dog. My next step was to take him out back and put a bullet in his head.
You do it the same way the pack would do it....kinda like muslime terrorist,they only respect authority.
Indeed. There is a big difference between correcting/disciplining a dog and harming/injuring it. And learning to communicate in the language it understands is key to training a large breed, aggressive dog, and ultimately earning its respect as pack leader.
Kind of...the whole alpha thing though is often overrated and a good way to get bitten. Training a large breed is little different than a small breed.

I dont recommend women use alpha training.
The Dog knows the difference between a male and a female.
Point in case....Our rescue hellion never bit me. But he did bite my Wife.

So you deny the natural order of things?
Have you ever heard of a bitch leading a wolf pack?
Of course you havent because thats not how nature works.
You freaken science deniers crack me up.
What you're saying is you're not creative enough.

Alpha is all about Fear. It doesn't take violence to instill fear with a dog. They're smarter than you seem to think.

It's not about fear numbnuts it's about dominance.
If you have a large aggressive dog that thinks he's the boss you're fucked from the get go.
You might as well roll on your back with your feet and arms in the air and show him your vulnerable under belly.
Yup. These people who think they know what they're talking about, but actually know Jack shit about dogs; are the ones who end up taking their "problem" dogs to the pound. Or just turn em loose on a country road after they've fucked the dog up...

Actually....I've had fucked up dogs come my way who's owners had attempted the Cesare Milan method of dominance on them. And they resorted to biting as opposed to growling (a warning).

Most of the dogs we get from the shelter are given up as adolescents (8 most - 2 yrs) when they are at their most assholistic and people can't deal with it, they aren't a cute puppy anymore, their drives are coming into play and they are jerks. :dunno: I love them though :)
Caesar Milan is a shill. I'm quite surprised you even invoked that clown. Being the alpha of the pack involves a whole lot more than physically correcting a dog. It's hardly a fraction of everything involved. Getting physical is only necessary as a last resort, in response to unacceptable behavior. Most often it isn't even needed.
You’re a total moron and a brute too. People who think as stupidly as you do shouldn’t be allowed to keep dogs.

Well to bad for you.
I've raised 8 Boxers and all but two died at a ripe old age,I say only 6 because the other two are still pups.
Pups that I've spent close to 20k keeping alive.
Would you spend that to save your dogs? I doubt it.

Taking the Alpha role is fine, and sometimes it's necessary with dogs. The physical abuse though is a whole 'nother smoke.
Violence begets violence. It's not necessary to inflict violence to make the Alpha point.

There is a boatload of misconception about "alpha" roles - it became really popular and people like Cesare Millan made it stick but a lot of pack theory is based on really faulty science: the idea that dog packs function like wolf packs.

They really don't. Dogs evolved away from wolves a long time ago - they evolved as scavengers hanging out in the outskirts of human habitations and that required a different more fluid social structure. The other misconception is the idea that wolf pack alpha's are always going beating up subordinates and showing them who's boss. There are relatively few fights for dominance in a wolf pack (which is usually constructed of close family members). The real alpha's just "are"...they don't have to do much, they have presence. It's the INSECURE alpha wannabe's that are always posturing and mounting and starting fights.

In dogs - there is no clear alpha because dog pack dynamics are very fluid. One dog might be alpha when it comes to leading a chase, another might be when it comes to the best spots to sleep in. Dog's evolved to defer to humans as part of their pack order - wolves never did and even when raised by humans as pups still don't see humans as part of their pack structure. It's a key difference between the two.

A lot of alpha theory insists that you need to forceable roll a dog over and pin it to "assert" your dominance (mind you - wolves seldom do this and don't go around rolling their mates at every provocation). This sort of "training" is STILL advocated by some despite the fact it is a damn good way to terrify a dog, get bitten, and destroy trust. Alpha and leadership are not necessarily the same.

Good leadership - consistent fair rules, clear boundaries. There are a lot of ways to attain this that don't involve physical altercation with the dog.

Couldnt disagree more.


Because your hypothesis is complete bullshit.
Dods are still wild at heart and you'll never breed the pack animal out of them. It exists in domesticated dogs as it does in say "coyotas"
There is always a fight at some point in packs to affirm dominance by the lead male.
Not sure where you came up with the alpha male rolling females to show dominance,he already made that distinction with the weaker male.
Maybe it has something to do with you thinking the female has a say one way or another as to who she mates with. A feminist viewpoint if you will. Thats pure fantasy,stop watching Disney movies fer fucks sake!!!
It would almost be funny how totally wrong you are about wolves/coyotes and how their packs operate and the roles of females vis a vis males, but it’s just f’ing sad. You are pathetic. Try picking up a book and reading anything from the last few decades about study of these animals in the wild, and how it relates to the care and training of their domestic counterparts. You are stuck in the middle of the last century and studies of animal behavior have turned all that stupid antiquated and totally wrong Alpha dominance male centric shit upside down.

And is it any wonder why? All that observation of wildlife was being done through an anthropomorphizing lens by sexist researchers. Today researchers and animal behaviorists of BOTH sexes reject those theories outright. It’s well established and well accepted that the females of species are, in fact, very often who decides who breeds to who and how baby animals are socialized and trained in the ways of the pack.

Get your head out of your ass and out of the last century - or keep making a laughing stock of yourself.

You've let feminism rot your brain.:auiqs.jpg:
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.
The breed of the dog has nothing to do with whether it will be friendly or bite

All dog behavior is a result of how the owner trains and raises the animal.

I've had purebred huskies and golden retrievers I've had mutts and I have had shelter dogs and they were all well behaved wonderful dogs because I made them be that way

There are some breeds that have a higher propensity to bite.
Chows being one of them.
The wife raised hers from a pup and at two it decided she didnt put the food bowl down fast enough for its liking and it bit the shit out of her without warning.
She wants the best.


Animal rights organization PETA wagged their finger at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for buying a dog instead of getting one from a shelter.

“With the millions of homeless dogs out there, you apparently chose to buy a purebred puppy instead of adopting one from an animal shelter,” PETA president Ingrid Newkirk said in a Thursday letter to the New York Democrat. “Right this minute, on Petfinder alone, there are more than 110,000 dogs — including French bulldogs — who need homes. Animal shelters are bursting at the seams with hundreds of thousands more, many of whom will be ‘put to sleep’ for lack of a home.”
'Not humane': PETA rips AOC for buying and caging a dog - ENM NEWS

PETA, the only people that can make AOC look sane.

I brought a pure bred dog. I don't want to adopt other people's problems. I was bringing this animal into my home, and I wanted to be sure that it would be friendly to my guests, and not bite them, let alone my child.

So, flush that virtue signaling shit. And I tell people that all the time, when they start telling me about their stupid rescue animals.
The breed of the dog has nothing to do with whether it will be friendly or bite

All dog behavior is a result of how the owner trains and raises the animal.

I've had purebred huskies and golden retrievers I've had mutts and I have had shelter dogs and they were all well behaved wonderful dogs because I made them be that way

Your achievement is very impressive, good for you.

But breed does matter. That you can work with different breeds and get them all properly trained, does not mean that the starting point is that same.

My observations of dogs in public, shows real differences, generally speaking, between different breeds.
well cages are humane for dogs. I hate to side with AOC, but I am a dog owner and I have a cage that my one dog just loves. We leave the door open and he lays in there all the fking time, although he has complete run of the house. funny how PETA is really the evil here to dogs. Cages are like caves for them, dogs like cave enclosures, it is part of the pack mentality thing they live with.

It's Instinctual

"How could a dog like his cage?" Many naysayers will ask. Well, the answer is that it all has to do with perspective. Humans view the cage as a place of no return, and dogs view it as a safe place for their naps. They view it this way because of their natural denning instinct. Because dogs have a long lineage of wild animals, they are always reverting to their animal instincts. In the wild, a safe, secure nook is a safe place where no harm can get to them and where they can get the sleep that they need. And we all know dogs sleep a lot! Dogs will sleep anywhere from 12-18 hours a day by taking a series of naps throughout the day. The cage becomes the perfect place to get away for a minute.

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