Not only won't Obasma do anything, he is trying to stop others as well

obola intends an epidemic in the US. He will flail about ineffectively so that it looks like he's doing something while doing nothing. Local officials actually taking steps to minimize the damage have to be stopped.
Back in the 14th Century, European cities were smart enough to figure out how to quarantine people during plague outbreaks. 7 Centuries later we can't figure it out.
I am sitting here on my deck having a nice cigar and a martini in sunny Florida. Is Ebola coming to get me?


Put it out!!!!!!!!

Turns out the Ebolans are drawn to cigar smoke.

No cigar and hoping the Ebolans don't like red wine, this wa our dinner scenery tonight.


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I am sitting here on my deck having a nice cigar and a martini in sunny Florida. Is Ebola coming to get me?


Wishing death on someone who has never done you harm.


RW, through and through.

WTH is WRONG with you people? Why do you hate your own country so much?
You mean like refusing to quarantine people from a Country with a virulent contagious virus? How about do you mean like demanding those States that do take precautions stop because well who knows why they should stop?

So is that supposed to be some cutesy take off on Osama bin Laden?

cuz, see, I know the OP would have no way of knowing this but President Obama oversaw the operation that killed Osama bin Laden.

And, yes, that would be the same bin Laden that the Republican president didn't have time to even bother looking for.

As for Ebola, President Obama has handled it exactly correctly.

The Walkiong Dead in on tonight. Sit down, shut up and fantasize about how we're all gonna be be zombies.

What does Osama Bin Laden have to do with this thread? I understand you're upset that someone here has dared to insult your President, but that's what happens when we have such an indecisive leader as Obama. Bush would have already closed our borders to anyone returning from West Africa. Obama is too busy ringing his hands to do anything. The governors of these 4 states have shown their leadership, already. I'm just surprised that Missouri hasn't been added to that list since St. Louis is an airport hub just like Chicago. Let's not forget Pennsylvania as well with Philadelphia being a hub.
A part of me hopes ebola mutates, just to show just how dumb the left really is.

Fuck these assholes.
I am sitting here on my deck having a nice cigar and a martini in sunny Florida. Is Ebola coming to get me?


Wishing death on someone who has never done you harm.


RW, through and through.

WTH is WRONG with you people? Why do you hate your own country so much?
You mean like refusing to quarantine people from a Country with a virulent contagious virus? How about do you mean like demanding those States that do take precautions stop because well who knows why they should stop?

The left wants to spread ebola. That is the only way this makes sense.

So is that supposed to be some cutesy take off on Osama bin Laden?

cuz, see, I know the OP would have no way of knowing this but President Obama oversaw the operation that killed Osama bin Laden.

And, yes, that would be the same bin Laden that the Republican president didn't have time to even bother looking for.

As for Ebola, President Obama has handled it exactly correctly.

The Walkiong Dead in on tonight. Sit down, shut up and fantasize about how we're all gonna be be zombies.
It was a typo Numbnuts. I notice you did not address the fact that Obama refuses to initiate procedures and opposes the fact that States have.

You limbaugh/faux fans don't spell very well and you're always using some new and really dumb spelling of something or other. Idiots.

And, you don't read any better than you type.

If you did, you would have noticed the last line of my post.

And all your ranting has still added nothing to this discussion. What a shame so few states have decided to ban these folks from their states. It must be hip now to share ebola with one's friends, now. Is that why Obama won't act? He wants to stay hip?
A part of me hopes ebola mutates, just to show just how dumb the left really is.

Fuck these assholes.

The funniest thing I heard on the radio last week was when Sean Hannity said, "We have to stop the spread of Obama, uh/er, I mean ebola".
I am sitting here on my deck having a nice cigar and a martini in sunny Florida. Is Ebola coming to get me?


Wishing death on someone who has never done you harm.


RW, through and through.

WTH is WRONG with you people? Why do you hate your own country so much?
You mean like refusing to quarantine people from a Country with a virulent contagious virus? How about do you mean like demanding those States that do take precautions stop because well who knows why they should stop?

The left wants to spread ebola. That is the only way this makes sense.

It's their silver bullet.They couldn't confiscate guns. Now, they hope everybody gets ebola, just as long as it isn't them.
I am sitting here on my deck having a nice cigar and a martini in sunny Florida. Is Ebola coming to get me?


Wishing death on someone who has never done you harm.


RW, through and through.

WTH is WRONG with you people? Why do you hate your own country so much?
Yeah, I see how concerned you are about human life. I would much rather see you contract Ebola than the innocent and unsuspecting people who will or have already contracted the disease, thanks to Obama's open arms policy (which you support) toward the carriers.
If Obama is not going to do anything, the least he can do is greet travelers from West Africa, shake their hands, hug them, and welcome them to America. I would think more highly of him if he went the extra mile and backed up his position.

So is that supposed to be some cutesy take off on Osama bin Laden?

cuz, see, I know the OP would have no way of knowing this but President Obama oversaw the operation that killed Osama bin Laden.

And, yes, that would be the same bin Laden that the Republican president didn't have time to even bother looking for.

As for Ebola, President Obama has handled it exactly correctly.

The Walkiong Dead in on tonight. Sit down, shut up and fantasize about how we're all gonna be be zombies.

In the minority again I see

Embrace it

My comment is what the transport authority did to a hospital worker over the weekend. Christie, my hero, is defending the action.

I read the article and agree the Nurse has been treated rather poorly. Blame the ones that did that, not the policy 4 states have now declared on quarantining returning healthcare workers.

As they should.

If Barry doesn't like it then tough shit.

I guess he wants to wait till there are a few hundred dead from ebola before he and his Govt get off their asses and act.

Good for those States and I hope the rest of the states follow suite.

Nip it in the bud before it can kill any more than it already has.

Common Sense 101.
Tell us what the US is not doing.

The NY and NJ way was to put a person in a windowless room with locks, confiscate purse and phone, then start asking questions without informing the person what was going on when asked.

And then continue this way for several hours.


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