*Not Racist: Love It Or Leave It!*

You can't have it both ways. Either you're for women's rights truly--and you think women can take the same pressures and punches that men can--or you are not. In this case he did not say one thing to those women that he also would not have/could not have said to a group of four men. These women should not have to be bubble wrapped simply because they are women. If they need this, they should not run for elected office.
So you honestly believe that not being able to take a punch from a man who is bigger, stronger and physically more powerful than you means that women are weak and that this is the only or an adequate measure of equality and women's rights?
Look at what comes first in the above designations. For that reason I don't like them. If someone tells me that's what they prefer that's how I will refer to them, otherwise, I don't like them. I'm not European-American; I am white. Therefore, I don't think of you as African-American, you are American like me, and black. We are on equal footing, Americans of different descent. My two cents.
But nationality and race are two different things. Being white/black is our race, both of our nationalities are American but we/our families descended from two different parts of the world. What I've never understood is why it bothers so many white people that we use the term African American which is a much more concise way of referring to "people of African descent" to describe ourselves when it was white legislators and society who made is clear in their writings and laws that "people of African descent" were legislatively relegated to second class non-citizenship.

Nobody complains when people self ID as Irish American or Italian Americans, they seem to inherently understand the pride in identifying from where one has descended. It's no more strange to me than the pride my former classmates exhibited when talking of the city/state they were from at our university which had students from all 50 states & many countries around the world. Therefore in my opinion, many of these things are neither inherently good or bad but people attach meaning to them and that's where the trouble begins. Because of the era we live in I don't have to specifically worry about being relegated to a lesser status by law, but that doesn't mean that there aren't member of society who still believe that just because the laws changes, the [alleged] facts have not - that the white race still is, always has been and will forever be superior to the black race. And they behave accordingly such as what we see in Trump when he instructs these women to go back to the shithole places from which they came. Of course he was alluding to Africa irrespective of whether he mentioned race or not because the fact remains that these 4 women are all women of color and that Trump has previously referred to African nations as "shithole countries'. There was no doubt in m mind that he was telling them to "go back to Africa" as many an ignorant racist has blathered in real life as well on these internet forums apparently erroneously believing that this is from where they descended.

He was being an ass, just as he does on a daily basis. None of us are surprised, therefore I'm not sure why anyone else is. And I thought the "Squad"s response to him was perfection.
The problem is now white people are not allowed to be proud of their own heritage or we are racist.

When we get back to even footing this will work itself out.
You can't have it both ways. Either you're for women's rights truly--and you think women can take the same pressures and punches that men can--or you are not. In this case he did not say one thing to those women that he also would not have/could not have said to a group of four men. These women should not have to be bubble wrapped simply because they are women. If they need this, they should not run for elected office.
So you honestly believe that not being able to take a punch from a man who is bigger, stronger and physically more powerful than you means that women are weak and that this is the only or an adequate measure of equality and women's rights?

Honest to pete--figuratively, not LITERAL. Of course I"m not talking about actual violence on the job, I'm talking about "punching back" in figurative terms. Women shouldn't enter the workforce and then expect to be wrapped in bubble wrap because they're "ladies", especially not in the rough and tumble world of politics.
Back in the 60s, when I was a liberal anti-war protestor, conservatives used to tell us to "Love it or leave it". I used to hate when they said that, because I had just finished 5 years in the Army, and I really did love the USA, but I didn't love what the government was doing in Vietnam.

Now, as a staunch conservative, here I am telling the squad to "Love it or leave it." Well, they don't have as good a case as I had with the Vietnam War. In fact I don't see where they have any case at all. They appear to be just a bunch of lamebrain America haters, who think they can get by attacking President Trump with the race card.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Omar lost her race platform when she made racist remarks about Jews, and what is more racist and bigoted than her Muslim ideology ? And what is more racist than the whole Democrat Party, starting with Nancy Pelosi, failing to condemn Omar's anti Semitism ? In addition, how many of these hypocrites have a position against the most racist thing in America, namely the 54 year old policy of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites ?

The more these pretenders go around flashing the race card, the more examination and publicity there will be about what is really going on with race in America, and the more all this will come back to bite these Democrats.....Squad goons, and all the rest of them.

Not a word of what Trump said was racist, and the accusation is nothing more than another typical, Democrat, race card, political, BS smear job. Trump was right. If you hate America, get the hell out, and don't worry about closing the door. Plenty of others should be following along right after you. :biggrin:
Trump and your ilk were complaining for 8 years straight during Obama's Presidency.

Way worse than anyone you're criticizing now.

Why didn't you piss aunts up and leave then?
It was by the end of Obama's second year that we got the agendas. Even the lame duck congress passed and expanded laws to their benefit and strengthened the patriot act. But Obamacare was the evil law. you did not give Trump a day to see what he has. A day after the election was when the venom started full throttle.
Trump and your ilk were complaining for 8 years straight during Obama's Presidency.

Way worse than anyone you're criticizing now.

Why didn't you piss aunts up and leave then?
Easy question. we were complaining about Obama, the ISIS jihadist, and all his Muslim Brotherhood shenanigans, not about the US fundamentally, like this goon squad does.
Sounds like you're putting yourself in a position where only YOU/your ilk gets to determine what's right for America and what's not.

How fascist of you.
The "ilk", as you call it, is the overwhelming majority of the American people, who elected Trump president, and isn't snowed by CNN's BS and OMISSION broadcasting.
Did anyone see the Trump speech last night in North Carolina ? HA HA. Trump made BURNT TOAST out of the those 4 racist fools calling themselves the squad.

After this, they can only hang their heads in shame, resign from the Congress, and leave the country. After what Trump said about them last night, they will never again be able to show up in public, if they have an ounce of decency and self-respect.

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Back in the 60s, when I was a liberal anti-war protestor, conservatives used to tell us to "Love it or leave it". I used to hate when they said that, because I had just finished 5 years in the Army, and I really did love the USA, but I didn't love what the government was doing in Vietnam.

Now, as a staunch conservative, here I am telling the squad to "Love it or leave it." Well, they don't have as good a case as I had with the Vietnam War. In fact I don't see where they have any case at all. They appear to be just a bunch of lamebrain America haters, who think they can get by attacking President Trump with the race card.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Omar lost her race platform when she made racist remarks about Jews, and what is more racist and bigoted than her Muslim ideology ? And what is more racist than the whole Democrat Party, starting with Nancy Pelosi, failing to condemn Omar's anti Semitism ? In addition, how many of these hypocrites have a position against the most racist thing in America, namely the 54 year old policy of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites ?

The more these pretenders go around flashing the race card, the more examination and publicity there will be about what is really going on with race in America, and the more all this will come back to bite these Democrats.....Squad goons, and all the rest of them.

Not a word of what Trump said was racist, and the accusation is nothing more than another typical, Democrat, race card, political, BS smear job. Trump was right. If you hate America, get the hell out, and don't worry about closing the door. Plenty of others should be following along right after you. :biggrin:
Back in the 60s, when I was a liberal anti-war protestor, conservatives used to tell us to "Love it or leave it". I used to hate when they said that, because I had just finished 5 years in the Army, and I really did love the USA, but I didn't love what the government was doing in Vietnam.

Now, as a staunch conservative, here I am telling the squad to "Love it or leave it." Well, they don't have as good a case as I had with the Vietnam War. In fact I don't see where they have any case at all. They appear to be just a bunch of lamebrain America haters, who think they can get by attacking President Trump with the race card.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Omar lost her race platform when she made racist remarks about Jews, and what is more racist and bigoted than her Muslim ideology ? And what is more racist than the whole Democrat Party, starting with Nancy Pelosi, failing to condemn Omar's anti Semitism ? In addition, how many of these hypocrites have a position against the most racist thing in America, namely the 54 year old policy of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites ?

The more these pretenders go around flashing the race card, the more examination and publicity there will be about what is really going on with race in America, and the more all this will come back to bite these Democrats.....Squad goons, and all the rest of them.

Not a word of what Trump said was racist, and the accusation is nothing more than another typical, Democrat, race card, political, BS smear job. Trump was right. If you hate America, get the hell out, and don't worry about closing the door. Plenty of others should be following along right after you. :biggrin:
Trump and your ilk were complaining for 8 years straight during Obama's Presidency.

Way worse than anyone you're criticizing now.

Why didn't you piss aunts up and leave then?
It was by the end of Obama's second year that we got the agendas. Even the lame duck congress passed and expanded laws to their benefit and strengthened the patriot act. But Obamacare was the evil law. you did not give Trump a day to see what he has. A day after the election was when the venom started full throttle.
Yes, it did. The lies started immediately. Sean scared the poop out of me that day. I thought I was going to have to dust off my pitchfork and torch and stop these lying jamokes myself.
If Trump had simply said "love it or leave it", nobody would have said anything, and it may have even drawn more supporters to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't say that. He told them to return to their countries, implying that those women weren't US citizens, and shouldn't be in Congress.

Only problem is, 3 of them were born here, and 1 of them (Omar) is a naturalized US citizen. So, only 1 of them has a chance of being sent back to her original country, but that is only if she does something bad enough to lose her citizenship.

Trump DID draw more supporters by telling them to go back where they came from.

His approval rating went UP.
He didn't tell them to leave!

He told them to go back to where they came from and fix things there before trying to change the nation.

Every one of the four comes from places with serious problems.

AOC is from The Bronx and cost them a couple of thousand jobs
Tlaib is a Muslim from Michigan, a district with severe unemployment and crime.
Pressley is from Mass, the daughter of a man who spent most of her life in jail and who claims to be a survivor of rape
Omar came from Somalia as a teenager and her father is an acknowledged war criminal who brought much of his gang with him.
Sorry bout that,

Look at what comes first in the above designations. For that reason I don't like them. If someone tells me that's what they prefer that's how I will refer to them, otherwise, I don't like them. I'm not European-American; I am white. Therefore, I don't think of you as African-American, you are American like me, and black. We are on equal footing, Americans of different descent. My two cents.
But nationality and race are two different things. Being white/black is our race, both of our nationalities are American but we/our families descended from two different parts of the world. What I've never understood is why it bothers so many white people that we use the term African American which is a much more concise way of referring to "people of African descent" to describe ourselves when it was white legislators and society who made is clear in their writings and laws that "people of African descent" were legislatively relegated to second class non-citizenship.

Nobody complains when people self ID as Irish American or Italian Americans, they seem to inherently understand the pride in identifying from where one has descended. It's no more strange to me than the pride my former classmates exhibited when talking of the city/state they were from at our university which had students from all 50 states & many countries around the world. Therefore in my opinion, many of these things are neither inherently good or bad but people attach meaning to them and that's where the trouble begins. Because of the era we live in I don't have to specifically worry about being relegated to a lesser status by law, but that doesn't mean that there aren't member of society who still believe that just because the laws changes, the [alleged] facts have not - that the white race still is, always has been and will forever be superior to the black race. And they behave accordingly such as what we see in Trump when he instructs these women to go back to the shithole places from which they came. Of course he was alluding to Africa irrespective of whether he mentioned race or not because the fact remains that these 4 women are all women of color and that Trump has previously referred to African nations as "shithole countries'. There was no doubt in m mind that he was telling them to "go back to Africa" as many an ignorant racist has blathered in real life as well on these internet forums apparently erroneously believing that this is from where they descended.

He was being an ass, just as he does on a daily basis. None of us are surprised, therefore I'm not sure why anyone else is. And I thought the "Squad"s response to him was perfection.
The problem is now white people are not allowed to be proud of their own heritage or we are racist.

When we get back to even footing this will work itself out.

  1. What we are seeing is the beginning or shall I say the proof that the book 1984 is being implemented.
  2. Thought police.
  3. Newspeak.
  4. Gadgets watching you in your own home.
  5. Powerful companies stalking your every click on the internet.
  6. Blacks putting racial stereo types upon whites (Oprah, Obama) etc....who are told what to say and not, and what to write and not, and think.
  7. So all in all we are just waiting for the iron glove mr watson who we are supposed to fear exceedingly.
  8. You should read it again, the book 1984, its a master piece.
  9. And its being published in 1948 makes it in more informational.
  10. Blacks need to back off and realize we as humans are all in this together.
  11. WHen they stop playing the race card they will benefit more.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Okay gather around and listen to my opinion.
  2. Listen to reality.
  3. Stop your squawking for a minute and listen.
  4. What President Trump said was perfectly said.
  5. He said "If you are not happy in USA, then leave, you can't leave fast enough."
  6. "He didn't say go back to where you came from."
  7. I said that.
  8. He also just put these know nothing stupid commie leaders in the forefront on the Liberal Party.
  9. Which was brilliant, he check mated without even using his queen, or any other powerful piece, just a couple pawns.
  10. Now Nancy which I call horse face stands up in congress and makes a false statement how what the President said was racism, and it was NOT, it was.....
  11. Patriotism!
  12. Okay your turn to put your spin on these facts.

His tweet over the weekend said:

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

You don't like his racist tweet so you lie and claim he never said it.

Here's a suggestion, if you don't like his racism then don't support and lie for him.

Trump tells progressive freshman congresswomen to 'go back' to their 'broken and crime infested' countries
Back in the 60s, when I was a liberal anti-war protestor, conservatives used to tell us to "Love it or leave it". I used to hate when they said that, because I had just finished 5 years in the Army, and I really did love the USA, but I didn't love what the government was doing in Vietnam.

Now, as a staunch conservative, here I am telling the squad to "Love it or leave it." Well, they don't have as good a case as I had with the Vietnam War. In fact I don't see where they have any case at all. They appear to be just a bunch of lamebrain America haters, who think they can get by attacking President Trump with the race card.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Omar lost her race platform when she made racist remarks about Jews, and what is more racist and bigoted than her Muslim ideology ? And what is more racist than the whole Democrat Party, starting with Nancy Pelosi, failing to condemn Omar's anti Semitism ? In addition, how many of these hypocrites have a position against the most racist thing in America, namely the 54 year old policy of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites ?

The more these pretenders go around flashing the race card, the more examination and publicity there will be about what is really going on with race in America, and the more all this will come back to bite these Democrats.....Squad goons, and all the rest of them.

Not a word of what Trump said was racist, and the accusation is nothing more than another typical, Democrat, race card, political, BS smear job. Trump was right. If you hate America, get the hell out, and don't worry about closing the door. Plenty of others should be following along right after you. :biggrin:
Trump and your ilk were complaining for 8 years straight during Obama's Presidency.

Way worse than anyone you're criticizing now.

Why didn't you piss aunts up and leave then?
It was by the end of Obama's second year that we got the agendas. Even the lame duck congress passed and expanded laws to their benefit and strengthened the patriot act. But Obamacare was the evil law. you did not give Trump a day to see what he has. A day after the election was when the venom started full throttle.

Well, the same could be said about the GOP starting "the venom full throttle" when the day after Obama was elected, Mitch McConnell got the GOP together and they resolved to make Obama a one term president. Forgot about that one, didn't ya?
But, I agree, he could have worded it better.
Oh really? And just how does a mentally ill old man word a blatantly racist statement "better"? He blew the dog whistle for his racist base, exactly as he intended. I promise the mentally ill old man is perfectly pleased with both the wording and the reaction.
i bet if you liked trump you would not think he is mentally ill....

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