*Not Racist: Love It Or Leave It!*

In addition to being a racist, we know you are anti-America and you are the one who hates America. Love it or leave it is exactly what someone who hates America would say. Americans overwhelmingly agree that holding America accountable is patriotic. Americans also say that what Trump said was racist and un-American.

The fact is that this country is in more peril than it has ever been. The IG recently visited 4 facilities where detainees are being held. He found the conditions deplorable. Clearly the people responsible for this need to be held legally liable. A country that does this is not a good country. Trump is ignoring the Constitution which has checks and balances on the President. He impedes legitimate Congressional investigations. He is turning tis country into a banana republic.

In this case the race card is being played by Republicans . Trump is trying to play the race card in a desperate bid to retain power.

What he said was racist. Americans agree on that. Trump is never right about anything. You are the ones who hate America You hate America and maybe you need to get the fuck out. Let the door hit you on the way out.
Nothing Trump said was racist. You left America hater fools are going down the tubes. The American people are seeing all of you for what you are. The squad couldn't be a better campaign gift for Trump if that were their goal.

The "facilities" you speak of, were visited by GOP leaders. They found good air conditioning, plenty of clean drinking water, and other necessities. And the places the left media likes to showcase, are just temporary holding pens, detainees stay in while they are being processed to go to long term centers, which are the best places these migrants have ever seen or lived in. I posted pictures of them months ago, and busted wide open the scam you now try to pass.

On top of all that, it's Democrats who are responsible for the whole mess. They are the ones who set up these ca
ravans an
d financed them (Soros, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, libs in SAn Francisco, etc). They still need to be arrested and jailed ( although some of them have been, by the Mexican government)

Everybody knows the race card is the ace in the hole for Democrats, and has been for decades. Now more than ever. Just listen to these squad loons blabber about race every time they open their mouths. "Women of color" they keep saying. That is a racist phrase in itself. EVERYONE has a color (except people with a rare albino disorder). All this "color" talk is just a ruse to demonize Republicans, and it will backfire on Democrats, as the public sees through it, and has already grown weary of the Democrat scam talk, which they have pushed for way too long now.

As for the Democrats' "investigation" methodology, that has worn itself out too, after the Russian collusion hoax, which only brought focus upon Obama, Hillary, Comey, Brennan et al rogues , whose misdeeds are catching up with them, as AG Barr quietly prepares cases against all of them.

Ignorant damn fool. These facilities you scammers keep yammering about just temporary quarters, where migrant kids stay for only a very short time, waiting to be placed. And where are they placed ? At detention centers like Southwest Key Programs, where the kids have it better than they ever had in their lives (and better than many American kids)

Here's a few photos from their detention centers, where they stay for a few months >>






You and Trump are the BS artists. They should be in Congress because they were elected and you have no right to judge anyone.

We know who you are talking about and you are a racist. They are Americans and they don't have to go anywhere. They are where they came from.
I don't care where they came from. As America haters they have no business being in the US congress. they should LEAVE America, and the sooner the better.
Trump won because 25% of America was voting against the other guy. It was hardly a overwhelming majority. Had less than 100,000 votes in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan changed it would have gone the other way. Voters hated both candidates.
It was a clear consensus in favor of Trump. Hillary the serial killer got her fat ass handed to her, despite her millions of illegal alien votes. Does this look like it was close ? >>



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The unemployment rate was 4.7%. Trump has not had a yearly GDP under 3% either.
And Trump has brought that 4.7% unemployment rate down to 3.6%.

Obama's awful 2016 sinking GDP was cleaned up by Trump, who raised it up to 4.2% :biggrin:
Trump is making BURNT TOAST of his re-election chances. One would think he is trying to lose the election.

If there was a ounce of decency or self-respect Trump would resign. He is a disgrace to this nation as are his supporters.
You are a disgrace, and the America haters you support. If you had an ounce of decency, you wouldn't post in this forum.

Who did you predict to win the presidency back in 2016 ? And who do you predict to win 2020 ? :biggrin:
It's not nonsense.

It's pure unadulterated, unbridled and unleashed racism and bigotry.
No it's not. it's just telling America-hater idiots to leave the country that they hate, and if you support them, you must hate the US too, and you should leave right along with them.
But, I agree, he could have worded it better.
Oh really? And just how does a mentally ill old man word a blatantly racist statement "better"? He blew the dog whistle for his racist base, exactly as he intended. I promise the mentally ill old man is perfectly pleased with both the wording and the reaction.
Only those being dishonest find it racist. But, that has been the lefts strategy since at least the last 5 decades. ‘Anything the right says call ‘em racist.’
If Trump had simply said "love it or leave it", nobody would have said anything, and it may have even drawn more supporters to him.

Unfortunately, he didn't say that. He told them to return to their countries, implying that those women weren't US citizens, and shouldn't be in Congress.

Only problem is, 3 of them were born here, and 1 of them (Omar) is a naturalized US citizen. So, only 1 of them has a chance of being sent back to her original country, but that is only if she does something bad enough to lose her citizenship.
no--they are like Michelle Obama who hates America--so it is really not their country...
..you want to protest/speak/etc --that's fine ----but plainly HATING America means you are a dumbass jackass
Michelle Obama Quotes
Ugh that is so stupid.
No, this is stupid -
Fort Fun Indiana said:
I bet you are wrong and that many of his friends do believe he is, in fact, mentally ill.
During Vietnam and Civil Rights protestors were told to love it or leave it or.....Go back to Africa

Instead, they stayed and fought for change and won.

Conservatives today are spouting the same nonsense
It's not nonsense.

It's pure unadulterated, unbridled and unleashed racism and bigotry.
It is pure unadulterated narrative because you have nothing else. Nothing racist in telling someone to get the fuck out. It simply means get the fuck out.
I'm confused, are you talking about how Obama told us. This is not who we are again? Multiple times?
Apparently he was onto something, as trump's approval still sits in the basement at about 42.5%.
Yet he draws thousands at his rallies. The way liberals are acting now, he will be your president till 2024. I mean your candidates are competing on how unamerican they can be.

Most Americans believe Trump is a racist and un-American.
Only till he became a Republican, before that. Liberals loved him. So I'm glad you're showing your true colors.
Nothing Trump said was racist. You left America hater fools are going down the tubes. The American people are seeing all of you for what you are. The squad couldn't be a better campaign gift for Trump if that were their goal.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Okay gather around and listen to my opinion.
  2. Listen to reality.
  3. Stop your squawking for a minute and listen.
  4. What President Trump said was perfectly said.
  5. He said "If you are not happy in USA, then leave, you can't leave fast enough."
  6. "He didn't say go back to where you came from."
  7. I said that.
  8. He also just put these know nothing stupid commie leaders in the forefront on the Liberal Party.
  9. Which was brilliant, he check mated without even using his queen, or any other powerful piece, just a couple pawns.
  10. Now Nancy which I call horse face stands up in congress and makes a false statement how what the President said was racism, and it was NOT, it was.....
  11. Patriotism!
  12. Okay your turn to put your spin on these facts.

His tweet over the weekend said:

“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

You don't like his racist tweet so you lie and claim he never said it.

Here's a suggestion, if you don't like his racism then don't support and lie for him.

Trump tells progressive freshman congresswomen to 'go back' to their 'broken and crime infested' countries

  1. DId I say it was an exact quote?
  2. I like what he said, exactly.
  3. I didn't search for the exact verbiage, but I got the point across, why didn't you do a spell check grammar check too?
  4. I'm not covering for anyone, you are let loose liberal pos, that no one could love or respect.
  5. Good job baby butcher!
Of course it’s not racist. Black white or green, if it sucks so bad here then there’s there.
And don’t give me the you want to stay and fix it because, its not broken-you are!
Back in the 60s, when I was a liberal anti-war protestor, conservatives used to tell us to "Love it or leave it". I used to hate when they said that, because I had just finished 5 years in the Army, and I really did love the USA, but I didn't love what the government was doing in Vietnam.

Now, as a staunch conservative, here I am telling the squad to "Love it or leave it." Well, they don't have as good a case as I had with the Vietnam War. In fact I don't see where they have any case at all. They appear to be just a bunch of lamebrain America haters, who think they can get by attacking President Trump with the race card.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Omar lost her race platform when she made racist remarks about Jews, and what is more racist and bigoted than her Muslim ideology ? And what is more racist than the whole Democrat Party, starting with Nancy Pelosi, failing to condemn Omar's anti Semitism ? In addition, how many of these hypocrites have a position against the most racist thing in America, namely the 54 year old policy of Affirmative Action discrimination against whites ?

The more these pretenders go around flashing the race card, the more examination and publicity there will be about what is really going on with race in America, and the more all this will come back to bite these Democrats.....Squad goons, and all the rest of them.

Not a word of what Trump said was racist, and the accusation is nothing more than another typical, Democrat, race card, political, BS smear job. Trump was right. If you hate America, get the hell out, and don't worry about closing the door. Plenty of others should be following along right after you. :biggrin:
During Vietnam and Civil Rights protestors were told to love it or leave it or.....Go back to Africa

Instead, they stayed and fought for change and won.

Conservatives today are spouting the same nonsense
WAR with DESTRUCTION/death/starvation/etc is a HUGE difference
NOT even close
Did anyone see the Trump speech last night in North Carolina ? HA HA. Trump made BURNT TOAST out of the those 4 racist fools calling themselves the squad.

After this, they can only hang their heads in shame, resign from the Congress, and leave the country. After what Trump said about them last night, they will never again be able to show up in public, if they have an ounce of decency and self-respect.

Bone Spurs recanted that chant. He stated he didn't agree w/it.

That was yesterday. Today, when he was asked if the chant bothered him, he said that what bothered him was the 4 congresswomen who hate America and are anti Semetic. He actually tried to justify the chant by deflecting to the congresswomen.
During Vietnam and Civil Rights protestors were told to love it or leave it or.....Go back to Africa

Instead, they stayed and fought for change and won.

Conservatives today are spouting the same nonsense
It's not nonsense.

It's pure unadulterated, unbridled and unleashed racism and bigotry.
It is pure unadulterated narrative because you have nothing else. Nothing racist in telling someone to get the fuck out. It simply means get the fuck out.

You're right, there is nothing racist in telling someone that if they don't like it here, they can leave.

Only problem is..............Trump didn't say that. He told them to go back to the country they came from, clean it up, and then come back here and show us how it's done. Only problem is, there are no places for 3 of them to "go back" to, as they were born here in the USA. The only one that could "go back" would be Omar and that is only if she did something bad enough to lose her naturalized citizenship.

And yeah, telling someone to go back to their country of origin has racist tones and has for a long time now. Rednecks who didn't like black people here would often tell them to go back to Africa. And, as far as I know, the only people who have been told to go back are those of black or brown descent.

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