Not "Who Done It", but "What They Do"

Yes, shitloads of evidence. Why do you guys keep asking that? You know we have bank records, text messages, time stamped pictures, emails, whistleblowers and witnesses. We as the public have more evidence for this crime than just about any case in history. When the fuck do we ever have this much god damn evidence?
"NO EVIDENCE!!!"....It's the manta of the same shitlib stoopits who screeched RUSSIA! for three years, with less than no evidence.

Evidence to support your claims jackass
My claim at this moment is about bank records. Are you asking me to post Hunters confidential bank records? It would be realky fucking crazy if you were. Please tell me you arent asking that.
My claim at this moment is about bank records. Are you asking me to post Hunters confidential bank records? It would be realky fucking crazy if you were. Please tell me you arent asking that.
You are making claims that you can’t document.

Go away now
Yes, shitloads of evidence. Why do you guys keep asking that? You know we have bank records, text messages, time stamped pictures, emails, whistleblowers and witnesses. We as the public have more evidence for this crime than just about any case in history. When the fuck do we ever have this much god damn evidence?
Show it.
The paper trail connecting Biden, as President, to financial transactions, the path of those transactions
Show it.
The paper trail connecting Biden, as President, to financial transactions, the path of those transactions
Why do you need me to show you that? Are you unable to assess the information the public currently has? Everything certainly points to Biden being corrupt. Cant you at least admit THAT?
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

** Urp **
Why do you need me to show you that? Are you unable to assess the information the public currently has? Everything certainly points to Biden being corrupt. Cant you at least admit THAT?
The public has only allegations.

That’ll be good enough for you but who cares
Why do you need me to show you that? Are you unable to assess the information the public currently has? Everything certainly points to Biden being corrupt. Cant you at least admit THAT?
I'm not the one claiming to have the evidence, sparky.
That would be you.
the only "HARD" evidence we have so far is photos of HB's dick.
Which explains MAGADUMIAN fixation but is not a criminal or an impeachable offense.
I'm not the one claiming to have the evidence, sparky.
That would be you.
the only "HARD" evidence we have so far is photos of HB's dick.
Which explains MAGADUMIAN fixation but is not a criminal or an impeachable offense.
You dont speculate on things? You only deal with hard evidence like video tapes of crimes going down and such? Is this your official position? I dont want to mischaracterize your statement, so you tell me.
Yes, but given what we know, doesnt it appear that the Bidens are corrupt?

You people have clamored for the impeachment of Democratic presidents since Clinton.
You "knew" Clinton was corrupt in Whitewater even though they lost $125k in the deal and I saw the first "Impeach Clinton" sign within 3 months of his taking office.
You "knew" Obama wasn't American even when he made fools of you on the subject and I saw that "Impeach Obama" sign 2 months BEFORE THE ELECTION
You "know" Joe Biden is corrupt without a single shred of evidence and you were discussing impeaching Biden over Hunter's dick a month before he took office.

Here's the thing Snerdly...
GWB committed actual crimes and should have been impeached
Trump committed actual crimes but the GOP lacks the balls to stand up to him

All this crap does nothing but ensure Biden's reelection as people watch the GOP behave like morons again and again.
You dont speculate on things? You only deal with hard evidence like video tapes of crimes going down and such? Is this your official position? I dont want to mischaracterize your statement, so you tell me.
Let's rephrase that...

Is YOUR OFFICIAL position that people should be convicted and sent to prison based on innuendo and fake evidence?

Because that's what you've been doing since Bill Clinton took office.
Let's rephrase that...

Is YOUR OFFICIAL position that people should be convicted and sent to prison based on innuendo and fake evidence?

Because that's what you've been doing since Bill Clinton took office.
We arent a court of law, dipshit. This is a public forum. No one is getting convicted here.

Now, back to my question... are you unable to speculate without a video of the crime?
We arent a court of law, dipshit. This is a public forum. No one is getting convicted here.

Now, back to my question... are you unable to speculate without a video of the crime?
So you don't need evidence to declare guilt.
I see
We arent a court of law, dipshit. This is a public forum. No one is getting convicted here.

Now, back to my question... are you unable to speculate without a video of the crime?
I'm unwilling to speculate without actual factual evidence
of a crime
of who committed the crime

If you don't understand that I suggest you check the Rules of Evidence with your local bar.

You fixation on "a video" surely indicate you've a video in mind as proof. A video is 2023 is not proof of anything thanks to the GOP habit of editing videos.
I'm unwilling to speculate without actual factual evidence
of a crime
of who committed the crime

If you don't understand that I suggest you check the Rules of Evidence with your local bar.

You fixation on "a video" surely indicate you've a video in mind as proof. A video is 2023 is not proof of anything thanks to the GOP habit of editing videos.
Haha yeah videos are proof of nothing now! Haha because your cult told you


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