Not "Who Done It", but "What They Do"

Yeah. Pretty much everything you posted is lifted from others.

One thing I will give you credit for, you are a master of copying other people's ideas.

Not nearly as good as the turnip, he has a PhD in plagiarism, but you're working on it!

Please post a link to whatever you think I copied from.

Otherwise STFU!
Please post a link to whatever you think I copied from.

Otherwise STFU!

Ohhhh, you poor widdle baby...all you did was regurgitate the same SJW talking points that have been spewed by you clods for years.
Explain this theory of yours. Hunter tricks the world into thinking he is a cokehead and then he gets jobs that he isnt qualified for? Without Joe trading policy, how exactly does Hunter earn MILLIONS of dollars?
That's not evidence.
Try again or maybe check with Jenna Bush for a guide.
That's not evidence.
Try again or maybe check with Jenna Bush for a guide.
Im asking you about YOUR theory. Was your theory just a bunch of bullshit, or are you going to explain it? You said it could be that Hunter tricked the world. Now connect the dots to earning millions from China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Mexico. Explain your theory.
It is true.

It is relevant, because both do the exact same thing and it is stupid for both sides but hey, the partisans (like yourself) all feed off it.
Five Senators requested that Trump divest his foreign financial assets and noted that a failure to do so could be impeachable . They were correct but it never was acted on.
Five Senators requested that Trump divest his foreign financial assets and noted that a failure to do so could be impeachable . They were correct but it never was acted on.
And both did not do “the exact same thing “
Do you always blab about thing that you know nothing about:

"Lewis looked for connections between the savings and loan company and the Clintons, and on September 2, 1992, she submitted a criminal referral to the FBI naming Bill and Hillary Clinton as witnesses in the Madison Guaranty case. Little Rock U.S. Attorney Charles A. Banks and the FBI determined that the referral lacked merit, but Lewis continued to pursue the case"

"Neither Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton were ever prosecuted, after three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal."

I am not sure how what you quoted or the link undermines what I said…
Five Senators requested that Trump divest his foreign financial assets and noted that a failure to do so could be impeachable . They were correct but it never was acted on.
Haha what is impeachable about a president having investments???
Im asking you about YOUR theory. Was your theory just a bunch of bullshit, or are you going to explain it? You said it could be that Hunter tricked the world. Now connect the dots to earning millions from China, Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Mexico. Explain your theory.
My theory?
He took advantage of his birthright to get people to give him money.
Remember he has both a juris doctorate and was a hedge fund manager.

Nothing illegal, immoral, or even questionable about it.

And 5 years of "investigating" with missing witnesses, witnesses who died a dozen years ago, and witnesses who are chinese spies changes that.
My theory?
He took advantage of his birthright to get people to give him money.
Remember he has both a juris doctorate and was a hedge fund manager.

Nothing illegal, immoral, or even questionable about it.

And 5 years of "investigating" with missing witnesses, witnesses who died a dozen years ago, and witnesses who are chinese spies changes that.
You think with his JD and experience as a hedge fund manager he would know it’s illegal not to pay taxes and lie on a federal form to get an illegal gun…
You think with his JD and experience as a hedge fund manager he would know it’s illegal not to pay taxes and lie on a federal form to get an illegal gun…
Care to discuss Trump's taxes?
Rarely is anyone prosecuted for falsifying information on a Background check. If they were, half of you would be in jail today.
Care to discuss Trump's taxes?
Rarely is anyone prosecuted for falsifying information on a Background check. If they were, half of you would be in jail today.
Trump doesn’t have a JD, nor was he an investment. Banker nor was he convicted of not paying his taxes
Trump doesn’t have a JD, nor was he an investment. Banker nor was he convicted of not paying his taxes
Funny thing.
As of today HB hasn't been convicted either.
And Trump's defense is that he hired only the best but the best gav him bad advice.
Funny thing.
As of today HB hasn't been convicted either.
And Trump's defense is that he hired only the best but the best gav him bad advice.
Trumps never been charged. True hunter had to withdraw his guilty plea after a judge wouldnr rubber stamp the sweet heart deal his daddy gave him

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