Not "Who Done It", but "What They Do"

No, the investigation started with Hunters laptop and the damning messages and emails found within. It suggested that there was bribery. Oddly, BEFORE the laptop ever went missing there were already witnesses who came forward to report bribery to the FBI. Multiple unconnected people made this accusation BEFORE bribery was in the news.

Let me guess, everyone is lying and just coincidentally telling the same lie?

I didn't know that Hunter Biden was President! Wow, thanks for clearing that up!

This topic is about the GOP investigations of Joe Biden, dimwit!
I didn't know that Hunter Biden was President! Wow, thanks for clearing that up!

This topic is about the GOP investigations of Joe Biden, dimwit!
What does hunter being president have to do with it? Criminals tend to hangout with other criminals
what are you talking about? 15 people were convicted of more then 40 crimes...including the Gov of Arkansas.

  • Jim Guy Tucker: Governor of Arkansas at the time, resigned (fraud, 3 counts)
  • John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker (tax evasion)
  • William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker's business partner (conspiracy)
  • Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide (conspiracy to misapply funds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Webster Hubbell: Clinton political supporter; U.S. Associate Attorney General; Rose Law Firm partner (embezzlement, fraud)
  • Jim McDougal: banker, Clinton political supporter: (18 felonies, varied)
  • Susan McDougal: Clinton political supporter (multiple frauds). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • David Hale: banker, self-proclaimed Clinton political supporter: (conspiracy, fraud)
  • Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president (embezzled bank funds for Clinton campaign)
  • Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker (multiple loan fraud). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent (multiple loan fraud)
  • Robert W. Palmer: Madison appraiser (conspiracy). Bill Clinton pardoned.
  • John Latham: Madison Bank CEO (bank fraud)
  • Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant (multiple bribery)
  • Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant (bribery)

Wow, people were convicted during the Clinton Presidency. Yet, no evidence of the Clintons committing a crime was ever discovered - after years and years of investigation. Nothing, nada.
What does hunter being president have to do with it? Criminals tend to hangout with other criminals

Read the OP. Read it slowly so that you may have a chance of understanding it.

Presidents are not responsible for the actions of their relatives or other associates - just like everyone else.
Wow, people were convicted during the Clinton Presidency. Yet, no evidence of the Clintons committing a crime was ever discovered - after years and years of investigation. Nothing, nada.

Wow, people were convicted during the Clinton Presidency. Yet, no evidence of the Clintons committing a crime was ever discovered - after years and years of investigation. Nothing, nada.
Hhaha way to move the asked what crimes were found during Whitewater...and claimed there were none...there were boat loads...all related to the Clintons.
Read the OP. Read it slowly so that you may have a chance of understanding it.

Presidents are not responsible for the actions of their relatives or other associates - just like everyone else.
Of course not, unless they are involved in the criminal the evidence seems to suggest
They can impeach.

So what high crime are they trying to impeach Biden for?
Right now they are discussing simply opening an impeachment inquiry....based on all the evidence discovered related to bribery and abuse of office. We shall see if the inquiry finds more evidence, and enough to move forward
I didn't know that Hunter Biden was President! Wow, thanks for clearing that up!

This topic is about the GOP investigations of Joe Biden, dimwit!
What makes you think Hunter is the president? What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
Right now they are discussing simply opening an impeachment inquiry....based on all the evidence discovered related to bribery and abuse of office. We shall see if the inquiry finds more evidence, and enough to move forward
Based on what charges?
I couldn’t be more clear then in the post you quoted. Try reading it slowly
Actually you could and need to be. What are the specific charges and the particulars and evidence to support them.

Mere allegation doesn’t cut it
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

Impeachment reasons for Trump started before he was elected. They figured he have had to of cheated to win the election, sI to claim it‘s only one-sided is ludicrous. I’ve been watching politics for decades and the one thing I understand is the two parties act quite a bit alike. Someone is always guilty before anything else.
Since the White Water investigations, the GOP has perverted the correct and logical Due Process of Law:

In the correct investigating of any crime, first it's found that a crime has been committed, then they investigate to discover who did it. Finally they determine the correct punishment.

Since White Water, the GOP has been getting this backwards. They first determine who did it and the punishment they deserve before they even know of a crime that's been committed.

The White Water "investigation", which went on for years, determined that Bill & Hillary Clinton were guilty of something, without knowing what that was, that the punishment would be impeachment, then they investigated and investigated and investigated. Some how an investigation into a simple land purchase led to an investigation of Bill Clinton's personal life which was completely unrelated to the White Water land purchase. They satiated themselves in catching Bill Clinton in a lie about his personal relationship with an intern. The whole fiasco belonged in a Goldie Hawn movie.

Now the GOP clowns in Congress are trying to pull the same ass backwards approach to impeaching Biden. What's worse is not only have they not started by investigating a crime, then determining who did it, but they can't decide for sure who it is that's committed the crime that they haven't found yet!

They certainly have decided on the punishment (impeachment) for the person which they do not yet know who they are, for the crime that they haven't yet found to have been committed!

The GOP just keeps getting stupider and stupider....

Wrong. The issue between who did it and what happened is a natural part of the criminal investigation process, between an obvious crime and a more complex one. Murder is an example of "who did it". There is a dead body, the death wasn't natural, and someone else caused it.

The "what happened" crime, detailed by you as "what did they do" usually involves white collar issues that have to be explained. The person made money, but the WAY they made money was illegal. We know the person made the money, now we have to prove the method they used was illegal and criminal.
Impeachment reasons for Trump started before he was elected. They figured he have had to of cheated to win the election, sI to claim it‘s only one-sided is ludicrous. I’ve been watching politics for decades and the one thing I understand is the two parties act quite a bit alike. Someone is always guilty before anything else.
A. That’s not true

B. It’s irrelevant

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