Not "Who Done It", but "What They Do"

Actually you could and need to be. What are the specific charges and the particulars and evidence to support them.

Mere allegation doesn’t cut it
specific charges? You conduct an investigation BEFORE charges....I know that's not how the demafasist did things when Trump was President...but that's how things are done in non-fascsit states.
Hhaha way to move the asked what crimes were found during Whitewater...and claimed there were none...there were boat loads...all related to the Clintons.

We're discussing the Clintons involvement in White Water, not anyone else's. The Op is about the Clintons and Biden and the GOP's intent to impeach.

Nice try at deflection....FAIL!
Wrong. The issue between who did it and what happened is a natural part of the criminal investigation process, between an obvious crime and a more complex one. Murder is an example of "who did it". There is a dead body, the death wasn't natural, and someone else caused it.

The "what happened" crime, detailed by you as "what did they do" usually involves white collar issues that have to be explained. The person made money, but the WAY they made money was illegal. We know the person made the money, now we have to prove the method they used was illegal and criminal.

So according to you, it's justified for the FBI to target anyone without knowing that a crime has been committed, and to continue to investigate them until they find something.

Anybody that has made any money should be targeted for investigation...right?

And you Conservatives have the gall to accuse Liberals of using the FBI as a political weapon!

VERY UnAmerican of you!!!
So according to you, it's justified for the FBI to target anyone without knowing that a crime has been committed, and to continue to investigate them until they find something.

Anybody that has made any money should be targeted for investigation...right?

And you Conservatives have the gall to accuse Liberals of using the FBI as a political weapon!

VERY UnAmerican of you!!!

No, I am just correcting your attempt to use "what happened" criminal theory to pretend democrats are being 'railroaded" while ignoring the "We can find the Crime" attempts on Trump.

It's about the process, which you are bastardizing to make a bullshit political point.
No, I am just correcting your attempt to use "what happened" criminal theory to pretend democrats are being 'railroaded" while ignoring the "We can find the Crime" attempts on Trump.

It's about the process, which you are bastardizing to make a bullshit political point.

In both cases of Trump's impeachments. Crimes were found and it was obvious who did it.

In the Russia investigations, crimes were found first, Trump was suspected but since there was nothing directly linking him to to those crimes, he was not impeached.

Your comparison of investigations of Trump and the investigations of the Clintons and of Biden fails!

But keep trying maybe you'll grasp that straw eventually!
In both cases of Trump's impeachments. Crimes were found and it was obvious who did it.

In the Russia investigations, crimes were found first, Trump was suspected but since there was nothing directly linking him to to those crimes, he was not impeached.

Your comparison of investigations of Trump and the investigations of the Clintons and of Biden fails!

But keep trying maybe you'll grasp that straw eventually!


So because our country has gone to war in the past, its cool if our current president took bribes and is now certainly being blackmailed by multiple parties, including the Chinese? I dont follow your logic. That shit sounds stupid as fuck.
Why not present actual factual evidence of the crimes you're supposing happened.
Surely you can follow the money the way Jack is following Trump's money trail?
Could Joe Biden's drug addled son actually be a criminal mastermind hiding behind a coke snockered front?

Or maybe...
You know the crimes Trump committed are real and you need to have Biden be as guilty as Trump otherwise you look like an idiot.

Occam's Razor my young idiot.
Actually you could and need to be. What are the specific charges and the particulars and evidence to support them.

Mere allegation doesn’t cut it

Sure seems to work just fine for the political targets of the swamp.
That's all I need for your SJW regurgitated agitprop.

Oh, lemme try your style of arguing....


I've apparently won this debate now - at least according to your rules!

My BULLSHIT!!!! beats your "bullshit...bullshit" because I posted it in capital letters with 3 exclamation marks.

Oh, I forgot to mention...

You're an IDIOT!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Why not present actual factual evidence of the crimes you're supposing happened.
Surely you can follow the money the way Jack is following Trump's money trail?
Could Joe Biden's drug addled son actually be a criminal mastermind hiding behind a coke snockered front?

Or maybe...
You know the crimes Trump committed are real and you need to have Biden be as guilty as Trump otherwise you look like an idiot.

Occam's Razor my young idiot.
Explain this theory of yours. Hunter tricks the world into thinking he is a cokehead and then he gets jobs that he isnt qualified for? Without Joe trading policy, how exactly does Hunter earn MILLIONS of dollars?
Oh, lemme try your style of arguing....


I've apparently won this debate now - at least according to your rules!

My BULLSHIT!!!! beats your "bullshit...bullshit" because I posted it in capital letters with 3 exclamation marks.

Oh, I forgot to mention...

You're an IDIOT!!!!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You are the one wasting time replying.

Sorry, but your posting is typical copy-paste SWJ talking points. Not worth a lengthy or even a real response.

Just derision.
You are the one wasting time replying.

Sorry, but your posting is typical copy-paste SWJ talking points. Not worth a lengthy or even a real response.

Just derision.

You think my OP was done via cut & paste?

Please find the source that I copied from.

Otherwise STFU!
We're discussing the Clintons involvement in White Water, not anyone else's. The Op is about the Clintons and Biden and the GOP's intent to impeach.

Nice try at deflection....FAIL!
Whitewater was a massive criminal probe, not one person was targeted. They came up during the investigation, and correctly so, a special prosecutor was appointed due to Clinton being the head of the Executive branch. I'll give Clinton credit for doing that...unlike Xiden, who didn't recuse himself from the criminal probe of his own son
Whitewater was a massive criminal probe, not one person was targeted. They came up during the investigation, and correctly so, a special prosecutor was appointed due to Clinton being the head of the Executive branch. I'll give Clinton credit for doing that...unlike Xiden, who didn't recuse himself from the criminal probe of his own son

Do you always blab about thing that you know nothing about:

"Lewis looked for connections between the savings and loan company and the Clintons, and on September 2, 1992, she submitted a criminal referral to the FBI naming Bill and Hillary Clinton as witnesses in the Madison Guaranty case. Little Rock U.S. Attorney Charles A. Banks and the FBI determined that the referral lacked merit, but Lewis continued to pursue the case"

"Neither Bill Clinton nor Hillary Clinton were ever prosecuted, after three separate inquiries found insufficient evidence linking them with the criminal conduct of others related to the land deal."

Still haven’t seen any direct charges other than

“We all know he’s corrupt”

You think my OP was done via cut & paste?

Please find the source that I copied from.

Otherwise STFU!

Yeah. Pretty much everything you posted is lifted from others.

One thing I will give you credit for, you are a master of copying other people's ideas.

Not nearly as good as the turnip, he has a PhD in plagiarism, but you're working on it!

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