Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

That there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
Address the questions I asked.
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".
I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes...
...that represent the misuse of 1 gun in 500,0000
I don't think you get "sound argument".

And Car insurance is just a little higher... But we have no stats on guns stolen and misused...

I am saying the gun owners have a responsibility to the gun they bought and to make sure it does not get into the wrong hands. That is personal responsibility... Effectively this is what happened in Sandy Hook...

Shooter, I accept that a vast majority of Gun Owners are responsible people who have done their training and keep the guns safe... I wish them the best, I am concerned with the ones that have not... Insurance keeps the government out of it (as much as possible) and lets people be personally responsible for their own actions...

What have you against gun owner taking personal responsibility for there action or in action.
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?

Insurance makes it financially rewarding to not engage in risky behaviour. So in having gun safes and proper training...
Yes it will save lives...
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".
I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes...
...that represent the misuse of 1 gun in 500,0000
I don't think you get "sound argument".
I am saying the gun owners have a responsibility to the gun they bought and to make sure it does not get into the wrong hands. That is personal responsibility.
Which does not create a sound argument for forcing all gun owners to buy insurance before they can exercise a basic, fundamental right specifically protected by the constitution.
Effectively this is what happened in Sandy Hook...
Yes.... where I am somehow responsible for what happens after my son kills me and steals my gun
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?

Insurance makes it financially rewarding to not engage in risky behaviour. So in having gun safes and proper training...
Yes it will save lives...

I'm rewarded by having to buy insurance for an action I may never have to take?

You are as stupid as I first believed.

Does car insurance save lives?

Does home insurance? Fire insurance? Flood insurance?

There's no way you're a cowboy, cowboys ain't that fucking stupid.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?

Insurance makes it financially rewarding to not engage in risky behaviour. So in having gun safes and proper training...
Yes it will save lives...

I'm rewarded by having to buy insurance for an action I may never have to take?

You are as stupid as I first believed.

Does car insurance save lives?

Does home insurance? Fire insurance? Flood insurance?

There's no way you're a cowboy, cowboys ain't that fucking stupid.

Plenty of examples of introduces because of insurance where lives have been saved... Do I really need to explain to you the basics...

Here is one for Airbags:
Circular Letter No. 10 (1991): Auto Insurance Premium Discounts for Passive Restraints

Care pathways in Health.

There is loads... Insurance companies love giving discounts for more safety equipment and less risky behaviour...

It is a win win... Gun owner protected, less government involvement and reduced gun violence....

Why are you so against personal responsibility?
I just want to know what number is acceptable?

How many kids have to die before something is done.. Look at what was done for the Benghazi for 4 dead americans... Why no 9 investigations for Sandy Hook?

Look at the effort taken with Hillary's Emails and next to nothing done for mass shooting.

That is the truly embarrassing thing for America.
1. That is all that has to die in order for something useful and effective to be done.

Unfortunately the political infighting and your 'discussion' on the topic centered around methods that have been proven to be 100 percent ineffective, are unconstitutional and have no basis in fact or hard data.

I want to know how many kids have to die before you stop using their warm corpses for your political agenda in passing law that has zero effect in helping defeat the cause of those deaths and start actually trying to come up with actual solutions.

Why has congress stopped R &D on gun violence?

Where is the gun advocates solution?
More Guns (how does that work on basic country by country comparison?)

One guy has a failed attempt to light his shoe on a plane and now everyone takes off their shoes going on to a plane. 78 people die due to guns a day and there is no background checks.

I suggested a solution which is simple. Want to own a gun, get insurance. Gun violence costs the US taxpayer $229bn a year, there are estimated 300m guns... Do the maths...
Compulsory Gun Insurance just like for Motor Cars...

Personally I very little issue with responsible gun ownership, it is irresponsible gun ownership that is the problem. Insurance companies will insist on gun safes and training courses to lower your premium.
Let the market decide.
Insurance solves nothing at all. It certainly does not lower costs - those costs just get moved around. That is not a sane solution to any 'gun' problem.

Why has congress stopped gun research? I really do not know and I oppose that asinine stance. THAT is the first reasonable suggestion I have really heard and I doubt there are all that many people that would disagree with basic fact collecting.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?

Insurance makes it financially rewarding to not engage in risky behaviour. So in having gun safes and proper training...
Yes it will save lives...

I'm rewarded by having to buy insurance for an action I may never have to take?

You are as stupid as I first believed.

Does car insurance save lives?

Does home insurance? Fire insurance? Flood insurance?

There's no way you're a cowboy, cowboys ain't that fucking stupid.

Plenty of examples of introduces because of insurance where lives have been saved... Do I really need to explain to you the basics...

Here is one for Airbags:
Circular Letter No. 10 (1991): Auto Insurance Premium Discounts for Passive Restraints

Care pathways in Health.

There is loads... Insurance companies love giving discounts for more safety equipment and less risky behaviour...

It is a win win... Gun owner protected, less government involvement and reduced gun violence....

Why are you so against personal responsibility?

Restraints may save a life but insurance never will.

The people that threaten my life, my family's lives or my property are the ones needing insurance, life insurance to be precise.
So you want the taxpayers to continue to pay for gun owners accidents and mistakes...
How does the number of gun-related accidents justify the requirements fr all gun owners to purchase insurance?
How many gun owners are there?
how many people are accidentally shot by them?
How many of these victims are not covered by insurance?
What are you trying to say?
That there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
Address the questions I asked.

Guns are dangerous devices.
Accidents happen, Mistakes happen, what you objection to people taking responsibility before this could happen and get insurance.
It is mandatory for car owners and business owners...

600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple... Legally owned guns are being stolen and used because of irresponsible owners and who picks up the tab? Are you saying this is not a problem? That it doesn't happen.

Why do you want the taxpayers paying for everything?
What are the tax payers covering that you imagine insurance would prevent?

The reality is that insurance companies are not responsible for illegal behavior and someone stealing a gun is not going to be covered by an insurance company. Further, what are those costs that you are identifying?
How does the number of gun-related accidents justify the requirements fr all gun owners to purchase insurance?
How many gun owners are there?
how many people are accidentally shot by them?
How many of these victims are not covered by insurance?
What are you trying to say?
That there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
Address the questions I asked.
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.

I don't think you get insurance. The insurance for what the gun could do and if the gun is not stored responsibility what damage it could do as well...

The figures above are similar for car owners. 99.988% of cars are not involved car deaths either yet every thinks mandatory insurance is needed there...

But the big thing about insurance is it encourages good behaviour to gain lower risk and thus lower premiums...

Do you think gun owners should behave better because of the nature of accidents if they happen?

Firearms instructor leaves gun in school bathroom

School security guard in Michigan leaves gun in bathroom, officials say - U.S. News

I thought it only happened once
It encourages certain metrics be met, yes. What metrics do you imagine insurance is going to cover though?
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Last edited:
What are you trying to say?
That there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
Address the questions I asked.
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.

I don't think you get insurance. The insurance for what the gun could do and if the gun is not stored responsibility what damage it could do as well...

The figures above are similar for car owners. 99.988% of cars are not involved car deaths either yet every thinks mandatory insurance is needed there...

But the big thing about insurance is it encourages good behaviour to gain lower risk and thus lower premiums...

Do you think gun owners should behave better because of the nature of accidents if they happen?

Firearms instructor leaves gun in school bathroom

School security guard in Michigan leaves gun in bathroom, officials say - U.S. News

I thought it only happened once
It encourages certain metrics be met, yes. What metrics do you imagine insurance is going to cover though?

When you buy a gun you take responsibility for that gun. You should learn how to use it and keep it secure.

People are irresponsible.

The us taxpayer is picking up the tab for $229bn.
Gun violence costs America more than $229 billion every year - Business Insider

I am not saying insurance would cover all that but I am say legal gun owners should be made to insure there guns to stop billing the taxpayer.

What to gun owners got against personal responsibility?
Anti-Gun Politicians Either Don’t Know Or Don’t Enforce Existing Laws

Posted By Deputy Matt
4:03 PM 10/13/2015


(The image above is a modified version of one that was shared by Senator Schumer. The original can be seen on his Facebook page.)

Here we have yet another perfect example of liberal anti-gun politicians acting like morons!

Senator Chuck Schumer & Debbie Stabenow, I am referring specifically to you!

Less than two weeks ago at a college in Oregon, yet another psycho used a gun to slaughter innocent people. The immediate response by the anti-gun politicians in the wake of this tragedy, as it always is, while the bodies were still warm and victims were still being treated in the emergency room, was to say gun control “is something we should politicize.”

In an effort to politicize it, these two rocket surgeons are tugging at our collective heartstrings while demanding we “do something.”

Let me translate what these anti-gun politicians are saying:
“Look at the pain and suffering of those poor people there. We have to do something! We just have to, even is every single thing we want to do would have had absolutely zero effect on that very incident, that incident that we are using as emotional fuel to get you, the idiot sheep, to follow along with our plan to disarm the public.”

I mean really, that is exactly what they are saying, just with the emotion removed. They are using a tragic incident to get people’s emotions fired up, and then twisting those emotions to try and get those people to back legislation that would have made absolutely no difference.

They are following the longtime, liberal, anti-gun game plan:
– Horrible incident occurs where some evil turd shoots and kills people.

– Demand to “eliminate gun show loop holes” which 1) don’t really exist, at least not like they say they do, and 2) which had absolutely nothing to do with the incident.

– Demand enhanced / tighter / stricter background checks, which in this case, already exist in the location where the incident occurred, which the murderer passed when purchasing his guns, and which none of the proposed new laws would have prevented that very murderer from obtaining the very guns he purchased.

In reality, laws already provide penalties for illegally bypassing the background check process, for purchasing guns illegally, and for making straw purchases, but instead of hammering those guilty of violating the already existing laws, liberal judges and district attorneys just slap their wrists and send them down the road with probation, if they even do that much.

The problem is not a lack of laws; the problem is a criminal justice system that has been weakened by the very same liberal politicians who are trying to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens instead of dealing with the criminals violating the existing laws!

Anti-Gun Politicians Either Don’t Know Or Don’t Enforce Existing Laws
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
I don't think you get insurance.
I don't thinik you get "sound argument".

I showed there is accidents, unsound behaviour and mistakes... Taxpayers are paying for all this.

Why do you object to getting people have personal responsibility by getting insurance.

Will insurance save a life?

Will criminals abide by the law and acquire insurance?

Insurance makes it financially rewarding to not engage in risky behaviour. So in having gun safes and proper training...
Yes it will save lives...
Na, none of the federal governments business...
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Guns are unable to kill anyone on their own...

By the way the vast majority of guns used in violent crime are stolen,
Sh!t happens.

Embrace the suck
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Guns are unable to kill anyone on their own...

By the way the vast majority of guns used in violent crime are stolen,
Sh!t happens.

Embrace the suck

That is why I am saying that the gun owner is liable if they mislay the gun or don't keep it secure...

This is about personal responsibility
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Guns are unable to kill anyone on their own...

By the way the vast majority of guns used in violent crime are stolen,
Sh!t happens.

Embrace the suck

That is why I am saying that the gun owner is liable if they mislay the gun or don't keep it secure...

This is about personal responsibility

Look at Sandy Hook... The gun owner did not lock up her guns with a mentally disturbed person in the house. This gave them access.

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