Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

That there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.
Address the questions I asked.
600 people are shot dead, can't find a number for injured but it would be multiple.
600 dead....300,000,000 guns
99.99984% of guns are not involved in an accidental death.
For every gun involved in an accidental death, 500,000 are not.
As I said.... there is no sound argument for your proposed restriction o the law abiding.

I don't think you get insurance. The insurance for what the gun could do and if the gun is not stored responsibility what damage it could do as well...

The figures above are similar for car owners. 99.988% of cars are not involved car deaths either yet every thinks mandatory insurance is needed there...

But the big thing about insurance is it encourages good behaviour to gain lower risk and thus lower premiums...

Do you think gun owners should behave better because of the nature of accidents if they happen?

Firearms instructor leaves gun in school bathroom

School security guard in Michigan leaves gun in bathroom, officials say - U.S. News

I thought it only happened once
It encourages certain metrics be met, yes. What metrics do you imagine insurance is going to cover though?

When you buy a gun you take responsibility for that gun. You should learn how to use it and keep it secure.

People are irresponsible.

The us taxpayer is picking up the tab for $229bn.
Gun violence costs America more than $229 billion every year - Business Insider

I am not saying insurance would cover all that but I am say legal gun owners should be made to insure there guns to stop billing the taxpayer.

What to gun owners got against personal responsibility?
Nothing. I am all for personal responsibility. the problem with your insurance demands is that it solves nothing and will not pay the vast majority of those costs.

Misuse a gun go to jail. That is pretty simple. Keeping it secure is another story though. You are LITERALLY blaming the victim when one is stolen. That is not only wrong - it is asinine.
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Guns are unable to kill anyone on their own...

By the way the vast majority of guns used in violent crime are stolen,
Sh!t happens.

Embrace the suck

That is why I am saying that the gun owner is liable if they mislay the gun or don't keep it secure...

This is about personal responsibility

Look at Sandy Hook... The gun owner did not lock up her guns with a mentally disturbed person in the house. This gave them access.
He killed his mother. Locking them up would have been irrelevant.
CowboyTed has had is ass handed to him in this thread.

Insurance does not saves lives. If that were the case no one with car insurance would die in auto accidents, no one with fire insurance would die in fires and so on.....
Fact: there is no good reason for any more gun-control laws of any type...

Game set match

No good reason ? How about the thousands of deaths per year?

Guns are ARE NOT born "illegal ". Yet they always seem to end up in the wrong hands . How does that happen.

And spare me with the "they are all stolen" bullshit .
Guns are unable to kill anyone on their own...

By the way the vast majority of guns used in violent crime are stolen,
Sh!t happens.

Embrace the suck

That is why I am saying that the gun owner is liable if they mislay the gun or don't keep it secure...

This is about personal responsibility

Look at Sandy Hook... The gun owner did not lock up her guns with a mentally disturbed person in the house. This gave them access.
This is a lie.
The gun was in a safe.
Aggressive enforcement of existing laws.
This is, of course, a lie.
When I said no background check. I meant that the background checks aren't universal. Sorry missed a word there on that one.
Universal background checks are unenforceable and therefore useless.
I am more mandatory insurance anyway... Have a gun, insure it...
Unnecessary and undue burden on the constitutionally protected exercise of a right.

You have a constitutional right to a gun but the government doesn't actually buy you one. So having insurance is just the cost of owning a gun.
No insurance, just hand you gun at your local police station. It will encourage safe practices from gun owners thus save lives through market pratices.

Why should non gun owners subsidize the lifestyle and choices of gun owners?
Why are you supporting freeloaders against the tax payers...

If you want my gun, man up and try to take it son.
In Wake of Shootings, a Call to Arms Drives Jump in Weapon Sales
22 / 28

The New York Times


PHOENIX — Some came for the vast selection of semiautomatic rifles, arrayed in glass display cases and atop folding tables. Others were shopping for handguns, including .38 Specials with pink handles, while still more showed up here Friday at the largest gun show in the West to buy ammunition for the guns they already owned.

“What if someone comes after me or my family?” said Janet Winkler, a grandmother who was shopping for bullets to fill the revolver inside her purse. “I used to never carry it to Target or to Wal-Mart, but the way things are, after all that’s happened, now I do.”

In the wake of mass shootings in Paris, Colorado Springs and San Bernardino, Calif., Americans are once again arming themselves — stocking up on guns and ammunition, bringing weapons into their daily routines and requesting refresher courses from firing ranges.

Thinking of both self-protection and the threat of new gun laws that could follow the San Bernardino shooting that left 14 people dead on Wednesday, much of the country is rushing toward guns rather than away: Gun shops from Texas to Maine have all recently reported increased gun sales, and in some cases, sheriffs have even urged residents to arm themselves.


In Wake of Shootings, a Call to Arms Drives Jump in Weapon Sales
Bad guys attack defenseless people in a gun free zone with illegal weapons.

Reaction from the anti-gun loons?
More gun-free zones! Ban the weapons!
Nevada politician wishes you a Merry Christmas -- with guns
By Emanuella Grinberg, CNN
Sun December 6, 2015


Politician Michele Fiore posted this Christmas card showing armed family members.

(CNN)It's no secret that Las Vegas Assemblywoman Michele Fiore is an ardent supporter of the right to bear arms.

A lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute and a member of Second Amendment Sisters (according to her bio), the Republican state representative has made responsible gun ownership and Second Amendment rights one of her defining issues, and the theme of her 2016 calendar.


Nevada politician says Merry Christmas -- with guns -

Obama's Gun Control Push Uses Student Murdered by the Drug Dealers He's Freeing
Obama frees drug dealers who were caught with guns
January 5, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Obama's production of "If We Just Had Gun Control" is under way. There was a whole cast and even some fake tears from the big man with the big ears. To be followed, no doubt, by talk show appearances, golfing, a town hall meeting and maybe another reality TV spot.

Here was the highlight of Obama's "Tear Down the Constitution" speech.

And if you have any doubt as to why you should feel that fierce urgency of now, think about what happened three weeks ago. Zavion Dobson was a sophomore at Fulton High School in Knoxville, Tennessee. He played football, beloved by his classmates and his teachers. His own mayor called him one of their city's success stories.

The week before Christmas, he headed to a friend's house to play video games. He wasn't in the wrong place at the wrong time, he hadn't made a bad decision. He was exactly where any other kid would be -- your kid, my kids. And then gunmen started firing, and Zavion, who was in high school -- hadn't even gotten started in life -- dove on top of three girls to shield them from the bullets, and he was shot in the head and the girls were spared. He gave his life to save theirs. An act of heroism a lot bigger than anything we should ever expect from a 15-year-old. Greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friends.

It's a great story. And some shameless exploitation of a great kid. But what does it have to do with gun control?

Zavion Dobson was accidentally shot as part of a local feud by rival drug dealers and their gangs. The victim and the perps were all black in an area with a serious drug gang violence problem. The shooters had rap sheets as long as their arms and could have been poster children for the kinds of criminals that #BlackLivesMatter loves to defend.

Brandon Perry, the main perp, was driving a BMW. He had already been arrested on a bunch of charges, including possession, and much more relevantly...

1. Altering distinguishing numbers on a weapon

2. Possession of a weapon on school property

If the justice system had done its job, he wouldn't have been driving around on the loose in a BMW with his pals looking for payback. He had a gun on school property. Coincidentally, back when Obama was half-assing it in Chicago, he voted against a bill to try school shooters as adults.


Obama's Gun Control Push Uses Student Murdered by the Drug Dealers He's Freeing
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

December 25, 2012
by David L. Goetsch


Why are liberals so determined to avoid dealing with the hard truths about gun violence in America? It’s because they can’t handle the truth. The first and most important truth that must be faced about gun-violence in America is that liberals who are so vocal about passing gun-control laws are hypocrites—they are not interested in reducing gun violence in the first place. They are simply pandering to naïve Americans and those poor grieving families of shooting victims to make it appear that they care and are doing something.

Commenting on the gun-control debate, my business partner and friend, Sean Aland, likes to say: “In America, we have a heart problem, not a gun problem.” Another way to say the same thing is this: Push God aside and you will have Godlessness. Consequently, for liberal pundits and politicians to wring their hands and wonder aloud what is happening to America is nothing but theater. What is happening to America is that we are reaping the harvest of what liberals have been sowing for more than 40 years, a truth liberals can’t handle.


Read more: Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth – Patriot Update

Sweet baby Jesus--this is the dumbest post I have ever seen. You weren't in Colorado when a man with a history of mental illness took in a semi automatic weapon, that he bought legally, into a movie theater killing children and adults and wounding 70 others. I was. The 2nd amendment was never intended for this.

Had the extended background checks been in effect, he would have not been able to purchase that weapon.

My state of Colorado adopted these same gun rules back in 2012-2013. Last year due to the extended background checks 357 people who had active warrants out on them, tried to purchase guns in this state, and were immediately arrested due to the extended background checks. Our rights to own guns have not been inhibited what--so--ever by these extended background checks. Buy and sells are all done through a Federal Licensed gun dealer. If you want to sell your gun, you can take it to a gun store or pawn shop and put it on consignment. If you want to order a gun online the gun will be shipped to a Federal licensed gun dealer closest to you, and you will go through a background check before you are allowed to pick it up. Gun shows are handled in the same manner. IT'S NO BIG DEAL.

As a responsible gun owner myself, I have an obligation to our society to do everything I can to keep guns out of the wrong hands--(in order to protect the 2nd amendment.) The extended background checks are no problem here. The only people who don't like them are the ones that can't pass it, which I assume you're one of them.

9 out of 10 gun owners want extended background checks.
90 percent of Americans want expanded background checks on guns. Why isn’t this a political slam dunk?

To PROTECT the 2nd amendment--all responsible gun owners should want to do everything they can to keep guns out of the wrong hands. This executive order helps to do that. It's not a cure-all but none of us want guns in the wrong hands.

Republicans would be crazy to fight this executive order.


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I hear a buzzing sound, sounds like a nat...
Obama: Taking Away Guns from Women is Just Like Giving Women the Vote
This is really pitched at the IQ level of Obama voters
January 5, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Obama held his big Anti-Bill of Rights event surrounded by official human shields. He even faked a few tears. Sadly, he probably won't win an Emmy. Still if he gets bored in retirement, he can always try a guest spot on a soap opera. He seems to love being on TV more than anything else anyway. He just needs the right vehicle. Maybe Rahm's brother can hook him up with an A&E show.

The speech is the same nonsense and lies as before. Except with more family members and fake tears.

Same calls for "common sense solutions" for "folks". Same claims that gun violence is a crisis by a politician who frees drug dealers and imports terrorists like it's going out of style. Same promises that he won't eliminate the 2nd amendment, from a man whose activist base is obsessed with doing exactly that.

And some analogies and rhetoric that is ridiculously terrible even for the final year of the worst non-fictional presidency in American history.


Obama: Taking Away Guns from Women is Just Like Giving Women the Vote
Sweet baby Jesus--this is the dumbest post I have ever seen. You weren't in Colorado when a man with a history of mental illness took in a semi automatic weapon, that he bought legally, into a movie theater killing children and adults and wounding 70 others. I was. The 2nd amendment was never intended for this.

Had the extended background checks been in effect, he would have not been able to purchase that weapon.
What would have shown up in this "extended background check" that would have denied him the weapon?
Seize guns, rolmao, "FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS"
Second Amendment Racist, Says Daily Beast
Calls on Obama to seize guns
Brian Lilley


The Second Amendment is racist and President Barack Obama should be seizing guns, according to a writer for the far-left Daily Beast.

Writing in reaction to President Obama's executive action on gun control this week, Barrett Holmes, "a politics and race-and-culture journalist," called for Obama to begin seizing privately owned guns.

That wasn't all Holmes had to say about the Constitutionally-protected right to bear arms; he also called it racist and archaic.

Right now the Second Amendment is being applied in a way that takes away the rights of thousands of Americans each year. The president must address this crisis, and not only to ensure the safety and stability of the American citizens who are threatened by gun violence. He also must do it to preserve the ideals and institutions that govern our society that are being threatened by the archaic notions of stability from a racist and oppressive society and the unregulated militias of today that openly advocate armed conflict against the government.

Holmes is of the view, popular among "progressives" that the Second Amendment was intended by the founders to allow for government run militias. According to Holmes, the Supreme Court has it all wrong on the second amendment and private gun ownership, twisting the true intent of the founders.


Second Amendment Racist, Says Daily Beast
5 Ways to Stop Gun Violence that Obama Hates
And how Obama instead is making gun violence worse.
January 14, 2016
Daniel Greenfield



The harder Obama pushes his unconstitutional gun control measures, the harder Americans push back.

Each proposal hardens the consensus in favor of the Bill of Rights and against his latest gimmick. His Town Hall was buried in the ratings by viewer apathy. Those who tuned in had to watch as he was unable to answer which mass shootings his proposals would have actually prevented.

And now the State of the Union looks to be more of the same.

But there are actually great common sense solutions for stopping gun violence. Unfortunately instead of embracing these proposals, Obama is fighting them and making the problem of gun violence worse.

1. Fight Crime

Gun violence isn't some isolated phenomenon caused by guns. It's just crime.

Most gun violence is gang and drug related. To stop gun violence you have to stop gangs and drug dealers. No amount of cracking down on ordinary citizens is going to stop organized crime from getting its hands on guns. Instead you have to fight organized crime directly.

But while Obama considers the civil rights of legal gun owners to be expendable, he has made leniency toward drug dealers a priority, even personally intervening to free violent armed drug dealers and launching investigations into the police treatment of drug dealers like Freddie Gray.

The Ferguson Effect has limited the ability of police to stop gun violence before it happens which is turning over entire neighborhoods to violent gangs.

It is structurally impossible to be soft on crime but tough on guns, and yet that's exactly what Obama is proposing. He wants to free drug dealers and then blame their murders on insufficient gun control.

It's not gun control that is the issue, but criminal control.

If Obama really wants to stop gun violence, then he has to stop helping criminals and start fighting them instead.

2. Limit Immigration

Gun control advocates like to claim that we're a gun ban away from being Japan, but Japan is a stable society with an older population and minimal immigration.

While immigration is overall a good thing, it's also socially destabilizing.

To reduce gun violence, we need to reduce the social instability produced by immigration. This includes Islamic terrorism, as in San Bernardino, unemployment in inner cities caused by cheap foreign labor which feeds recruits to gangs, not to mention actual overseas gangs like MS13 migrating to America.

We can best do this with a selective immigration policy which cuts immigration from countries with terror and gang problems. At the same time we have to evaluate the impact of immigration on our inner cities to protect a pathway to employment for inner city youth.

Finally we must aggressively deport immigrant drug dealers and gang members. Any illegal alien convicted of a weapons or drug offense must be immediately removed from this country.

There are no excuses for allowing sanctuary city crimes like the murder of Kate Steinle to take place.

When no more sanctuary cities are allowed to harbor illegal alien crime, then we can begin making a real impact on gun violence.

But instead of adopting these common sense measures to stop gun violence, Obama has defended sanctuary cities that lock in gun violence, provided amnesty to illegal alien gang members and aggressively pushed for more immigration from the most dangerous parts of the world.

His open border policies only encourage the spread of gun violence by gangs and terrorists.


5 Ways to Stop Gun Violence that Obama Hates
Note to Gun-Control Liberals: You Can’t Handle the Truth

The truth is guns were invented to kill people, and their time has come and gone (for most). Nuff said.

'This is not a gun free zone': Greenleaf signs send strong message

By Jake Leber Monday, February 29th 2016


GREENLEAF, Idaho (KBOI) — If you drive through the small town of Greenleaf in Canyon County, you may notice their unorthodox welcome signs.

"Welcome to Greenleaf, Idaho. This is Not a Gun Free Zone."

The signs have been up for a few months, and residents say they reflect the attitude in the town.

"We are a big family out here in Greenleaf," said Kelly McBride, who has lived in the city for over 10 years. "It's a small town. I think all of us having a gun shows that we are a respectable society."

Five signs were installed, one at each entrance to the city. A city council member says the Idaho Transportation Department needed to approve two of the signs since they were planned for Highway 19, which is a state highway. He says the city got the approval last year.

The same city council member says the signs were paid for through private donations, so their installation did not cost the city any money.

Greenleaf is a city of just over 800 people that urges residents to own firearms and get weapons training in their city code. It has a very low crime rate, but some residents tell KBOI 2News that the signs are just an extra layer of protection.

"There's a right place for guns," McBride said. "A place that they can be used. We should have the right to protect ourselves from criminals and hopefully these kind of signs deter crime in the long run."


'This is not a gun free zone': Greenleaf signs send strong message
Here We Go Again: Obama Sends Arms Trade Treaty to Senate for Ratification

by AWR Hawkins 13 Dec 2016

With just over a month left in office and no gun control achievements to speak of during his time in the White House, President Obama has sent the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to the Senate for one last shot at ratification.

The ATT garnered a lot of attention as it moved through various bureaucratic channels in 2012 and 2013. Breitbart News reported that the treaty was supported by 46 Senators, two of whom were Independents–Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Angus King (I-Maine)–and the rest of whom were Democrats. It was signed by Secretary of State John Kerry on September 25, 2013, but it is not binding because Republican Senators shot down ratification efforts.


NRA warned, “This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme [and is full of regulations and requirements that are] blatant attacks on the constitutional rights of every law-abiding American.”


Here We Go Again: Obama Sends Arms Trade Treaty to Senate for Ratification - Breitbart


Here We Go Again: Obama Sends Arms Trade Treaty to Senate for Ratification

by AWR Hawkins 13 Dec 2016

With just over a month left in office and no gun control achievements to speak of during his time in the White House, President Obama has sent the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) to the Senate for one last shot at ratification.

The ATT garnered a lot of attention as it moved through various bureaucratic channels in 2012 and 2013. Breitbart News reported that the treaty was supported by 46 Senators, two of whom were Independents–Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Angus King (I-Maine)–and the rest of whom were Democrats. It was signed by Secretary of State John Kerry on September 25, 2013, but it is not binding because Republican Senators shot down ratification efforts.


NRA warned, “This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme [and is full of regulations and requirements that are] blatant attacks on the constitutional rights of every law-abiding American.”


Here We Go Again: Obama Sends Arms Trade Treaty to Senate for Ratification - Breitbart


Maybe he will shed some crocodile tears for dead kids?

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