Nothing Burger

Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
Mueller is going to enjoy it after all of Trumps taunting
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
Mueller keeps going after things that have nothing to do with someone working with the Russians. He is hoping that he can get Trump on a perjury trap. Funny is how he keeps bypassing or ignoring things done by the other half of the election.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
Your smoking that green weed again aren't you. The Steele crap was bought and paid for Russian lies. FISA warrants were obtained with the Steele lies. Campaigne finance bypassed by Hillary and the DNC. Numerous people such as Strzok and his little love trist talking about stopping Trump. We won't even go into who had a marriage to someone in Fusion GPS. Or the whole timeline of Steele and Ohr.
Steele claims that Putin had compromising information on Trump

Based on Trumps performance in looks true
Lol. It looks true. Means I want it to be true. Since I want it to be true it must must must be true.
All Trumps actions towards Russia support Steele’s assertion that Putin has Trump by the balls
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the W
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
really, they weren't. Care to change that lie?

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

I still say that I want it to be true. It must must must be true. Everything I see I see through my hate colored glasses so they help me see what I want to see. Listen to me it must be true because I want it to be true.
Cohen tied it to the Presidency yesterday

Nothing illegal tied.

Paying someone to be quiet is not a crime.

You pay people to influence elections in all sorts of ways. It is what campaigns do - influence elections.

It is how it was paid
Now Crooked Donnie is trying to claim it came out of his pocket
Cohen tied it to the Presidency yesterday

Nothing illegal tied.

Paying someone to be quiet is not a crime.

You pay people to influence elections in all sorts of ways. It is what campaigns do - influence elections.

It is how it was paid
Now Crooked Donnie is trying to claim it came out of his pocket
It's not illegal, douchebag. That has been demonstrated 500 ways to Sunday. However, proof never matters to snowflake douchebags. They will keep regurgitating the narrative no matter how many times it's discredited. It only took them 30 years to quit defending Bill the sexual predator.
Mueller keeps going after things that have nothing to do with someone working with the Russians. He is hoping that he can get Trump on a perjury trap. Funny is how he keeps bypassing or ignoring things done by the other half of the election.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
Your smoking that green weed again aren't you. The Steele crap was bought and paid for Russian lies. FISA warrants were obtained with the Steele lies. Campaigne finance bypassed by Hillary and the DNC. Numerous people such as Strzok and his little love trist talking about stopping Trump. We won't even go into who had a marriage to someone in Fusion GPS. Or the whole timeline of Steele and Ohr.
Steele claims that Putin had compromising information on Trump

Based on Trumps performance in looks true
Lol. It looks true. Means I want it to be true. Since I want it to be true it must must must be true.
All Trumps actions towards Russia support Steele’s assertion that Putin has Trump by the balls
What actions towards Russia? Detail them please.
Cohen tied it to the Presidency yesterday

Nothing illegal tied.

Paying someone to be quiet is not a crime.

You pay people to influence elections in all sorts of ways. It is what campaigns do - influence elections.

It is how it was paid
Now Crooked Donnie is trying to claim it came out of his pocket
It's not illegal, douchebag. That has been demonstrated 500 ways to Sunday. However, proof never matters to snowflake douchebags. They will keep regurgitating the narrative no matter how many times it's discredited. It only took them 30 years to quit defending Bill the sexual predator.
Wrong again Fingerboy

It is an illegal campaign contribution.
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the W
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
really, they weren't. Care to change that lie?

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

I still say that I want it to be true. It must must must be true. Everything I see I see through my hate colored glasses so they help me see what I want to see. Listen to me it must be true because I want it to be true.
She came thru like 26 hours of testimony unscathed
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
Your smoking that green weed again aren't you. The Steele crap was bought and paid for Russian lies. FISA warrants were obtained with the Steele lies. Campaigne finance bypassed by Hillary and the DNC. Numerous people such as Strzok and his little love trist talking about stopping Trump. We won't even go into who had a marriage to someone in Fusion GPS. Or the whole timeline of Steele and Ohr.
Steele claims that Putin had compromising information on Trump

Based on Trumps performance in looks true
Lol. It looks true. Means I want it to be true. Since I want it to be true it must must must be true.
All Trumps actions towards Russia support Steele’s assertion that Putin has Trump by the balls
What actions towards Russia? Detail them please.

Whew........where to begin?

Having Manafort change the GOP platform to remove support for Ukraine
When told of Putin’s excesses....Trump saying....the US does it too
Undermining Obama sanctions on Russia
Refusing to invoke Congressional sanctions
Taking Putin’s side over US intelligence

Putin has him by the balls
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
/----/ All which has nothing to do with Trump collusion. And why is the special prosecutor looking at 12 year old tax returns? Where is the IRS on this?

Like you I'm having a hard time seeing why convictions on two men has anything to do with the 2016 elections??
Are you dense?
Or just too enamored with Trump
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
...and still no Russian connection You silly little fucker
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the W
1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
really, they weren't. Care to change that lie?

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

I still say that I want it to be true. It must must must be true. Everything I see I see through my hate colored glasses so they help me see what I want to see. Listen to me it must be true because I want it to be true.
She came thru like 26 hours of testimony unscathed
Yeah only because of Strzok did not record the testimony, did not follow FBI procedure, changed the wording on exhoneration which was written before most of those involved were even interviewed.
Trump denies Stormy Daniels payment

It really bothered Republicans that Clinton lied about cheating on his wife. But they have no problem when Trump lies to us about the same thing. For some reason it bothers them if you lie under oath but it's ok to lie to us everyday?

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

I'm sure we are up to 5000 already

1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the W
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
really, they weren't. Care to change that lie?

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

I still say that I want it to be true. It must must must be true. Everything I see I see through my hate colored glasses so they help me see what I want to see. Listen to me it must be true because I want it to be true.
She came thru like 26 hours of testimony unscathed
Yeah only because of Strzok did not record the testimony, did not follow FBI procedure, changed the wording on exhoneration which was written before most of those involved were even interviewed.
This republican buddy of mine at work walks by my desk. I say, boy is trump having a bad day. He proceed to tell me how the Russians that went to trump tower to talk about Russian adoptions were sent by the clintons.

You idiots are pathetic. Even if it’s true this is a tactic you have used on planned parenthood and other democratic institutions. You send a fake in to see if you can get anything good on tape

Alert, Alert, seems some Repuggers are traitors to the Great Douche. What should be done DOPers?
1. The smart people expect politicians to lie. Heck, Bubba was a consumate liar. One of Hillary's problems was she lied as much as he did, but wasn't very good at it.

2. The smart people also expect the rule of law to override ordinary lying. When someone is under oath we expect the truth, no matter what.
Hillary actually lied less than any republican you put her up against on the truth meter.

Name 3 bill Clinton lies besides monica
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the W
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t
really, they weren't. Care to change that lie?

FBI tears holes in Hillary Clinton's email defense

I still say that I want it to be true. It must must must be true. Everything I see I see through my hate colored glasses so they help me see what I want to see. Listen to me it must be true because I want it to be true.
She came thru like 26 hours of testimony unscathed
Yeah only because of Strzok did not record the testimony, did not follow FBI procedure, changed the wording on exhoneration which was written before most of those involved were even interviewed.
This republican buddy of mine at work walks by my desk. I say, boy is trump having a bad day. He proceed to tell me how the Russians that went to trump tower to talk about Russian adoptions were sent by the clintons.

You idiots are pathetic. Even if it’s true this is a tactic you have used on planned parenthood and other democratic institutions. You send a fake in to see if you can get anything good on tape
The reality is that most ideologues are idiots.
Your smoking that green weed again aren't you. The Steele crap was bought and paid for Russian lies. FISA warrants were obtained with the Steele lies. Campaigne finance bypassed by Hillary and the DNC. Numerous people such as Strzok and his little love trist talking about stopping Trump. We won't even go into who had a marriage to someone in Fusion GPS. Or the whole timeline of Steele and Ohr.
Steele claims that Putin had compromising information on Trump

Based on Trumps performance in looks true
Lol. It looks true. Means I want it to be true. Since I want it to be true it must must must be true.
All Trumps actions towards Russia support Steele’s assertion that Putin has Trump by the balls
What actions towards Russia? Detail them please.

Whew........where to begin?

Having Manafort change the GOP platform to remove support for Ukraine
When told of Putin’s excesses....Trump saying....the US does it too
Undermining Obama sanctions on Russia
Refusing to invoke Congressional sanctions
Taking Putin’s side over US intelligence

Putin has him by the balls
He has not only put more sanctions in place so undermining 44 sanctions will not hold water.
He was exactly right the U.S. HAS done the exact same things.

I did not see a red misspelled reset button anywhere, did you?
I did not hear him say he would have more flexibility after the elections, did you?

Funny that the Russians would want more sanctions on themselves then they had before.
I find it unbelievable that they would want some of their fighters killed.
If I had something on Trump I would not stand still for him telling Germany that they should not be buying natural gas from me but that thay should buy it from the U.S. I would be thinking that would be trying to hurt my economy.
Perhaps it plays into Putins hand somehow to have Trump trying to increase mutual NATO defense.

Unlike you and some others I do not believe that throwing all our nuclear weapons at Russia is a very good idea. Perhaps following 44 advise to not confront Putin directly might actually be a good idea.

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