Nothing Burger

Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds
/----/ All which has nothing to do with Trump collusion. And why is the special prosecutor looking at 12 year old tax returns? Where is the IRS on this?

Like you I'm having a hard time seeing why convictions on two men has anything to do with the 2016 elections??

Kind of like what did a blow job have to do with a failed land deal?

Nope. Its kinda like lying. That's what got Bill. Not the BJ or the land deal.

Right...lying about the blow job. Why was he asked about that during an investigation into a land deal where the Clintons lost money?

Do you think the 42% of Americans that want Trump impeached care if he goes down because his campaign conspired with Russia or because he paid hush money to a bunch of porn stars?
Irrelevant. She was trained and responsible to recognize and handle such info properly.

Have you ever seen a secret document? Each paragraph is marked as to its classification

These weren’t

Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Oh good grief. How much of a pretzel are you willing to contort yourself into in order to defend Hillary against the truth? A qualified secretary of state should be able to recognize if information should be classified whether or not it's marked. Either she was incompetent or careless. Pick one.
Have you ever seen a secret document? Each paragraph is marked as to its classification

These weren’t

Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Oh good grief. How much of a pretzel are you willing to contort yourself into in order to defend Hillary against the truth? A qualified secretary of state should be able to recognize if information should be classified whether or not it's marked. Either she was incompetent or careless. Pick one.
Have you ever seen a classified document or received a classified briefing?
It is blatantly obvious you haven’t
Lol you obviously never heard or saw her testify under oath. She may never have lied but she showed complete incompetence.

She claimed she did not know how to tell if something was classified when she dealt with classified material on an almost daily basis.

It started because of a YouTube video. I landed under sniper fire. I thought all those things in the White House were ours.
She said the emails were not marked classified

They weren’t

Irrelevant. She was trained and responsible to recognize and handle such info properly.

Have you ever seen a secret document? Each paragraph is marked as to its classification

These weren’t
She testified that she thought that (c) in a document was not a designation of classified but as a marker for a paragraph. If that were true she was so incompetent as to be more then a clown. It has been shown that every email was copied and sent to an unknown source.

What does (c) mean?
I thought you asked if someone had seen a classified document?

Clinton to FBI: Didn't know parenthetical 'C' stood for confidential

Edited to add reference
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Irrelevant. She was trained and responsible to recognize and handle such info properly.

Have you ever seen a secret document? Each paragraph is marked as to its classification

These weren’t

Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Do you REALLY think she, as Sec State and with all her exposure to the DC world, would not recognize information that is so secret it can't be released in any form? Is that not the "She was incompetent" defense?
Have you ever seen a secret document? Each paragraph is marked as to its classification

These weren’t

Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Do you REALLY think she, as Sec State and with all her exposure to the DC world, would not recognize information that is so secret it can't be released in any form? Is that not the "She was incompetent" defense?

Do you have any comprehension of all the nit picky details that get classified ?

The leader of the State Department would have now way of knowing that the water treatment plant failures in Uzbekistan is classified information
Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Do you REALLY think she, as Sec State and with all her exposure to the DC world, would not recognize information that is so secret it can't be released in any form? Is that not the "She was incompetent" defense?

Do you have any comprehension of all the nit picky details that get classified ?

The leader of the State Department would have now way of knowing that the water treatment plant failures in Uzbekistan is classified information
How many times do I have to specify the info that was so secret it couldn't be released in any form? Are you really saying she was so incompetent that she couldn't recognize that and handle it accordingly, and are you okay with that level of incompetence in the State Department?
Was she authorized and responsible to recognize and properly handle classified information? As Sec State I would expect her to be, especially with information that Obama said was too secret to be released in any form.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Oh good grief. How much of a pretzel are you willing to contort yourself into in order to defend Hillary against the truth? A qualified secretary of state should be able to recognize if information should be classified whether or not it's marked. Either she was incompetent or careless. Pick one.
Have you ever seen a classified document or received a classified briefing?
It is blatantly obvious you haven’t
/----/ I had a low level clearance when I was in the defense industry, I was thoroughly trained on the various classifications so I didn't open the wrong one. We all treated them with respect. I bet Hildabeast knew what it meant but was playing stupid. Another version of I don't recall.
Nobody is

The nuances of what makes something classified is more than any person knows
That is why it is marked

Uhhhh, do you not realize you contradicted yourself? What marks info classified, if not a person who is authorized and responsible to do so, a computer?
Those who are subject matter experts mark the document. No one person is capable of knowing all ramifications of data. That is why it is marked
Do you REALLY think she, as Sec State and with all her exposure to the DC world, would not recognize information that is so secret it can't be released in any form? Is that not the "She was incompetent" defense?

Do you have any comprehension of all the nit picky details that get classified ?

The leader of the State Department would have now way of knowing that the water treatment plant failures in Uzbekistan is classified information
How many times do I have to specify the info that was so secret it couldn't be released in any form? Are you really saying she was so incompetent that she couldn't recognize that and handle it accordingly, and are you okay with that level of incompetence in the State Department?
Now you are just making shit up

The information HIllary was accused of having on her sever was either reclassified after the fact or unmarked

There was no information that was deemed “so secret it couldn’t be released in any form”

Also, HIllary did not release any information
During eight years if Obama’s presidency, the conservative media howled for impeachment. But given that Obama had one of the most scandal free presidencies in modern was, in fact, a NOTHING BURGER

Trump was in scandal since before he took office, his close staff have been convicted of felonies, his close family members are under investigation, and information is being collected on his culpability
Trump is looking more and more like Nixon

They didn’t go after Nixon at first as they gathered information about his staff. Once his staff was indicted, they gave information that brought down his presidency

Same thing is being done with Trump
Flynn and Papadopoulos pled guilty to making false or misleading statements to the FBI which had nothing to do with Trump and as we found out the agents questioning Flynn did not believe he was trying to intentionally mislead them. A tweet is not proof of a crime. All you have are a lot of ifs and buts and as the old saying goes if those were candy and nuts we would all have a Merry Christmas. If actual charges are ever filed I will reconsider my views on all this but I won’t do so based on the theory, speculation, and over the top ranting of TDS victims.

Yes. If Trump is found guilty of something, he should face consequences. Trump hate, however, is not reason to convict of anything.
Republicans wanting the White House is why bill got caught lying. Or do you think ken Starr cared about Monica?

Bill got caught lying because he lied under oath as a prosecutor was establishing a pattern of behavior. It's pretty much that simple. And as a lawyer, Bill knew better but did it anyway.

Great. Trump has lied six ways to Sunday over these hush money payments. Now it looks to have been criminal.

At what point does your standard apply to Trump?

When he's under oath. Ever since Bubba set the standard, I expect politicians to lie in front of cameras.

I'm noticing that just because Bill lied about getting a BJ and because Hillary lied about being under sniper fire, this seems to have given Republicans the green light to lie as much as they want. This has to stop.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
During eight years if Obama’s presidency, the conservative media howled for impeachment. But given that Obama had one of the most scandal free presidencies in modern was, in fact, a NOTHING BURGER

Trump was in scandal since before he took office, his close staff have been convicted of felonies, his close family members are under investigation, and information is being collected on his culpability

We knew Trump was a criminal but people who voted for him didn't listen. They were convinced he would take on the establishment and they didn't realize he's an even bigger criminal than they are. They didn't take in to consideration all the settled lawsuits through out the years. The Trump University scam. Grab em by the pussy. Ties to the mob. Bankruptsys, should I go on?

And the kicker was he didn't show us his taxes. Why? Because most of his investments are in Russia. And those investments would probably implicate him more.

Is the audit done? Then why hasn't Trump released his taxes like he said he would? Why don't his supporters care?

It's not their fault. It's the fault of all the people in America who don't like Trump but don't vote. They're doing this to us.
During eight years if Obama’s presidency, the conservative media howled for impeachment. But given that Obama had one of the most scandal free presidencies in modern was, in fact, a NOTHING BURGER

Trump was in scandal since before he took office, his close staff have been convicted of felonies, his close family members are under investigation, and information is being collected on his culpability

We knew Trump was a criminal but people who voted for him didn't listen. They were convinced he would take on the establishment and they didn't realize he's an even bigger criminal than they are. They didn't take in to consideration all the settled lawsuits through out the years. The Trump University scam. Grab em by the pussy. Ties to the mob. Bankruptsys, should I go on?

And the kicker was he didn't show us his taxes. Why? Because most of his investments are in Russia. And those investments would probably implicate him more.

Is the audit done? Then why hasn't Trump released his taxes like he said he would? Why don't his supporters care?

It's not their fault. It's the fault of all the people in America who don't like Trump but don't vote. They're doing this to us.

Federal prosecutors have reportedly granted immunity to David Pecker, the chief executive of American Media Inc., which publishes the National Enquirer, in the ongoing Michael Cohen investigation. In exchange, he has agreed to provide information to prosecutors about payments made to two women in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

None of involving the Trump campaign. Give it a rest kid.
Trump is looking more and more like Nixon

They didn’t go after Nixon at first as they gathered information about his staff. Once his staff was indicted, they gave information that brought down his presidency

Same thing is being done with Trump

Not even close. Haldeman, et al did what they did while part of the administration.
Since Trump took office, Republicans have chanted in unison....

Nothing Burger, No Collusion, Witch Hunt, Waste of time, Fake News

As Mueller is just starting to reveal what he is finding ......Flynn, Cohen, Manafort have already been convicted

We are seeing Money Laundering, tax fraud, election fraud, obstruction of justice

All without Mueller revealing all the cards he holds

And not one damn bit of it has to do with the president doing anything illegal! Nothing. As he said, a witchhunt by a bunch of butthurt Snowflakes who are doing their best to try to overturn a perfectly constitutional election.

Take a flying leap!
Mueller keeps going after things that have nothing to do with someone working with the Russians. He is hoping that he can get Trump on a perjury trap. Funny is how he keeps bypassing or ignoring things done by the other half of the election.
Mueller WOULD investigate the "other half" of the election IF there was any indication that campaign was being assisted by the Russians. The evidence (of which there is plenty) is that Russia was interfering and that their interference was aimed at helping Trump's campaign. Simple.
uh creating a document with British spies using Russian agents for info isn't collaborating with Russia?
The only thing you have on Trump is a meeting where they discussed adoption........
You have to try to keep up with the lies...I know it’s hard

Trump has already admitted it was not about adoption
We know they went for dirt....but what WAS DISCUSSED was adoption.....nothing illegal on either count.
you are allowed to dig up dirt on your opponent and you are allowed to discuss adoption.
But you are not allowed to accept help for your campaign from the Russian government. From the emails leading up to that meeting, this was not "news" to Trump, Jr. either. That is NOT allowed.

So, you're saying that when Hillary's campaign paid Chris Steele to gather the rumors in Russia and then tried to use the information against Trump in the election, that was not allowed? Are you sure? How about when she coordinated her campaign with the Ukrainians? Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties
It is a nothing burger because all of that has nothing to do with what Mueller was appointed to investigate. Russian attempts to interfer in the election and possible collusion by the Trump campaign of which there is still no proof of.
Just wait. Be patient

Cohen’s laywer, said: “Mr Cohen has knowledge on certain subjects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows.”
His lawyer saying it and it being true are very different things.
Lawyers have a habit of documenting things

Cohen was a fixer. Taking quasi legal actions to help his client. You think he is not covering his ass when he does so?

So, you think he was covering his ass when he was taking Trump's money fraudulently? "Cohen then submitted "sham invoices" for nonexistent legal services to the Trump Organization for reimbursement for those payments."

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to 8 counts, implicating President Trump

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