Nothing Burger

Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed so the feds couldn't go after his estate.

Cohen doesnā€™t have an ā€œestateā€. Heā€™s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy heā€™s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donaldā€™s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.
Manafort was there when discussions with the Russians were held. He was there when it was discussed with Trump. Manafort made changes to the GOP platform to help Russia

Now he is facing jail. Will he offer information in return for a lighter sentence?
Keep that wet dream alive if you must but here are the facts over a year and a half into the Mueller investigation not Trump not a member of his family or anyone on his 2016 campaign has plead guilty to been charged with or indicted on anything that was supposed to be the focus of this investigation.
Itā€™s not a wet dream
Manafort was a key advisor at the time of the Russian involvement
He has a story to tell

Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Keep that wet dream alive if you must but here are the facts over a year and a half into the Mueller investigation not Trump not a member of his family or anyone on his 2016 campaign has plead guilty to been charged with or indicted on anything that was supposed to be the focus of this investigation.
Itā€™s not a wet dream
Manafort was a key advisor at the time of the Russian involvement
He has a story to tell

Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come
I will give you a little light reading just so you understand the meaning of scandal.
Definition of SCANDAL

The simple fact he is not in jail is not the accepted definition of scandal. He was in charge. You like to point at the people around Trump and say god it is such a scandal. If you are trying to equate those around Trump as a scandal then you have to accept your lord high priest had scandals.

Obama repeats the myth that his administration was free of scandal - The Boston Globe

LIST: Obamaā€™s 29 scandals and the mediaā€™s campaign to hide them

It seems even journalists disagree with you.
Let me help you

Just because people call in to Rush Limbaugh doesnā€™t make it a scandal
So just because you want it to be a scandal for Trump does not make it one. Glad to see we both agree.

See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Let me help you

Just because people call in to Rush Limbaugh doesnā€™t make it a scandal
So just because you want it to be a scandal for Trump does not make it one. Glad to see we both agree.

See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?

Rightwinger and the rest of the lefty loons are just drooling for this to be true.

Gotta love folks who are tree stump dumb. LOL
Is that like the filthy ass Democrats saying that Crooked Hillary didn't commit any crimes even thought Comey said she did?

Pay attention Skippy. Comey said that Hillary did NOT commit any crimes. It made you idiots lose your minds.

You are confused. He said she did commit crimes but he was not going to recommend an indictment because she didn't have any "intent".

Every criminal in the world would tell you they had no intent of ever doing anything wrong.

She was (is) a corrupt asshole that was allowed to skate because she was the Democrat Presidential nominee and well connected.

Two tier justice in this country. A young sailor gets a year in jail for taking a couple of personal pictures as a security violation and that piece of shit Crooked Hillary blatantly violated numerous security requirements and gets let off the hook for that stupid reason of "no intent".

Of course we all know now that the Obama Administration had planned to let the filthy bitch skate even before the investigation. Shame!
Last edited:
Cohen was not convicted you hack, try to get your facts straight before you start a thread and look stupid.
Right. He agreed to 3-5 years in prison just for shits and giggles.

He agreed so the feds couldn't go after his estate.

Cohen doesnā€™t have an ā€œestateā€. Heā€™s not dead yet.

Cohen plead to avoid extended jail time after the guy heā€™s lied for, defended, and aided and abetted for over 10 years, threw him to the wolves.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donaldā€™s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.
Let me help you

Just because people call in to Rush Limbaugh doesnā€™t make it a scandal
So just because you want it to be a scandal for Trump does not make it one. Glad to see we both agree.

See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Four key staff members have been convicted.

Meanwhile The Godfather sits and sweats
So just because you want it to be a scandal for Trump does not make it one. Glad to see we both agree.

See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Four key staff members have been convicted.

Meanwhile The Godfather sits and sweats
And you can try and make it about Trump but in your own words there is no scandal until he is convicted so you are still playing at trying to make yourself important and right.
See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Four key staff members have been convicted.

Meanwhile The Godfather sits and sweats
And you can try and make it about Trump but in your own words there is no scandal until he is convicted so you are still playing at trying to make yourself important and right.
Right now....The scandal is in the Trump administration

But the noose is tightening and will soon be with Trump himself
Itā€™s not a wet dream
Manafort was a key advisor at the time of the Russian involvement
He has a story to tell

Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.
Keep that wet dream alive if you must but here are the facts over a year and a half into the Mueller investigation not Trump not a member of his family or anyone on his 2016 campaign has plead guilty to been charged with or indicted on anything that was supposed to be the focus of this investigation.
Itā€™s not a wet dream
Manafort was a key advisor at the time of the Russian involvement
He has a story to tell

Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.

NONE of the charges, whether the 8 he was convicted of or the 10 he was not, related to Trump in any way nor to his campaign. So, I don't understand why you take such glee in it when your goal is to "get Trump".
Itā€™s not a wet dream
Manafort was a key advisor at the time of the Russian involvement
He has a story to tell

Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

I know you hope so, but so far, there's NOTHING related to Trump that's come out of the Manafort prosecution.
So just because you want it to be a scandal for Trump does not make it one. Glad to see we both agree.

See....that is the difference

There were no scandals for the Great Obama....he did not need to tweet his innocence every day, he did not have to pay off prostitutes, he did not declare his man crush on Putin
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Four key staff members have been convicted.

Meanwhile The Godfather sits and sweats

Well at least he's not drooling like you. LOL
Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Nothing he has been charged with has anything to do with Russian involvement in the election. If it did, it'd be proof he has a story to tell.
It has moved beyond that

The scope gets bigger every day. The more they dig, the more they find

Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.
Yep, and so far, nothing is surfacing to confirm your belief that "Manafort has a story to tell."

That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars
That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. Itā€™s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Heā€™s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.

And there won't be because it didn't happen.

These lefty loons are drooling like a dog with a bone.

Kinda nice to see tree stump dumb idiots.

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