Nothing Burger

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.

And you base that on what legal principle?

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.

And you base that on what legal principle?


For intent to matter there has to be a crime first.
It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.

And you base that on what legal principle?


For intent to matter there has to be a crime first.

The crime is “obstruction of justice”. If Trump fires Sessions so he can install an AG who will shut down the Mueller Investigation which is investigating wrong doing by the President, members of his family, and his staff, that show his intent to obstruct justice.

ANYTHING that Trump does to undermine, limit or forestall the Mueller Investigation, is obstruction of Justice. That includes the firing of McCabe and Strozk, and attacks on Rosenstein and Sessions, is obstruction of justice.
No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.

And you base that on what legal principle?


For intent to matter there has to be a crime first.

The crime is “obstruction of justice”. If Trump fires Sessions so he can install an AG who will shut down the Mueller Investigation which is investigating wrong doing by the President, members of his family, and his staff, that show his intent to obstruct justice.

ANYTHING that Trump does to undermine, limit or forestall the Mueller Investigation, is obstruction of Justice. That includes the firing of McCabe and Strozk, and attacks on Rosenstein and Sessions, is obstruction of justice.

Even Special Prosecutors serve at the behest of the President. Any charge of Obstruction would be stuck in courts for decades.

And "verbal attacks" on a person is not Obstruction. Stop saying that.
Since we are useing your interpretation of the word scandal and not the dictionary. As you yourself have stated it does not matter what someone says or what is written, unless they are convicted then there is no scandal. So we can agree that there is no scandal about Trump. So once again 44 did not know what he was talking about when he tried to make a case about Trump having a scandal when he did not.
Trump has been one continuous scandal as four key aides have been convicted and six face indictment

Zero for the Great Obama
Are you not the one that wrote he was not found guilty? Therefore you can not claim a Trump scandal.

Or are we down to I want it to be true so I will say it is. Anything else I will hide my eyes and stick my fingers in my ears.

Damn what do they teach you kids in school?
Four key staff members have been convicted.

Meanwhile The Godfather sits and sweats
And you can try and make it about Trump but in your own words there is no scandal until he is convicted so you are still playing at trying to make yourself important and right.
Right now....The scandal is in the Trump administration

But the noose is tightening and will soon be with Trump himself
I see you don't mind bring out your crazy side and showing it off like a shiny new penny. You have proved by everything that you have replied to me that not only is your original post not correct. Then you keep playing at lalalalala I can not hear you.

Too bad someone did not take the time to teach you properly.
It is AMAZING to see all of the members here that continue to give a pass to Trump & those convicted & admitted criminals within Trump's orbit. And we are just getting started here folks; this is the tip of the iceberg.

And to think that Trump ran on being the 'law & order' candidate, and so many (~60 million) fell for it.

George Orwell was only 34 years off.

Trump's base of support wouldn't care if a Mafia boss were in The White House running this racket.
That doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Mueller leaks nothing.

Given that Manafort was just convicted of 8 felony charges and would have been convicted of all 18 if not for one dumb juror who stubbornly refused to change her vote, but could not explain why she rejected the overwhelming evidence of his guilt.

The second trial will be in DC, where Trump got only 4% of the votes. It’s going to be really difficult to pack a Jury with Trump voters at this trial. Not to mention that it failed abysmally at this last trial. The evidence was THAT overwhelming.

More proof: Mueller handed the Cohen trial off to the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. He’s handed off the Bustina prosecution off to other prosecutors as well as all of the other ongoing trials. The ONLY prosecution Mueller has retained is Manafort.

That speaks volumes.
Tip of the iceberg

More to come

Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.

He has much more recent charges. He was convicted, in a court of law, by a jury of his peers. They unanimously convinced him on 8 of 18 counts and had only one holdout on the other 10. Just stop with the “it’s so unfair” malarkey.
Anyone who listened to the trial has to conclude Manafort is a sleaze ball

He stole millions of dollars from taxpayers and Trump claims he is a good guy
It is AMAZING to see all of the members here that continue to give a pass to Trump & those convicted & admitted criminals within Trump's orbit. And we are just getting started here folks; this is the tip of the iceberg.

And to think that Trump ran on being the 'law & order' candidate, and so many (~60 million) fell for it.

George Orwell was only 34 years off.

Trump's base of support wouldn't care if a Mafia boss were in The White House running this racket.
These are not good people
They are stealing money left and right and dodging taxes

We can only imagine what happens when you scratch the surface of the Trump empire
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
Republicans have such limited vocabulary
Any day now, any day now.

So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

LOL! No collusion, no obstruction of justice, no money laundering and no campaign fraud but maybe malfeasance...good luck with that.
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
Republicans have such limited vocabulary
/——/ It’s the only language you libtards understand
So far as I can tell, nothing has come out that puts Trump in any jeopardy. It might happen tomorrow, but it hasn't happened today.

It's a disgrace whet they are doing. The Manafort charges date back a decade, the opted to to not go after him until Trump was elected; then they resurrected them and went after him.
Millions of dollars

And still no Russian collusion.
That is so six months ago

Now we are looking at collusion, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, Money Laundering, campaign fraud

LOL! No collusion, no obstruction of justice, no money laundering and no campaign fraud but maybe malfeasance...good luck with that.
Keep telling yourself that

All those Trump insiders who were given plea deals......
What do you think they are talking about?

Russian adoptions?
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
Republicans have such limited vocabulary
/——/ It’s the only language you libtards understand

Repeat after me....

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch hunt, Witch hunt
Fake news

It won’t convince a jury
That guy Duncan Collins is a real winner. Charged with using over a quarter of a million dollars in campaign contributions for personal items and luxury vacations Collins claimed innocence and then totally threw his wife under the bus.

He claims he gave her his power of attorney when he was stationed in Iraq and she’s been handling ALL his finances ever since. He had no idea she was doing this.

What a prince of a guy. Bet their dinner table conversation is going to be fun tonight.

Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
Republicans have such limited vocabulary
/——/ It’s the only language you libtards understand

Repeat after me....

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch hunt, Witch hunt
Fake news

It won’t convince a jury
/——/ The jury will have to see evidence that doesn’t exist.
Reminds me of Trump
No personal accountability

He was the second Republican Congress Critter to support Candidate Trump. Collins has also referred to the charges against him as a “witch hunt”.

A true blue Trumpster.
Republicans have such limited vocabulary
/——/ It’s the only language you libtards understand

Repeat after me....

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch hunt, Witch hunt
Fake news

It won’t convince a jury
/——/ The jury will have to see evidence that doesn’t exist.

All the Jury has to do is watch Dumb Donald call on Russia to hack Hillary. The noted that a few hours later, that’s just what they did.

Then there’s the “flippers”. Allen Weisellberg, Trump’s long-time accountant, just flipped. There’s no accountant client privilege. David Pecker, the guy with the safe full of incriminating evidence on everyone, has flipped. Elliott Broidy may have some info to add to the stew.

Manafort is said to be weighing his options. Jail, wait for pardon, or flip. What if he waits for s pardon and Trump is impeached, or indicted? Given that Trump is throwing his own kids under the bus, and gas abandoned all his former staffers, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a pardon.

New York State is looking to prosecute the three oldest Trump children, Weisellberg, and DJT for a whole range of crimes related to the Trump Foundation. Weisellberg is off the hook I guess with his immunity deal.

They’re also looking at campaign finance violations for the Trump Corporation and it’s current top executives, Junior and Eric.

As the freight train that is the Mueller Investigation bears down on Trump, his corporation and his family, Dumb Donald has become completely unhinged. Yesterday he implicated himself in still more crimes.

Today Trump demanded Sessions prosecute Hillary Clinton. There has to be a crime in order to prosecute someone. And witnesses.

Notice how in 30 years, no one has ever flipped on the Clintons. No one. Even those charged in the Whitewater investigation had no evidence to give on the Clintons.

This one thing, shows that despite 30 years of claiming that the Clintons are criminals is just a Republican lie. If they were guilty of anything, somebody somewhere would have the evidence. Somebody would have flipped.

Whatever it is the feds threatened confiscation of assets (happy now)?

This is all of course supposition because no one has any real details of the plea agreement anyway yet.

Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.
Trump is NOT required to give any reason to anyone as to why he's fired someone. All he needs to say is : Your services are no longer required. Period. You can speculate til the cows come home as to his reasons, but your speculation isn't his problem.
Yes, the feds can seize assets purchased with the proceeds of crime. Cohen had been doing Dumb Donald’s criminal work for 10 years.

Trump has already thrown Junior under the bus. I have more respect for Flynn who plead out to keep his idiot son from going to jail.

Trump is once again giving interviews and implicating himself in crimes and continuing his obstruction of justice out in the open.

Commenting on things is not obstruction.

It is when you’re the President of the United States and what you’re “commenting” about firing the AG, calling a legitimate investigation which has produced 6 convictions so far, and counting, a “witch hunt” and you’re dangling pardons to prevent defendants from “flipping” on you.

No, it isn't.

The AG is a member of his cabinet, and serves at his pleasure.

Witch hunts can produce convictions, still makes it a witch hunt.

And until he actually pardons one of these guys, only then we can ask the question of constitutionality.

And again you’re wrong. It depends on why he fired him. Like the firing of Comey, if fires Sessions to end the Mueller Investigation, it’s obstruction of justice.
Trump is NOT required to give any reason to anyone as to why he's fired someone. All he needs to say is : Your services are no longer required. Period. You can speculate til the cows come home as to his reasons, but your speculation isn't his problem.

Trump isn’t required to give his reasons but it seems he can’t stop talking about firing everyone who disagrees with him, or those who are involved in the Mueller Investigation.

Rod Rosenstein wrote a phony memo to justify firing Comey, that looked weak but still was not unreasonable. Trump tossed it aside and said he fired Comey to stop the Russia Investigation. Trump admitted to obstruction of justice.

A couple of weeks ago, Trump said Junior met with an agent of the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary. That’s an admission of a criminal conspiracy. Trump took care to say he knew nothing about it in advance. He threw his own son under the bus.

Trump can fire anybody, but if there’s evidence that he did it for an illegal reason, like stopping a criminal investigation against himself or any member of his family, the it’s obstruction of justice which is an impeachable offence. Trump is not above the law. No one is.

Yesterday in his live interview, Trump admitted to illegal campaign fund violations.

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